Eva, Spring is what I was thinking of when I posted this beautiful butterfly. Seattle has had a lot of rain lately, and the robins are busy finding earthworms in the wet soil. Robins are a good sign that spring is coming ...soon, I hope.
Funny you should say that about robins, 'Wog. A handful of them have just started to land on the bushes at the side of our house. I was so surprised to see them because there's still a lot of snow outside. We're supposed to get another dusting tonight. Tired of the white stuff!
Spring is definitely starting. We've been in the 60's for a few days and up to 75 tomorrow. The 10-day has us up in the 60's every day. There's even a slight chance for our 1st thunderstorm this week. Haven't seen any robins yet. Love them!
We had 5 earthquakes last night/this morning! Biggest one was a 4.0, not very far from my house. I didn't feel a thing. There are faults all over the U.S. Seems like the ones around here are waking up.
I have a cold. Almost everyone in my office came to work with a cold this morning. It was actually kind of funny, all the sneezing and coughing and nose blowing. I went to work fully intending to only stay long enough to get the critical stuff done then going home around 11. Everyone else came to work with the same thoughts. So, we all sucked it up and stayed all day together.
We decided it's Pappy's fault. Pappy (real name David) is our truck driver. He's old, retired Army, and came to work sick last week.
Have you read all the news articles about where our antibiotics come from? From what I've read, 100% in the U.S. market originate in China. I'm giving myself another couple of days to get over this and research the truth of the news stories before going to the doc.
Eva, Don't know much about robins. They just seem to appear out of nowhere. You don't hear that they hibernate, and pop out in the spring. And you don't hear that they fly south in the winter. Just where do robins hang out?
Surfie, Well, you can get over your cold, and not get another one til next year. It's pretty miserable while you have it. Earthquakes are something I am afraid of. You don' t know when they are coming. I'll look for a news article about the antibiotics.
Phooey, you and EC have having beautiful weather. Yes, I'm jealous!
All Chinese honey is ordered off shelves from Daily Mail, February 18, 2014
Food watchdogs have ordered all Chinese-produced honey to be withdrawn from sale after trials found that much of it is contaminated by antibiotics.
Forty per cent of the honey sold in the UK comes from China. Tests of 16 pots found that ten contained the powerful antibiotic chloramphenicol. The chemical is a trigger for aplastic anaemia, a rare but serious blood disorder which affects up to 100 people in Britain each year. It has also been linked to leukaemia.
The news comes just two weeks after the Food Standards Agency told leading supermarkets to withdraw specific batches of own-brand honey produced in China which were found to be contaminated with another antibiotic, streptomycin.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-101494/All-Chinese-honey-ordered-shelves.html#ixzz2tdNkIRJj Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
U.S. Olympic team continues to adopt all of Russia's stray dogs
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia – Amanda Bird already was missing her Australian shepherd puppy Sammy when she arrived for the Sochi Olympics.
Then her first sight stepping out of the airport was of one of the many stray dogs around the Olympic Park in Adler and even here in the mountains whose safety has become a cause among animal rights supporters and some athletes such as American ski slopestyle silver medalist Gus Kenworthy.
Kenworthy is arranging for a litter of four puppies to return with him to the United States for adoption. Bird, U.S. press officer for bobsled/skeleton and former athlete in those sports, also plans to adopt a dog, sparing it from exterminators hired by the government to rid the Olympic area of pets left behind when families were forced to move for construction and a population swelled by lack of spaying and neutering.
You Ponders are all so interesting. Love reading your posts. It is so cool about the Olympians adopting those stray dogs. The pups are adorable.
About the antibiotics being made in China, it doesn't suprise me. The majority of our generic drugs are made overseas too. Especially India. My BP meds and diruetic are generic - it creeps me out, but what can you do about it? It strikes me that any country that has no health laws shouldn't be making meds for us. I think about dirty water used in manufacturing.
The honey thing is called honey laundering. Our country doesn't recieve honey from China. However the chinese sells vats of impure honey to other countries which mix it with other honey and then sell it to us. In the past everytime I have told Scott about things like honey to look out for he doesn't really believe me. He has to read it. He is slowly coming around. So proud when he brings home organic or local.
Hey, I can only post from the DH pc, our weather is unbelievable, 30 at night and then 80 daytime. Dogs keep losing hair. Vacuum constantly. That is such a nice story about the athletes rescuing the pups. I have to take honey for my lactose intolerance but am lucky I have a lady about 5 miles away with hives. We met a vendor at a local fair that sells antibiotics for fish tank owners, sounds weird but I checked him out and can get the stuff for the hurricane closet without a 'script, it does come from India but he verifies it. We all need to stock up on anything you take, if you follow Attercliffe on the mothership, she always posts what the UK is doing to patients, and it is coming here. That idiot McCain wanted all vitamins to require 'scripts. DH needs 3 meds and 18 different vits and supplements to work 14 hr days. Puritan Pride is my supplier, USA, the meds come from the VA and as far as I know, USA made. He has to take Lisinopril and Metoprolol for BP, but most important is Plavix to protect his 3 coated stents. PS: Honey from a store has been heated to 105 degrees to keep it fluid, that destroys the antibiotics and enzymes so will not help you. I need those for my gut. Try local honey if you need antibiotics.
