I just have to say that I really liked the jellyfish tank cleaning story yesterday. Don't know why except that it was something different and I enjoyed it.
Yesterday was indeed a gorgeous day! Joe & I went to Island Beach State Park. It's one of our favorite spots, but we hadn't gone since we moved back. First there was the settling in. Then there was the harsh winter. Of course, there's the ever present rebuilding of the roads. Getting there used to be a straight shot and now we had to wind up and down various streets to get to our destination. It was worth it, though. We saw 2 foxes and lots of ospreys. On one side is the ocean and on the other, Barnegat Bay. At the very end of the park, the two bodies of water meet. There are lots of cranberry bogs and blueberry bushes. I just love it there. $5 for the whole day. Unfortunately, once the summer season starts, there are so many people. I'm becoming a real loner, I guess, but I really appreciated spending so much time with nature and not hearing a lot of yakking and boom boxes.
Oh yeah, Joe saved a turtle. It was making its way across the two lane road. Even though there were hardly any cars, Joe was afraid someone would be driving fast and run the little guy over. He stopped our car, got out and put the turtle on the other side in the direction he was going. I hope that was what he wanted.
Yeah for Joe. Not everyone would stop for a turtle. Sometimes I save the earthworms when it rain really hard. They crawl onto the sidewalks. I get a stick, scoop them up, and try to find them a "home" away from the puddles.
Eva, loved your description of where you live. Sounds magnificent! Sis and I would love all the wild life. The description of how to clean the jelly fish aquarium was in the Seattle newspaper. Who knew how much trouble it is to keep our animals comfortable. Was an interesting story.
Does anyone at The Pond watch "River Monsters" on TV with Jeremy Wade? The new season started. So far two very interesting stories along the Amazon. Last week was about the Sobra Santos ship that sank killing maybe 200 people. What was in the water that killed them? Last night was about people dying from severe burns...possibly from electric eels.
Froggy also loves "Chrisley Knows Best." Very funny, very rich man living in Atlanta. He always tells his kids that he loves them. His wife is a former Miss Carolina.
Eva, what a wonderful story about your and Joe's day. Visiting that part of the country has been on my bucket list for a long time. Isn't it wonderful when winter finally starts to give up?
It's been so warm around here. Over the weekend, I had to turn on the AC. Then it snowed this morning. It was pretty and the sun came out for most of the day. "They" promise tonight is our last freeze. Glad I didn't plant anything in the ground. All my pots of flowers, salad greens and herbs are just fine living inside for a few days.
I keep forgetting to watch Chrisley! It sounds so funny and interesting. I don't have any DVR or anything, so I must remember to watch it this week. Tuesday night, right?
The owner of our company is a member of the OKC Christian Business Men's Connection. They are holding a prayer breakfast tomorrow morning. Joe bought a table and invited all our managers. He included me (I'm technically not a manager). The speaker sounds like a very accomplished and interesting man. Joe is such a good man. I'm lucky to work for him. Of course, I have to actually put on some make-up and be at a convention center in downtown tomorrow by 6:15 AM!
I have a prayer request. One of our hydraulic repair techs didn't show up for work today. His mother called to say he was in jail for DUI. We have known for a long time that he has alcohol problems. So does his mother. Please pray for Donnie and please pray for wisdom: How can we help him?
Deer Surfie, Anything for you. If Donnie needs our prayers and support, we are sending it. Let us know more when he gets out. Is there anything we can do for his mom? She must be so worried.
Passover begins tonight. We celebrate with you Deer Eva. Let us not forget such an important occasion. Passover (Pesach) celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt.
An interesting addition to the meal: "This week, a new food is appearing on Passover tables around the country. The Orthodox Union, the authority on kosher foods, recently ruled that certain brands of quinoa could carry its “Kosher for Passover” symbol." Enjoy!
Here's a funny story. One of the schools with visually impaired students that Joe visits is a private Orthodox Jewish school. It has an interesting name: the School for Hidden Intelligence (how's that for political correctness? These kids have lots of problems due to inbreeding, I'm sure) Anyway, the school is closed this week, of course, as are the other schools Joe visits because it's Holy Week. When Joe was at SCHI (pronounced 'shy') last week, a rabbi came by to show one of the classes how to make matzo balls. Joe stayed to watch. I don't even know how without a recipe!
Back to the turtles. I was reading the visitor's guide to the park we were at on Sunday and it specifically mentioned that the proper procedure when spotting a turtle in the road is to NOT help it on its way, but to sit in your car (with flashers on to alert other cars coming) and wait for the turtle to finish crossing! Of course, I pointed this out to Joe who informed me that he thought that was ridiculous and would result in many smooshed turtles. He doesn't intend to follow those instructions. Sigh. I'll probably have to bail him out of Failure to Follow Turtle Crossing Instructions jail at some point this summer.
