Sunday, March 17, 2013

What are Ponders doing for St Pat's Day?

Corned beef, cabbage, red potatoes!
Are you hungry?


  1. Top o'the morning, lads and lassies! Corned beef & cabbage was the meal I always asked Mom to make for my birthday. Don't have the energy to make it today, so I'll settle for oatmeal!

    Can't do anything today but take meds and rest, so I'll talk with friends. OK? Speaking of meds, I feel significantly better this morning. So glad I was not born back in the day before modern medicine, because I would certainly not be among the living at 58 years old.

    Like mother like son. Mike called me yesterday. When I said hello he said Mom, are you sick? I said Mike are you sick? I have pneumonia and he has the flu. (No matter how grown up he thinks he is, he still calls his Mom when he's sick!) He was really depressed because 2 of his best college buddies are in town and he's dog sick. Such is life sometimes.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful St. Patricks Day. I leave you with this Irish blessing:

    May the road rise to meet you,
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    The rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

    May God be with you and bless you:
    May you see your children's children.
    May you be poor in misfortune,
    Rich in blessings.
    May you know nothing but happiness
    From this day forward.

    May the road rise up to meet you
    May the wind be always at your back
    May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
    And may the hand of a friend always be near.

    May green be the grass you walk on,
    May blue be the skies above you,
    May pure be the joys that surround you,
    May true be the hearts that love you.

    1. Glad to hear the meds are kicking in, Surfie. I really hate being sick.

      Happy St Pat's day to all Ponders. Isn't the Irish blessing a wonderful blessing? May all our Ponders be blessed in this way.

    2. Surfie, thanks for sharing the Irish blessing. That is one of my all time favorites. :) So heartwarming!

  2. Yes, Page and I are having corned beef, cabbage, and red potatoes. No green beer! Good news Surfie continue to rest and thanks for the blessing.

    1. Phooey, eat a little extra for me! You sound like you feel so much better lately. Yay!

  3. Top o' the morning to ya! Happy St Patrick's Day. I'm wearing green.

    Surfie, thanks for the Irish Blessing. The Irish have such wonderful sayings.
    Feeling better? It just takes time and rest and meds.

    Gloria, are you wearing your green...or beware the pinchers!

    Phooey and Miss Page, I love your dinner today. All the Ponders may be dropping by your house, or wishing they could. Dinner sounds scrumptious!


    MIAMI (CBSMiami) — "Pet owners listen up: You may want to start saving more money for veterinarian care this year. The reason goes all the way back to Washington and an unintended consequence from medical reform.

    Dog owner Lori Heiselman was surprised where her veterinarian posted a warning on Facebook.

    The notice read: “Because medical equipment and supplies will be going up in cost, that extra expense will have to passed on to the customers.”

    "How does this work? Medical devices used only on animals are exempt. However, items including IV pumps, sterile scalpels and anesthesia equipment, which are medical devices that have a dual use, meaning they can be used on people and animals, will be taxed. Hatcher said, “Putting off an equipment purchase is something that can terribly affect our clients’ ability to have quality care.”



    "Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, said Sunday that his new budget includes the repeal of President Obama’s health-care reform law known as ObamaCare.

    Ryan told “Fox News Sunday” that the new proposal will make enough cuts to balance the federal budget in 10 years, compared to his previous one that tried to achieve that goal in 25 years.

    “We think we owe the American people a balanced budget,” the Republican congressman said."

    Read more:

  6. I'm glad everyone is having a good time!


    ~ Colorado sheriff says new state gun laws won't be enforced ~

    "Weld County Sheriff John Cooke won’t enforce new state gun measures expected to be signed into law by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper, arguing the proposed firearms restrictions give a "false sense of security."

    Lawmakers in Colorado on Friday approved a landmark expansion of background checks on firearm purchases. Earlier in the week, Colorado lawmakers approved a 15-round limit on ammunition magazines.

    Both measures are awaiting the expected approval of the governor.

    Cooke told that Democrats in the state legislature are uninformed and scrambling in response to the Aurora movie theater shooting and other recent tragedies."

    Read more:

  8. Ingredients for Irish traditional potato soup:

    •2 tablespoons of Irish butter
    •2 medium sized onions
    •3 large potatoes, washed & peeled
    •1 cube chicken bouillon
    •2 cups of milk
    •1 clove garlic, crushed
    •1 teaspoon dried parsley
    •3 pieces of celery, chopped
    •1 pinch ground black pepper & salt
    •1 ½ cup of grated cheese


    Thinly slice the onions and potatoes and add to a pan with melted Irish butter.

    Add the chicken bouillon, celery, dried parsley, garlic and season with salt & pepper.

    Cover the pan allowing the vegetables to soften under a low heat, do not let them brown.

    Add milk and mix until soup becomes thick then stir in cheese until fully melted.

    Serve piping hot with a few slices of buttered bread and enjoy.

  9. Hello ponders!

    My computer wasn't cooperating earlier, so here I am late again. Hope everyone had a wonderful day! Glad to hear that Surfie and Phooey are feeling better! Froggy, I hope you and Woggie are doing better too.

    Gloria, are you still in eastern WA? Are you also experiencing this cold, windy weather? I am so looking forward to the warm days ahead!

    All this food talk today makes me hungry for some good Irish food! :)

    Did you know that you are only supposed to pinch Irish people who aren't wearing green today? So, the rest of us are off the hook. Hopefully, the pinchers will know the rule too. Ha! At my age I don't have to worry about strange people pinching me. There are benefits to getting older!

    Heading off to bed now. God bless the frog ponders! :)

    1. Goodnight Paget, I always drop by before I go to bed. It's miserable when your computer doesn't work right. Glad you persuaded it to work for a while.

      Nobody pinched me...I was wearing green! We had a potluck last night in our community room...corned beef and sauerkraut on rye, grilled. Pretty tasty.

      Rest up for Monday.
