Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Blessings to our Pond Family

~Enjoy this beautiful Sunday~


  1. Hello Pond Family,
    It's a slow start to the day at Froggys. The only one up is Wolfie (Mr. Feed-me).

    Sis, you better get up soon. We miss you on The Pond. You are always an inspiration to me to be a better, more thoughtful person. And I enjoy your sense of humor!

    Surfie, I saw your post this morning on yesterday's picture. You are a good and patient sister. Remember we are sending love and prayers your way for you and your sister.

    Phooey, how is your day going? We always love your posts. Hi to Miss Page.

    Paget, join us when you have time. Your words to Surfie were lovely.

    Gloria, do you have the same weather we are having in Seattle? It's cloudy and cool. If we are lucky the sun will pop out this afternoon. I's been so cool, I haven't had to water Froggy's snapdragons very often.

    Eva, it's such a worry when you plan to move. Sometimes I just pack one or two boxes a day so there's not so much left at the end. Our last move, we even let the movers take the car. Then we rented a really nice SUV so there would be room for the cats. Will your friend Steve be back before you leave? Some people just aren't East coast people. I'm happier on the West coast.

    I'll be back in a little while. Going downstairs to check those snapdragons.

    1. Hi 'WOG. Slow day here, just waiting for a thunderstorm to pass so I can take the dogs out before bedtime. Hope everyone had a peaceful day. Love to all.

  2. I'm up, I'm up! hophophop......

    1. Hi up! Taking dogs out now. Hophophop.....

    2. I love you too Froggy, you have always known that. Nite nite.

  3. Hi to all Frogger Family. Just came home from my sister's. I'm even more confused now. She said, "do you remember back when you were going to come over and didn't?" That was right after I moved here. Me: "honestly, I have no memory of that. Please forgive me."

    THEN, she inspected my new haircut and said it was great. I was waiting for her to complain that I didn't color it. She said, paraphrasing: I wish I had the courage to let my hair be gray. It scares me to no end that my hair is so gray.

    She has always put me down for staying in SoCal after my hubby passed away. In her opinion, I was a fool for not moving myself and our son to OKC and making the boy go to OU. It's a great school, but my son's home and life are in CA. I spent a small fortune staying put and paying for him to attend Berkeley. Best decision I ever made. My dear sister finally agreed that, in hindsight, she was wrong and that I made the right decision.

    Along those lines, we talked about her son (my son's age). He is a hot mess, and she finally admitted his problems. Also admitted that my son might very well have ended up like her son if I had moved him back to OKC after dear hubby's death.

    The air was partially cleared. We spent the rest of the day having fun in the pool. I'm determined to be with her more often, now that she's let her control shell crack.

    Please keep my little sister and I in the prayer circle. I love her so much, and she loves me so much.

    1. Sounds like she needed some more one-on-one sis time, some special attention. Some folks start an argument when they really just want more time. Time with you is special, Surfie. I think she just needs you.
