Monday, November 4, 2013

Mon - Friday. Come for a visit at The Pond.


  1. Good Morning, Ponders...
    It seems to be a busy week for everyone. So I put up a picture for the week. Drop by anytime. We'll be here with friends and friendship.

  2. A full week's picture is a good idea, 'Wog. Some weeks are just too crazy to keep up. This is a good way to handle it.

    I'm heading down to Georgia in the morning. My micro great nephew is hanging in there and has gained a whole ounce! The docs keep lowering the oxygen level he needs because his lungs are doing quite well. I feel a little more optimistic, but of course they still refer to his chances as 50/50. I hope to have better news for you soon.

    I'll check in when in can from the deep South. Everyone keep well!!

    1. Deer Eva,
      You go and give that little guy a big hug (well, a little hug). You need to see him. Babies need to be touched, and your touch would be special. We'll be here for you anytime you need us. Have a safe trip.

  3. Pic a week seems like a good idea to me, too. So much going on! How are you 2 girls in Seattle doing? Hope to get an update soon.

    Have a safe trip, Eva. For what it's worth, I have a really good feeling about Nathaniel. When he starts rooting for the Bulldogs, you'll have a great time teasing him about being the micro nephew!

    Got my flu shot today. I'm having a reaction that I haven't had before. There is a small lump like a mosquito bite at the injection site, and it is itching like crazy. Don't know what that means, if anything, because I feel fine overall.

    Love to our deer Pond Family.

    1. HI Surfie,
      I got my flu shot a couple weeks ago. I can't bring flu home to Froggy. She's allergic to flu shots. Well, you know that your shot is working! Speaking of mosquitos, we don't have any in Downtown Seattle.

      I have a good feeling about baby Nathaniel too. Glad Eva is going to see him.

      Froggy was up for a little while, but she starts dozing in her wheelchair. So far she has taken a short walk everyday with the walker. I should work with her exercises a little more.

  4. Good Wednesday Morning Pond Family,
    Hope all is well with everyone. I got Froggy up, fed, and hopped her back to bed. Good day to stay home. Seattle is having a dreary day, actually, a dreary, wet week. I'm on my way to talk with job counselor, then to work at Salvation Army thrift store. See everyone when I get back this evening. We need an update on our baby Nathaniel. Prayers for a good and safe day.

  5. Good to hear from you, Wog. Do you like your thrift store job at all? I know it's just a starter, but hope you like it anyway. I've been seeing how dreary the weather has been in your neck of the woods. Some of the rain makes it my way but mainly just the colder weather. Please give Froggy our love.

    Would love to hear from Eva about Nathaniel. I'm not sure but think she might be traveling right now down to see him and the rest of the family.

    Has anyone heard from Paget?

    I'm so in the mood for winter that I broke open my Christmas boxes. Didn't get out all the strictly Christmas stuff, but did get out my pine-scented candles and put the fake greenery with lights on my mantle. Also filled some glass bowls with winter-scented potpourri. Winter is not my favorite season, but I'm in the mood for it this year. Don't ask why, because I don't know!

    Love to you all.

    1. Hi Deer Surfie,
      Yes, I like my Salvation Army job. I like it when I can work in the back of the store with the guys. They are so fun. It's a very busy job. The warehouse puts a date and price on each item, and they bring us a stack of bins full of stuff. Then we unpack the bins, and put them on the shelves. Sometimes there is barely enough room for things. Every now and then we go through every item and check the dates. The old dates get put back into bins, and returned to the warehouse. The outdated things get auctioned off. And that's all that I know.

      I've been wondering about Paget too. She usually drops by every week or so.

      We'll just have to send prayers to Baby Nathaniel until we here from Eva.

  6. Hi ladies and gentleman. I have been wondering about our Paget too. I sent her an email but no response. Hope she is OK. How is our Froggy and Wog?

    Yesterday Scott and I were out in the yard raking leaves for the last time. I think we are expecting a wind storm again. I have been doing indoorsey things like canning apple sauce, apple pie filling, jam and apple butter. Tommorrow I will be taking my friend for a colonoscopy. Someone has to wait during the procedure and be the chauffeur. I got a book to read from the library. Rescuing the Danish Jews (Holocaust).

    How is that sweet baby Nathaniel? Fresh new life is wonderful and precious.

    1. Hi Gloria,
      My you are busy. I never learned to can, but homemade food sure is tasty! This rainy weather is perfect for all that cooking.

      I've had a couple colonoscopies. I always forget how bad the "drink" is. Last time I only got through one big bottle of the stuff. The second bottle...well, let's say I couldn't even stand the smell of the second bottle. The procedure itself was a piece-of-cake. I did have to have someone drive me home.

      I came home early today, and Froggy is sleeping so I won't wake her. I just check to be sure she is breathing okay.

      No Paget. No news about Nathaniel. I don't worry about Phooey. He'll hop in for a goodnight soon.

      It was raining hard this morning when I took bus to Salvation Army store. I covered my backpack with a plastic bag. Worked pretty good. Was glad to come home where it is warm and dry and happy. I'll be back later and see if anyone has come by.

