Speaker’s Suggestion that Protesters Start Urinating on GOP Lawmakers Draws ApplauseMacIver News Service
[Madison, Wisc…] Thousands of liberal political activists, gathered here Saturday for an annual conference, cheered and laughed as a speaker recounted the recent assault of a GOP lawmaker.
The crowd attending the Fighting Bob Fest also rejoiced at the suggestion that protesters, instead of dumping beer over the heads of Republicans, should urinate on them.
“This is Wisconsin, this is the place where you had some guy pour a beer on the head of a Republican State Senator?” said Fest speaker Greg Palast as the crowd erupted with cheers. “No, no, no, that’s all wrong. You can’t do that. That’s just wrong. I’m from New York. If you’re going to pour beer on a Republican, you have to drink it first.”
In audio of Palast’s speech posted online, the crowd can then be heard breaking out in loud and sustained cheers and laughter.
Madison Police on Friday cited Miles Kristan, commonly referred to as ‘Pink Dress Guy’ with disorderly conduct for an incident that occurred Wednesday evening. According to police reports, Kristan dumped a beer over State Representative Robin Vos (R-Rochester) and two of his colleagues GOP Reps Scott Suder (Abbotsford) and John Nygren (Marinette) at the Inn on the Park hotel bar and restaurant.
The incident has brought to a head concerns by conservatives in Madison that law enforcement there have not taken threats to public safety seriously. Many on the Left, however, have openly mocked the incident as humorous and minimal, although most of this has come in the form of facebook and twitter postings and none in such a public fashion as Palast, an author and freelance journalist, brazenly did on Saturday.
See the vid, which was posted on the liberal Democurmudgeon:
The inciting comments and crowd reaction come one day after State Representative Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) said he believed Madison law enforcement leaders are partially to blame for the escalation of disorderly and dangerous conduct by protesters in the Capitol city.
Nass believes that Madison Police Chief Noble Wray, Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney, Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs and Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne have been more interested in cooperating with protesters than enforcing the law.
“The problem is not with rank-and-file police officers. They have had enough, as well. Frankly, the problem rests squarely with the top law enforcement leaders that have let their partisan views interfere with the conduct of their offices,” Nass said.
Many conservatives share Nass’ concern that Madison authorities, while not mocking the incident as publicly as Palast, appear to be supportive of Kristan’s antics. Nass warns this casual attitude toward unrest could reach a boiling point.
In this exclusive video interview with the MacIver News Service, Nass said, “[I]f Madison law enforcement authorities don’t begin to crack down on the repeated and escalating harassment of lawmakers and staff “somebody is seriously going to get hurt…or killed.”
One Response to “Speaker’s Suggestion that Protesters Start Urinating on GOP Lawmakers
Isn’t there a video clip of police union spokesman Jim Palmer using a bullhorn in the rotunda during the heat of the protests, assuring the protesters that police were not going enforce any rules that they didn’t agree with? I remember hearing it, and realizing, that when the police are more loyal to their unionistas than they are to rule of law…there will be big trouble.
Madison is getting an even worse reputation for itself…consider the Chief of Diversity and Climate ratchiting up the demo’s last week and sic*ing the protesters on the press conference of the right wing speaker. Watch that video and see the police standing around, walking around, doing nothing about the breaking and entering of private property, physical attack of employees, violation of the speech rights of the conservative speaker and refusing to leave.
They will have no one to blame but themselves, when it explodes…but, even then, they’ll be calling for gun control so they are the only ones able to defend. This is why the right to citizens to protect themselves must be upheld. If Chief Wray doesn’t like that, he doesn’t have to look any further to wonder why honest and lawful citizens wouldn’t feel safe depending on him and his policies.