Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Wednesday, Ponders!

The best bric-a-brac...


  1. Okay, Surfie, we're waiting to hear that you're safe. Write when you can. By-the-way, if you had still been in Santa Monica, you'd have experienced a small quake last night. 4.0 off Malibu.

  2. Wake up, Froggy! I'm home!

  3. 'WOG There's a gunman running around Roosevelt Ave./St. 3 taken to Harborview--BE CAREFUL. It's a tall white dude...

    Here I am Phooey-how's my best frog doing?

    Kiss those cat, Eva!

  4. 'WOG--there's all kind of police outside--be CAREFUL!

  5. 'WOG-5 shot, 2 killed. Helicopters and police between here and there. Happened north of the U district. 2 more shootings downtown--8th and Seneca--the next block over from us. If you need to take a cab home, do so--I don't give a damn if it cost $20! Chain's on door.

  6. I'm stunned by the news around downtown Seattle. I will check with you before I come over that way. 8th and seneca is where Mrs Han's is, also the TownHall, and the Exerter Senior apartments.

    Just read in the newspaper that a small plane pulling a banner crashed in Mission Bay, San Diego on Saturday. Pilot and passenger were saved before the plane sank. Small world isn't it? It's a wonder one never crashed into the trailer park.

    I will check local news now before next class starts.

    Also I wanted to know if any of the Dionne quintuplets are still living. Just read they were born in 1934.

    I've been a chatter box and didn't ask how everyone is doing today. I heard about the bad bad bad storms in Oklahoma.

  7. Added to the prayer list for today: 'Wog & Froggy. Good grief! Crazy people are all over the place.

  8. 'WOG--I KNOW where 8th and Seneca is--it happened on the other side of Town Hall--git home! I want you safe!

  9. Paget! My book The Amateur just got here!

    1. Froggy, please give us a book report. I really want to buy that book but can't splurge on anything since I'm still recovering financially from my trip to Mike's graduation.

  10. I just got home from work and heard about the shootings in Seattle on the radio. Wog and Froggy, please be careful! Wog, be so careful going home, and you two keep your door locked.

    Phooey, so glad to hear from you again. Are you feeling better?

    I got to work safe and sound. It's been clear but hot & muggy all day. Home now, just checked local weather. There are 3 storms that have fired up. All of them should meet up with each other in OKC in a little over an hour. Gonna be another long night! Me, Magdalene, Saguni and Montanabound all live near each other. Keep us all in your prayers. Will keep you posted, especially if I get scared!

    Eva, as scary as this is, I'll take storms over an earthquake any day. Like hurricanes, at least you know they're on the way and can take measures to protect yourself. I lived on the beach in Malibu. A 4.0 right offshore is WAY scary.

    Here I go talking too much again. Since we're near the end of the month and our fiscal year at work, the owner asked me for updated employee production & attendance records. Then he had "come to Jesus" meetings with a lot of employees. They know I'm the one who keeps all those records in order to give reports to him. As they walk down the hall to his office, they walk right past my office and we make eye contact. Even if he shut the door, there is a thin wall separating my office from his and I hear every word. It is excruciatingly painful. Oh, well. Even though I personally like them a lot ... some people just need to show up, show up on time, not take over an hour for lunch, and work instead of chit-chatting. Good thing about the owner is that he chews them a new one, then praises them for what they're good at, and always gives then at least a 2nd chance.

    UPDATE: Just got off the phone with my sister. She lost power and cell phone. Major tree limbs in her yard and on her roof. Major hail damage to her roof. Her roof isn't all that old and she has a 60 year warranty, so she'll be getting a new roof.

    1. That work situation can be so awkward, can't it? You never know how people will react, but numbers don't lie... that is, unless you work for the Obama Admin!

      Stay safe tonight. We'll keep you in our prayers. I agree with you about earthquakes vs tornadoes/hurricanes, any super bad storm. There's always some sort of warning with a storm. Earthquakes seem to pop up out of nowhere.

    2. Surfie, you can talk all you want at The Pond...about anything. You wrote a wonderfully newsy post this evening. Your sister is lucky to have that 60-year policy on the roof. It might have seemed like a silly purchase at the time..but it was worth it.

  11. Well, Paget's got first dibs on it as she was the one who gave it to me for my birthday--but I'm sure we can make an arrangement so that everyone here who wants to read it can ;-)

  12. Me, The 'Wog, got home safe and sound. Seattle made national news. News about the shootings are all over the local news. And I saw several headlines on the Internet. Froggy said there were sirens and helicopters all over. It's calm and peaceful right now. You would never know there was a problem.

    Update: The gunman shot himself, and later died at the hospital.

    Glad to hear that everyone is safe this evening.

    We are now watching Bridezilla on TV. So I guess everthing is getting back to normal!

  13. Before Froggy posts a new picture, I've just got to say These are gorgeous kitties!

  14. Hey! It's great to hear from Phooey! We missed you!

    Froggy, thanks for the offer to read the book after you. Please loan it to the others first. I want to read it, but don't know when I'll have time in the near future. Michael Medved had the author, Edward Klein, on his show the other day, and his opinion of Obama made so much sense!

    Wog, you and Froggy and Gloria, be careful in Seattle! Geez, 20 homicides already this year, when the total for all of last year was 21! What's happening to the city where I grew up?

    This sure is a strange spring. It's still cold over here. We always have warm weather by now. I keep trying to wear my summer clothes, and end up putting on a sweater! :)

    Take care everyone; Surfie, good to hear your sister is okay but too bad about her roof!

    Good night friends. :)

  15. Glad to hear you girls in Seattle are safe. Do they know what set the shooter off? I heard he started shooting outside a restaurant.

    Weather guys here are usually very accurate, but they weren't last night. We had a lot of wind and rain, but nothing dangerous. When they stopped interrupting regular programming, I knew it would be OK.

    Hope everyone has a good day today. Oh ... those are beautiful kitties!