EC, I have this image of you following your pups around with a vacuum cleaner.
I want the gubmint to leave our vitamins and supplements alone. They (our elected officials) seem to think they know what is best for us.
Why is Jeb Bush pushing Common Core? I don't like that he is getting behind it. Who can be trusted anymore? There always seems to be things going on in the background.
Jeb was a good governor after Walk'in Lawton, but I think he is part of the elite Repubs that want to destroy the tea party movement. Common Core is Communist propaganda. http://www.american.com/archive/2013/july/5-things-every-parent-needs-to-know-about-the-common-core
EC I think you're right about Jeb. Just another elitist who wants to destroy the tea party movement. They are all the same on both sides of the aisle. Keep or grow and consolidate their power and wealth at the expense of the Constitution and the people they swore an oath to serve.
I've been reading here and other places for a long time that local honey is the only honey to take. Why have I kept putting off driving 45 minutes to a local honey farm? I don't know, but I'll be going there this weekend. Buying and eating from local, small farms was easy when I lived in SoCal. Takes a little more work here in OKC, but I'm determined to do it.
I don't have a cold. Have upper & lower bacterial respiratory infections. Doc says it is not the flu and is going around big time. I'm pretty healthy for my age and fought it for a couple of days but finally threw in the towel and am taking amoxicillin. My BP has always been good (124/60 range). Today it was 140/80 which scared the wits out of me. Doc thinks is because I'm struggling so hard to breathe. Will get BP checked again when I get well. Doc thinks it will probably be normal again. We'll see.
One thing I'm grateful for again today is my job. The owner of our company pays out the nose to give all of us affordable, quality health care. I paid $20 co-pay to the doc and $12 for antibiotics. Thank my blessings that nothing else was wrong because I do have a $2,000/year deductible. If something ever bad happens to my body, I can make payments on $2,000.
My chicken soup is ready. I'm eating soup, taking meds and going to sleep! Love you Deers!
Ahh ! who I'm I kidding....... I love you gals !! I could do the ....Little House on the Prairie thingy... Goodnight Froggy Goodnight Woggy Goodnight ........ Ohh, forgetit.... I love you all ! Goodnight !!
Hi Pond Family, Sorry I haven't been on for a couple days. Froggy fell getting into bed, and I took her to the hospital. They are keeping her a couple days. Will probably come home tomorrow. (Thursday) I couldn't remember my password to logon to computer at hospital. I'll read all comments as soon as we get home...hopefully tomorrow. Froggy is out of shape from not walking much. We'll get her back to hopping soon!
Well, I'll be worried about Surfie & Froggy for days now! Geez, Surf, relax. I don't want to hear about you struggling to breathe. Reading that scared the wits out of me, too!
'Wog, I was wondering where you were. I thought maybe you just were busy doing other things. Poor Froggy. I'm sure she always thinks she can do things (like getting in and out of bed herself) just the way she always used to and it's only when she's on the ground that she realizes it isn't time yet. I was so hoping she was getting to the point that such things wouldn't happen anymore. Thank G-d, you're there!
Checking in, too. Wog, hope to hear from you soon. Hope you're hanging in there and that Froggy is OK.
Phoo, faith can be questioned but we can't give up. I think Froggy is just worn down and maybe she feels like giving up. All the more reason for us to buck up and pray with even more gusto. For both Frog and Wog.
Me? I'll be fine. Just caught a nasty bacterial bug that's been going around. I'm on day 3 of a 5-day med course. I started feeling really, really better today. I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow. That doesn't take much energy and I actually find it fun. Haven't done laundry for 2 weeks and absolutely have to do 2-3 loads this weekend. I'll pace myself. Other than that, I'll be on the couch doing a whole lot of nothing except TV, internet and reading!
Hope to hear from you soon, Wog. You sisters are in our prayers.
Hi Pond Family, Just a quick note from home. Need to run back to hospital...only a block away. They are getting Froggy set up with a new doctor, transportation, a case worker, and physical therapy. So they are going to keep her at hospital til Monday so they can get all new plans in place.
Froggy sends her love, and thanks you for all the kind messages. Me too!
I'll be waiting to hear about a homecoming tomorrow, 'Wog. I'm sure things will be much better once you both are sleeping in your own beds!! We love you!
Hi Eva and Ponders, Sunday morning. Physical therapist came to room already, and helped Froggy with a very short walk, and some exercises she can do at home. Looking hopeful.
Wog and Froggy, I am hoping that a change in Drs will give Froggy someone that will pay attention to her needs. For Froggy to be in continual pain can wear a person out.
I second what Gloria says. You can defeat almost everything as long as you aren't in pain. Pain not only makes physical healing more difficult, but the emotional response to pain is worse. When you're in pain, you don't feel like fighting back against whatever is ailing you. The pain takes over. All you want is relief from it (which you don't get until you defeat your problem). No wonder so many people get addicted to painkillers. Makes sense to me.
