Hi Pond Family, Just so you know...we have two wonderful, newsy posts from Gloria and Magdalene at the end of yesterdays pic. Tells of their travels around this great country.
Off topic, if you have something broken or with a crack, try Gorilla Tape, have fixed the exercise band, the handle on the coffee pot, sealed the bread saver, and the back up light on the truck. www.gorillatough.com amazing stuff
for travels, my favorite place was the Shenandoah Valley. We had an RV that was winterized, but we were able to leave Easter weekend and then our last trip was Thanksgiving, then had to antifreeze it. First stop was the Battle Creek campground, then Cherry Hill, then the mountains. What a beautiful country, I'll bet Hikergal has been on some of these trails. Then moved to Florida and sold our home away from home, but I miss the mountains.
Hi EC... I've heard about Gorilla Glue, but not Gorilla Tape. We have a few things that need fixing, so I am going to look for the tape. Seems like it would be so much easier to use than glue.
What wonderful trips you must have had in your RV. I bought an old "milk truck" once, and used to take short trips in it. Wasn't much good for cold days and frosty nights, but again, like you, it has a lot of fun memories.
Shenandoah Valley sounds beautiful. I hope we will be able to visit Scott's brother in Tennessee. He tells of all the historical sites that are near him.
Hi Gloria, You must have been typing at the same time that I was typing. Florida is one place I did not visit. Now I wish we had scheduled it into one of our Froggy adventures. I don't know if we saw the Shenandoah Valley, though I remember driving through Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
We have been in Florida for 20 yrs, but born and bred in Upstate NY. DH wants to go to Tennessee. He goes through there about once a week, but I don't think I have the strength to move. The Smokies Mts are wonderful, been to Pigeon (something) where Dolly Parton is from, just God's Country. There are some photos here http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/national-parks/great-smoky-mountains-national-park/
I can't believe it's June already... or can I? I'm not sure, so many things have changed. One thing that hasn't changed is that once summer starts, the number of people on this little island multiplies like crazy. The merchants in the surrounding areas need the business, so I'm going to try not to let my dismay show. I got so used to only hearing waves crash and gulls cry. Now there are non-stop kids riding their bikes and that darned ice cream truck tune is stuck in my head! I've become a terrible old cranky person who gets annoyed hearing children having fun. Yikes! When did that happen?
Hi Eva, I know what you mean about a change in the neighborhood when summer arrives. We always try to live near the beach, so it gets crowded as soon as it warms up. Too many cars. Too many people...mostly in bathing suits. No parking. It is frustrating. Downtown Seattle gets pretty busy, and forget going to the Pike's Market. Of course, our freeways are ALWAYS crowded.
Every Memorial Day we opened the cottage and the summer people showed up, we loved it, bon fires, quadrunner groups traveling the fire wall trails, and then by Labor Day they all went home, and we were so glad, so I know where you are coming from. We had turned the cottage into a year round home and stayed the winter, nice and quiet, but as I mentioned above, we could take off on the Easter weekend for the VA, TN mountains. Our side of the lake had 19 year round families, their side was 52 summer places. Our best friends had a place on the dirt road side and they came to FL same time we did. He and DH have been friends since they were 14, now both 65. Their kids are still in NY/PA so they go up for the summer, with a new cottage. Not me, since all our parents have passed, you won't get me north of the Mason/Dixon. Eva, we have an ice cream truck that goes down are street here, year round. Doesn't really give good pictures of what it was like, but the best I could find. We were on the top of this mountain with a man made lake, perch thrived for Cornell University
I am a dog person, not cat, but have to pet sit next door when my brother takes off in his camper, he has two pits, two cats, and a fish tank. The cats rub and snuggle me. They all get along fine, of course the cats rule !! The pit bulls take instruction from Noah & Callie the cats, go figure. When are the lions going to lay down with the lambs? already here. That is the cutest picture. Guess I stuttered on that last post.
Hi EC, This is the first chance this evening that I've had to hop over to the Pond. You have been writing about some wonderful adventures that you've had. Love the links so we can see places. Do you think you could share your trips and memories in a book? I have been trying to get Surfie to write a book or a recipe book because she likes to cook.
