Good Sunday Morn... I am still up from Saturday. Just don't want to go to bed. Watching TV and doing Sudoku puzzles. You must read the last article posted last night, or you can Google it. It is a story about the North Koreans sending a man to the sun. They said it would be okay because they sent him at night. (Think about it!)
Hi Wog, you are an early riser! I try to sleep in on the weekends, as I'm up at 4:40 on weekdays. How are you doing? You are a busy caretaker, and I hope you're taking care of yourself too! Give my best wishes to Froggy too. I hope her leg continues to heal, and that she starts to feel better soon.
I read the article you posted yesterday about the N. Koreans sending someone to the sun. Wow. I'm amazed that there is even a "news" article about this! Don't you feel sorry for those poor, brainwashed people?
Speaking of slow cooking; we've had pot roasts for the last two Sundays cooked in our crock pot. The dinner last weekend was wonderful, as the meat just fell apart, it was so tender. Today I found another promising recipe, and I'm hoping for a good outcome.
Gloria, I hope your family is feeling better by now. I've noticed that my hubby suffers a lot from back pain, and a torn tendon that still bothers him every day. He complains about it, and I try to "fix" his pain, but he really doesn't want that. What seems to work best for him is just me being there for him, and he knows I care.
My previous boss was a real character. When something unfair would happen that was out of his control, and we were upset, he would say, "there, there, "… and he'd give us a chocolate candy Band-Aid to make us feel better! Sounds strange, but it seemed to help.
Last week I had jury duty for only one day. It was a wasted day, of sit down and wait; go home for three hours and come back at 3:00. Wait around some more. Then finally, we were sent home because the guy pleaded guilty. That was all before our group was even interviewed to be on the jury. I had no problem doing my civic duty, but it just reminded me of how things run by the government can be so screwed up. I was thankful it ended when it did, as it was a child abuse case, and those are heartbreaking.
Hi Paget, Such a newsy post today. Your poor hubby. There really isn't anything we can do for someone else's pain, except be there. I sit in Froggy's wheelchair beside her bed when she lays down. I try to watch her TV, but usually fall asleep. Sometimes I forget that it's okay to have a day off. It's okay if I don't do anything today. I got dressed this morning so I could be busy, but ended up putting my bathrobe back on, and relaxing on sofa. Did some puzzles. Read news on Internet. Watching TV with Froggy when she's up. I just try to keep her company, and push her wheelchair if she needs it.
Glad you enjoyed the article about the N. Koreans going to the sun. The story shows their profound ignorance. I liked that they sent the astronaut at night! REALLY? AT NIGHT? The sun doesn't have "night."
Jury duty shouldn't be calling you for a couple years now. I tried to act goofy, but they picked me for a trial anyway. Turned out like yours. Both sides made a deal before the jury had to do anything. Something about a golf ball hitting a car and breaking the window.
Froggy just read that stamps are going up in price starting Monday.
Enjoy your weekend, Deer Friend. Monday comes too fast.
Hi everyone. So enjoyed reading everyone's posts. Love it when Ponders just post away about their days.
Janice (my boss) and I spent the day at her mother's 2 houses in a little hole in the wall town called Covington today. Her mom passed away a few months ago. Two houses, 2 garages, 2 storage buildings and they are all packed to the gills with antiques and collectibles. I was like a kid in a candy store! Her mother has lived in the main house since it was built in the 20's and never got rid of a single thing in her life.
Janice doesn't know a thing about what's valuable. I was one of the early eBay sellers and went on to do estate sales for people. I don't know everything, but I know a lot. There were pieces of pottery in the garage easily worth $150 each that Janice thought was junk.
Anyway, I'm going to get the good stuff sold then do an estate sale for the rest and take 25% of the profits. Good thing my boss and I get along so well with each other. When we're out together, people think we're sisters. Thank You Dear Lord for bring me and this job together!
It got up to nearly 70 degrees today. We're back in the deep freeze by tomorrow morning, but it sure was nice to sit in the swing on Verna's porch and feel warm sunshine.
