Monday, May 21, 2012

Hi, Pond Friends!

Good Morning!


  1. Just smilin' today... hope you join me.

  2. Hi all. Did anyone see any of the eclipse yesterday? We were to clouded up to see anything.

  3. Did the Rapture happen? Gloria and I have been left behind?

    1. Phooey, I know a little story about that from another Pastor.

      I was the spring Sunday of daylight savings time. When he got to the church he found one car in the parking lot. The woman inside was weeping. When she saw him she said, "Oh, Pastor I am so glad to see you. I thought the Rapture had happened and I was left behind." Our Pastor said, "I don't know why she thought I would still be here."

  4. We didn't see anything here. Maybe we wouldn't have anyway. The trajectory didn't look like it included L.A. It was soooo hot, though (high of 95), that we could have used the dimming of the sun!

    I'm smiling if you're smiling, Phooey!

    1. Hey! Gloria! We are not alone! Keep smiling!

  5. Surfie smiles! Love today's picture, Froggy. It's starting to get hot during the afternoons here (I know it's only going to get worse). That is a calm, cooling picture.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I'm making a chicken & veggie stir-fry for dinner and hope to keep my eyes open long enough to watch the Thunder-Lakers basketball game. I'll probably fall asleep on the couch.

    Still smiling!

  6. I'm smiling at you, kid, too!