I know that you and Phooey are dog people. We used to have a cocker-sized dog. He was my little buddy. Loved to ride in the car. Loved to go to the beach and chase the seagulls. Later we got kittens and raised them up to be spoiled cats Because we live in the city, I did not want a dog that I would have to walk in the night. If we had a yard, I would still like to have a dog. Right now we don't have a dog or a cat. Very lonely without one.
I"m right here. We are 3 hours behind you guys on the east coast.
I had a Dr appt this morning with the regular doc. She talked to me about my cholesterol and triglycerides etc. Wasn't the worst it has been but only a slight improvement. At least my BP was good. I know that I need to make serious changes and have been thinking over my plan. One thing I am trying to give up is ice cream, my weakness. Son suggested that I make smoothies out of frozen fruit and yogurt. Thanks, Steve.
I am trying to get ready to go and visit Val and kids. Thursday or Friday. My mending and hemming are done for them. Town wide garage sale Saturday. Still have yard work to do before I leave.
Gloria, At least they have secret potions to keep our BP and cholesterol under control. I take about three for BP and one of the statins for cholesterol. Froggy yells at me when I bring home a small hot fudge sundae from McDonalds...with nuts.
We are watching "Hoarders" on TV this evening and Dr. Phil.
It's me checking in. Got a call from the oncologist this morning; they had a cancellation so I saw him this afternoon. We really like him, he's not only an old friend of my good friends who've been so helpful, he's also by reputation one of the best. He's very thorough, going over each detail and writing everything down, then making a copy for us to take home. Since the pathology results from the surgery changed the whole scenario, we went through everything again. First the tumor was significantly larger than it showed up on the tests, by about 2 cm, bringing it into the "large" class. Second, they had to take a portion of the chest muscle as they determined there was "microscopic involvement" of the muscle. Apparently they test the cells as they go to make sure they have "clear margins". So the treatment will be chemo (which I knew) and hormonal therapy (since my tumor was positive for hormone receptors) but also radiation of the chest muscle. As you can imagine, I am not excited about this. Chemo starts July 1. But I like what the oncologist said about chemo: It's not my enemy. Cancer is the enemy, and chemo is the enemy of cancer, therefore chemo is my friend. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Hoping to have coffee with the RakeKing Friday. All my best to the Ponders
Oh, Mags if you do see the RK Friday, please give him my love. I've missed him since I stopped posting on the Connection. I just stopped having the time to chime in on the Sports page the way I used to.
It's great that you have such an oncologist. If you trust him, that's the most important thing. As time goes on I'm sure you'll be so incredibly tired that it'll become harder to understand all the details. That's where the trust comes in. At least, that's what my friend told me. As his cancer progressed and his treatments became more intense, he wasn't able to concentrate the way he used to. He told me that if he hadn't had the close relationship with his oncologist that he had, it all would have been much worse.
We try so hard to understand what's happening to us. It's the only way we can still feel in control. When we're in control of our lives, our chances are so much better. Sometimes, my little mind just can't wrap itself around something. If I trust the experts around me, I can let that little piece of control go without undue concern.
Keep repeating your chemo mantra. It's a good one. You're both fighting the same enemy. It's got to be better when you team up. Prayers abound!
Here's a question that's only mildly tongue-in-cheek: why doesn't Obama just declare us an Islamic Republic and get it over with? I never thought I'd see an American President hug someone who praises Allah on the grounds of the White House.
Also, there has to be another word for the way I feel. Outrage doesn't begin to cover it.
Susan Rice says the deserter served "honorably and with distinction"? Did we go through Alice's Looking Glass when I wasn't paying attention?
The more I hear about this story, the more angry I become. As they say, "You can't fix stupid." Unfortunately, I haven't seen anyone in our present government who is on the side of America. Any and all changes they make to our lives, they also include a clause that says "they" are EXEMPT.
And who in their right mind would give back Taliban leaders back to the Taliban? How much wrong-doing does this president and "friends" have to inflict on us before someone slaps his hand and says "NO"?
WOG, take a look at this report on Statins, my DH was on them and had such joint and muscle pain, even when the VA changed to a different one, now he takes 6 cayenne pepper capsules a day and NO statin. blood numbers are good. http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2004/nov2004_report_statin_01.htm?source=search&key=replace%20statina Just a place to look, I don't advise He couldn't even make a fist before he started the cayenne.
