You girls are probably busy bees right now. Am keeping you in my prayers that all goes well today and the coming days of moving.
I know what a huge project moving is. There might be some glitches. Please just keep breathing through them if they come. Keep a picture of yourselves settled into your new fabulous home in your minds.
I found a computer on the 5th floor of the hotel. Thank you for the good wishes on our move. Will be so glad to have everything back to normal. We managed to get me, Froggy, and Wolfie moved to the hotel. Froggy ordered us something extravagant for dinner with lots of shrimp.
The whole city is fogged in. Looks creepy from our 29th floor window. Makes me think of Stephen King's story "The Mist."
We won't be changing the daily picture at the Pond until we are set up at new apartment. So just keep posting and keep the Pond going. Froggy and Wolfie will stay at hotel until Thursday. TodAY I am on way to old apartment to pack computers and TV. Will be so happy when it's over.
I know a couple of our Pond family have done some moves not so long ago. Now I appreciate what you went through. Not only do we need to pack up, and then unpack. There will be a lot of addresses to change besides the post office. And new driver's license, social security, IRS, etc, etc, etc (The King and I). (Everything reminds me of a movie!)
Your attitude is the most important, 'Wog, and it's great. You still have your sense of humor and that'll see you through.
Good for Froggy and the extravagant shrimp dinner idea! I figure if you have to go through the headaches of a move, you may as well make the most of the transition.
Hi dear Ponders. Sounds like Froggy and Woggy are making progress.
I have some thoughts about the "old" apartment. Do you think that the old building along with the plumbing problems (mold) and the construction dust may have contributed to some of Froggy's health problems? I am believing that a bright, fresh, clean environment will help.
Hi, I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Just throwing things in boxes! This is my last note from old apartment. I'm going to pack up the computers and TV. Yes, it's very possbile that mold and dust in this apartment aggravates Froggy's breathing. Bye.
Everyone can keep visiting even though we can't sign in. I might have a chance to hop onto computer at hotel later. Bye again. We'll miss everyone til we get back. Just keep hopping.
We'll hold down the fort, or Pond, while you two are moving. So glad you splurged on dinner. When things are as hectic as they are now, it's a nice thing to treat yourself to.
Really hope being out of the old place will improve Froggy's health. What a pleasant surprise that would be!
Wog, I so remember just throwing stuff in boxes at the end of the packing process. It was stressful because I wasn't being my OCD self. But it all turned out just fine in the end (and I laughed about it).
Froggy and Wog; it's been a while since I've moved, but I sure remember how exhausting it can be! I pray that you will both be settled soon. It sounds like you have a good plan, and that will help so much!
Gloria, that is interesting that you mentioned their old apt. building may have caused some of Froggy's illnesses. We had an experience like that with our son. When he was a teenager we were in an older apartment. He was always sick with illnesses relating to allergies. Right before we moved, we learned that birds had been getting into the attic area, and we believe they had been there for a while. After we moved, our son's health improved immensely. Froggy, I hope that will be true in your case too! :)
Good Morning,Pond Family. Froggy sends her best. She can't wait to get back to The Pond. I woke up early today. Doesn't feel like I slept at all! Froggy sleeps well at the hotel. Seems in good spirits.
Surfie, I am at the stage where I am throwing things in boxes just to be ready for the movers. It will be a surprise when some of the boxes are opened. I used to number all the boxes and keep a notebook of what was in each box. How's that for OCD! This time I am only writing the room where the box goes.
Wednesday I have to hook up the computers and TVs the best that I can. Then Comcast will come out Thursday morning and connect us up to their service. Hopefully Froggy and Wolfie can come home Thursday afternoon.
Paget, I am sure the move will be better for allergies. We will be farther from the freeway ...dust and fumes. The bird story reminded me that in Denver some houses had bats in the attics, and also squirrel (which chewed on electrical wires).
I'm scared or maybe that anxious! Movers are coming today...ready or not.
Did anyone watch pres O speech? I avoided it. What's the point of watching? I don't know how the Dems did it, but pres O was going to win no matter how many people voted for Romney. We could see when the voting started that Romney was ahead! We were up against "master cheaters."
See ya later.. Phooey did I beat you to The Pond again? I have to get up early to do that.
