Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Tuesday, Ponders!


  1. Why do you think I'm up? Wolf bad!

  2. Wolf hungry!

    All is well this morning, migraine-wise. I went to bed last night at 9pm. I'm sure that helped.

    I'm off to get my annual mammogram today. Always a fun appt. :-(

    Everyone have a great day and Froggy, be nice to da Wolf (or else he'll bug you like crazy).

    1. Eva, did your day go okay? Froggy and my doctor both have been after me to get a mammogram.

  3. Mornin' all. That picture reminds me of being newly moved in to a house. We had blinds but no screens. It was summer and the windows were opened. In the middle of the night a feral cat chased our cat through the window and blinds. What a racket! Screams, screeches and yowls. It took all of us to herd that cat out. Our house reeked of bad cat.

    And that little children is my story for today.

    Eva, glad your migraine is gone. Froggy, are you going to try to walk again? Where is Sir Phooey? Hi to Paget, Surf and Wog.

    1. Hi Gloria, I'm a little late posting today. I see everyone was on early.

      I loved your cat story. I can't imagine a feral cat running through the house. They are a terror. Funny what a difference it makes if you pet them when they are kittens.

      Your eBay listing is getting bigger. Guess you figured out how it works. I drop by calliope every few days. It inspires me to try it again.

  4. Last night I had a craving for raw asparagus and ate over a half pound. Dumb. I'll let you guess how I've spent my day. Fiber in limited amounts is good excess is bad!
    Happy for Eva and love the story Gloria. Hi everyone!

    1. How did that happen? Now I'm a lower case p!

    2. Hi Phooey, You probably had to type fast today before that asparagus hit bottom again. See ya later when you feel better. We are always here at The Pond.

  5. Sooo happy for you Eva!

    Gloria and Phoo, you prove once again what entertaining deers we have here on the Pond. (Hope you're feeling better, Phoo!) My asparagus for dinner will be roasted with olive oil and garlic. A squeeze of lemon and dusting of Parmesan when it comes out of the oven.

    Cooked dinner last night. When it came time to wash the dishes, I had no hot water. Refused to take a cold shower this morning, but I did wash my hair in the sink in cold water. Brrrr! Just got home from work, and the hot is back on. Yay!

    It's cold. Great steady rains and thunderstorms. We really need the rain. Supposed to clear up for the weekend and rain again next week. Spring is here!

    See you tomorrow, Pond family!

    1. Hi Surfie, Don't ya hate a cold shower! Hope you finally got your hot water back. I don't think Phooey will be eating asparagus for a while, but your recipe sounds delicious.

  6. I loooooove asparagus, but I wouldn't eat over a 1/2 pound of it. Poor lower case p! I hope you like your bathroom since I gather you spent most of your day there. Surfie's asparagus sounds like the way to go. Delish!