PS: I also switched him from Puritan CO-Q10 ( regular that I take) to Max-Q10 which is ubiquinone made by Stop Aging Now, LLC USA 1-800-627-9721 www.StopAgingNow.com , not inexpensive but a heck of a lot cheaper than another heart attack. Again, I just offer this as information.
EC, I love how we Ponders take care of each other! I copied the info you recommended to a Word document so that I don't lose it. Froggy has asked me to stop taking statins for a long time. Maybe I should listen to all of you, and stop before they cause a problem.
Wog, just read your comment about statins. Like Phooey I was on statins for a while and they caused me a lot of problems. When I quit taking it my cholesterol shot right back up again and it didn't take long, only about 6 weeks. So do some reading about what you can take in the natural supplement area to help. Generic statin is cheap now but some supplements are a little pricey. If you have a plan it can work for you. Lots of info out there.
Here is a simple thing to do: every day eat 1/2 apple (red skinned), 1/2 cup cooked beets and 6 baby carrots. I tried it for a while but got bored with it. Should have had my blood work done then. http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=1CA5B1FF9DBFD51AD4F90A715350956E
I was watching Ralph Peters on Megyn Kelly last night. He was very good. He said he has never see such outrage from our troops. He also said something else I liked which is in line with what you said, 'Wog. He quoted Obama when he said this (the prisoner exchange) is what happens when wars end. Then he said what we did was replenish the enemy while the war still rages. It's like we are helping the enemy.
Well, in Obama's head we should be collaborating with the enemy, so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that he doesn't get how bad this is. He's inept, incompetent as well as evil. I hope our Country survives.
Eva, I love the outrage. I consider it a lost vote for Democrats! Sorry this is such a short post. I have to run for the bus. Can't miss it, or I'll be late for "job" at foodbank.
I don't know about you all but I am beyond sick of people and groups that hate America. They are everywhere trying to destroy this country. America haters are in the White House, in the military, in the government, in the media, in business, in our schools and even in some churches.
Checking in with a quick update. My surgeon has cleared me to travel, so we'll be heading out tomorrow or Friday (hubs won't say when he wants to leave) for eastern Missouri, and among other things a stop for coffee with RakeKing. Monday noon I get to go back under, so my surgeon can install the chemo port. Tuesday I have to have a heart scan (they do a baseline before chemo because heart damage can be a side effect). I actually start chemo July 1. All my best to the Pond family.
Mags we love you and will continue prayers for you, your DH, and your surgeons. Have a fantastic trip and enjoy. It will be so exciting to have a meeting with Bill and hope Surf can join you both for coffee, hope she can get away from her obligations at the job to meet you.
I started to say that I don't know how you do it: major surgery, road trip, another surgery, heart scan - all in such a short period of time. Then I realized that I DO know how you do it. Your relationship with Our Maker from which flows your faith and strength and joy. Add to that the faith and strength from the multitude of people standing with you. You are a blessing to us.
Please give Rake a big Surfie hug when you meet for coffee. Pictures, please!
How wonderful that you were ok'd to travel. Connecting with Rake will finally give you a face to go with the name. Please say hello for me. He knows me as Hollyhock on the Connection. It will be fun for both of you, to bad Surf couldn't be there too. You have such a wonderful attitude. We should all try to be more Mags-like.
You say your destination is eastern Missouri. My dad grew up in Rockport, Missouri during the depression.
Magdalene, Froggy and I wish you all the best with your trip, and, of course, your chemo. We are very pleased that you are part of our little Pond Hops. You may not feel well with the chemo, but stop by when you can. We'll be here waiting for you.
Gloria, I forgot that you were Hollyhock. I remember when you signed in as Hooleyhock, I think. Gave everyone quite a chuckle. I used to call you Hooley.
Little of charity's money going to help animals By David Fitzpatrick and Drew Griffin, CNN Special Investigations Unit Fri June 15, 2012
(excerpt) (CNN) -- A charity that raised close to $27 million to help animals worldwide spent nearly all of that money on fund-raising expenses paid to a direct-mail company.