'Wog, just remember that by Friday, it'll all be over. No matter how it goes, it'll be over. I started out our last move just the way you did. I had a kit from the moving company with sheets of paper to write down contents of the boxes and brightly colored box labels. I carefully noted everything that went into the boxes I packed, the number of the box and the room the box should go in. That lasted a whole 2 days. Then I just started throwing stuff in and gave up on noting the contents. I also started using big categories for box names. Instead of something like "Kitchen-Utensils" and "Kitchen-Pots and Pans", I'd just scribble "Kitchen" on them. I think I had something like 15 boxes labeled "Kitchen". I didn't know opening them up if I was going to find pots, silverware, trivits, towels, or what!
Wog, I did the same thing about labeling boxes and then throwing things in boxes at the last minute. Everybody who moves does that! I also had certain family things I didn't trust the movers with. When I moved from Los Angeles to OKC, I stuffed my little car to the max and took them with me. Spent every night in every motel room on my road trip worrying if they would be stolen. I laugh about all of it now. You and Froggy will laugh about it all, too, after the move ends.
Now I have a prayer request. I know you've been praying for my friend Karen. She's healing incredibly well from 18 hour brain surgery a while back. WEDNESDAY she is having surgery to remove a massive, cancerous tumor from her chest and 2 little ones from her leg. Please, please pray for Karen.
Oh my goodness, Surfie, Karen sure has been through the mill, hasn't she? I can't imagine going through all she has gone through. She's definitely in my prayers. Her family, too.
These health problems were so big and so scary, Karen couldn't do anything else but put herself in God's hands and trust Him. She said it put her in a place of peace she has never felt before. I know several people who, watching Karen go through this, have had their faith renewed.
As my Mom always said: "Satan means this for evil, but God will turn this to the good." I think Mom was right!
Hi all. Hope our girls are meeting with sucess today. We will just wait for an update.
There is a new 46 cent Forever Stamp coming out 1/27/13. The design is pink and purple butterflies and hearts with Arabic writing in the design. Recieved it in an email.
It's raining like crazy outside. Well, this is SoCal, so what I mean is that it has rained all night and is still raining this morning. Weather report is for rain the rest of the day and on & off through the weekend. We need it and, luckily, I don't have anything to do today, so I'll just stay in with the boys and read.
Movers are done! and I moved us into our new box-filled apartment this morning after Comcast set up computers and TVs. Froggy finally crawled into bed, and Wolfie is hiding out in a closet. I'm resting on sofa in front of TV. I was sure not to stack any boxes in front of TV!! Friday donation people are coming to old apartment to take whatever looks saleable. Then Monday the Junk people are coming to take whatever's left. The End.
Prayers to Karen. Don't know how she survives such bad health problems.
Gloria.. I'm not buying any stamp or anything else that has arabic printing on it! We are slowly being "brainwashed" to accept the arabic way into our lives. Not happening at our house. My crossword puzzles will have one of two words in it like "what is an imam?", and Jeopardy will have at least one "arabic" question. Just little things...that add up to a lot of indoctrination. What do you think? Or am I just being paranoid?
You girls are on the home-stretch! Hang in there! Wonder how long it will take Wolfie to come out of the closet?
Eva, your rain is supposed to be here on Sunday. We sure need it.
I'm not buying any arabic stamp either. I bought a ton of forever stamps years ago that have the Liberty Bell on them.
Karen got the 2 little tumors removed yesterday. The big one on her chest has gotten much bigger and the doc decided it would be too hard on her to surgically remove it. So, she now has to go through radiation on her chest.
Please keep her in your prayers. She has great faith. She says she can actually feel the prayers of so many people she has never met, and it gives her peace and patience and builds her faith.
Wog, So happy to hear you and Froggy are all moved in! Take your time putting everything away. You were smart to leave a clear area around your TV! It sounds like you've been pacing yourself, and that is the key. :)
Surfie, I will keep Karen in my prayers. She is a real inspiration to us all!
Gloria, those stamps are disturbing. I am amazed at how many things we hold dear in this country that are just slip-sliding away. It was sickening to watch Hillary lie and cry, and bask in the adoration of so many partisan hacks. If she had any moral fortitude, she would have told us all the truth about Benghazi! Instead she performed very well, and I'm sure her handlers were proud. :/ One bright star was Rand Paul. I thought he had some back bone when he told Hillary if he had been president, he would have fired her.
