Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy start-of-the-week!


  1. Not all, however:

    "I guess to today´s christians, free stuff trumps salvation."

    1. You can add to that. Some "christians" have a self righteous view of mormonism.

  2. Good Morning precious Ponders. It is a good day when you can go someplace and be accepted by like minded friends. Love to all of you.

  3. Here is a thought I would like to throw out there. Do you think that the woman (either one of them) that Patreaus was involved with is a double agent?

    I know - it's tin foil hat time.

  4. Good morning, all. It's cold here and my fingers are stiff. I'll be back later when it warms up a bit and not so hard for me to type. I keep having to go back and erase mistakes. Love you all!

  5. Good Morning Ponders...
    A lot of pondering going on today!
    I'm on the way to stock up on cat food. My motto: Never run out of cat food.
    P.S. The cat food is for the cat!
    We are having Seattle weather...which means cold and rain-ish.

    1. Hi Wog,

      It rained on this side of the mountains too. Stay warm over there!

  6. I don't know, Gloria. I'm thinking about the timing of the story and what he was going to say about Benghazi...

    Ugh~~all we have to eat this week is macaroni and cheese and soup. I'm eating cheese sandwiches and 'Woggy has cereal for dinner--the CAT eats better than we do! Never run out of cat food!

    How are you feeling, Phoo?

    1. You care about me Froggy! That is all that matters!You care about me Froggy! That is all that matters!

    2. Hi Froggy,

      I love mac and cheese and soup! :) It's great this time of year when it is dark early, and cold outside.

      Hi Phoo,

      So sorry you are sick. :( I also thank you for your service to our country. I am so proud of you and all the veterans and active military men and women. What a sacrifice all of you have made for this great country God has given us!

  7. I like macaroni & cheese & soup. Sounds like comfort food to me! But, I know what you mean by the cat eating better. Back in the day when I had no money, living paycheck to paycheck, the cats always ate better than I did. I figured they weren't at fault for my inability to find work.

    Puffin is screaming up a storm at the moment. Joe has the day off for the holiday and he took Puff's comforter to the laundromat. He had to dump him out to take it and Puffin is one pissed off kitty. Luckily, he'll appreciate it later when Joe brings back a warm, nice smelling comforter.

  8. The only things I think I know for sure about this Petraeus thing are (1) he cheated on his wife; (2) this revelation was withheld until after the election; and (3) what happened in Benghazi stinks to high heaven and people are in major CYA mode.

    If I didn't have strong faith in the goodness of most people in this country and God's love for this country, I would be a complete basket case right now.

    Phooey, you sound like you aren't feeling well. Double prayers for you, dear deer friend.

    Not that big on mac & cheese, but love soup! I made a big pot of veggie/beef soup yesterday and a pan of cornbread. Will have it for lunch & dinner for days and not get tired of it!

    I second what Gloria said. This is a warm and comforting place to come, be with friends who are smart and kind and honestly care for each other. Thank you so much, dear deer Froggy!

    The temp. here dropped nearly 30 degrees over the weekend. Looks like fall & winter are here to stay. It was pretty this morning when I drove to work. the sun was coming up and there was frost all over the ground.

    OH ... just remembered that I moved from California to OKC a year ago last week. WOW. Time really does fly!

    1. Don't mind me; 'Woggy found me some chicken thing we'd frozen in the back of the freezer--it's pretty good! We never starve....

      Thank you all for your funny, kind words! You make my day ;-)

  9. Hi All...Just my evening check-in. Some interesting posts today.
    Phooey, it's always a good day when we see your name!

    Gloria, You are right to consider the possiblility of a double-agent, especially in our government. Gov't is being run like Chicago. That's all that obama and his cronies know how to do. Love the tin-foil-hat comment.

    Eva, did the kitties get their warm, clean comforter? Kitties are so silly, but we love all their little eccentricities.

    Hi Surfie, There is always some new government intrigue every morning when we get up. Sometimes Froggy and I will discuss every scenario we can think of.

    About our macaroni and cheese. I cook the noodles, but Froggy makes 'em taste good. She adds grated cheese, extra package of cheese mix, extra milk, and sliced fried hot dogs. It's really very tasty!

    1. Homemde mac&cheese is such a comfort food. I make it from scratch and crumble saltines on top. They still like the box kind too. If it weren't for boxed mac&cheese and top ramen what would we do. Can you imagine the pioneers using those?

  10. Hi deer pond friends,

    We're back from our trip, and back to reality. ;) Gloria, the weather in Honolulu was 80+ every day! I loved it. :) I felt a little silly wearing shorts home, but when we left Hawaii it was 82 degrees, and when we departed our plane it was a cold 32! Brrr!

    Tuesday we drove around the island of Oahu. At Sandy Beach, a rogue wave got me as we were wading. It was a riot, but my shorts were wet! I was sure as the day went on that people wondered if I'd wet my pants!

    On Wednesday we visited the Arizona memorial, and saw the movie about the attack. It was very moving. Most of the tourists there were Japanese. I wondered about their thoughts? Hubby's aunt visited Japan years ago. She said the Japanese were taught that America bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima for no reason, just to kill the Japanese people!

    I've read many of the comments on following the election. It sounded like so many think our country is lost! No way will I give up on this country! I've thought how I would like to move to a red state and leave Washington state behind. But my whole family is here, and I would rather stay and fight than run away. So, Surfie, I'd like to go Galt or Breitbart too. How do I do that? I need to know. In the meantime, I will pray for this country, and do what I can to make changes for the next election.

    Froggy, I never heard you mention how things went at your doctor's visit? I know you were anxious about it. Hope it went well! :)

    It sounds like all of you have the same feelings I do about about General Petraeus. The whole thing is very fishy. According to the timeline, the FBI had to know about the affair before the election. Maybe it was the administration's ace in the hole they pulled out when it was most useful? How stupid do they think we are to believe that this all now just came to light? Also, on Fox news they reported that several polling places in Philidelphia had 100% votes for Obama. There is no way!

    On to more pleasant subjects. Eva, I love hearing your cat stories. :) When we got home I couldn't wait to pick up Chance at the Kitty Kat Hilton. I thought he'd be glad to see me too. Ha! When the owner opened the door, Chance took one look at me and climbed into the little house in his cage. I had to pull him out! He was mad at me and meowed all the way home! I guess he was telling me off. After he was home for a while he was once again following me through the house, purring and rubbing against my legs. Cats are so funny!

    It's getting late, and I'm tired from our trip. Almost fell asleep at work today during a boring class. Wog, do you ever have that problem at school? It was a little awkward as I was sitting right in front of the teacher. :(

    Good night and may God bless all the pond people! :) I love you all. :)

    1. Dear glad to have you back. Your trip sound magnificent! I have been too busy at school to fall asleep. But I have done that when I was working. Just had to get up and walk around for a few minutes. Loved your Chance story. Kittys really do have adorable little personalities. Froggy couldn't stay up any longer. I'm just waiting til 10 pm to feed Wolfie, then I'm gone too. See ya tomorrow.

    2. Oh, Paget, how nice to have you home safe! I'm so glad you got to go! I'd love it if it were a little warmer here, but.... November! I love you description of the Arizona experience; I wonder what the Japanese are taught about Pearl Harbor...

      So our Chancy was miffed you went away? Hehe hee--I guess he warmed up though, eh? You'll be lucky if your bed's not full of him! Wolfie got me up at 4 a.m. and, once the whole house was up, he went back to sleep! He was just lonely.

      Thanks for asking about my foot--I am an official graduate of the Wound Care center!