In addition, CNN found that the charity, SPCA International, misrepresented one of its programs called "Baghdad Pups" on its tax filings and hired an officer for that program with a questionable background.
In 2010, SPCA International owed $8.4 million to Quadriga Art LLC and its affiliated company, Brickmill Marketing Services, according to publicly available Internal Revenue Service 990 tax records.
That charity, Washington-based Disabled Veterans National Foundation, collected nearly $56 million in donations over the past three years yet paid Quadriga Art more than $60 million in fees, according to a CNN investigation into the charity's tax records.
(snip) Is charity for veterans a rip-off? The other veterans charity, National Veterans Foundation, raised more than $22 million in donations over the past three years to help veterans yet spent about $18.2 million to pay Quadriga Art, according to IRS 990 forms.
I remember quite awhile back, 'Wog, that you warned about the HSUS charity. At the time I was donating a small monthly amount. After your warning, I looked into it and stopped my donations. Much better to give to local groups. I imagine that would be the same for all national charities. What a shame.
Froggy suggested that I change our Pond pic in the middle of the week. That will work well this week as we have D-Day coming up. Another chance to honor our wonderful military.
I use this site to check, one of the reasons I stopped Wounder Warriors,never to HSUS I give to the LOCAL Salvation Army, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, and my mountain friends at the Christian Appalachian Project and I have a friend that rescues cats so she gets a check and my local pet rescue, where Molly Mayhem came from. http://www.charitynavigator.org/
Good Morning, Deer Ponders,
ReplyDelete'WOG put up our morning pic. I love kittens. I just want to pick him up and squeeze him and kiss him!
Love it that you are posting again. Have a great day. In honor of you one of my porch plants is a pretty pink snapdragon.
DeleteToo cute for words!
DeleteHi Pond Family,
ReplyDeleteJust so you know...we have two wonderful, newsy posts from Gloria and Magdalene at the end of yesterdays pic. Tells of their travels around this great country.
Off topic, if you have something broken or with a crack, try Gorilla Tape, have fixed the exercise band, the handle on the coffee pot, sealed the bread saver, and the back up light on the truck. www.gorillatough.com
ReplyDeleteamazing stuff
for travels, my favorite place was the Shenandoah Valley. We had an RV that was winterized, but we were able to leave Easter weekend and then our last trip was Thanksgiving, then had to antifreeze it.
ReplyDeleteFirst stop was the Battle Creek campground, then Cherry Hill, then the mountains. What a beautiful country, I'll bet Hikergal has been on some of these trails. Then moved to Florida and sold our home away from home, but I miss the mountains.
Hi EC...
DeleteI've heard about Gorilla Glue, but not Gorilla Tape. We have a few things that need fixing, so I am going to look for the tape. Seems like it would be so much easier to use than glue.
What wonderful trips you must have had in your RV. I bought an old "milk truck" once, and used to take short trips in it. Wasn't much good for cold days and frosty nights, but again, like you, it has a lot of fun memories.
EC, how long have you been in Florida?
ReplyDeleteShenandoah Valley sounds beautiful. I hope we will be able to visit Scott's brother in Tennessee. He tells of all the historical sites that are near him.
Hi Gloria,
DeleteYou must have been typing at the same time that I was typing. Florida is one place I did not visit. Now I wish we had scheduled it into one of our Froggy adventures. I don't know if we saw the Shenandoah Valley, though I remember driving through Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
We have been in Florida for 20 yrs, but born and bred in Upstate NY. DH wants to go to Tennessee. He goes through there about once a week, but I don't think I have the strength to move. The Smokies Mts are wonderful, been to Pigeon (something) where Dolly Parton is from, just God's Country. There are some photos here
DeleteStunning photo of the mountains, and wonderful info. about that area.
I can't believe it's June already... or can I? I'm not sure, so many things have changed. One thing that hasn't changed is that once summer starts, the number of people on this little island multiplies like crazy. The merchants in the surrounding areas need the business, so I'm going to try not to let my dismay show. I got so used to only hearing waves crash and gulls cry. Now there are non-stop kids riding their bikes and that darned ice cream truck tune is stuck in my head! I've become a terrible old cranky person who gets annoyed hearing children having fun. Yikes! When did that happen?