Deer Eva and Gloria, Yes, the pain does wear Froggy down. The hospital connected her with a doctor who will continue helping with the pain. So that is a big relief. Froggy is nervous about going home tomorrow (Monday), but she will be fine. They showed her new ways to use walker, and how to get in and out of bed safely. Love to everyone from Froggy and 'WOG.
Of course, Froggy is nervous about going home. I hope this new doc will give her the confidence she'll need. What on earth would she do without you, 'Wog? I shudder to think of it. I'll check back.
Checking in to see how our Wog and Frog are doing. Hope homecoming went well and that the new doc will actually help Froggy break through to healing. Love you both so much.
Hi ladies and Phooman. Hope our sisters are getting resettled back at home. Home is best.
Had a nice suprise today. My SIL called to say that he has finished his work on this side for now and will be going home for a week and would I like to ride over with him. This time I am taking my laptop.
Thank you Pond Family, for the kind words. Getting Froggy back was the easy part. She is pretty miserable at home. Leg hurts. But at least now she has some temporary relief with medicines. Hope all is well at The Pond.
Hi Wog, So glad you and Froggy are home. I hope the new doctor is better at managing Froggy's pain. Glad the meds will help for a while. Praying for you deer sisters.
I'm still waiting for Spring, Phoo. It snowed again this morning. Just a dusting, though. I learned something new. Don't roll your car window down if it has snow on it. Guess what? The snow will fall into the car! Geez, I'm an idiot sometimes :)
Hi ladies and gentleman. Finally able to use DH pc to say that I am so glad Froggy is back home. I hate hospitals, too many germs. Home is safer. Phooey, if your idea of spring on the way,will be 47 tonight,yikes. Miserable rain and cold today, course I am a bit north of you. With all this rain, it is greening up, the weeds that is. Paget how is the job situation ? did it stabilize? Eva, how do you handle the snow coming from Cal? and you are not an idiot, just not used to dealing with that stuff !
Don't know Phooey, but counter now reads 40,002. Froggy is going to see new doctor this afternoon via transportation shuttle. A little bit stressful, but we'll get through it.
Hi all. Been trying to read and catch up. Still at daughter's house. We went today to do errands. It's cold - in the 30's and will be getting colder. For some reason this winter the cold has been harder to deal with for me.
Froggy, I know that the transport is a little intimidating at first. I hope it will get easier with time.
Hi, Ponders! I'm 40,008! Love the Monarch Butterfly picture. They are hanging in clumps in a eucalyptus tree. They do that when they migrate. Used to see them all the time in big clumps like that when I lived in SoCal.
Frog and Wog, hope today was a good day and the new doc can really help Froggy. We love you both so much. I sometimes feel frustrated because we all can't teleport ourselves to Seattle and be your loving family in the real world. Prayer is powerful, and we rock on in prayer together.
TGIF tomorrow! Eva, this is your 1st winter away from SoCal. You are in for a real treat when Spring starts arriving. Then Summer. Then Fall. Now that I've been away from SoCal a couple of years, I know the rhythm of seasonal changes and love it. Just about the time I think I simply can NOT take another dusting of snow ... it starts to warm up a day or 2 here and there. I see tulips and daffodils and crocus spring up around town. And just about the time I think I cannot stand another day of brutal heat, it starts to cool down a day or 2 here and there and it rains and the leaves start turning beautiful colors. Love it. Love the climate you're with!
Surfie, Spring flowers...that's a good sign that Spring is on its way. We have already seen those hungry robins feeding on worms. It's funny how they disappear and mysteriously reappear.
We are waiting for therapy people to come today (Friday). This whole rigamarole has been hard for Froggy, but I help her as much as I can. She didn't like new doctor . We need to see her once a week for a while.
Gloria, You are right about the shuttle transportation. We tried a different shuttle to go to doctor and it showed up 20 minutes late. Then I had to call them so that they came later to take us home. Not fun.
Phooey, Eva, EC Happy Friday. Froggy sends her love to everyone of her Deer Ponders..
FEEL-GOOD STORY Strict math teacher's secret identity... as a baby cuddler A. Pawlowski / TODAY contributor
With his short gray hair, watchful eyes, authoritative voice and stern manner, high school math teacher and Vietnam veteran Jim O'Connor is used to commanding respect in the classroom. So his students were surprised to learn about his nickname at the hospital where he volunteers: the baby whisperer.
(snip) Tender and loving is not the side his students generally see, so they were recently surprised to find out O’Connor is a “TLC Volunteer” at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, where he has spent several days a week for the past 20 years cuddling sick babies.
NEWS OF INTEREST: Face-recognition system unlocks doors at Manhattan complex By ANTWAN LEWIS / Fox 5 News Reporter
NEW YORK (MYFOXNY) - To enter Building B at Knickerbocker Village, you don't need your key card. Your face will do just fine courtesy of a new biometric security system called FST21.
