Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday. Our weekend is here!


  1. Good morning! Love today's picture!

    Froggy, how are you? We all love you so very much. Wish we Ponder Family members could all transport ourselves to Seattle to give you a group hug.

    Group Hug For Froggy!

    BTW ... how did you come up with the Froggy name? I've been wondering about that. I remember how Wog's name came about, but not yours.

    Love you, Froggy!

    1. Good morning Ponders. Group hug. Our weather is still a little gloomy and cool. Sometimes the gloom gets to me. i think it is because I used to be out and about a lot but the last few years I have been staying home much more.

    2. Yes indeed group hug! We love our Froggy!

  2. Hi All,
    What's everyone doing this weekend?

    It's early, and I'm up. That's just silly. Saturday is a day to sleep in. There's nothing to do. Outside doesn't look inviting; no sunshine, and not warm. Will look for news articles to post today.

    1. I am doing errands and cooking dinner for Val and the grands. When they are here we don't have much in the way of leftovers. HA!

    2. Hi Gloria,
      Sorry it's not a nicer day for your family visit. We didn't really get much of a summer. I know that you'll be a busy gal if you are cooking. See you later. Enjoy.

      I'm on my way to hospital cafeteria to pick up an omelet to bring home. I'm not a good cook, so friends and family starve at my house! (Just joking!)

      Drop by later or tomorrow. I am going to post several news articles today. Some interesting, some political.

  3. Hi Surfie,
    That was a good question. Haven't seen Froggy this morning. I'll let her know that you were on. About the time she gets up, I'll be crawling back in bed.

    I wrote you a post last night, late, about self-publishing. Have you tried Amazon's Create Space?


    Seattle removes offensive words 'citizen,' 'brown bag' from vocabulary

    "Sorry Seattle residents, but citizens are no longer allowed to brown bag it, because city officials have decided that the words "citizen" and "brown bag" are offensive.

    "The Office for Civil Rights has circulated a memo encouraging government employees to stop using those terms. Memo author Elliott Bronstein suggests using "residents," "sack lunch" or "lunch and learn" instead. (Because everyone will start asking co-workers "Are we hitting Subway or did you lunch and learn it today?") Bronstein says that brown bag could be misinterpreted as a reference to skin color, while citizen isn't inclusive enough. "A lot of people who live in Seattle aren't citizens but they are residents," he said. "[Citizens] doesn't include a lot of folks."


    1. "I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it."
      Edith Sitwell

    2. That is our Seattle for you. They don't call this the left coast for nothin'.


    Baraka Kanaan forced to crawl on and off plane

    A man crawls off a plane and across the tarmac without any assistance on two flights despite having made arrangements with Delta Airlines for wheelchair accommodations and as compensation for being forced to crawl off the plane, Delta Airlines wanted to compensate 40-year-old paralyzed D. Baraka Kanaan with $100 according to an Aug. 1, 2013, The Inquirer and Mirror report.

    When making his flight arrangements with Delta Airlines, D. Baraka Kanaan let Delta Airlines know that he needed an aisle chair and a lift to get off the plane in order to get into his wheelchair. According to the lawsuit, Delta Airlines told D. Baraka Kanaan that they would accommodate him upon his arrival.

    However, upon his arrival in Nantucket on July 27, 2012, D. Baraka Kanaan was told by a flight attendant that Delta Airlines didn’t have the equipment he had made arrangements for and that the Delta Airlines crew couldn’t get him off the plane.

    Wearing his “nicest suit,” D. Baraka Kanaan did not only have to crawl off the plane but was also forced to crawl “hand over hand through the cabin, down a narrow flight of stairs and across the tarmac while crewmembers simply watched.”


  6. Mr. Kanaan should sue their sorry a$$e$ - big time. Normally I am not in favor of lawsuits but this is injustice. My guess is that there are some cell phone pictures around. Also the airline would settle to keep this off the news.

    1. Gloria, Here's an update to the above story. My Kanaan is suing! This story is outrageous.

      "For any airplane with a seating capacity of 31 or more passengers, the Air Carrier Access Act requires airlines and airports to 'provide boarding assistance to individuals with disabilities by using ramps, mechanical lifts, or other suitable devices where level-entry boarding by loading bridge or mobile lounge is not available.'

      The capacity of the plane Mr. Kanaan was in is unclear.

      A similar incident happened in 2008, when a woman with muscular dystrophy was forced to crawl off of two separate Delta flights.

      Delta has not commented publicly on the suit, and has not filed a response as of Friday, according to online court records.

      Mr. Kanaan is seeking compensatory and punitive damages to be determined at trial.

      Read more:

    2. Delta's initial response to offer $100 as compensation is an insult. That employees stood by and didn't help was inhumane. They should be FIRED!

  7. The history of Froggy's name:

    Phooey posted on Main Page The Lobby There is a pond near the house. Within the pond are at least 4 frogs.
    Around 9PM when I take the dogs out, the frogs talk to me.
    Frog #1: Why? why?
    Frog #2: Yep! yep!
    Frog #3: Ha,ha,ha,ha
    Frog #4: Don't know what it says.... probably an illegal.

    This is a true story.
    March 20 at 19:25 EST . Like . Flag . Delete this comment . Attach image to this comment

    2 people like this.

    DONAL HAHAHAHA! Phooey, you bad thing!
    March 20 at 20:27 EST . Like . Flag

    Phooey Ohh, DONAL? Should I start calling you Froggy #3?
    March 20 at 20:54 EST . Like . Flag . Delete this comment

    DONAL Press 2 for 'ribbet'!, por favor...
    March 20 at 22:02 EST . Like . Flag

    Phooey If any reader thinks I will try to outwit DONAL? You are out of your mind!
    Love you, Froggy! Sing 'Away with Him' with your sister.
    March 20 at 22:28 EST . Like . Flag . Delete this comment

    DONAL You've got a great personality, Phoo! You're a real delight to hop with!
    March 20 at 23:01 EST . Like . Flag

    1. Phooey,
      What a memory. I don't remember any of this Froggy/Pond history. You are a "delight to hop with."

  8. Thank you all. I'm in a bad way. Trying to get better. Love you all!

    1. Our arms and hearts and prayers surround you, dear Froggy Sister. You made this circle of love. Now, be in the middle of it and soak in the power of love from all of us.

  9. My I speak for Froggy. She is resting.
    I want all of you to know how much she loves all of you, and appreciates the prayers and big hugs. You are all so kind and thoughtful.

    1. Give her a forehead smooch from me deer 'WOG.

  10. Just dropping in for the Froggy Hug. No matter what else is going on, we're always ready to hold you close and try and keep the pain away.

  11. Thanks Everyone for dropping by today for Froggy,
    I gave her a couple Pond-Family hugs, and a big smoochie-special on her forehead from Phooey. She said to tell you how special all of you are to her.