ReplyDeleteHi Eva,
DeleteI know what you mean about a change in the neighborhood when summer arrives. We always try to live near the beach, so it gets crowded as soon as it warms up. Too many cars. Too many people...mostly in bathing suits. No parking. It is frustrating. Downtown Seattle gets pretty busy, and forget going to the Pike's Market. Of course, our freeways are ALWAYS crowded.
Every Memorial Day we opened the cottage and the summer people showed up, we loved it, bon fires, quadrunner groups traveling the fire wall trails, and then by Labor Day they all went home, and we were so glad, so I know where you are coming from. We had turned the cottage into a year round home and stayed the winter, nice and quiet, but as I mentioned above, we could take off on the Easter weekend for the VA, TN mountains. Our side of the lake had 19 year round families, their side was 52 summer places. Our best friends had a place on the dirt road side and they came to FL same time we did. He and DH have been friends since they were 14, now both 65. Their kids are still in NY/PA so they go up for the summer, with a new cottage. Not me, since all our parents have passed, you won't get me north of the Mason/Dixon. Eva, we have an ice cream truck that goes down are street here, year round. Doesn't really give good pictures of what it was like, but the best I could find. We were on the top of this mountain with a man made lake, perch thrived for Cornell University
ReplyDeleteforgot to add the link
I am a dog person, not cat, but have to pet sit next door when my brother takes off in his camper, he has two pits, two cats, and a fish tank. The cats rub and snuggle me. They all get along fine, of course the cats rule !! The pit bulls take instruction from Noah & Callie the cats, go figure. When are the lions going to lay down with the lambs? already here. That is the cutest picture. Guess I stuttered on that last post.
DeleteHi EC,
DeleteThis is the first chance this evening that I've had to hop over to the Pond. You have been writing about some wonderful adventures that you've had. Love the links so we can see places. Do you think you could share your trips and memories in a book? I have been trying to get Surfie to write a book or a recipe book because she likes to cook.
I know that you and Phooey are dog people. We used to have a cocker-sized dog. He was my little buddy. Loved to ride in the car. Loved to go to the beach and chase the seagulls. Later we got kittens and raised them up to be spoiled cats Because we live in the city, I did not want a dog that I would have to walk in the night. If we had a yard, I would still like to have a dog. Right now we don't have a dog or a cat. Very lonely without one.
So where is everybody ?
ReplyDeleteI"m right here. We are 3 hours behind you guys on the east coast.
DeleteI had a Dr appt this morning with the regular doc. She talked to me about my cholesterol and triglycerides etc. Wasn't the worst it has been but only a slight improvement. At least my BP was good. I know that I need to make serious changes and have been thinking over my plan. One thing I am trying to give up is ice cream, my weakness. Son suggested that I make smoothies out of frozen fruit and yogurt. Thanks, Steve.
I am trying to get ready to go and visit Val and kids. Thursday or Friday. My mending and hemming are done for them. Town wide garage sale Saturday. Still have yard work to do before I leave.
ReplyDeleteAt least they have secret potions to keep our BP and cholesterol under control. I take about three for BP and one of the statins for cholesterol. Froggy yells at me when I bring home a small hot fudge sundae from McDonalds...with nuts.
We are watching "Hoarders" on TV this evening and Dr. Phil.
Wog, tonight it's NCIS !
DeleteIt's me checking in. Got a call from the oncologist this morning; they had a cancellation so I saw him this afternoon. We really like him, he's not only an old friend of my good friends who've been so helpful, he's also by reputation one of the best. He's very thorough, going over each detail and writing everything down, then making a copy for us to take home. Since the pathology results from the surgery changed the whole scenario, we went through everything again.
ReplyDeleteFirst the tumor was significantly larger than it showed up on the tests, by about 2 cm, bringing it into the "large" class. Second, they had to take a portion of the chest muscle as they determined there was "microscopic involvement" of the muscle. Apparently they test the cells as they go to make sure they have "clear margins".
So the treatment will be chemo (which I knew) and hormonal therapy (since my tumor was positive for hormone receptors) but also radiation of the chest muscle. As you can imagine, I am not excited about this. Chemo starts July 1.