PS: Sad thing about the story WOG posted about North Korea saying they had been to the sun is: I wonder how many North Koreans believe it. They have lived in such a controlled dictatorship for so many generations. I pray for their freedom.
Surfie, I would love to go through all the antiques with you. I used to sell on eBay too. Nothing exciting, but I learned how to do it. When I work at the Salvation Army thrift store, I often find things that the guys (younger than me) don't realize are of interest to collectors. Twice I have found those metal boxes that you hang on the wall and drop a box of wood matches inside. That way the matches are easy to get for lighting stove. I take the boxes and put them with the collectibles at the front of the store. We also get a lot of flour sifters. Something that is no longer needed these days.
Surfie, I am in total jealously about the antiques. I learned a lot working in an antique store. I just don't have a source for buying in my area. My daughter does. She sells on Ebay but not antiques. I sold some stuff a while back but cannot bring myself to let go of some of my special things. I should be at her house during estate and yard sale season to find items to resell. People in Val's town know she sells on Ebay and ask her to help with their yard sales tagging and pricing.
I have no idea what is valuable for collectors and what isn't, but I absolutely adore wandering through antique stores. I like finding things that remind me of my childhood or things that look as though they could have been in my grandparents' houses. I think some of that is normal the older we get, but simply because of the way things are in the country now, I think it's accelerated. I just hate hearing about all of the crap that's going on and I want to go back to a time when men were men, women were women, people loved their country and helped others who were having rough times without being told to. That's my rant for the day :)
Yesterday, Bambu turned 18. Joe said we'd celebrate his birthday all weekend. I just wish Puffin were here to be 18 as well.
Baby Nathaniel Update: We're keeping our fingers crossed that his homecoming is only a couple of weeks away now, but we don't have a date certain. A couple of days ago they took his oxygen away (again) and he seems to be doing just fine. This morning, they took his feeding tube out. Nikki has pretty much moved into the hospital to be able to nurse whenever he's hungry. She has stockpiled so much extra milk that they could use some of it to bottle feed him when she isn't there, but she wants to avoid that as much as possible. We'll see how he does. Last weigh-in was 5lbs 10oz!!
We have no Ponders pondering today. So I shall venture a couple ponders. I went to my writing group this afternoon. We talk and share our thoughts about writing journals, poems, books, etc. Everyone is working on something different. But doing it and getting it done is the important part of each o our projects. At our ages there is no longer, "I'll do it later," or" I'll do it someday."
Froggy is taking her afternoon siesta until Judge Judy comes on TV. That's about all the excitement we have today.
WOG, I didn't realize that you go to a writing group. How fun! Do you write anything at all? Keep a journal or diary? That could be a good start for you to "get the juices going." I'd love to hear more about this. You are a very interesting woman, deer WOG.
Sure enough, we went from sunny and warm yesterday to bitter cold and possible snow tonight. Supposed to be very cold all week. Looks like Phooey and EC have warmed up, though. EC, have your curly crotons survived?
Love the news about Nathaniel. The thought of how joyous it will be to get him home makes me happy, happy, happy!
I'm eating leftovers and working on pricing the things we packed into Janice's SUV yesterday. Have the list and pictures, so I'll be researching away. I love this kind of "work."
WOG, I've been thinking about you and writing for a while. I seriously would like you to start a journal or two. Just free-flow about family memories, interesting things you've encountered during your life, what you do every day in the present.
Don't make it a task. Just journal! Let it pour out of you. You might be surprised about what you can write when it isn't a task. Of course, I hope you share a lot of it with us.
Surfie, it's interesting that you would suggest a free-flow of writing. Our main person who guides us and tries to inspire us suggested the same thing. Just write whatever pops into your mind. Maybe I could do some journaling every week, and share a few stories on The Pond. I'm mainly interested in true crime right now.
Oh,yes. I would be very interested in what you write. The internet has a certain amount of anonymity. Even though our Ponders are friends we only know about each other what we choose to share.