I need to get to bed too. We're still busy with year end duties at work. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!
Yay, an update on the move! Glad to hear it's almost all over. You gals will need to rest up for a few days to get over this. Poor Wolfie doesn't know what happened. He just got used to the old place! All will be well soon.
Up is down and down is up. Our world is just inside out. Hillary gives outrageous testimony and the press swoons. John Kerry will become Secy of State. Just goes to show loyalty to Country no longer exists.
Good Morning Family, Happy Friday! Got up at 4am (thank you Wolfie), and our Internet was down. Drats. Called Comcast, and was told to unplug things on the modem. Internet is back. Next project is to sweep cat litter. I've never seen a cat this bad about throwing litter out of the box!
Typical move. We can't find anything. I'm looking for desk lamps. Don't know where kitchen pans and dishes are. Boxes should be labeled. Guess a few got missed. It will be a surprise to see what's in them. LOL
What's everyone doing today and for the weekend? You know what Froggy and 'WOG will be doing.
Froggy has been reading the news to me. Hillary who? John Kerry what? Has politics always been this bad, this ruthless, this dishonorable??? Is there anyway to fix it? Can we have do-overs?
NEWS FROM THE NEWS: 'WOG says: I miss putting up some news everyday. There is always so much happening, so fast. If anyone else finds something interesting, go a ahead and post it.
"Police in one Iowa city could soon be buying their own assault rifles to carry in squad cars to ensure they aren't outgunned by criminals in the wake of several high-profile shootings involving semi-automatic AR-15s, has learned.
Half of the 50-member force in Marion, Iowa, will take part in the upgrade, paying for the $2,000 guns in installments deducted from their paychecks, according to Police Chief Harry Daugherty. He said the proposal, expected to be approved by the city’s seven-member City Council late Thursday, will mean initial responders will have enough firepower to deal with heavily armed suspects. Currently, only members of Marion’s 12-member SWAT team carry AR-15s."
It would be nice if we all woke up from a long sleep and found that the election last November was just a nightmare and never happened. I so don't care for our reality!
One good thing about waking up today was being able to wish Puffin & Bambu a happy 17th birthday!! My furballs are old men, but they'll always be babies to me. They aren't too happy with the rainy weather, though. They want to know where the sun went.
Yes, Eva, I sure wish the election were just a bad dream! In all of this, our fur babies are such a comfort. I didn't know your kitties were senior citizens! How wonderful that you've had them so long!
Wog, I'm thinking of you and Froggy. Take care dear ladies, and don’t overdo! I pray that you will have a smooth transition to your new home. I’m glad you got your internet back! I go through withdrawals when mine is down! Also; if you get tired of an open litter box, you might consider buying a covered one. I sure love ours! It really saves time in cleanup. :)
I remember Rush saying right after the election, that we can't let the election ruin our lives. We still need to have joy in our lives. It is true, but sometimes it’s hard with the left coming at us from every direction. It will all work out. We win in the end. That is what the bible says, and I believe it. :)
You (& Rush) are right about letting the election ruin our lives, of course. We shouldn't let them have that much control. It's funny because I always looked down on those Dems who either said they would leave the country if Bush won or took to their beds for a week after his reelection. I thought they were such weaklings. I'm not leaving or spending the next 4 years in bed, but with the awful news hitting us day after day, it's hard to stay sane!
Eva, I have to remind myself of that all the time! I get angry at what is happening to our wonderful country, but I know that if I dwell on it too much I get depressed. Hope and faith in God are what gets me through.
Smokers, beware: tobacco penalties under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act could subject millions of smokers to fees costing thousands of dollars, making healthcare more expensive for them than Americans with other unhealthy habits.
The Affordable Care Act, which critics have also called “Obamacare”, could subject smokers to premiums that are 50 percent higher than usual, starting next Jan 1. Health insurers will be allowed to charge smokers penalties that overweight Americans or those with other health conditions would not be subjected to.
A 60-year-old smoker could pay penalties as high as $5,100, in addition to the premiums, the Associated Press reports. A 55-year-old smoker’s penalty could reach $4,250. The older a smoker is, the higher the penalty will be.