But I like what the oncologist said about chemo: It's not my enemy. Cancer is the enemy, and chemo is the enemy of cancer, therefore chemo is my friend.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Hoping to have coffee with the RakeKing Friday.
All my best to the Ponders
Prayers will continue and give our best to RakeKing.
DeleteOh, Mags if you do see the RK Friday, please give him my love. I've missed him since I stopped posting on the Connection. I just stopped having the time to chime in on the Sports page the way I used to.
ReplyDeleteIt's great that you have such an oncologist. If you trust him, that's the most important thing. As time goes on I'm sure you'll be so incredibly tired that it'll become harder to understand all the details. That's where the trust comes in. At least, that's what my friend told me. As his cancer progressed and his treatments became more intense, he wasn't able to concentrate the way he used to. He told me that if he hadn't had the close relationship with his oncologist that he had, it all would have been much worse.
We try so hard to understand what's happening to us. It's the only way we can still feel in control. When we're in control of our lives, our chances are so much better. Sometimes, my little mind just can't wrap itself around something. If I trust the experts around me, I can let that little piece of control go without undue concern.
Keep repeating your chemo mantra. It's a good one. You're both fighting the same enemy. It's got to be better when you team up. Prayers abound!
Here's a question that's only mildly tongue-in-cheek: why doesn't Obama just declare us an Islamic Republic and get it over with? I never thought I'd see an American President hug someone who praises Allah on the grounds of the White House.
ReplyDeleteAlso, there has to be another word for the way I feel. Outrage doesn't begin to cover it.
Susan Rice says the deserter served "honorably and with distinction"? Did we go through Alice's Looking Glass when I wasn't paying attention?
Eva, how about ' loathe ' ?
DeleteYeah, that's a good one. I LOATHE this crowd.
DeleteThe more I hear about this story, the more angry I become. As they say, "You can't fix stupid." Unfortunately, I haven't seen anyone in our present government who is on the side of America. Any and all changes they make to our lives, they also include a clause that says "they" are EXEMPT.
DeleteAnd who in their right mind would give back Taliban leaders back to the Taliban? How much wrong-doing does this president and "friends" have to inflict on us before someone slaps his hand and says "NO"?
WOG, take a look at this report on Statins, my DH was on them and had such joint and muscle pain, even when the VA changed to a different one, now he takes 6 cayenne pepper capsules a day and NO statin. blood numbers are good.
Just a place to look, I don't advise
He couldn't even make a fist before he started the cayenne.
PS: I also switched him from Puritan CO-Q10 ( regular that I take) to Max-Q10 which is ubiquinone made by Stop Aging Now, LLC USA 1-800-627-9721
Deletewww.StopAgingNow.com , not inexpensive but a heck of a lot cheaper than another heart attack. Again, I just offer this as information.
EC, went off statins a few months after my heart attack. Just couldn't function.
DeleteI love how we Ponders take care of each other! I copied the info you recommended to a Word document so that I don't lose it. Froggy has asked me to stop taking statins for a long time. Maybe I should listen to all of you, and stop before they cause a problem.
Wog, just read your comment about statins. Like Phooey I was on statins for a while and they caused me a lot of problems. When I quit taking it my cholesterol shot right back up again and it didn't take long, only about 6 weeks. So do some reading about what you can take in the natural supplement area to help. Generic statin is cheap now but some supplements are a little pricey. If you have a plan it can work for you. Lots of info out there.
DeleteHere is a simple thing to do: every day eat 1/2 apple (red skinned), 1/2 cup cooked beets and 6 baby carrots. I tried it for a while but got bored with it. Should have had my blood work done then.
I was watching Ralph Peters on Megyn Kelly last night. He was very good. He said he has never see such outrage from our troops. He also said something else I liked which is in line with what you said, 'Wog. He quoted Obama when he said this (the prisoner exchange) is what happens when wars end. Then he said what we did was replenish the enemy while the war still rages. It's like we are helping the enemy.
ReplyDeleteWell, in Obama's head we should be collaborating with the enemy, so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that he doesn't get how bad this is. He's inept, incompetent as well as evil. I hope our Country survives.
DeleteI love the outrage. I consider it a lost vote for Democrats!