Does Blogger have a way to post a picture? I came across a picture on Pinterest that I would like to post. Every year on Jan 27th along the bank of the River Danube in Hungary shoes are placed to commemorate the day in WW2 when Jews were lined up and forced to remove shoes at which point they were forced into the river to drown. The picture is poignant.
I'm not sure about this, but if you want to post an actual picture, I think you have to send the link to the blog owner. On the other hand, you can probably post a link to a picture.
Gloria, I don't how Ponder can post pictures or videos. I just know how to change the picture for the day or the week. There must be a way. If you send the link, I can get the picture and post it in place of our "Meerkats."
Thank you Gloria, I really didn't know about the shoes. It made me cry too. I still don't know how to post pics in the comments area. Will try it this weekend.
We got snowed on again last night. Sigh. It's beautiful, but definitely makes it difficult to get around. I swept the snow off the front porch, stairs & walkway. I started to dig Joe's car out (schools aren't closed, just have delayed openings), but the plow came along and plowed the street snow into our driveway. Sheesh! Joe managed to get out anyway.
I don't want to jinx anything, but the latest news is that Nathaniel may get to go home Friday!!! Fingers are crossed. They got snowed on in Georgia, too and to them, it's an apocalypse. When my niece called me, I started to sniffle. I choked it back, but I know that when she calls to say he's actually home, I'm going to start bawling :)
So excited about Nathaniel getting to come home. What a blessing and answer to so many prayers that precious little guy is.
The picture of the shoes made me cry, too. There must be a special place in Heaven for those women. And a special place in Hell for the people who so brutally murdered them.
Those are some terrible stories about the southern states having such a storm. People who live in places like Eva & Joe, and even here in OK, are equipped to deal with it. We're on the roller coaster around here. It was 70 last Sunday, then snowed Sunday night/Monday morning. Freezing this week until tomorrow when it's supposed to get up into the 50's and 60's for the rest of the week. Then another, big winter storm on Monday. The only constant is the wind. My sinuses are a wreck!
For some reason, this week is going by at a snail's pace. Probably because there is so much I want to do this weekend and can't wait for it to get here.
Good Morning Deer Eva, Any other Ponder up? Just a note before I run for the bus. I have work today. Will return to Pond when I get back this afternoon. We have news to catch up on.
Hi deers. TGIF tomorrow. Hope Nathaniel gets to come home tomorrow. Any news, Eva?
Think I'm having a mid-life crisis at the age of 59. I took a good look at myself in the mirror a few weeks ago and it wasn't pretty. My body is starting to look like my mother's did when she started rapidly ageing. I know I'll never look 25 again but I seriously need to get in better shape.
So, a week ago, I started a program called Body for Life for Women. I already eat very healthfully, but need to kick in with the exercise program. So far, so good. I'm down from 20 to 7 cigarettes a day and plan to be smoke-free by the end of February (I just can't do it cold turkey).
The big thing I'm scared about is this: I'm getting a haircut tomorrow and am going to color the gray away. It seriously is scaring me. Hope I don't hate it.
Surfie, at least you have something to work with. I feel like I am beyond help. I give up. I believe you will be sucessful at kicking smoking.
As for coloring your hair try temporary hair color first. I quit foiling my hair and it took me a log time to get it to grow out. Now I am just all grey around my face. Look at some pics of mature ladies like Judy Dench and Jamie Lee Curtis who look so cute with short spikey dos and all grey.
Sure am hoping to hear from Eva soon about Nathaniel's homecoming. WOG and Frog, can we have a homecoming party when the little guy gets to go home?
Bracing myself and getting ready for 2 big storms coming this way. Loading the house with food and water tomorrow. Hopefully will be able to meet brother & sis and their spouses for dinner tomorrow night (if we can go, my brother will drive me). First snow storm expected on Sunday, then a big one on Tuesday. Of course, the weather could miss us or it could be worse. I'll take each day as it comes.
