Thursday, March 8, 2012

I love you, Ponders!


  1. Good morning.

    Frog, I looked up rhabdomyolosis. That is a scary condition. Did the Doc ever mention that it is a posibility? Dear one, I will be praying about your test on Tuesday.

    As for Mr. Phooey, you don't scare me. I stand by what I said. You are a godly man. I am so glad you are part of the Pond.

    I have lost some days this week. Just talked to my daughter. This weekend was supposed to be a kids church conference on our side of the state. The girls were so looking forward to coming. Then comes the flu. Rachel who is well now is heartbroken about not getting to go. Val may let her ride with some friends and stay with ME. I really hope it works out. This would make a happy Rachel and a happy Gram.

  2. Thank you so much for your prayers, dear Gloria. I'm not taking statins or other meds that run high for rhabdomyolosis--but then I have something seriously wrong with my left side, back and stomach muscles. I could just have a large hernia--I can't tell. I worry more because of my kidneys with rhabdo--I've just got them healed up. I have my pulmonary tests on Tues. and see my doctor on Thursday.

    I'm sorry Rachel had the flu--no sense spreading it around--but if she'll pretty much over it, I sure hope she can come see you. I know you miss your family. How are you feeling, hon. You talked about needing a procedure? Forgive my memory; ever since my 3 seizures in 2010, I have a huge problem remembering things, so please don't think I'm unmindful of you or don't pay attention. I use to be able to memorize 20 pages of notes for a test when I was in school, but not anymore. 'Woggy and I are funny; she forgets one half of a setence and I'll fill in the other half and vice versa!

    Was it your husband that had that oral surgery? I'm thinking it was--but straighten me out if I'm wrong. You and Paget are both such genteel ladies that sometimes I get you mixed up. (PhooMeister and I are the loudmouths here LOL!)

    I hope you get to be a happy gram!

    Eva... EVA! Where's my Cat Report? Paget, how's my adorable Chance (yes, he's mine now--I get all the cats.)

    Kerry, how's your week going? Surfie how's your Upstairsdog situation? Somebody'd better feed the fish! Ahem!

    Phooey, we're watching one of 'Woggies animal shows--it's about dangerous wild chimpanzees. You'd better stay out of Green Swamp he hee! Now, they're talking about pythons in the 'Glades--you'd better stay out of there, too. How are you and Ms. Page feeling?

  3. Dear Frogness, I always keep you in my prayers, but will say special ones for you today. And for her Wogness!

    Sad to say that I think the dogs who lived above me were removed to a shelter. Hope a loving family adopted them, but I don't know. The woman has been evicted, I think. All I know is that she no longer lives there. I tried my best to let her be my friend, to no avail. I pray for both her and those doggies.

    We have had a very welcomed stormy day so far. It is cold, windy, raining like nobody's business, thunder and lightning. Must say that I love thunderstorms. That is one thing I dearly missed when I lived in SoCal. I opened my curtains so I could watch the show. Everything is calming down now, and the air smells very nice. Thank goodness there were no tornadoes; just a good, old-fashioned thunderstorm!

    Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain
    And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet
    When the wind comes right behind the rain.

    love you, my dear Ponders. Take care!

    1. Well that sounded awful of me ... tried to let her be my friend. I tried to be her friend, let her know we are both widows and can talk about stuff together. Freudian slip? I hope not!

    2. Well, I knew automatically what you meant and didn't see a problem until you said you thought it was awful. I think your previous knowledge about the way she treated her dogs must have motivated your typing. That's all. As I've said before, I find it extremely difficult to make allowances for anyone who appears to mistreat an animal. I think you're a better person than I am. At least you tried with her. I'm sorry it didn't work.

      I miss thunderstorms, too, but I doubt the cats do!

    3. Love thunder and lightening storms but then we don't have tornadoes.

  4. Hi ladies. Just feel badly today. My bouts with nausea may be related to hydronephrosis not my cancer drug. Going to take a nap.
    Gloria, BOO!

    1. So sorry to hear that, Phoo. I hope you feel better when you wake up. :)

    2. Sorry that you don't feel well, Phoo.

  5. Dear Frogness, please hang in there. Your butterfly today is so gorgeous! Rush was saying something this morning about a doctor admitting that statins are bad for you and that there are a lot of things we are prescribed which not only don't help, but make problems worse. I'm glad you aren't taking them. I guess the picture will be clearer once you have the tests and see the doc.

    In the meantime, both Puffin & Bambu say you should do what they do: lounge about all day, get up every now and then to have some water or a bite to eat, stretch and then go back to sleep. According to them, it does wonders!

    1. Read about the rhom.... (sp) that Frog mentioned and I saw the stuff about statins. Then on Rush he talked about the cholesterol and statin report. I have been trying to get off statins for a while - that is my next thing to work on. I didn't have a choice. After getting a stent the Dr wanted me on Plavix and Simvistatin. I am off Plavix since Dec and hope to get off the statin soon. I switched to natural red yeast rice supplement.

      Peanut is now taking her afternoon power nap. I think cats are wise.

  6. Oh goodness, I didn't wait for a Peanut report! I'm sorry, Gloria--it's that memory thing again. It's just getting impossible! 'Afternoon power nap'--now that iS funny Gloria!!! She'll be just in time for dinner and her after dinner repose! I think cats are wise.... And I think cats think they're wise.

    Surfie--you just got your words mixed up. I wouldn't even have noticed it if you hadn't said anything. We all know what you meant, hon--don't give it another thought. I've always admired you for your beautiful kind heart. I try to be more like you ;-) Oh, and keep on singing--I'll just start calling you Charlotte Greenwood!

    Eva, you are so cute talking about your boys--we just love your cat stories! Thanks for mentioning that piece on Rush's site. 'Woggy takes statins and I need to know if they're okay to take or not. I tried them once and, after just one pill, I felt so awful, I gave 'em back to the doctor. He said I might die of stroke and whatnot and I said well, then I'll just have to.

    Phooey, I'm so sorry you don't feel good. I hate feeling nauseous! I'm sending special prayers up that you may get some relief and healing--and that you know how much we all love you here! Please get some rest... smOOch!

    My back threw a fit today and I'd had enough. 'Woggy has to apply for food stamps tomorrow, so we rushed around and got ourselves up to the Urgent Care for pain meds and muscle relaxants to get through the weekend. I see my doctor on Thurs. and I was just sick of waiting. It went pretty well--and I don't have a slipped disk, whew! It only took about 2 hours; I was afraid I'd get stuck there half the night! Of course my dear darling of a sister was right by my side. God bless her; I am so lucky!

    Thank you for your encouragement, Ponders--you always give me a lovely, lovely day and it helps my pain SO much. You'll never know how precious you are to me ;-)
