Sunday, August 14, 2011

From a near-god to... intolerable.

This Presid.... This Man in the White House, is Intolerable

By Quin Hillyer

Barack Obama is intolerable. I watch right now as, yet again, he blames the bad economy, and now specifically the S&P downgrade, on "brinksmanship" in Washington and "an unwillingness to compromise" -- as if he has absolutely nothing to do with either brinksmanship or unwillingness to compromise.

Who was it who, just at the verge of a deal, suddenly insisted on an extra $400 billion in taxes, thus killing the "compromise"? Obama. Who was it who vowed to veto a debt-ceiling deal even if it made it through both branches of Congress, including a Democratic Senate, if it would require another debt-ceiling increase vote again before the next election? Obama. For that matter, Obama just said that the problem is people worrying too much about winning the next election rather than getting policy right. What a joke.

Again, he is the guy who, on the debt ceiling (as just described) and on several other items has insisted that the next move must, absolutely must, not occur until after the next election. He's the guy governing based on the next election.

He just said several times that "our politics is the problem." As if he isn't playing politics. He said it's time to stop the attacks -- even as his campaign says its goal is to "kill Romney."
Amazingly, he just called, again, for passage of "trade deals" -- even though he is the one who has blocked trade deals with Latin American allies for more than two years now.
This man is a hypcocrite, an egocentric louse, a liar, and a thoroughly unpleasant personality. He attacks, attacks, attacks, attacks -- and then says that the problem is politicians who attack.

He also said it's time to stop the blame game -- even as, again, he blamed everything but himself for today's economic problems. It was the unrest in the Middle East (not his anti-fossil fuels extremism) that caused high gas prices. It was European debt problems, and the Japanese Earthquake, and, and, and and and everything else he could think of, that just caused all these problems that he alone knows how to solve and would already be solving if only we would bow down before his exalted highness.

I could go on. Every word that passes his lops drops with demagoguery and nastiness. How we will put up with him for another 17 months, I really don't know. But in 17 months, this man must go. Leave. Get out of our faces, and get out of our lives. Too bad it just can't happen sooner. I'd take Joe Biden as president, in a heartbeat, over this intolerable creature.


  1. "I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it." Edith Sitwell

  2. I love you, Phooey; that's a great quote!