I got one of the best haircuts today that I've had in my life. And I did NOT color it! My sis and SIL have been bugging me to color my hair. I really didn't want to because it's such high, expensive maintenance and I actually like my gray. But I was beginning to doubt myself. When I sat down in the chair and Shannon took a look at my hair and started figuring out a good cut for me, she BEGGED me to not do any color. The cut she gave me actually makes my gray hair shine in all it's glory. I'm a happy woman right now!
Surfie, Gloria... Sounds like you did wonderful things with your hair. Sometimes just a trip to the beauty salon can make a woman feel better and prettier and more confident. I still don't have grey hair...though there are a few mixed in that you can see in the sunlight. My hair is almost down to my shoulders. Will get it cut short soon. I don't like to fuss with my hair. But like the front short enough that it's not in my eyes. It's straight, and I don't want to do perms anymore. So I start trimming the bangs sometimes. That means it's time for a real haircut before I chop too much.
Yes, we need a Baby Nathaniel party. Haven't heard anything yet. He may have to compete with the Super Bowl on Sunday. But he definitely needs a Pond-Family Welcome-Home party.
Isn't this winter weather weird? It is like everything is upside down. Our winter has been very mild but it isn't even Feb yet. Imagine me getting to drive over the pass in Jan! I heard one minister say that those severe geological events (tsunamis and earthquakes) that we had shook the Earth on it's axis enough to push the gulf stream north 200 miles. All I know is that God is in charge and His ways are higher than my ways. That is good enough for me.
I was wondering about Surfie's hair. When I decided to stop the foiling it was because of the expense but it took a long time for it to grow out. I even tried to do something new and grow it longer into a bob. Short hair looks best on me. I wish I had more grey!
A party for baby Nathaniel would be nice.
Haven't heard from Phoo man for a while. Hope Paget, Eva and EC are all Ok.
Baby Nathaniel is home!! Glory be to G-d! First I got a beautiful 5 second video of 3-year-old Isaac holding his baby brother in his lap. I could hear Nikki in the background asking, "Who is that?" Isaac said (in a soft voice of wonder) "Baby Nathaniel" Nikki asked, "And do you love him?" Isaac said "Yes!" Then Nathaniel started to cry. And then I started to cry.
Later she sent me a text asking if I had time to Skype. I told her I'd get on the computer immediately. Honestly, I was practically bouncing on the chair while I talked to her and looked at that dear little boy. We only talked for a few minutes, but she held Nathaniel up so I got a good look at him. She told me that my father met them at the hospital and promptly got weepy when he saw the baby. I called him tonight and he was so happy! Also, very tired, so I let him go to sleep.
Thinking back to the beginning, I am so grateful that this day has come. He had a 25% chance of surviving and he made it to this day. How anyone can say there is no power greater than us human beings is beyond me. Thank you all for going through this with me and adding your prayers to mine. They worked!
I can hardly wait to get my hands on that little boy. I'll be going down to Georgia in a month.
A Happy Day indeed! Our Baby Nathaniel has come home. We Ponders celebrate too. Cake for everyone. It's a party day for Baby Nathaniel and his beloved family and the Pond Family.
Good Sunday Morn...
ReplyDeleteI am still up from Saturday. Just don't want to go to bed. Watching TV and doing Sudoku puzzles. You must read the last article posted last night, or you can Google it. It is a story about the North Koreans sending a man to the sun. They said it would be okay because they sent him at night. (Think about it!)
Good afternoon everyone!
ReplyDeleteHi Wog, you are an early riser! I try to sleep in on the weekends, as I'm up at 4:40 on weekdays. How are you doing? You are a busy caretaker, and I hope you're taking care of yourself too! Give my best wishes to Froggy too. I hope her leg continues to heal, and that she starts to feel better soon.
I read the article you posted yesterday about the N. Koreans sending someone to the sun. Wow. I'm amazed that there is even a "news" article about this! Don't you feel sorry for those poor, brainwashed people?
Speaking of slow cooking; we've had pot roasts for the last two Sundays cooked in our crock pot. The dinner last weekend was wonderful, as the meat just fell apart, it was so tender. Today I found another promising recipe, and I'm hoping for a good outcome.