'Wog, I try to pick up that River Monsters show, but I usually catch them in re-runs.
Loved the Orthodox Jewish school story. And, of course, and Good Frog would save a Turtle. Reruns are just as good as brand new shows. Just check the dates they were aired so that you know you are watching the new ones. But if you've never seen them, they are all "new."
A pat on Joe's back. Good going lad ! Joe's correct... the proper procedure is ridiculous ! Also, a hug for WOG !(but, earthworms ?, really ?) Prayers for Donnie. (only by the Grace of God I was never caught) Joyous Passover. Happy NCIS night.
We always stop for a turtle on the road, and move it to the side in Florida, otherwise it is hurt and your oil pan on the car is torn out. We had an old timer next to us , until a new house was built, I had to move it several times back towards the woods. It snarled and sniped but I used gloves, the dogs went nuts.
Hi Ya'll Great turtle stories. They are a lot more exciting (and important) than my moving earthworms off the sidewalk. Phooey, how was NCIS? I have trouble watching the end of any shows lately. I fall asleep half way through, then wake up at the start of the next hour. Very annoying. Especially if it was a show I wanted to see.
Mags is my neighbor here in the real world. I emailed her last night. She has so many health problems. Now this. Whether she joins the Pond or not, she needs our prayers. Truly wonderful woman.
Mags has my prayers, of course. She has been through a lot, I know and hung in there. We'll give her an extra boost as best as we can and let her know that we'd love to have her join us in the Pond.
Good Morning Ponders, It's Saturday morning...and too early for me. Froggy woke up and wanted company. Then a car alarm went off outside. What plans does everyone have for Easter weekend? Church doings and dinners? Easter bunnies and baskets for the kids? Phooey, EC... are you getting rain? TV weather said rain in Florida.
Hi everyone. I have been hanging out reading but not posting. I saw that Magdalene had a bad report. Prayers for her of course. I am glad you have invited her to the Pond. Hoping she will feel like stopping by. Mags, welcome.
Eva, you always post such interesting things about Joe and his work and living at the shore.
We had an unexpected thing happen this week. A guy from the utility company stopped by to let us know that they will be replacing the power pole on the edge of out lot. This is turning out to be a good thing. Dropping the pole will take out a couple of trees. Then there is the problem with trees that are growing into the wires. So 2 more trees will have to come down. Then they will cut back another tree. We get to save the good firewood and they will clean up the rest. Having this kind of work done is expensive and we were trying to figure out how. They will do it for free. PLUS give me a voucher for $300 to buy new shrubs. Another bonus is that we have no idea where the property line is. According to his map the pole is on our side - another question solved.
Hi Pondies Thank you for your invitation, EC. I do appreciate it, and all the prayers. Surfie, I have an email in composition, so look for that in a bit. To be completely candid, I am doing all I can to not think about this newest turn in the road. There's nothing I can do about it at the moment. Just show up at all the appointments. There will be decisions to make along the way, but not now. Now I am into distraction & diversions; playing games, listening to music, and finding things to make me laugh. We went to church last night, I put on make up and did my hair and dressed nice, because as I always say, looking good is the best revenge. But of course I will pay for it for a few days. Tomorrow I have an MRI scheduled which those in the know say will be uncomfortable to say the least. I figure all this is the "girls" way of getting back at me for all the years I've griped about them. I have the Pond bookmarked, I will try to remember to visit regularly. Love to all Mags
good for you Mags ! I don't think the MRI will be uncomfortable. The biopsy my mom had was, but that was 50 yrs ago, they have come a long way. Distraction is a wonderful thing, I use it all the time, I use prayer, so your name is always there with many others.
Mags, sheer grit has been holding you together for awhile now. You're one of the strongest people I "know". I'm fully on board with your strategy of distractions, especially when you have such nasty things to face. I say, as you go through these things, pretend they don't exist (in whatever way you can). Use bad language as well. Swear at the MRI machine. It won't mind. Just know that you have a group of people (us Ponders) who will pray for you and send you all the good vibrations we can. We love you!!!
