Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday - Welcome to the week.

The puppy is for Phooey!


  1. So cute!

    It's way too hot here in SoCal. Yesterday, 103. I have no energy, but it's too hot to lie in bed, either. Maybe a shower will get me on my way.

  2. Hello ponders,

    Eva, I agree, that is way too hot! It’s only 64 here. I heard Brian Sussman on the Mark Levin show, say that we’re actually in a cooling phase. (Well, except for a few spots like southern Cal! ) He said this is one of the coldest springs in many years. I always enjoy listening when he subs for Mark. He is a former weatherman, and has his own show in CA. I guess he has written two books where he has debunked global warming. Sounds like a smart guy!

    Froggy, thanks for asking about Kaden. He is growing by leaps and bounds. He will be over to see all our extended family in late June. They’re excited to see him. I’m hoping for cool weather so we can have a BBQ in the park, and not our yard. There’s a lot more room for 30 people in the park, than in our house and backyard!

    Phooey, I did a double take when I read about your “pet” alligator! Ha-ha. For goodness sake, please be careful! I think that alligator would feel too close for comfort to me. I guess it’s part of enjoying the beauty of Florida. When I was young, my grandmother went to Florida to visit my uncle. She stayed in a motel. She told us they came back to the room and saw a spider so big that it covered the door knob. I’ve never forgotten that. Yeeooww.

    Eva, I am so sorry your sister has to hide from her psycho husband! Good grief! And your poor niece having the police stop by at all hours of the night! I would be a nervous wreck! I will continue to pray for her and your family.

    Wog, I checked at work today, and Delta Dental is the insurance we have. It seems fine to me.

    Surfie, I’m glad you took the weekend off to enjoy Mother’s Day. My weekend was busy running here and there for three Mother’s day celebrations. I’m worn out, but thankful hubby and I still have our moms, and even a step-mom for him.

    Gloria, how are you doing? Are you busy with eBay stuff? I want to clean out my basement one day, and will try to get into the selling mode. I am very rusty.

    I haven’t posted much lately, because my eyes are still not right. I’ve seen two doctors, and neither one has an answer as to why I can’t wear my contacts. I think my surgery is to blame, as I wore them fine until that point. But, I just have lots of adjusting to do. My biggest complaint is that my eyes are so tired by the end of my workday, that I can’t read when I get home. I know I sound like a real whiner, but reading has always relaxed me. It’s my escape. I guess it’s time I counted my blessings. Maybe this is a wake-up call from God to be more thankful for what I do have. I will have to think about that! Anyway, I’m writing this early in the day before I’m home with tired, watery eyes.

    Have a good day everyone! I hope today is the beginning of a great week for you all!

    Love and prayers for all you deer pond friends!

    1. I can't read like I want to either, Paget. It was always my escape too. Now I can't even type as much as I want to, so we do, indeed, have to count our blessing for what we can do, even if it's in bits and snatches. Give it some time, hon. I think yours will get better by and by. I am sorry your having trouble! ;-)

    2. Froggy, Thank you dear! :) Love you too! :) I rambled on and on and didn't even ask how you were doing! I hope you're feeling better! Are you still doing frequent walks around your apartment building? That's a good way to build up your stamina. :) Hope your allergies are under control. I noticed that when I remember to take a zyrtec pill in the a.m. I don't sneeze all day at work. I think there's a lot of dust in the ducts in our building.

  3. Hi, all you busy Ponders! Its so good to hear from you all.

    From the heat, Eva's sister, eye problems, allergies ... gosh, its a good thing we pray for each other!

    Love hearing about Kayden. Hope I get to be a grandmother one of these days.

    Spent Saturday with my sister. Cooked fried chicken dinner, then looked at old family pictures and laughed ourselves silly. Spent Sunday talking with my son, noodling around the house, planting the pots on my patio.

    I planted pots. Cherry tomato, herbs, lettuce, freesia, zinnia. Can't wait until my taro nigra (black elephant ear) comes up.

    We haven't gotten over the hump at work. 1st new employee is terrific. Two more starting next week. You know what? I simply can't work 55-60 hours for very long. Put my foot down at 48. Now that good weather is here, I will NOT work weekends. So there! :=)

    Love to you all!

  4. So many newsy and wonderful posts today. So to all of our special little Pond Family...I very much enjoyed reading all of them.

    We had rain and thunder today. Very seldom get thunder and lightning. Very different from Denver where we got a lot of lightning.

    I hope Phooey comes by to see the puppy we picked for him. It has such a sweet friendly face.

    1. Wog, I wrote a very looooog post a couple of hours ago then when I tried to post the connection had dropped.... bummer. Love the picture and would love to sit on the floor playing with the little critters. Love to all.

  5. Oh Phooey, I'm sorry that you lost your post. Sometimes blogger gets "funny" like that. If I lose a post and have to rewrite it, I copy it the second time before I try to post it again.

    Froggy and I are so glad that you saw the puppy we picked for you. He had such a loveable face, I just knew that you would like him.