Gloria, I hope your family is feeling better by now. I've noticed that my hubby suffers a lot from back pain, and a torn tendon that still bothers him every day. He complains about it, and I try to "fix" his pain, but he really doesn't want that. What seems to work best for him is just me being there for him, and he knows I care.
My previous boss was a real character. When something unfair would happen that was out of his control, and we were upset, he would say, "there, there, "… and he'd give us a chocolate candy Band-Aid to make us feel better! Sounds strange, but it seemed to help.
Last week I had jury duty for only one day. It was a wasted day, of sit down and wait; go home for three hours and come back at 3:00. Wait around some more. Then finally, we were sent home because the guy pleaded guilty. That was all before our group was even interviewed to be on the jury. I had no problem doing my civic duty, but it just reminded me of how things run by the government can be so screwed up. I was thankful it ended when it did, as it was a child abuse case, and those are heartbreaking.
I need to start getting ready for the work week.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
Love from Paget
Hi Paget,
DeleteSuch a newsy post today. Your poor hubby. There really isn't anything we can do for someone else's pain, except be there. I sit in Froggy's wheelchair beside her bed when she lays down. I try to watch her TV, but usually fall asleep. Sometimes I forget that it's okay to have a day off. It's okay if I don't do anything today. I got dressed this morning so I could be busy, but ended up putting my bathrobe back on, and relaxing on sofa. Did some puzzles. Read news on Internet. Watching TV with Froggy when she's up. I just try to keep her company, and push her wheelchair if she needs it.
Glad you enjoyed the article about the N. Koreans going to the sun. The story shows their profound ignorance. I liked that they sent the astronaut at night! REALLY? AT NIGHT? The sun doesn't have "night."
Jury duty shouldn't be calling you for a couple years now. I tried to act goofy, but they picked me for a trial anyway. Turned out like yours. Both sides made a deal before the jury had to do anything. Something about a golf ball hitting a car and breaking the window.
Froggy just read that stamps are going up in price starting Monday.
Enjoy your weekend, Deer Friend. Monday comes too fast.
Hi everyone. So enjoyed reading everyone's posts. Love it when Ponders just post away about their days.
ReplyDeleteJanice (my boss) and I spent the day at her mother's 2 houses in a little hole in the wall town called Covington today. Her mom passed away a few months ago. Two houses, 2 garages, 2 storage buildings and they are all packed to the gills with antiques and collectibles. I was like a kid in a candy store! Her mother has lived in the main house since it was built in the 20's and never got rid of a single thing in her life.
Janice doesn't know a thing about what's valuable. I was one of the early eBay sellers and went on to do estate sales for people. I don't know everything, but I know a lot. There were pieces of pottery in the garage easily worth $150 each that Janice thought was junk.
Anyway, I'm going to get the good stuff sold then do an estate sale for the rest and take 25% of the profits. Good thing my boss and I get along so well with each other. When we're out together, people think we're sisters. Thank You Dear Lord for bring me and this job together!
It got up to nearly 70 degrees today. We're back in the deep freeze by tomorrow morning, but it sure was nice to sit in the swing on Verna's porch and feel warm sunshine.
See all tomorrow!
PS: Sad thing about the story WOG posted about North Korea saying they had been to the sun is: I wonder how many North Koreans believe it. They have lived in such a controlled dictatorship for so many generations. I pray for their freedom.
DeleteI would love to go through all the antiques with you. I used to sell on eBay too. Nothing exciting, but I learned how to do it. When I work at the Salvation Army thrift store, I often find things that the guys (younger than me) don't realize are of interest to collectors. Twice I have found those metal boxes that you hang on the wall and drop a box of wood matches inside. That way the matches are easy to get for lighting stove. I take the boxes and put them with the collectibles at the front of the store. We also get a lot of flour sifters. Something that is no longer needed these days.
