Sunday, September 11, 2011

God Bless America

We love America!


  1. I've been called a "throwback" to a different time because my eyes fill with tears when I hear patriotic songs, because I'm proud to have been born in this country, because it hurts to know we're hated simply because we exist. I don't understand other Americans who take every opportunity to trash our way of life while profiting from it.

    I don't want to forget how I felt 10 years ago or how I feel today. I don't want the lives of 3,000 innocents or the thousands of our military men & women in the fight against America's enemies to have been lost in vain.

  2. Amen, Froggy and Eva. Goodnight.

  3. I've been called a throwback, too, among other things. It pains me to think that so many young people don't realize the horror of this day, who caused it and why. My generation was told the truth about WWII without all the PC idiocy.

  4. I'll admit it..I cry too when I hear patriotic songs. Just can't help it. I just get overwhelmed with feelings about our Beautiful Country of America.

  5. You're my Faithful Three; I know I can count on you and my Sissy. I know we all love America to the bottom of our souls. It really is the best place on earth; we're so lucky to have been born here... and to have each other!

  6. Amen to that, Froggy. Love you all!