    2. Hi WOG,
      You're right, don't worry about me. However, I do worry about our Paget. It is possible, due to her job (security clearance) she is not allowed to be on social media. She can read our comments from home. We love you Paget...... and, miss you like crazy!!!!!

    3. Never thought about that. My crazy immagination gets the best of me at times.

  7. Glad you made it through the rain, Wog! Say hi to Froggy for us.

    We are having perfect weather. By next weekend it's supposed to get very very cold, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

    Company cook-out tomorrow! Ben and I will start around 7:30 in order to serve everything by Noon. We're having grilled steaks, smoked beer-can chicken, baked potatoes, green beans, corn, baked beans, lots of different desserts. Ben is leaving to go hunting right after lunch, so Janice and I will clean up. It will be a great treat for all the people who work so hard every day! The only actual work I'll get done tomorrow is writing our Friday bill-paying check run. That's OK.

    Love to you all!

  8. Hoping to stay awake until after we hear Billy Graham's message tonight at 10PM. Love you ladies!

    1. Hi Phooey,
      I know what you mean about staying up late. All this week I was snoozing around 7pm. I missed NCIS and the new Law & Order and a couple other shows I wanted to see. I think that I saw Billy Graham back in the '60s. Very impressive speaker. Very impressive message.

  9. But doesn't Paget have some of our email addresses?

  10. Hi pond friends,

    I couldn't sleep so I got up and decided to catch up at the pond. Thanks Gloria for the email. I missed it until now, but have responded.

    I've been kind of down lately, so I didn't have much to say that would be constructive. For the last week I've been dealing with vision problems, and it's like déjà vu all over again. My corneas are scratched in both eyes, and it's hard to work without my eyes watering and aching. I've got some new drops, and hopefully I'll be better soon. As for now, by the end of the day my eyes are exhausted.

    Anyway, there is more, but that is me trying to make a long story short. LOL

    Thanks all of you for your concern. It means a lot. I love you all.


    1. Paget, I am so sorry that you are going through this eye thing again. Please accept our prayers to lift you up.

  11. I read this this morning on The Dialy Prophecy. It really spoke to me.

    You Have a New Name[Friday, November 8, 2013]
    “Speak positively of yourself, says the Lord. For I have purchased for you a new identity. Whatever others have said you are in a negative way, I have changed it and given you a new name that is opposite of it.”

    Prophetic Scripture:

    Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah… (Isaiah 62:4).

    Often as we go through life, people tend to label us in certain ways based on things such as our personality traits, appearance, or perhaps talents. Some labels we receive aren’t always positive. We are also labeled by our mistakes, or even our inabilities and weaknesses. Also, it isn’t always others who label us. Out of insecurity, we sometimes label ourselves and thereby form certain negative mind-sets about who we believe ourselves to be. This causes us to limit ourselves and may even prevent us from receiving certain blessings from God or from enjoying all the aspects of life He intends for us. In Isaiah 62:4, God tells Israel that He is changing their label and giving their land a different name. They began with the negative name Forsaken. This is reflective of how life tries to label people. However, in spite of it, God changes their name to Hephzibah and their land to Beulah. Basically, the two terms combined mean that God was married to them and that they were His delight.

    Know today that the Lord has labeled you differently than life has tried to label you negatively. Therefore, keep all negative labels out of your vocabulary and rejoice today because you have a brand-new name!


    Father, I thank You that You have given me a new name today. I repent of all negative labels I have accepted or given myself. I thank You that You have named me after positive things and I am Your delight! Amen.

  12. Gloria,
    Thank you so much for a morning prayer. Some mornings I feel a little lost until I get up and start the day. I like to step outside, and know there is a whole world out there beyond any worry I may have. Froggy even tells me that everything is okay, and that it's okay if I just want to lay down and rest for the afternoon. I have a workshop with AARP today at 10am, and then I can rest the whole weekend.

  13. Deer Paget,
    We are relieved to hear from you. So very sorry about your problems. We are always here to send you love and prayers. We are hugging you everyday. We are with you everyday. We are your Friends and we love you.


    DC ObamaCare numbers show 5 people signed up for exchange

    WASHINGTON – While President Obama continues his cross country pitch on the merits of his landmark health care law, dismal new data shows only five people in the D.C. area have signed up for the Affordable Care Act – or ObamaCare.

    The enrollment data from the four health insurance companies participating the D.C. exchange was released Friday by Republicans Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Orrin Hatch of Utah.

    “A lot of Americans are getting cancellation notices from their current health care plan but they haven’t been able to enroll in a new plan,” Grassley said in a written statement. “The limbo and uncertainty are stressful for them, as they’ve been describing in emails to my office. The chaos imposed on so many people is reason to at least delay the individual mandate, if not outright appeal it.”

    Grassley and Hatch contacted CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, Kaiser Permanente, UnitedHealthcare and Aetna. CareFirst reported two enrollees from Oct. 1 through Oct. 30. Kaiser Permanente reported three enrollees from Oct. 1 through Oct. 31. Neither UnitedHealthcare or Aetna had any enrollment data as of Nov. 4 and Oct. 24 respectively.

