Tuesday, March 27, 2012



  1. Sure! I'll touch that match! They are all frauds! I AM LORD!
    Scared yet?
    Yes! the man is evil!

  2. I have a bucket of water to throw on the whole mess. Won't put out the fire, but it may slow it up a little. We haven't begun to see the evil part yet. So far we've only been shown a preview of what's to come. It can only get worse.

    Why can't Dems see this? They ignore the obvious shortcomings in our government ..and focus only on "we don't want to be Republicans." I talk to people and hear people talking on the bus how they don't like what the government does ..yet they will, once again, vote for the party that gives the government the power to meddle in their private lives.

  3. Dear Gloria, How do you self-delete? (removed by the author)
    Geez, I need that knowledge!

    1. Phoo, I would like to use that self delete thingy to cover up my other mistakes. Don't you have a delete on your screen or are you jess messin' wit me?

      Seriously, I don't know how to activate the spell check on my new notebook. I keep messing up with my posts dissapearing and the screen freezing. I am sure it is my ineptitude and not the computer.

    2. I'm not kidding, ain't messin' wit you! On the 'Connection' I can delete. Not here that I know of. Was wondering how you self-deleted.
      Anyway, inept!? Ha! That you're not! Maybe....Hehehe... Eva, or.... I better shut-up!

    3. Phoo, as my granddaughter would say, ummm naughty boy naughty boy!

    4. I admit I'm desperately inept! I make up for it, though, by looking earnest (lol)

  4. Hey! 'WOG? Wanna 'break dance' with me?
    (If you're not smiling now.... you're hopeless!)

    1. The great WOG is laughing. Never could do the break dancing thing. Can we start a dance called the Frog and WOG?

  5. 'Wog, I'll never get over how people complain about this administration and then say, "But I could never vote for a Republican." When someone says it directly to me, I say, "Then don't waste my time talking about how bad Obama is."

    My husband & I talk about this all the time. He constantly has to listen to other teachers talking politics as though the entire teachers lounge agrees with them. Now that he's planning on retiring (hopefully this year), he isn't staying quiet. He figures if he ends up "persona non grata", it won't be for long.

    1. Eva, that is a big, fat mystery to me, too. They don't like the government, but they keep voting them into power. I don't get it. How can you complain about someone that you vote in.. and we all know that you will vote for again?

  6. I just call him PhooBad! smOOch!
