Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday. Drop in for a chat!

Is this your cat in the morning?


  1. Good Morning Ponders,
    How's the start of your day?

    Froggy is going to doctor this morning, and she is very nervous. Wolfie is playing with catnip-mouse, and I'm checking the news.

    1. Cute picture, Wog. :) Speaking of the news; did you see that our new governor, Jay Inslee, insisted that WA state is poised to lead the fight against climate change? I guess he's going to make us buy more "renewable energy" aka windmill energy, when here we are in the NW with lots of hydro and nuclear energy! We have rather low energy bills compared to the other states, but it will probably be his mission to change that! (Can you tell I didn't vote for him!)

      Sorry to vent about local issues, but sometimes it just drives me crazy!

    2. Drives me crazy too. We had a chance to elect a really good governor but look who we got. We don't need wind. We have so much energy that we sell to other states.

      You know that I often drive I90 to eastern Washington. Those wind mills are thick around Ellensburg and Vantage. The landscape is pretty barren. It used to creep me out driving through there. Don't know why. Then I realized it reminded me of the Teletubbies landscape. Gack! Val told some friends they thought I was right. Creepy.

    3. Paget, thanks for this info on Jay Inslee. I'll go read about it. We don't need windmills... especially when what we already have works fine. Don't fix what ain't broke! Obviously our governor is "broke": can we fix him?

      On TV and YouTube, I've seen the windmills in Michigan, I think, that are built around houses and farms. They are horrid! There is a continual 24/7 whirrr, and moving shadow through your windows. Also the blades kill birds and other flying critters.

      If any Ponders have not seen -or heard- this, check YouTube. You would never wish this misery on anyone.

      Guess I vented too.

  2. They left a word off our morning cat pic.
    What's the word, you ask?

  3. Sis, you mean it's just you and me? PHOO!

    I just got back from the doctor--I'm fine at my monthly check up. How's tricks?

    1. Froggy,

      Glad you got a good report at your checkup! :)

      I was a bit embarrassed yesterday. I went to my doc. office for a routine checkup at 3:00, only to find that it was actually scheduled for 5:00! I looked at my pocket calendar and I had scribbled the time, but I couldn't read my own writing. :/ Oh well! I had dinner plans, so I had to reschedule.

    2. Paget, that's a funny story. I scribble when I write with a pen and if it's only for me to read. So I can see where a 3 and 5 might look the same.

      There were a couple news stories I wanted to post, but haven't had time. The news goes so fast lately.

  4. Paget, we heard on the news there will be layoffs at Hanford--you okay?

    1. I'm lucky to work for a great company here at Hanford. It is the Pacific Northwest National Lab, (PNNL) and the director of our lab started working on the possible sequester problem a year and a half ago, just so we would be okay here at PNNL. We were told we would all keep our jobs. So far, so good. :) OTOH, I have friends and family at the other hanford companies who are very concerned about their jobs. :(

      Thanks for asking! :)

    2. This is the tactic liberals use to get what they want. Then blame Republicans. they threaten to cancel things that will hurt the public but refuse to get rid of unnecessary stuff. The thing is it usually works. They have cancelled tours through the White House. The people who give those tours are volunteers. It is all fake and phony. Makes me crazy.

    3. Hi again Paget, Glad to hear about your company's plans. You are one of the lucky ones. Froggy and I were concerned about you. I read that the sequester would result in 4800 Hanford layoffs and furloughs. That's just crazy.

      I keep writing because I have a lot to say today, and Froggy had to take a nap after trip to doctor. She worried all night and didn't sleep well.

      In the night, I even thought about moving to Canada, but they would never take us. And what's the point of moving from one Socialist country to another Socialist country?

      Assuming that the Republicans could regain control of the government, how long would it take to restore sanity and dissolve stupidity? I think maybe years. With dems lying and cheating their way into power, the elections are rigged. What are the chances of this ever happening again?

  5. Hi Gloria, You "snuck" in while I was typing. I didn't know that we had windmills here. We don't go very far now that we don't have a car. I think I've seen windmills in California deserts.

    We need to ask how one man could change our government so fast. He has a lot of very rich socialists (but they would never say they were capitalists) backing him, telling him what to do next, promising that he will win, and all of them knowing that the people will follow

    Even if you lie, they will follow the lie, and tell those who tell the truth that they are the liars. How do you beat that?


    CARACAS, Venezuela -- Vice President Nicolas Maduro is taking over leadership of Hugo Chavez's political movement after the socialist leader died Tuesday at age 58 following a nearly two-year bout with cancer. Maduro now faces the daunting task of rallying support in a deeply divided country while maintaining unity within his party's ranks.

    Maduro decidedly lacks the vibrant personality that made Chavez a one-man political phenomenon in Venezuela, but he has the advantage of being Chavez's hand-picked successor.

    The mustachioed 50-year-old former bus driver won Chavez's trust as a loyal spokesman who echoed the president's stances. How Maduro will lead in Chavez's absence remains to be seen, although he's widely known as both a skilled negotiator and a leader who views upholding his mentor's legacy as his personal crusade and responsibility

    Read more here:


    When 21-year-old Lauren Drain found herself in a shabby apartment in a rough part of Topeka, abandoned by her family, her mind couldn’t accept what had happened. “I truly thought my banishment would only last for a month or so,” she writes. Only when she happened upon her father in public and he refused to acknowledge her did she begin to understand that she has been completely and permanently disowned for running afoul of her church's whims.



    Here is link to Snopes and the video.

  9. Hi everyone. Page has had the computer all day. She is taking a break now but will be back. It's 55 and very windy today. That's cold for us Florida types. Happy for Froggy's news. Paget, I did the same thing as you ---- going to an appointment two hours early ---- just two weeks ago. Wog, thanks for your news reports. Need to take the dogs out now.

    1. Hi Phooey, I can picture you with your dog-family now that you described them. Enjoy your walk. I think I've said it before, but I miss taking my little dog for rides in the car. Used to let him chase seagulls at the beach. He was my best buddy!

      Hi to Miss Page. Froggy and I tried to take turns on one computer. That didn't last long. We were two grumble-ribbet-grumble froggys!

  10. Hi everybody! Froggy, so happy your doc visit went well today. Still doing your walks? You've come a long way since back when your foot was in such bad shape. Yay!!!!!

    Phooey, I know how you feel. When I first moved back here from SoCal, 57 was freezing to me. Now, in my 2nd winter, it can be 45 and I'm comfortable in jeans and a sweater. Hope it warms up for you soon.

    I just read about Rand Paul's filibuster on Breitbart. He talked brilliantly for a long time, then Ted Cruz jumped in to ask him a question (a long question to, I guess, give Rand time to recover his voice). Then Marco Rubio and others have jumped in. Don't know if it's still going on, but I'm glad it happened. Gives me hope.

    My company's owner is out of the office tomorrow and Friday. My boss and I are going to clean his office while he's gone. She and I will have fun. The man is brilliant but totally messy and a packrat. Everything will be completely organized and clean when he gets back, and he won't be able to find a thing! Tee hee. I won't get anything else done tomorrow, but it will be fun.

    Have a good night, deer Ponders.

    1. Hi Surfie, Just went with Froggy for a walk down the hall on another floor. She survived the visit to doctor just fine. Started raining just as we got home. Guess we are both hibernating this evening.

      Straightening up the office sounds like a challenge. I can see it as a skit for Saturday Night Live. Let us know how it works out.

  11. You hit the nail right on the head about a SNL skit. Some of us joke that it feels like we work in a reality TV show. Sometimes it's downright hilarious.