Here's how it works. A camera takes 5 pictures of each resident's face. One is selected then it and other info about the resident are stored in the system database. Once a tenant tries to get through their building's security door, a high-tech scanner reads their face. If the system recognizes the face, the door is unlocked in a matter of seconds.
The FST21 system is the brainchild of Israeli general Aharon Farkash, who says it strikes the right balance between safety and simplicity.
MN Dealership Offers Free Shotgun With Each Pickup February 27, 2014
HAWLEY, Minn. (AP) – A Ford dealership near Moorhead is hoping to entice customers with a unique give-a-way.
Buy a pickup. Get a shotgun.
Muscatell-Burns in Hawley is kicking off a two-week promotion that offers a shotgun for every new or 2013 pickup truck. Sales manager Jason Jalbert tells KFGO radio most of the dealership’s employees hunt and fish and it’s usually a topic of conversation with customers.
I like what you said about the weather outside of SoCal, Surfie. You're right. I still get a thrill when I look out the window and see the white flakes swirling around, but I'm ready for Spring. Unfortunately, we're due for another bad storm Sunday or Monday. I won't be here. I'll be in Georgia with baby Nathaniel!!!!! Poor thing has the Croup at the moment, but he's hanging tough and I'm sure he'll get through this challenge, too. Nikki's husband is going to a conference in Seattle, so I'm going to be staying at her house rather than at my Dad's. I can hardly wait to get there.
Poor Joe and Bambu will have to deal with the weather on their own. I'm sure if it's bad, Joe won't have school. I've spent the day doing my usual cooking and cleaning so Joe will be taken care of. It's funny, someone asked me if he couldn't cook for himself or go out to eat. Of course, he can. I just like to do it. I think it's something nice a wife can do for her husband.
Love to you all and I'll check in from down South.
Eva, You and your Joe are sweet together. Love you both. The warm days will come soon enough, and then we all will complain about the heat. Let us know how our Baby Nathaniel is doing. I know that you will spoil him!
Eva, a 10 mile stretch of PCH in Ventura County was closed today because of mud slides. I miss a lot of things about SoCal, but PCH being closed isn't one of them!
Have a wonderful time on your trip. Would you pretty please email a picture to me? surfinghome@gmail.com.
Hang in there, Frog and Wog. I just keep praying for the right doctors, right treatment, and some relief for both of you!
Good morning! We are set for another blast of sleet, freezing rain, snow. It wasn't supposed to start until tonight, but already the fog is turning bitter cold. I'm going to the grocery store and gas station as soon as I stop talking here. Season transitions are interesting. I'll be sliding on ice to work on Monday and wearing a t-shirt to work on Wednesday.
I moved from my office into the office of my boss yesterday. It took 4 hours, but we got enough done that I can function 1st thing Monday morning. I have the key to her office (now our office). It's big enough to hold all of her stuff and all of my stuff. We get along with each other like sisters who actually like each other.
I knew this day was coming. Now that it's here, I'm a little scared. Can I do this? Can I really learn what she wants to teach me and do well in the new job responsibilities?
My big fear: She and the owner think I'm a lot more capable than I think I am. Can I really learn this and do it well? Please, Deer Ponders, say a prayer for me.
One thing that is also bothering me about boss and I being in the same room together: Her mind is like a laser-beam when it comes to business, but she is a pack-rat and wastes an enormous amount of her valuable time shuffling crap around that needs to either be recycled or put in the dumpster. I also have a mind focused like a laser-beam when it comes to business ... I look at the old crap and, without giving it a thought, get rid of it. Pray that I can win her over on this one!
Surfie, You have come a long way. Trust in yourself that you can keep growing. You can do this. The only thing you have to worry about is don't slip on the ice or get stuck in a snow drift.
Oh how gorgeous! Maybe Spring really is coming soon.
DeleteSpring is what I was thinking of when I posted this beautiful butterfly. Seattle has had a lot of rain lately, and the robins are busy finding earthworms in the wet soil. Robins are a good sign that spring is coming ...soon, I hope.
Spring IS here !
Hopefully will come your way soon.
EC, this is your forecast.
Funny you should say that about robins, 'Wog. A handful of them have just started to land on the bushes at the side of our house. I was so surprised to see them because there's still a lot of snow outside. We're supposed to get another dusting tonight. Tired of the white stuff!
ReplyDeleteSpring is definitely starting. We've been in the 60's for a few days and up to 75 tomorrow. The 10-day has us up in the 60's every day. There's even a slight chance for our 1st thunderstorm this week. Haven't seen any robins yet. Love them!
ReplyDeleteWe had 5 earthquakes last night/this morning! Biggest one was a 4.0, not very far from my house. I didn't feel a thing. There are faults all over the U.S. Seems like the ones around here are waking up.
I have a cold. Almost everyone in my office came to work with a cold this morning. It was actually kind of funny, all the sneezing and coughing and nose blowing. I went to work fully intending to only stay long enough to get the critical stuff done then going home around 11. Everyone else came to work with the same thoughts. So, we all sucked it up and stayed all day together.