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes for the boys. They are very appreciative and feel extra special. Of course, Puffin ALWAYS feels extra special :)
Good Morning, all. Still gray and rainy here in SoCal. The furballs have notified me that they are extending their birthday until tomorrow. This way, Daddy can spoil them, too. When Joe wakes up, he's going to have trouble getting out of bed with a couple of extra weights draped over him!
"The National Labor Relations Board has been thrown into a strange legal limbo -- with the possibility that more than 300 of its decisions over the last year could be nullified -- as a result of a federal appeals court ruling on Friday that President Obama's recess appointments to the board were invalid.
By ruling that Mr. Obama's three recess appointments last January were illegal, the federal appeals court ruling, if upheld, would leave the board with just one member, short of the quorum needed to issue any rulings. The Obama administration could appeal the court ruling, but no announcement was made on Friday.
If the Supreme Court were to uphold Friday's ruling, issued by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, it would mean that the labor board did not have a quorum since last January and that all its rulings since then should be nullified."
You girls are probably busy bees right now. Am keeping you in my prayers that all goes well today and the coming days of moving.
ReplyDeleteI know what a huge project moving is. There might be some glitches. Please just keep breathing through them if they come. Keep a picture of yourselves settled into your new fabulous home in your minds.
Huge Surfie Smooches!
Mornin' all. Froggy and Wog, I am in total agreement with Surfie. It will all work out. Prayers for both of you.
ReplyDeletePraying with Surfie and Gloria.
ReplyDeleteI'm still excited for you. It's Monday! Hope you all (including Wolfie) survived the night in the hotel!
ReplyDeleteMonday. Hi Everyone. Froggy says Hi.
ReplyDeleteI found a computer on the 5th floor of the hotel. Thank you for the good wishes on our move. Will be so glad to have everything back to normal. We managed to get me, Froggy, and Wolfie moved to the hotel. Froggy ordered us something extravagant for dinner with lots of shrimp.
The whole city is fogged in. Looks creepy from our 29th floor window. Makes me think of Stephen King's story "The Mist."
We won't be changing the daily picture at the Pond until we are set up at new apartment. So just keep posting and keep the Pond going. Froggy and Wolfie will stay at hotel until Thursday. TodAY I am on way to old apartment to pack computers and TV. Will be so happy when it's over.
I know a couple of our Pond family have done some moves not so long ago. Now I appreciate what you went through. Not only do we need to pack up, and then unpack. There will be a lot of addresses to change besides the post office. And new driver's license, social security, IRS, etc, etc, etc (The King and I). (Everything reminds me of a movie!)
Your attitude is the most important, 'Wog, and it's great. You still have your sense of humor and that'll see you through.
DeleteGood for Froggy and the extravagant shrimp dinner idea! I figure if you have to go through the headaches of a move, you may as well make the most of the transition.
Hang in there! It'll be worth it when it's over.
Hi dear Ponders. Sounds like Froggy and Woggy are making progress.
ReplyDeleteI have some thoughts about the "old" apartment. Do you think that the old building along with the plumbing problems (mold) and the construction dust may have contributed to some of Froggy's health problems? I am believing that a bright, fresh, clean environment will help.
Everyone have a blessed day.
Hi, I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Just throwing things in boxes! This is my last note from old apartment. I'm going to pack up the computers and TV. Yes, it's very possbile that mold and dust in this apartment aggravates Froggy's breathing. Bye.
ReplyDeleteEveryone can keep visiting even though we can't sign in. I might have a chance to hop onto computer at hotel later. Bye again. We'll miss everyone til we get back. Just keep hopping.
We'll hold down the fort, or Pond, while you two are moving. So glad you splurged on dinner. When things are as hectic as they are now, it's a nice thing to treat yourself to.
ReplyDeleteReally hope being out of the old place will improve Froggy's health. What a pleasant surprise that would be!
Wog, I so remember just throwing stuff in boxes at the end of the packing process. It was stressful because I wasn't being my OCD self. But it all turned out just fine in the end (and I laughed about it).
Hang in there!
Hello dear ponders!
ReplyDeleteFroggy and Wog; it's been a while since I've moved, but I sure remember how exhausting it can be! I pray that you will both be settled soon. It sounds like you have a good plan, and that will help so much!
