Saturday, February 11, 2012

Have a wonderful Saturday, Pond Friends!

Phooey's gonna put me where???


  1. I don't think this one is going up anybody's nose, Phoo...

  2. Good morning! I see you are up early, Froggy. I woke up at 4 AM, which greatly annoyed me. The thing is, I was having a dream, and knew exactly what God was telling me through the dream (between me and God for now). Once I realized why I woke up so early, it was no longer annoying but ... wonderful.

    Froggy, you are sounding like you feel a little better. So does Phoo.

    Eva, I know traffic and the dentist and all in Los Angeles are not fun. Give me a break :) It was 76 in Los Angeles yesterday! The high in OKC today will be 25 with 15mph winds, and a sleet storm is predicted for Sunday night into Monday morning. I DO NOT LIKE WINTER.

    It's time for me to head out to the bank, post office, grocery store. I'm going to get everything done now because the weather is going to get colder and nastier this weekend. Will check back in later.

    Love to all my Pond Friends.

    1. I know, Surfie! Yesterday, having lunch in West Hollywood, I was looking out the windown watching people on the sidewalk. Shorts, tank tops, skirts, and sandals. Not a coat or boots anywhere. It isn't winter here, but it shouldn't be summer.

  3. That owl sure makes me smile! This morning I was awakened to two goofy dogs faces right in mine telling me "come on time to get goin"It was 6:20 AM an hour earlier than usual. I put on shoes and a sweat shirt took them out for a quick walk, it's nice to live in the country were you can go out in your own yard in your jammies with out the world seeing you :). Came back in made my tea and got dressed and took them on a long walk. Along the way we saw woodpeckers,cardinals,doves,and way up in the sky a hawk plus deer , rabbits and a possum! It's amazing to watch the sky lighten and the world come to life again.When I got home another tea and some prayer time. All in all a good start to the day!
    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  4. Dear ladies, need to go dog sit again tonight. Will try to use daughters computer later. Anyway, I love you all! (What is that Owl looking at?)

  5. Up your nose, Phooey, up your nose! Whaddaya think? (He says he won't fit...)

    Hikergal, that sounds just wonderful! When we were driving we saw a raccoon rambling through the city and he was so cute! (And I was so surprised; we weren't that far from downtown!)

    Thank you, Surfie, finally, I do feel better. That funny feeling in my head went away; it felt bad. Now I feel more like my old self. I feel a phone call from PhooFrog coming on soon! ;-) We're 48 degrees here and no rain, so we're happy.

    Eva, how's my boys? Lucianne has a tuxedo cutie on the main page with perfectly crossed toes! We're being lazy today, so a cat would be just perfect to lay around with!

  6. If not mistaken... there is a birthday next month. Who oh who could it be?