Surfie, I am in total jealously about the antiques. I learned a lot working in an antique store. I just don't have a source for buying in my area. My daughter does. She sells on Ebay but not antiques. I sold some stuff a while back but cannot bring myself to let go of some of my special things. I should be at her house during estate and yard sale season to find items to resell. People in Val's town know she sells on Ebay and ask her to help with their yard sales tagging and pricing.
DeleteI have no idea what is valuable for collectors and what isn't, but I absolutely adore wandering through antique stores. I like finding things that remind me of my childhood or things that look as though they could have been in my grandparents' houses. I think some of that is normal the older we get, but simply because of the way things are in the country now, I think it's accelerated. I just hate hearing about all of the crap that's going on and I want to go back to a time when men were men, women were women, people loved their country and helped others who were having rough times without being told to. That's my rant for the day :)
ReplyDeleteYesterday, Bambu turned 18. Joe said we'd celebrate his birthday all weekend. I just wish Puffin were here to be 18 as well.
Baby Nathaniel Update: We're keeping our fingers crossed that his homecoming is only a couple of weeks away now, but we don't have a date certain. A couple of days ago they took his oxygen away (again) and he seems to be doing just fine. This morning, they took his feeding tube out. Nikki has pretty much moved into the hospital to be able to nurse whenever he's hungry. She has stockpiled so much extra milk that they could use some of it to bottle feed him when she isn't there, but she wants to avoid that as much as possible. We'll see how he does. Last weigh-in was 5lbs 10oz!!
You Ponders have so much interesting stuff to talk about.
ReplyDeleteMore good news about Nathaniel. I love babies and the new life they bring. My favorite age is when they begin to walk and talk.
We have no Ponders pondering today. So I shall venture a couple ponders. I went to my writing group this afternoon. We talk and share our thoughts about writing journals, poems, books, etc. Everyone is working on something different. But doing it and getting it done is the important part of each o our projects. At our ages there is no longer, "I'll do it later," or" I'll do it someday."
ReplyDeleteFroggy is taking her afternoon siesta until Judge Judy comes on TV. That's about all the excitement we have today.
WOG, I didn't realize that you go to a writing group. How fun! Do you write anything at all? Keep a journal or diary? That could be a good start for you to "get the juices going." I'd love to hear more about this. You are a very interesting woman, deer WOG.
ReplyDeleteSure enough, we went from sunny and warm yesterday to bitter cold and possible snow tonight. Supposed to be very cold all week. Looks like Phooey and EC have warmed up, though. EC, have your curly crotons survived?
Love the news about Nathaniel. The thought of how joyous it will be to get him home makes me happy, happy, happy!
I'm eating leftovers and working on pricing the things we packed into Janice's SUV yesterday. Have the list and pictures, so I'll be researching away. I love this kind of "work."
WOG, I've been thinking about you and writing for a while. I seriously would like you to start a journal or two. Just free-flow about family memories, interesting things you've encountered during your life, what you do every day in the present.
DeleteDon't make it a task. Just journal! Let it pour out of you. You might be surprised about what you can write when it isn't a task. Of course, I hope you share a lot of it with us.
Surfie, it's interesting that you would suggest a free-flow of writing. Our main person who guides us and tries to inspire us suggested the same thing. Just write whatever pops into your mind. Maybe I could do some journaling every week, and share a few stories on The Pond. I'm mainly interested in true crime right now.
DeleteOh,yes. I would be very interested in what you write. The internet has a certain amount of anonymity. Even though our Ponders are friends we only know about each other what we choose to share.
DeleteDoes Blogger have a way to post a picture? I came across a picture on Pinterest that I would like to post. Every year on Jan 27th along the bank of the River Danube in Hungary shoes are placed to commemorate the day in WW2 when Jews were lined up and forced to remove shoes at which point they were forced into the river to drown. The picture is poignant.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure about this, but if you want to post an actual picture, I think you have to send the link to the blog owner. On the other hand, you can probably post a link to a picture.
