Tuesday, April 9, 2013

So long Annette Funicello

Goodbye to our favorite Mouseketeer
1942 - 2013


  1. Sweet Annette. I never heard her say a bad thing about anyone. Frankie Avalon says she was always amazed at how many people liked her. She never went "hollywood". Rare, now.

    I was reading your yesterday post this morning, Surfie. Last night as I was snuggling in bed with a purring Puffin, I was sorting through my prayers. I was falling asleep and straining to complete them. I wanted to stay awake long enough to ask G-d for help in my own life. I've never resented the fact that I spend most of my time praying for others and never getting around to asking Him to look after me. Maybe things would be easier in my life if I asked G-d to help me specifically. Old habits die hard, though, and so many others need prayers, I just don't get around to it. Last night, I tried to be specific and got all tangled up. I probably was too tired. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Since G-d understands all, sees all, do you think being specific makes a difference? Asking for specific help? I think it might, but I'm not sure.

    One of my father's favorite pasttimes is going to the local Goodwill store and finding stuff. I don't think I'll tell him about being able to go online. He'll probably go crazy ;-).

    Everyone have a great day!

  2. Annette was also my favorite. RIP.
    Eva, your questions require more thought/time. Thanks for exercising my beliefs.
    In the process of doing taxes. Yuk!
    Surfie, it's NCIS night!
    Hi Froggy!
    Love all.

  3. About praying for yourselves, consider these:

    "If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God who gives to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him." James 1:5

    "Set a guard, O Lord, before my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips." Psalm 141:3

    The Bible is full of prayers for oneself. I realized that while reading the Book of Psalm. I only mean to share my heart and my faith here. God is my Father and I am his child. It makes no sense to me that a daughter can't ask her Father for something. He might say No, but that's what Fathers do sometimes. My 2 cents. Hope I've not offended anyone.

    Annette's been living with MS most of her life. She is sliding down the streets paved with gold in her poodle skirt! She blessed so many of us.

    Phooey, I'll be watching NCIS and hope the power doesn't go out! There's a big, cold storm barreling down from the Rockies colliding with a big, hot and humid air mass coming up from the Gulf of Mexico. Classic set-up around here for rain, hail, tornadoes. It was 78 when I left work at 5. Supposed to drop to 33 tonight. Welcome to tornado alley!

    Love to all deer Ponders!

  4. I am just depressed today. I'll have to snap myself out of it. Politics is hopeless--and I'm so sorry Annette is gone. At least she is not suffering anymore. I never heard a bad word about her.

    Eva, I've been thinking about what you were pondering over; I'll answer you by-and-by.

  5. Thanks, Surfie, what you wrote really made sense. The daughter asking the Father strikes a chord. He might say no, but that's what happens. I overthink things too much.

    Froggy, I know what you mean by depression. Every day I read Drudge's headlines, Lucianne's Must Reads, etc. and just shake my head. We are in such an alternative universe. Michael Medved today was talking about how only the Left dance in the streets and celebrate the death of someone they disagreed with politically. Think about how bizarre that is. We never would think of such a thing. A leader from the other political party? How ridiculous are these people?

    Well, I leave the blog and the day with this cheery note: maybe we'll all end up nuked by the Norks. That's one way to get people focused!