We decided it's Pappy's fault. Pappy (real name David) is our truck driver. He's old, retired Army, and came to work sick last week.
Have you read all the news articles about where our antibiotics come from? From what I've read, 100% in the U.S. market originate in China. I'm giving myself another couple of days to get over this and research the truth of the news stories before going to the doc.
ReplyDeleteDon't know much about robins. They just seem to appear out of nowhere. You don't hear that they hibernate, and pop out in the spring. And you don't hear that they fly south in the winter. Just where do robins hang out?
Well, you can get over your cold, and not get another one til next year. It's pretty miserable while you have it. Earthquakes are something I am afraid of. You don' t know when they are coming. I'll look for a news article about the antibiotics.
Phooey, you and EC have having beautiful weather. Yes, I'm jealous!
OOPS. Somebody ( 'WOG ) didn't proofread their comments before posting.
ReplyDeleteAll Chinese honey is ordered off shelves
from Daily Mail, February 18, 2014
Food watchdogs have ordered all Chinese-produced honey to be withdrawn from sale after trials found that much of it is contaminated by antibiotics.
Forty per cent of the honey sold in the UK comes from China.
Tests of 16 pots found that ten contained the powerful antibiotic chloramphenicol.
The chemical is a trigger for aplastic anaemia, a rare but serious blood disorder which affects up to 100 people in Britain each year. It has also been linked to leukaemia.
The news comes just two weeks after the Food Standards Agency told leading supermarkets to withdraw specific batches of own-brand honey produced in China which were found to be contaminated with another antibiotic, streptomycin.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-101494/All-Chinese-honey-ordered-shelves.html#ixzz2tdNkIRJj
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
ReplyDeleteU.S. Olympic team continues to adopt all of Russia's stray dogs
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia – Amanda Bird already was missing her Australian shepherd puppy Sammy when she arrived for the Sochi Olympics.
Then her first sight stepping out of the airport was of one of the many stray dogs around the Olympic Park in Adler and even here in the mountains whose safety has become a cause among animal rights supporters and some athletes such as American ski slopestyle silver medalist Gus Kenworthy.
Kenworthy is arranging for a litter of four puppies to return with him to the United States for adoption. Bird, U.S. press officer for bobsled/skeleton and former athlete in those sports, also plans to adopt a dog, sparing it from exterminators hired by the government to rid the Olympic area of pets left behind when families were forced to move for construction and a population swelled by lack of spaying and neutering.
READ: http://ftw.usatoday.com/2014/02/american-olympians-continue-to-adopt-all-of-russias-stray-dogs/
You Ponders are all so interesting. Love reading your posts. It is so cool about the Olympians adopting those stray dogs. The pups are adorable.
ReplyDeleteAbout the antibiotics being made in China, it doesn't suprise me. The majority of our generic drugs are made overseas too. Especially India. My BP meds and diruetic are generic - it creeps me out, but what can you do about it? It strikes me that any country that has no health laws shouldn't be making meds for us. I think about dirty water used in manufacturing.
The honey thing is called honey laundering. Our country doesn't recieve honey from China. However the chinese sells vats of impure honey to other countries which mix it with other honey and then sell it to us. In the past everytime I have told Scott about things like honey to look out for he doesn't really believe me. He has to read it. He is slowly coming around. So proud when he brings home organic or local.
Hey, I can only post from the DH pc, our weather is unbelievable, 30 at night and then 80 daytime. Dogs keep losing hair. Vacuum constantly. That is such a nice story about the athletes rescuing the pups. I have to take honey for my lactose intolerance but am lucky I have a lady about 5 miles away with hives. We met a vendor at a local fair that sells antibiotics for fish tank owners, sounds weird but I checked him out and can get the stuff for the hurricane closet without a 'script, it does come from India but he verifies it. We all need to stock up on anything you take, if you follow Attercliffe on the mothership, she always posts what the UK is doing to patients, and it is coming here. That idiot McCain wanted all vitamins to require 'scripts. DH needs 3 meds and 18 different vits and supplements to work 14 hr days. Puritan Pride is my supplier, USA, the meds come from the VA and as far as I know, USA made. He has to take Lisinopril and Metoprolol for BP, but most important is Plavix to protect his 3 coated stents. PS: Honey from a store has been heated to 105 degrees to keep it fluid, that destroys the antibiotics and enzymes so will not help you. I need those for my gut. Try local honey if you need antibiotics.
ReplyDeleteEC, I have this image of you following your pups around with a vacuum cleaner.
DeleteI want the gubmint to leave our vitamins and supplements alone. They (our elected officials) seem to think they know what is best for us.
Why is Jeb Bush pushing Common Core? I don't like that he is getting behind it. Who can be trusted anymore? There always seems to be things going on in the background.
Jeb was a good governor after Walk'in Lawton, but I think he is part of the elite Repubs that want to destroy the tea party movement. Common Core is Communist propaganda.
We in Florida have been fighting this.