DeleteGloria, I don't how Ponder can post pictures or videos. I just know how to change the picture for the day or the week. There must be a way. If you send the link, I can get the picture and post it in place of our "Meerkats."
DeleteTry this. This is from my Pinterest board. I hope it works.
Thank you Gloria, I really didn't know about the shoes. It made me cry too. I still don't know how to post pics in the comments area. Will try it this weekend.
ReplyDeleteThat's just amazing, that picture.
ReplyDeleteWe got snowed on again last night. Sigh. It's beautiful, but definitely makes it difficult to get around. I swept the snow off the front porch, stairs & walkway. I started to dig Joe's car out (schools aren't closed, just have delayed openings), but the plow came along and plowed the street snow into our driveway. Sheesh! Joe managed to get out anyway.
I don't want to jinx anything, but the latest news is that Nathaniel may get to go home Friday!!! Fingers are crossed. They got snowed on in Georgia, too and to them, it's an apocalypse. When my niece called me, I started to sniffle. I choked it back, but I know that when she calls to say he's actually home, I'm going to start bawling :)
Eva, how exciting for your family! That will be the best news! :)
DeleteSo excited about Nathaniel getting to come home. What a blessing and answer to so many prayers that precious little guy is.
ReplyDeleteThe picture of the shoes made me cry, too. There must be a special place in Heaven for those women. And a special place in Hell for the people who so brutally murdered them.
Those are some terrible stories about the southern states having such a storm. People who live in places like Eva & Joe, and even here in OK, are equipped to deal with it. We're on the roller coaster around here. It was 70 last Sunday, then snowed Sunday night/Monday morning. Freezing this week until tomorrow when it's supposed to get up into the 50's and 60's for the rest of the week. Then another, big winter storm on Monday. The only constant is the wind. My sinuses are a wreck!
For some reason, this week is going by at a snail's pace. Probably because there is so much I want to do this weekend and can't wait for it to get here.
I tried to write a couple times at The Pond, but fell asleep. So I'll just say Goodnight Deer Friends.
ReplyDeleteTTFN (this is my very first TTFN!)
I love Tigger, 'Wog.
DeleteStill waking up. TTFN.
Good Morning Deer Eva, Any other Ponder up?
ReplyDeleteJust a note before I run for the bus. I have work today. Will return to Pond when I get back this afternoon. We have news to catch up on.
Hi deers. TGIF tomorrow. Hope Nathaniel gets to come home tomorrow. Any news, Eva?
ReplyDeleteThink I'm having a mid-life crisis at the age of 59. I took a good look at myself in the mirror a few weeks ago and it wasn't pretty. My body is starting to look like my mother's did when she started rapidly ageing. I know I'll never look 25 again but I seriously need to get in better shape.
So, a week ago, I started a program called Body for Life for Women. I already eat very healthfully, but need to kick in with the exercise program. So far, so good. I'm down from 20 to 7 cigarettes a day and plan to be smoke-free by the end of February (I just can't do it cold turkey).
The big thing I'm scared about is this: I'm getting a haircut tomorrow and am going to color the gray away. It seriously is scaring me. Hope I don't hate it.
Please tell me I haven't lost my mind!
Surfie, at least you have something to work with. I feel like I am beyond help. I give up. I believe you will be sucessful at kicking smoking.
DeleteAs for coloring your hair try temporary hair color first. I quit foiling my hair and it took me a log time to get it to grow out. Now I am just all grey around my face. Look at some pics of mature ladies like Judy Dench and Jamie Lee Curtis who look so cute with short spikey dos and all grey.
Wog, thank you for showing that picture of the shoes. I just wanted to share something that moved me.
ReplyDeleteSure am hoping to hear from Eva soon about Nathaniel's homecoming. WOG and Frog, can we have a homecoming party when the little guy gets to go home?
ReplyDeleteBracing myself and getting ready for 2 big storms coming this way. Loading the house with food and water tomorrow. Hopefully will be able to meet brother & sis and their spouses for dinner tomorrow night (if we can go, my brother will drive me). First snow storm expected on Sunday, then a big one on Tuesday. Of course, the weather could miss us or it could be worse. I'll take each day as it comes.