I have to tell you that MRI was the most excruciating and humiliating experience in my life. Because I am on regular pain medication they decided they could only give me half a Valium for claustrophobia. So they get me in the machine and try to position my arms above my head. But the arthritis in my left shoulder has it for all purposes frozen and it does not willingly go beyond shoulder level. So we started out with it by my side. But when they moved the table into the tube, the panic set it. I hollered, get me out! They got me out and gave me the other half Valium and let me sit til it took effect. There I was sitting in a chair with a blanket wrapped around me, tears streaming down my face. Finally I decided I could do it if my arm could be out and if I could have my head turned to the side instead of looking down. I was still in the tube but my hands were free and I could see some of the room. But my shoulder was in so much pain. I got through it, hubs got me out to the car, and I cried all the way home and most of the afternoon. They called a while ago with the results. There are no more tumors in either breast, but there are more lymph nodes involved than just the "sentinel" node that they biopsied. Eva, honey, I don't know where you get the silly idea that I am strong. I'm such a whiner and crybaby and I just hate what all this has done to who I used to be. Thank you all, again, for your prayers.
This is why you're strong: you stuck it out. So what if you cry? So what if you had to holler to be taken out the first time? I know someone who hasn't been able to deal with that darned tube at all. Right now, she'd rather deal with not knowing what's going on in her body (which of course, upsets all who love her). Her language was pretty interesting, too. I still don't think the medial personnel have gotten over it.
No more tumors is good news, right? Even if there are more lymph node involved? Try not to let the doctors scare you. Just from going through this with friends, I know how intimidating the process is. Don't let your humanity go and force the doctors and other medical personnel to treat you as a human being. It doesn't matter if you can't even see their faces through your tears. Look right at them. You deserve that.
I don't think you are a whiner and you aren't a crybaby! And besides, if you feel like whining, come here to the Pond and do it. We all do. We apologize for it, but we do it and end up feeling better. Really :)
I just have to say that I really liked the jellyfish tank cleaning story yesterday. Don't know why except that it was something different and I enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteYesterday was indeed a gorgeous day! Joe & I went to Island Beach State Park. It's one of our favorite spots, but we hadn't gone since we moved back. First there was the settling in. Then there was the harsh winter. Of course, there's the ever present rebuilding of the roads. Getting there used to be a straight shot and now we had to wind up and down various streets to get to our destination. It was worth it, though. We saw 2 foxes and lots of ospreys. On one side is the ocean and on the other, Barnegat Bay. At the very end of the park, the two bodies of water meet. There are lots of cranberry bogs and blueberry bushes. I just love it there. $5 for the whole day. Unfortunately, once the summer season starts, there are so many people. I'm becoming a real loner, I guess, but I really appreciated spending so much time with nature and not hearing a lot of yakking and boom boxes.
Oh yeah, Joe saved a turtle. It was making its way across the two lane road. Even though there were hardly any cars, Joe was afraid someone would be driving fast and run the little guy over. He stopped our car, got out and put the turtle on the other side in the direction he was going. I hope that was what he wanted.
Yeah for Joe. Not everyone would stop for a turtle. Sometimes I save the earthworms when it rain really hard. They crawl onto the sidewalks. I get a stick, scoop them up, and try to find them a "home" away from the puddles.
ReplyDeleteEva, loved your description of where you live. Sounds magnificent! Sis and I would love all the wild life. The description of how to clean the jelly fish aquarium was in the Seattle newspaper. Who knew how much trouble it is to keep our animals comfortable. Was an interesting story.
Does anyone at The Pond watch "River Monsters" on TV with Jeremy Wade? The new season started. So far two very interesting stories along the Amazon. Last week was about the Sobra Santos ship that sank killing maybe 200 people. What was in the water that killed them? Last night was about people dying from severe burns...possibly from electric eels.
Froggy also loves "Chrisley Knows Best." Very funny, very rich man living in Atlanta. He always tells his kids that he loves them. His wife is a former Miss Carolina.
Eva, what a wonderful story about your and Joe's day. Visiting that part of the country has been on my bucket list for a long time. Isn't it wonderful when winter finally starts to give up?
ReplyDeleteIt's been so warm around here. Over the weekend, I had to turn on the AC. Then it snowed this morning. It was pretty and the sun came out for most of the day. "They" promise tonight is our last freeze. Glad I didn't plant anything in the ground. All my pots of flowers, salad greens and herbs are just fine living inside for a few days.
I keep forgetting to watch Chrisley! It sounds so funny and interesting. I don't have any DVR or anything, so I must remember to watch it this week. Tuesday night, right?
The owner of our company is a member of the OKC Christian Business Men's Connection. They are holding a prayer breakfast tomorrow morning. Joe bought a table and invited all our managers. He included me (I'm technically not a manager). The speaker sounds like a very accomplished and interesting man. Joe is such a good man. I'm lucky to work for him. Of course, I have to actually put on some make-up and be at a convention center in downtown tomorrow by 6:15 AM!