EC I think you're right about Jeb. Just another elitist who wants to destroy the tea party movement. They are all the same on both sides of the aisle. Keep or grow and consolidate their power and wealth at the expense of the Constitution and the people they swore an oath to serve.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading here and other places for a long time that local honey is the only honey to take. Why have I kept putting off driving 45 minutes to a local honey farm? I don't know, but I'll be going there this weekend. Buying and eating from local, small farms was easy when I lived in SoCal. Takes a little more work here in OKC, but I'm determined to do it.
I don't have a cold. Have upper & lower bacterial respiratory infections. Doc says it is not the flu and is going around big time. I'm pretty healthy for my age and fought it for a couple of days but finally threw in the towel and am taking amoxicillin. My BP has always been good (124/60 range). Today it was 140/80 which scared the wits out of me. Doc thinks is because I'm struggling so hard to breathe. Will get BP checked again when I get well. Doc thinks it will probably be normal again. We'll see.
One thing I'm grateful for again today is my job. The owner of our company pays out the nose to give all of us affordable, quality health care. I paid $20 co-pay to the doc and $12 for antibiotics. Thank my blessings that nothing else was wrong because I do have a $2,000/year deductible. If something ever bad happens to my body, I can make payments on $2,000.
My chicken soup is ready. I'm eating soup, taking meds and going to sleep! Love you Deers!
Ahh ! who I'm I kidding....... I love you gals !!
ReplyDeleteI could do the ....Little House on the Prairie thingy...
Goodnight Froggy
Goodnight Woggy
Goodnight ........ Ohh, forgetit.... I love you all ! Goodnight !!
Hi Pond Family,
ReplyDeleteSorry I haven't been on for a couple days. Froggy fell getting into bed, and I took her to the hospital. They are keeping her a couple days. Will probably come home tomorrow. (Thursday) I couldn't remember my password to logon to computer at hospital. I'll read all comments as soon as we get home...hopefully tomorrow. Froggy is out of shape from not walking much. We'll get her back to hopping soon!
Love to everyone at The Pond.
Well, I'll be worried about Surfie & Froggy for days now! Geez, Surf, relax. I don't want to hear about you struggling to breathe. Reading that scared the wits out of me, too!
ReplyDelete'Wog, I was wondering where you were. I thought maybe you just were busy doing other things. Poor Froggy. I'm sure she always thinks she can do things (like getting in and out of bed herself) just the way she always used to and it's only when she's on the ground that she realizes it isn't time yet. I was so hoping she was getting to the point that such things wouldn't happen anymore. Thank G-d, you're there!
Wog and Froggy, my heart skipped a beat when I read what happened.
ReplyDeleteAgree with Eva. So glad you were there. When you say that you took her to the hospital I hope you meant that you called the aid car.
Froggy deer, you have been through so much. Prayers will go up. Love ya.
I just want to scream !!!
ReplyDeleteMe, too, Phooey. All I know to do is pray. Our Father knows what our dear sisters need.
DeleteLove you, Frog and Wog.
So sorry to hear this news about Froggy. :( Prayers for both of you dear sisters.
ReplyDeleteI'm still devastated regarding the news about Froggy. This is testing my faith.
ReplyDeleteChecking in. How is Froggy? Surfie? Phooey, don't throw in the towel yet. Scream some more.
ReplyDeleteHow is our deer Froggy? Wog, how are you holding up?
ReplyDeleteChecking in, too. Wog, hope to hear from you soon. Hope you're hanging in there and that Froggy is OK.
ReplyDeletePhoo, faith can be questioned but we can't give up. I think Froggy is just worn down and maybe she feels like giving up. All the more reason for us to buck up and pray with even more gusto. For both Frog and Wog.
Me? I'll be fine. Just caught a nasty bacterial bug that's been going around. I'm on day 3 of a 5-day med course. I started feeling really, really better today. I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow. That doesn't take much energy and I actually find it fun. Haven't done laundry for 2 weeks and absolutely have to do 2-3 loads this weekend. I'll pace myself. Other than that, I'll be on the couch doing a whole lot of nothing except TV, internet and reading!
Hope to hear from you soon, Wog. You sisters are in our prayers.
Hi Pond Family,
ReplyDeleteJust a quick note from home. Need to run back to hospital...only a block away. They are getting Froggy set up with a new doctor, transportation, a case worker, and physical therapy. So they are going to keep her at hospital til Monday so they can get all new plans in place.
Froggy sends her love, and thanks you for all the kind messages. Me too!
I'll be waiting to hear about a homecoming tomorrow, 'Wog. I'm sure things will be much better once you both are sleeping in your own beds!! We love you!
ReplyDeleteHi Eva and Ponders,
ReplyDeleteSunday morning. Physical therapist came to room already, and helped Froggy with a very short walk, and some exercises she can do at home. Looking hopeful.
Wog and Froggy, I am hoping that a change in Drs will give Froggy someone that will pay attention to her needs. For Froggy to be in continual pain can wear a person out.