I got one of the best haircuts today that I've had in my life. And I did NOT color it! My sis and SIL have been bugging me to color my hair. I really didn't want to because it's such high, expensive maintenance and I actually like my gray. But I was beginning to doubt myself. When I sat down in the chair and Shannon took a look at my hair and started figuring out a good cut for me, she BEGGED me to not do any color. The cut she gave me actually makes my gray hair shine in all it's glory. I'm a happy woman right now!
Surfie, Gloria...
DeleteSounds like you did wonderful things with your hair. Sometimes just a
trip to the beauty salon can make a woman feel better and prettier and more confident. I still don't have grey hair...though there are a few mixed in that you can see in the sunlight. My hair is almost down to my shoulders. Will get it cut short soon. I don't like to fuss with my hair. But like the front short enough that it's not in my eyes. It's straight, and I don't want to do perms anymore. So I start trimming the bangs sometimes. That means it's time for a real haircut before I chop too much.
Yes, we need a Baby Nathaniel party. Haven't heard anything yet. He may have to compete with the Super Bowl on Sunday. But he definitely needs a Pond-Family Welcome-Home party.
Surfie, I'll bet you're gorgeous now! You know the outside is only part of it. What's inside comes shining through!!
DeleteIsn't this winter weather weird? It is like everything is upside down. Our winter has been very mild but it isn't even Feb yet. Imagine me getting to drive over the pass in Jan! I heard one minister say that those severe geological events (tsunamis and earthquakes) that we had shook the Earth on it's axis enough to push the gulf stream north 200 miles. All I know is that God is in charge and His ways are higher than my ways. That is good enough for me.
DeleteI was wondering about Surfie's hair. When I decided to stop the foiling it was because of the expense but it took a long time for it to grow out. I even tried to do something new and grow it longer into a bob. Short hair looks best on me. I wish I had more grey!
A party for baby Nathaniel would be nice.
Haven't heard from Phoo man for a while. Hope Paget, Eva and EC are all Ok.
Baby Nathaniel is home!! Glory be to G-d! First I got a beautiful 5 second video of 3-year-old Isaac holding his baby brother in his lap. I could hear Nikki in the background asking, "Who is that?" Isaac said (in a soft voice of wonder) "Baby Nathaniel" Nikki asked, "And do you love him?" Isaac said "Yes!" Then Nathaniel started to cry. And then I started to cry.
ReplyDeleteLater she sent me a text asking if I had time to Skype. I told her I'd get on the computer immediately. Honestly, I was practically bouncing on the chair while I talked to her and looked at that dear little boy. We only talked for a few minutes, but she held Nathaniel up so I got a good look at him. She told me that my father met them at the hospital and promptly got weepy when he saw the baby. I called him tonight and he was so happy! Also, very tired, so I let him go to sleep.
Thinking back to the beginning, I am so grateful that this day has come. He had a 25% chance of surviving and he made it to this day. How anyone can say there is no power greater than us human beings is beyond me. Thank you all for going through this with me and adding your prayers to mine. They worked!
I can hardly wait to get my hands on that little boy. I'll be going down to Georgia in a month.
Love to you all!
Hallelulia and Amen!
DeleteShalom little Nathaniel.
I am tearing up.
Praise the Lord oh my soul, and all that is within me praise His holy name!
DeleteWelcome home little one. Your Father in Heaven has big plans for you.
Eva, I'm more happy than I can say for you and your whole family.
Love, Love, Love this wonderful news! Eva, God has truly blessed your family! So happy baby Nathaniel is home! :)
DeletePraise God ! Best news I've heard in a long, long time. Happy, happy, happy !
ReplyDeleteHi Phoo. Been wondering about you.
DeleteA Happy Day indeed!
ReplyDeleteOur Baby Nathaniel has come home. We Ponders celebrate too. Cake for everyone. It's a party day for Baby Nathaniel and his beloved family and the Pond Family.