I have a prayer request. One of our hydraulic repair techs didn't show up for work today. His mother called to say he was in jail for DUI. We have known for a long time that he has alcohol problems. So does his mother. Please pray for Donnie and please pray for wisdom: How can we help him?
Love you Deers!
You got it, Surfie.
DeleteEnjoy the dinner. Sounds interesting.
Deer Surfie,
ReplyDeleteAnything for you. If Donnie needs our prayers and support, we are sending it. Let us know more when he gets out. Is there anything we can do for his mom? She must be so worried.
Passover begins tonight. We celebrate with you Deer Eva. Let us not forget such an important occasion. Passover (Pesach) celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting addition to the meal: "This week, a new food is appearing on Passover tables around the country. The Orthodox Union, the authority on kosher foods, recently ruled that certain brands of quinoa could carry its “Kosher for Passover” symbol." Enjoy!
I've got my matzo :)
DeleteHere's a funny story. One of the schools with visually impaired students that Joe visits is a private Orthodox Jewish school. It has an interesting name: the School for Hidden Intelligence (how's that for political correctness? These kids have lots of problems due to inbreeding, I'm sure) Anyway, the school is closed this week, of course, as are the other schools Joe visits because it's Holy Week. When Joe was at SCHI (pronounced 'shy') last week, a rabbi came by to show one of the classes how to make matzo balls. Joe stayed to watch. I don't even know how without a recipe!
Back to the turtles. I was reading the visitor's guide to the park we were at on Sunday and it specifically mentioned that the proper procedure when spotting a turtle in the road is to NOT help it on its way, but to sit in your car (with flashers on to alert other cars coming) and wait for the turtle to finish crossing! Of course, I pointed this out to Joe who informed me that he thought that was ridiculous and would result in many smooshed turtles. He doesn't intend to follow those instructions. Sigh. I'll probably have to bail him out of Failure to Follow Turtle Crossing Instructions jail at some point this summer.
'Wog, I try to pick up that River Monsters show, but I usually catch them in re-runs.
Happy upcoming Easter, everyone!
Loved the Orthodox Jewish school story. And, of course, and Good Frog would save a Turtle. Reruns are just as good as brand new shows. Just check the dates they were aired so that you know you are watching the new ones. But if you've never seen them, they are all "new."
DeleteA pat on Joe's back. Good going lad ! Joe's correct... the proper procedure is ridiculous ! Also, a hug for WOG !(but, earthworms ?, really ?) Prayers for Donnie. (only by the Grace of God I was never caught) Joyous Passover.
ReplyDeleteHappy NCIS night.
We always stop for a turtle on the road, and move it to the side in Florida, otherwise it is hurt and your oil pan on the car is torn out. We had an old timer next to us , until a new house was built, I had to move it several times back towards the woods. It snarled and sniped but I used gloves, the dogs went nuts.
ReplyDeleteHi Ya'll
ReplyDeleteGreat turtle stories. They are a lot more exciting (and important) than my moving earthworms off the sidewalk. Phooey, how was NCIS? I have trouble watching the end of any shows lately. I fall asleep half way through, then wake up at the start of the next hour. Very annoying. Especially if it was a show I wanted to see.
Joe is more impressed with your earthworm rescue! He said, "Now, she is someone I think is worthwhile!"
ReplyDeleteWatch several of these clips from YouTube... Nina Conti, ventriloquist.
Dear Froggy, I believe Magdalene needs us here at the 'Pond' Can we send an invitation ?
ReplyDeleteDear Phooey,
DeleteFroggy says that "Of course, Magdalene is always welcome here. Please, ask her to join us anytime."
Mags is my neighbor here in the real world. I emailed her last night. She has so many health problems. Now this. Whether she joins the Pond or not, she needs our prayers. Truly wonderful woman.
DeleteMags has my prayers, of course. She has been through a lot, I know and hung in there. We'll give her an extra boost as best as we can and let her know that we'd love to have her join us in the Pond.
ReplyDeletePlease have Magdalene drop by anytime. She has friends here. At least give us an update on Magdalene, and how we can help.
ReplyDeletePhooey is great at explaining how to sign on. Really easy.
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I sent her a note too. She has our prayers even if she doesn't post.
ReplyDeleteThanks EC. Our Pond Family always supports each other. If Magdalene needs us, we are sending prayers and love to her today...and every day.