ReplyDeleteI second what Gloria says. You can defeat almost everything as long as you aren't in pain. Pain not only makes physical healing more difficult, but the emotional response to pain is worse. When you're in pain, you don't feel like fighting back against whatever is ailing you. The pain takes over. All you want is relief from it (which you don't get until you defeat your problem). No wonder so many people get addicted to painkillers. Makes sense to me.
ReplyDeleteDeer Eva and Gloria,
ReplyDeleteYes, the pain does wear Froggy down. The hospital connected her with a doctor who will continue helping with the pain. So that is a big relief. Froggy is nervous about going home tomorrow (Monday), but she will be fine. They showed her new ways to use walker, and how to get in and out of bed safely. Love to everyone from Froggy and 'WOG.
Of course, Froggy is nervous about going home. I hope this new doc will give her the confidence she'll need. What on earth would she do without you, 'Wog? I shudder to think of it. I'll check back.
ReplyDeleteChecking in to see how our Wog and Frog are doing. Hope homecoming went well and that the new doc will actually help Froggy break through to healing. Love you both so much.
ReplyDeleteHi ladies and Phooman. Hope our sisters are getting resettled back at home. Home is best.
ReplyDeleteHad a nice suprise today. My SIL called to say that he has finished his work on this side for now and will be going home for a week and would I like to ride over with him. This time I am taking my laptop.
Thank you Pond Family, for the kind words.
ReplyDeleteGetting Froggy back was the easy part. She is pretty miserable at home. Leg hurts. But at least now she has some temporary relief with medicines. Hope all is well at The Pond.
Hi Wog, So glad you and Froggy are home. I hope the new doctor is better at managing Froggy's pain. Glad the meds will help for a while. Praying for you deer sisters.
DeleteLove from Paget
Hang in there everyone spring is on its way, It started here a few days ago. Leaves are coming out with their light green color. Welcome home Froggy !
ReplyDeleteWelcome home, Froggy!
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for Spring, Phoo. It snowed again this morning. Just a dusting, though. I learned something new. Don't roll your car window down if it has snow on it. Guess what? The snow will fall into the car! Geez, I'm an idiot sometimes :)
Gosh, my picture is gone again!
ReplyDeleteHi ladies and gentleman. Finally able to use DH pc to say that I am so glad Froggy is back home. I hate hospitals, too many germs. Home is safer. Phooey, if your idea of spring on the way,will be 47 tonight,yikes. Miserable rain and cold today, course I am a bit north of you. With all this rain, it is greening up, the weeds that is. Paget how is the job situation ? did it stabilize? Eva, how do you handle the snow coming from Cal? and you are not an idiot, just not used to dealing with that stuff !
ReplyDeleteYou're correct EC, I spoke too soon, forecast is 43 tomorrow morning. Am I the 40,000 visitor ?
ReplyDeleteDang ! The counter didn't count my post ! It still reads 39,999 visitors !
ReplyDeleteDon't know Phooey, but counter now reads 40,002. Froggy is going to see new doctor this afternoon via transportation shuttle. A little bit stressful, but we'll get through it.
ReplyDeleteMake me 40,003!
ReplyDeleteHi all. Been trying to read and catch up. Still at daughter's house. We went today to do errands. It's cold - in the 30's and will be getting colder. For some reason this winter the cold has been harder to deal with for me.
Froggy, I know that the transport is a little intimidating at first. I hope it will get easier with time.
Hi, Ponders! I'm 40,008! Love the Monarch Butterfly picture. They are hanging in clumps in a eucalyptus tree. They do that when they migrate. Used to see them all the time in big clumps like that when I lived in SoCal.
ReplyDeleteFrog and Wog, hope today was a good day and the new doc can really help Froggy. We love you both so much. I sometimes feel frustrated because we all can't teleport ourselves to Seattle and be your loving family in the real world. Prayer is powerful, and we rock on in prayer together.
TGIF tomorrow!
Eva, this is your 1st winter away from SoCal. You are in for a real treat when Spring starts arriving. Then Summer. Then Fall. Now that I've been away from SoCal a couple of years, I know the rhythm of seasonal changes and love it. Just about the time I think I simply can NOT take another dusting of snow ... it starts to warm up a day or 2 here and there. I see tulips and daffodils and crocus spring up around town. And just about the time I think I cannot stand another day of brutal heat, it starts to cool down a day or 2 here and there and it rains and the leaves start turning beautiful colors. Love it. Love the climate you're with!
ReplyDeleteSpring flowers...that's a good sign that Spring is on its way. We have already seen those hungry robins feeding on worms. It's funny how they disappear and mysteriously reappear.
We are waiting for therapy people to come today (Friday). This whole rigamarole has been hard for Froggy, but I help her as much as I can. She didn't like new doctor . We need to see her once a week for a while.
You are right about the shuttle transportation. We tried a different shuttle to go to doctor and it showed up 20 minutes late. Then I had to call them so that they came later to take us home. Not fun.
Phooey, Eva, EC Happy Friday. Froggy sends her love to everyone of her Deer Ponders..