Gloria, that is interesting that you mentioned their old apt. building may have caused some of Froggy's illnesses. We had an experience like that with our son. When he was a teenager we were in an older apartment. He was always sick with illnesses relating to allergies. Right before we moved, we learned that birds had been getting into the attic area, and we believe they had been there for a while. After we moved, our son's health improved immensely. Froggy, I hope that will be true in your case too! :)
Good night and may God bless you all.
Good Morning,Pond Family. Froggy sends her best. She can't wait to get back to The Pond. I woke up early today. Doesn't feel like I slept at all! Froggy sleeps well at the hotel. Seems in good spirits.
ReplyDeleteSurfie, I am at the stage where I am throwing things in boxes just to be ready for the movers. It will be a surprise when some of the boxes are opened. I used to number all the boxes and keep a notebook of what was in each box. How's that for OCD! This time I am only writing the room where the box goes.
Wednesday I have to hook up the computers and TVs the best that I can. Then Comcast will come out Thursday morning and connect us up to their service. Hopefully Froggy and Wolfie can come home Thursday afternoon.
Paget, I am sure the move will be better for allergies. We will be farther from the freeway ...dust and fumes. The bird story reminded me that in Denver some houses had bats in the attics, and also squirrel (which chewed on electrical wires).
I'm scared or maybe that anxious! Movers are coming today...ready or not.
Did anyone watch pres O speech? I avoided it. What's the point of watching? I don't know how the Dems did it, but pres O was going to win no matter how many people voted for Romney. We could see when the voting started that Romney was ahead! We were up against "master cheaters."
See ya later.. Phooey did I beat you to The Pond again? I have to get up early to do that.
'Wog, just remember that by Friday, it'll all be over. No matter how it goes, it'll be over. I started out our last move just the way you did. I had a kit from the moving company with sheets of paper to write down contents of the boxes and brightly colored box labels. I carefully noted everything that went into the boxes I packed, the number of the box and the room the box should go in. That lasted a whole 2 days. Then I just started throwing stuff in and gave up on noting the contents. I also started using big categories for box names. Instead of something like "Kitchen-Utensils" and "Kitchen-Pots and Pans", I'd just scribble "Kitchen" on them. I think I had something like 15 boxes labeled "Kitchen". I didn't know opening them up if I was going to find pots, silverware, trivits, towels, or what!
ReplyDeleteWog, I did the same thing about labeling boxes and then throwing things in boxes at the last minute. Everybody who moves does that! I also had certain family things I didn't trust the movers with. When I moved from Los Angeles to OKC, I stuffed my little car to the max and took them with me. Spent every night in every motel room on my road trip worrying if they would be stolen. I laugh about all of it now. You and Froggy will laugh about it all, too, after the move ends.
ReplyDeleteNow I have a prayer request. I know you've been praying for my friend Karen. She's healing incredibly well from 18 hour brain surgery a while back. WEDNESDAY she is having surgery to remove a massive, cancerous tumor from her chest and 2 little ones from her leg. Please, please pray for Karen.
Froggy and Wog, you are in our prayers!
Oh my goodness, Surfie, Karen sure has been through the mill, hasn't she? I can't imagine going through all she has gone through. She's definitely in my prayers. Her family, too.
ReplyDeleteThese health problems were so big and so scary, Karen couldn't do anything else but put herself in God's hands and trust Him. She said it put her in a place of peace she has never felt before. I know several people who, watching Karen go through this, have had their faith renewed.
DeleteAs my Mom always said: "Satan means this for evil, but God will turn this to the good." I think Mom was right!
Hi all. Hope our girls are meeting with sucess today. We will just wait for an update.
ReplyDeleteThere is a new 46 cent Forever Stamp coming out 1/27/13. The design is pink and purple butterflies and hearts with Arabic writing in the design. Recieved it in an email.
It's raining like crazy outside. Well, this is SoCal, so what I mean is that it has rained all night and is still raining this morning. Weather report is for rain the rest of the day and on & off through the weekend. We need it and, luckily, I don't have anything to do today, so I'll just stay in with the boys and read.
ReplyDeleteSurfie, what's the word on Karen?
