Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Good Morning! (Does this remind you of anyone, Paget?)

It's Wednesday--take your 'CHANCES'!


  1. I slept last night! Glorious sleep. Two precious boys pressed up against me. Well, 3 precious boys altogether, but one of them (Joe) about as far away from me and my germs as he can get and still be in the same bed!

    By-the-way, Phooey, Joe isn't the least bit sorry about all those drugs he took in the 60's :-). As Gloria says, though, he is grateful that he survived, matured, and grew up to be a good conservative (with cool memories).

    I'm definitely better today. Yay!!

    1. Joe, My name is David. It is my pleasure to shake your hand.
      Yeah Eva! Yay!!

    2. I'll pass the virtual handshake on with pleasure.

  2. Oh, good, honey; we were definitely concerned and praying for you. I bet Puffin and Bamboo think THEY got you all better! Well.... I am a believer in cat medicine--and yes I need some bad!

  3. smOOchs' all around. Joe, learn to say 'Yes Dear' Your life will be better!

    1. The sign of a smart husband is when the wife says "you are lucky to have me," husband has the good sense to not dissagree.

    2. I'm a slooow learner however, somethings....... nevermind....
      don't want to go there!

  4. Ahh, thanks Froggy for the Chance look-a-like! :) I'm sitting here with both of my furry friends conked out beside me on the floor. It's nice that they're sleeping and not picking on each other. ;)

    Eva, I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! I love all the husband / wife comments. :) You guys are so funny. :)

    'Wog, how is school going? You be careful in downtown Seattle!

    Did I mention that I'm going to be a grandma? I'm so excited! Daughter is due in December. :)

    Good night and God bless you, dear pond friends! :)

  5. Has she picked out baby names--and is this your first, Paget? I'm so excited for you!

    1. Thanks, Froggy! Yes, this will be my first grandchild. :) I'm not sure about the names, they've been discussing that subject. :)
