Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy Wednesday, Ponders!


  1. Dear Froggy, why are you awake at 3:18AM? The only reasons I am awake at that hour are:
    (self deleted)
    Good Morning, Ponders! Love and blessings to all.

  2. Hi Phoo! I was awake so early because I went to bed at 9 p.m. What's your excuse? ha HA!

    How are you feeling--you never tell me...

    Please EVERYONE TAKE OUR NEW POLL on the sidebar!! You can choose all answers that apply.

    1. Honey,(may I call you honey? He he) I posted at 8:12AM my time! Page told me, I was asleep by 10:30 last night. As you, we both have good and bad days. My big question is... what is the reason He has allowed me to live?
      Ohh, should have said Pondering....pondering..

    2. God knows the world needs you, WE need you, I need you, Page needs you, your kids needs you. You give us a part of you--and that is a beautiful thing. The Lord did not intend the world to be a barren place, so He added beauty. Jewish scripture has it that He created the world for us to enjoy. Take the blessing Phooey--He wants you to enjoy it awhile longer ;-)

    3. Gosh, Phoo, the obvious answer is because of all those who need you in their lives! Your actual family, firstly, and then, your cyber-family (that's us, in case the moonshine has already hit) ;-)

    4. Dear Phooey, What Froggy said made me cry. "Take the blessing Phooey- He wants you to enjoy it awhile longer!" I vote for that. What would The Pond be without you? What would the world be with the Phabulous Phoo?

    5. 'Wog! How do I get out of here gracefully? Aaaarrrgg!

  3. Morning Ponders. How is everyone? Will try to read the articles posted today.

    Phoo and Froggy, many times I am up at 2 or 3 in the morning an see that someone is writing.

    Phooey, we all have a purpose and a destiny. The Lord desides how long. He says: "I know the plan that I have for you, to prosper you and not harm you." We also have an evil enemy that works overtime to shorten our path and keep us from living out our destiny. You are such a blessing and I am glad to know you.

    The vote stealing thing really upsets me. We all know that it goes on and how do we change it. With the Gubernatorial election coming up, look out! They have already eliminated our polling places. Mail ballots are the best way to throw an election.

    I am still feeling down about loosing my Pastor and his wife. The best I have ever known. Don't know what will happen to our church. Will there be a new pastor or will the church fold. Will find out on Sunday. I am to old to start church shopping again.

    1. Gloria, last year, the rabbi of my home temple (in Georgia) announced he planned to retire at the end of his contract this year. Although he wasn't the one I grew up with, he's the one who officiated at my wedding, my sister's, and my niece's. Also he did my mother's funeral. I always look forward to his services whenever I come home for a visit.

      This past year, the appropriate committee has worked to find another. They finally settled on a candidate, but my father didn't attend the service he conducted before the final decision was made so I don't know anything. The old rabbi isn't moving away, so my father has told me he should be the one to do his funeral when that day arrives. That's all I care about.

      We only have one temple in town, so there's no real ability to shop around for the oldsters like my dad. I hope this new guy is a good one. I feel for you and your search. It's depressing. I hope the church doesn't fold and you get another pastor you like.

  4. Froggy, consider the boys kissed. Puffin drove me crazy last night for some reason. Bambu is pacing and meowing now. Maybe they anticipate some impending disaster. The only thing I'm anticipating is a visit soon from the handyman. Maybe it's just that there is no sun today. That always annoys them.

  5. One thing for sure here(even though couched in humor), we have passion! We DON'T lie to each other!
    We do not live in peace! Either Surfie or Hiker sleeps with a .38 under her pillow(just sad). My .38 is on my nightstand every night. I don't like it! however, necessary. Will not willfully be a victim.
    Gosh! this is not happy talk! Sorry!
    Froggy, you are sweet and I Love You!

    1. Phoo, we don't own a gun - never have. I have never in my life fired a gun. That said, I am totally a gun rights person. The way things are going I feel that we may need to purchase one for our protection. Mr. Shakey aka Scott doesn't exactly have steady hands these days My SIL advised me to start with pepper spray. Then I will need to take a gun safety course but right now just keeping food on the table and gas in the tank comes first.

  6. Joe, to remove all doubt...I do not want to see Eva....
    tired and sweaty! Okay?(just laughing shaking my head) she is just too easy!
    Their I go again!! Love All, Goodnight! (I truly love you all!)

  7. I don't even know where to start!

    Phooey, its true that your family needs you. So does your cyber family, of which I am a member. I love you, and have never met you in person. So, just enjoy!

    My husband and I used to own several guns. We started teaching our boy gun safety when he was very young. Guns were never forbidden fruit to him, he knew exactly what a gun was capable of, and was gun safe to the max. He's an ace shot, too! After hubs passed away and the boy moved to college, I sold the guns. I feel totally safe in my current environs.

    It got really hot here today and is supposed to be even worse tomorrow, plus the humidity is really high. I forgot how miserable the combination of heat and humidity can be. And it isn't even summer yet!

    I'm still loving my job. Had a real treat today. 4 new employees will be eligible for insurance on 5/1. These are all machinists, mechanics, welders ... skilled men but terrified of paperwork and of anyone who works in the office. I walked them through filling out the forms for all the different policies. Got all their paperwork turned in today and walked out into the shop with their temporary ID cards. Instead of flinching because someone from the office walked out to see them, they all busted out in great big grins. Loved it!

    We have BlueCross/Blue Shield, Dental, Vision, Life, and Disability. Great coverage and it only costs about $80 a month for everything. Plus, everyone gets a profit sharing check at Christmas! You know ... the better you are at your job, the more efficient you are, the greater company profits are and the bigger your profit-sharing check is at Christmas! Plus, at the Christmas party, the owner walks around while we're playing Dirty Santa and gives everyone a crisp, brand-new $100 bill. I LOVE MY JOB!

    I'm rambling. Sorry about that! Smooches to all my Pond Friends.

    1. Phooey ... helping someone who is shy/scared/intimidated get something wonderful accomplished = ENDORPHINS for both me and those 4 men!

    2. Surfie, I know! I live on memories of helping others. Daily trying to add to that list. Knowing none of what I do earns me any credit in/into heaven. That was already paid for. Thank you!

    3. Tikkun olam, Phooey, tikkun olam; 'Repairing the world' is what we Jews are enjoined to do--and that makes all the difference. I so wish I had a way to do that now.

  8. Just stop it! Everyone! I going to bed. Hush, hush sweet Char.....Wait! there's no one here by that name! Just hush people!