Movers are done! and I moved us into our new box-filled apartment this morning after Comcast set up computers and TVs. Froggy finally crawled into bed, and Wolfie is hiding out in a closet. I'm resting on sofa in front of TV. I was sure not to stack any boxes in front of TV!! Friday donation people are coming to old apartment to take whatever looks saleable. Then Monday the Junk people are coming to take whatever's left. The End.
ReplyDeletePrayers to Karen. Don't know how she survives such bad health problems.
Gloria.. I'm not buying any stamp or anything else that has arabic printing on it! We are slowly being "brainwashed" to accept the arabic way into our lives. Not happening at our house. My crossword puzzles will have one of two words in it like "what is an imam?", and Jeopardy will have at least one "arabic" question. Just little things...that add up to a lot of indoctrination. What do you think? Or am I just being paranoid?
You girls are on the home-stretch! Hang in there! Wonder how long it will take Wolfie to come out of the closet?
ReplyDeleteEva, your rain is supposed to be here on Sunday. We sure need it.
I'm not buying any arabic stamp either. I bought a ton of forever stamps years ago that have the Liberty Bell on them.
Karen got the 2 little tumors removed yesterday. The big one on her chest has gotten much bigger and the doc decided it would be too hard on her to surgically remove it. So, she now has to go through radiation on her chest.
Please keep her in your prayers. She has great faith. She says she can actually feel the prayers of so many people she has never met, and it gives her peace and patience and builds her faith.
Love to you all, deer Ponders.
Yea! our girls are in their new home. I have so much admiration for the way you stick together and look out for each other.
ReplyDeleteI hope that email I got about the stamp was correct. I didn't check it at Snopes.
Wog, So happy to hear you and Froggy are all moved in! Take your time putting everything away. You were smart to leave a clear area around your TV! It sounds like you've been pacing yourself, and that is the key. :)
ReplyDeleteSurfie, I will keep Karen in my prayers. She is a real inspiration to us all!
Gloria, those stamps are disturbing. I am amazed at how many things we hold dear in this country that are just slip-sliding away. It was sickening to watch Hillary lie and cry, and bask in the adoration of so many partisan hacks. If she had any moral fortitude, she would have told us all the truth about Benghazi! Instead she performed very well, and I'm sure her handlers were proud. :/ One bright star was Rand Paul. I thought he had some back bone when he told Hillary if he had been president, he would have fired her.
I need to get to bed too. We're still busy with year end duties at work. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!
Good night everyone; and God bless you all!
Yay, an update on the move! Glad to hear it's almost all over. You gals will need to rest up for a few days to get over this. Poor Wolfie doesn't know what happened. He just got used to the old place! All will be well soon.
ReplyDeleteUp is down and down is up. Our world is just inside out. Hillary gives outrageous testimony and the press swoons. John Kerry will become Secy of State. Just goes to show loyalty to Country no longer exists.
Good Morning Family, Happy Friday! Got up at 4am (thank you Wolfie), and our Internet was down. Drats. Called Comcast, and was told to unplug things on the modem. Internet is back. Next project is to sweep cat litter. I've never seen a cat this bad about throwing litter out of the box!
ReplyDeleteTypical move. We can't find anything. I'm looking for desk lamps. Don't know where kitchen pans and dishes are. Boxes should be labeled. Guess a few got missed. It will be a surprise to see what's in them. LOL
What's everyone doing today and for the weekend? You know what Froggy and 'WOG will be doing.
Froggy has been reading the news to me. Hillary who? John Kerry what? Has politics always been this bad, this ruthless, this dishonorable??? Is there anyway to fix it? Can we have do-overs?
ReplyDelete'WOG says: I miss putting up some news everyday. There is always so much happening, so fast. If anyone else finds something interesting, go a ahead and post it.
"Police in one Iowa city could soon be buying their own assault rifles to carry in squad cars to ensure they aren't outgunned by criminals in the wake of several high-profile shootings involving semi-automatic AR-15s, has learned.
Half of the 50-member force in Marion, Iowa, will take part in the upgrade, paying for the $2,000 guns in installments deducted from their paychecks, according to Police Chief Harry Daugherty. He said the proposal, expected to be approved by the city’s seven-member City Council late Thursday, will mean initial responders will have enough firepower to deal with heavily armed suspects. Currently, only members of Marion’s 12-member SWAT team carry AR-15s."
