Monday, January 30, 2012

Here's your Daily Catzes!


  1. Only a cat is this silly! It's hard to stay one step ahead of 'em, and pull up the blinds ..before he crawls in!

  2. Teach your self.. your family and friends, your children and grand children, the simple truth epitomized by this classic cartoon:
    I love you all! Good night.

  3. Puffin used to chew on the ends of our vinyl blinds. When we moved to this place, we decided to get faux wood blinds. He doesn't bother these. He's so weird!

  4. We had just moved into our new house. It was very hot and we had no screens yet. In the middle of the night our own cat came flying through the window blinds with a feral cat right behind her. Everyone was up trying to herd him out. Man, he was wild and did he stink!

  5. Gloria, you made me laugh; what a picture! Lemmee go what PhooFrog's vid.... good night!