DeleteGood Morning Ponders,
ReplyDeleteIt's Saturday morning...and too early for me. Froggy woke up and wanted company. Then a car alarm went off outside. What plans does everyone have for Easter weekend? Church doings and dinners? Easter bunnies and baskets for the kids? Phooey, EC... are you getting rain? TV weather said rain in Florida.
Hi everyone. I have been hanging out reading but not posting. I saw that Magdalene had a bad report. Prayers for her of course. I am glad you have invited her to the Pond. Hoping she will feel like stopping by. Mags, welcome.
ReplyDeleteEva, you always post such interesting things about Joe and his work and living at the shore.
We had an unexpected thing happen this week. A guy from the utility company stopped by to let us know that they will be replacing the power pole on the edge of out lot. This is turning out to be a good thing. Dropping the pole will take out a couple of trees. Then there is the problem with trees that are growing into the wires. So 2 more trees will have to come down. Then they will cut back another tree. We get to save the good firewood and they will clean up the rest. Having this kind of work done is expensive and we were trying to figure out how. They will do it for free. PLUS give me a voucher for $300 to buy new shrubs. Another bonus is that we have no idea where the property line is. According to his map the pole is on our side - another question solved.
Hi Pondies
ReplyDeleteThank you for your invitation, EC. I do appreciate it, and all the prayers. Surfie, I have an email in composition, so look for that in a bit.
To be completely candid, I am doing all I can to not think about this newest turn in the road. There's nothing I can do about it at the moment. Just show up at all the appointments. There will be decisions to make along the way, but not now. Now I am into distraction & diversions; playing games, listening to music, and finding things to make me laugh. We went to church last night, I put on make up and did my hair and dressed nice, because as I always say, looking good is the best revenge. But of course I will pay for it for a few days. Tomorrow I have an MRI scheduled which those in the know say will be uncomfortable to say the least.
I figure all this is the "girls" way of getting back at me for all the years I've griped about them.
I have the Pond bookmarked, I will try to remember to visit regularly.
Love to all
good for you Mags ! I don't think the MRI will be uncomfortable. The biopsy my mom had was, but that was 50 yrs ago, they have come a long way. Distraction is a wonderful thing, I use it all the time, I use prayer, so your name is always there with many others.
DeleteMags, sheer grit has been holding you together for awhile now. You're one of the strongest people I "know". I'm fully on board with your strategy of distractions, especially when you have such nasty things to face. I say, as you go through these things, pretend they don't exist (in whatever way you can). Use bad language as well. Swear at the MRI machine. It won't mind. Just know that you have a group of people (us Ponders) who will pray for you and send you all the good vibrations we can. We love you!!!
ReplyDeleteI have to tell you that MRI was the most excruciating and humiliating experience in my life. Because I am on regular pain medication they decided they could only give me half a Valium for claustrophobia. So they get me in the machine and try to position my arms above my head. But the arthritis in my left shoulder has it for all purposes frozen and it does not willingly go beyond shoulder level. So we started out with it by my side. But when they moved the table into the tube, the panic set it. I hollered, get me out! They got me out and gave me the other half Valium and let me sit til it took effect. There I was sitting in a chair with a blanket wrapped around me, tears streaming down my face. Finally I decided I could do it if my arm could be out and if I could have my head turned to the side instead of looking down. I was still in the tube but my hands were free and I could see some of the room. But my shoulder was in so much pain. I got through it, hubs got me out to the car, and I cried all the way home and most of the afternoon.
ReplyDeleteThey called a while ago with the results. There are no more tumors in either breast, but there are more lymph nodes involved than just the "sentinel" node that they biopsied.
Eva, honey, I don't know where you get the silly idea that I am strong. I'm such a whiner and crybaby and I just hate what all this has done to who I used to be.
Thank you all, again, for your prayers.
This is why you're strong: you stuck it out. So what if you cry? So what if you had to holler to be taken out the first time? I know someone who hasn't been able to deal with that darned tube at all. Right now, she'd rather deal with not knowing what's going on in her body (which of course, upsets all who love her). Her language was pretty interesting, too. I still don't think the medial personnel have gotten over it.
DeleteNo more tumors is good news, right? Even if there are more lymph node involved? Try not to let the doctors scare you. Just from going through this with friends, I know how intimidating the process is. Don't let your humanity go and force the doctors and other medical personnel to treat you as a human being. It doesn't matter if you can't even see their faces through your tears. Look right at them. You deserve that.
I don't think you are a whiner and you aren't a crybaby! And besides, if you feel like whining, come here to the Pond and do it. We all do. We apologize for it, but we do it and end up feeling better. Really :)
Aw Eva, you are a treasure! Thank you for making me feel better!