Read more:
Oh man! You guys don't know how lucky you are. I lost my post er, rant.
DeleteIt would be nice if we all woke up from a long sleep and found that the election last November was just a nightmare and never happened. I so don't care for our reality!
ReplyDeleteOne good thing about waking up today was being able to wish Puffin & Bambu a happy 17th birthday!! My furballs are old men, but they'll always be babies to me. They aren't too happy with the rainy weather, though. They want to know where the sun went.
Happy 17th birthday Puffin & Bamboo. Many more.
DeleteHi all,
ReplyDeleteYes, Eva, I sure wish the election were just a bad dream! In all of this, our fur babies are such a comfort. I didn't know your kitties were senior citizens! How wonderful that you've had them so long!
Wog, I'm thinking of you and Froggy. Take care dear ladies, and don’t overdo! I pray that you will have a smooth transition to your new home. I’m glad you got your internet back! I go through withdrawals when mine is down! Also; if you get tired of an open litter box, you might consider buying a covered one. I sure love ours! It really saves time in cleanup. :)
I remember Rush saying right after the election, that we can't let the election ruin our lives. We still need to have joy in our lives. It is true, but sometimes it’s hard with the left coming at us from every direction. It will all work out. We win in the end. That is what the bible says, and I believe it. :)
I need to get back to work. Break is over.
Have a great Friday, everyone! :)
You (& Rush) are right about letting the election ruin our lives, of course. We shouldn't let them have that much control. It's funny because I always looked down on those Dems who either said they would leave the country if Bush won or took to their beds for a week after his reelection. I thought they were such weaklings. I'm not leaving or spending the next 4 years in bed, but with the awful news hitting us day after day, it's hard to stay sane!
DeleteEva, I have to remind myself of that all the time! I get angry at what is happening to our wonderful country, but I know that if I dwell on it too much I get depressed. Hope and faith in God are what gets me through.
DeleteHappy Birthday Puffin and Bambu!
ReplyDeleteI did a Hoppy Dance for our Puffin and Bambu.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to the boys!
ReplyDeleteFroggy, sure is good to see you back here in the Pond. Good wishes for the big un-pack and getting settled into your new place.
ReplyDeleteMore obamacare...
Smokers, beware: tobacco penalties under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act could subject millions of smokers to fees costing thousands of dollars, making healthcare more expensive for them than Americans with other unhealthy habits.
The Affordable Care Act, which critics have also called “Obamacare”, could subject smokers to premiums that are 50 percent higher than usual, starting next Jan 1. Health insurers will be allowed to charge smokers penalties that overweight Americans or those with other health conditions would not be subjected to.
A 60-year-old smoker could pay penalties as high as $5,100, in addition to the premiums, the Associated Press reports. A 55-year-old smoker’s penalty could reach $4,250. The older a smoker is, the higher the penalty will be.
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes for the boys. They are very appreciative and feel extra special. Of course, Puffin ALWAYS feels extra special :)
ReplyDeleteGood Morning, all. Still gray and rainy here in SoCal. The furballs have notified me that they are extending their birthday until tomorrow. This way, Daddy can spoil them, too. When Joe wakes up, he's going to have trouble getting out of bed with a couple of extra weights draped over him!
ReplyDeleteHi Eva, We've been busy all day. Need to finish up at the old apt. Junk people are coming Monday morning to take away whatever's left.
DeleteI remember being pinned to the bed by three on each side, and a big black kitty draped across my feet. I loved it!
The Pond is a little slow today. I'll see if there is any interesting news to post.
ReplyDeleteBy STEVEN GREENHOUSE / The New York Times
"The National Labor Relations Board has been thrown into a strange legal limbo -- with the possibility that more than 300 of its decisions over the last year could be nullified -- as a result of a federal appeals court ruling on Friday that President Obama's recess appointments to the board were invalid.
By ruling that Mr. Obama's three recess appointments last January were illegal, the federal appeals court ruling, if upheld, would leave the board with just one member, short of the quorum needed to issue any rulings. The Obama administration could appeal the court ruling, but no announcement was made on Friday.
If the Supreme Court were to uphold Friday's ruling, issued by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, it would mean that the labor board did not have a quorum since last January and that all its rulings since then should be nullified."
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