ReplyDeleteStrict math teacher's secret identity... as a baby cuddler
A. Pawlowski / TODAY contributor
With his short gray hair, watchful eyes, authoritative voice and stern manner, high school math teacher and Vietnam veteran Jim O'Connor is used to commanding respect in the classroom. So his students were surprised to learn about his nickname at the hospital where he volunteers: the baby whisperer.
Tender and loving is not the side his students generally see, so they were recently surprised to find out O’Connor is a “TLC Volunteer” at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, where he has spent several days a week for the past 20 years cuddling sick babies.
READ: http://www.today.com/health/strict-math-teachers-secret-identity-baby-cuddler-2D12172837
ReplyDeleteFace-recognition system unlocks doors at Manhattan complex
By ANTWAN LEWIS / Fox 5 News Reporter
To enter Building B at Knickerbocker Village, you don't need your key card. Your face will do just fine courtesy of a new biometric security system called FST21.
Here's how it works. A camera takes 5 pictures of each resident's face. One is selected then it and other info about the resident are stored in the system database. Once a tenant tries to get through their building's security door, a high-tech scanner reads their face. If the system recognizes the face, the door is unlocked in a matter of seconds.
The FST21 system is the brainchild of Israeli general Aharon Farkash, who says it strikes the right balance between safety and simplicity.
Read more: http://www.myfoxny.com/story/24835029/face-recognition-system-unlocks-doors-at-manhattan-complex#ixzz2ucteYqgA
ReplyDeleteMN Dealership Offers Free Shotgun With Each Pickup
February 27, 2014
HAWLEY, Minn. (AP) – A Ford dealership near Moorhead is hoping to entice customers with a unique give-a-way.
Buy a pickup. Get a shotgun.
Muscatell-Burns in Hawley is kicking off a two-week promotion that offers a shotgun for every new or 2013 pickup truck. Sales manager Jason Jalbert tells KFGO radio most of the dealership’s employees hunt and fish and it’s usually a topic of conversation with customers.
READ: http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2014/02/27/buy-a-pickup-get-a-shotgun-at-minnesota-dealership/
I like what you said about the weather outside of SoCal, Surfie. You're right. I still get a thrill when I look out the window and see the white flakes swirling around, but I'm ready for Spring. Unfortunately, we're due for another bad storm Sunday or Monday. I won't be here. I'll be in Georgia with baby Nathaniel!!!!! Poor thing has the Croup at the moment, but he's hanging tough and I'm sure he'll get through this challenge, too. Nikki's husband is going to a conference in Seattle, so I'm going to be staying at her house rather than at my Dad's. I can hardly wait to get there.
ReplyDeletePoor Joe and Bambu will have to deal with the weather on their own. I'm sure if it's bad, Joe won't have school. I've spent the day doing my usual cooking and cleaning so Joe will be taken care of. It's funny, someone asked me if he couldn't cook for himself or go out to eat. Of course, he can. I just like to do it. I think it's something nice a wife can do for her husband.
Love to you all and I'll check in from down South.
DeleteYou and your Joe are sweet together. Love you both. The warm days will come soon enough, and then we all will complain about the heat. Let us know how our Baby Nathaniel is doing. I know that you will spoil him!
Eva, a 10 mile stretch of PCH in Ventura County was closed today because of mud slides. I miss a lot of things about SoCal, but PCH being closed isn't one of them!
DeleteHave a wonderful time on your trip. Would you pretty please email a picture to me? surfinghome@gmail.com.
Hang in there, Frog and Wog. I just keep praying for the right doctors, right treatment, and some relief for both of you!
Love to all deer Ponders.
Good morning! We are set for another blast of sleet, freezing rain, snow. It wasn't supposed to start until tonight, but already the fog is turning bitter cold. I'm going to the grocery store and gas station as soon as I stop talking here. Season transitions are interesting. I'll be sliding on ice to work on Monday and wearing a t-shirt to work on Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteI moved from my office into the office of my boss yesterday. It took 4 hours, but we got enough done that I can function 1st thing Monday morning. I have the key to her office (now our office). It's big enough to hold all of her stuff and all of my stuff. We get along with each other like sisters who actually like each other.
I knew this day was coming. Now that it's here, I'm a little scared. Can I do this? Can I really learn what she wants to teach me and do well in the new job responsibilities?
My big fear: She and the owner think I'm a lot more capable than I think I am. Can I really learn this and do it well? Please, Deer Ponders, say a prayer for me.
One thing that is also bothering me about boss and I being in the same room together: Her mind is like a laser-beam when it comes to business, but she is a pack-rat and wastes an enormous amount of her valuable time shuffling crap around that needs to either be recycled or put in the dumpster. I also have a mind focused like a laser-beam when it comes to business ... I look at the old crap and, without giving it a thought, get rid of it. Pray that I can win her over on this one!
DeleteYou have come a long way. Trust in yourself that you can keep growing. You can do this. The only thing you have to worry about is don't slip on the ice or get stuck in a snow drift.