Wednesday, November 28, 2012

WEDNESDAY... with Friends

How's everyone today?
Come by The Pond. We miss you.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Phoo, hope this is a good morning for you.

      Mornin' to all my other pond friends.

    2. Gloria, I only threw up once this morning. A good day for me. Thanks!

  2. Hi Frog! How is the foot/hand and cold?

    1. My foot is all healed up yay! My cold is much better--almost gone! How are you feeling, Phoobers?

  3. 'Woggy--you'd better get a powerball ticket on the way home!

  4. Oh, deer Phooey, I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad. Hope a little Surfie Smooch and prayer added with all the other Ponders' might bring a little smile to your face!

    Froggy, I was just wondering about your hand, then I saw Phooey asked. How are you doing?

    I've been such a whiney thing lately about having a gastrointestinal virus, I feel a little silly. Glad to say that, today, I'm really starting to feel like myself again. There are 10 people in the front office at work.

    The place is a loud, high-pressured hive until about 3 in the afternoon when things settle down, we're working and all is quiet. Out of 10, 5 of us were coughing, sneezing, blowing our noses, gagging phlem, taking anti-nausea medication, making frequent bathroom runs. Spontaneously, we all busted out laughing about how it sounded like an emergency room. You probably had to be there, but it was very funny for us.

    It struck me what loving hearts most humans have. I have my genetic family, a true family at work, a true family here on the Pond. Think I'll go to sleep tonight thinking about those blessings.

    Love to all of you, and a special Smooch to the Matriarch of the Pond Family ... the one and only Froggy.

    1. You're a real sweetie, Surfie-I'm doing much better. ;-)

  5. Hi Surfie, I finally got home, and had time to read The Pond. I'm impressed with Froggy's high title. She said that she must be a "Mawg." (That's a Matriarch Frog.)

  6. Hi are probably in bed by now. I tried to write from school today, but the computers just wouldn't work right. I am so sorry that you don't feel well. But we are all pleased just to see your name.

    Surfie, I loved the description of your office "emergency room." You have a lovely way of saying things...Sounds like it's time for you to write a book.

    Hi Gloria, I missed "chatting" with you today. Computers just wouldn't cooperate today. I'll try to catch you tomorrow. Did you get rain? We got a steady sprinkle all afternoon.