Sorry this is such a short post. I have to run for the bus. Can't miss it, or I'll be late for "job" at foodbank.
I don't know about you all but I am beyond sick of people and groups that hate America. They are everywhere trying to destroy this country. America haters are in the White House, in the military, in the government, in the media, in business, in our schools and even in some churches.
ReplyDeleteGotta go - my hair is on fire!!!
Checking in with a quick update. My surgeon has cleared me to travel, so we'll be heading out tomorrow or Friday (hubs won't say when he wants to leave) for eastern Missouri, and among other things a stop for coffee with RakeKing. Monday noon I get to go back under, so my surgeon can install the chemo port. Tuesday I have to have a heart scan (they do a baseline before chemo because heart damage can be a side effect). I actually start chemo July 1.
ReplyDeleteAll my best to the Pond family.
We'll be thinking of you. Have fun with RakeKing!!
DeleteMags we love you and will continue prayers for you, your DH, and your surgeons. Have a fantastic trip and enjoy. It will be so exciting to have a meeting with Bill and hope Surf can join you both for coffee, hope she can get away from her obligations at the job to meet you.
DeleteI started to say that I don't know how you do it: major surgery, road trip, another surgery, heart scan - all in such a short period of time. Then I realized that I DO know how you do it. Your relationship with Our Maker from which flows your faith and strength and joy. Add to that the faith and strength from the multitude of people standing with you. You are a blessing to us.
DeletePlease give Rake a big Surfie hug when you meet for coffee. Pictures, please!
Amen !
DeleteHow wonderful that you were ok'd to travel. Connecting with Rake will finally give you a face to go with the name. Please say hello for me. He knows me as Hollyhock on the Connection. It will be fun for both of you, to bad Surf couldn't be there too. You have such a wonderful attitude. We should all try to be more Mags-like.
DeleteYou say your destination is eastern Missouri. My dad grew up in Rockport, Missouri during the depression.
DeleteFroggy and I wish you all the best with your trip, and, of course, your chemo. We are very pleased that you are part of our little Pond Hops. You may not feel well with the chemo, but stop by when you can. We'll be here waiting for you.
DeleteI forgot that you were Hollyhock. I remember when you signed in as Hooleyhock, I think. Gave everyone quite a chuckle. I used to call you Hooley.
Wog, as I remember, years back it was Belwatter that mistakenly typed in Hooly and it stuck. Hadn't thought about that for a while.
ReplyDeleteLittle of charity's money going to help animals
By David Fitzpatrick and Drew Griffin, CNN Special Investigations Unit
Fri June 15, 2012
(CNN) -- A charity that raised close to $27 million to help animals worldwide spent nearly all of that money on fund-raising expenses paid to a direct-mail company.
In addition, CNN found that the charity, SPCA International, misrepresented one of its programs called "Baghdad Pups" on its tax filings and hired an officer for that program with a questionable background.
In 2010, SPCA International owed $8.4 million to Quadriga Art LLC and its affiliated company, Brickmill Marketing Services, according to publicly available Internal Revenue Service 990 tax records.
That charity, Washington-based Disabled Veterans National Foundation, collected nearly $56 million in donations over the past three years yet paid Quadriga Art more than $60 million in fees, according to a CNN investigation into the charity's tax records.
Is charity for veterans a rip-off?
The other veterans charity, National Veterans Foundation, raised more than $22 million in donations over the past three years to help veterans yet spent about $18.2 million to pay Quadriga Art, according to IRS 990 forms.
READ ARTICLE: http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/14/us/animal-charity-investigation/
I remember quite awhile back, 'Wog, that you warned about the HSUS charity. At the time I was donating a small monthly amount. After your warning, I looked into it and stopped my donations. Much better to give to local groups. I imagine that would be the same for all national charities. What a shame.
DeleteFroggy suggested that I change our Pond pic in the middle of the week. That will work well this week as we have D-Day coming up. Another chance to honor our wonderful military.
ReplyDeleteI use this site to check, one of the reasons I stopped Wounder Warriors,never to HSUS I give to the LOCAL Salvation Army, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, and my mountain friends at the Christian Appalachian Project and I have a friend that rescues cats so she gets a check and my local pet rescue, where Molly Mayhem came from.
stopped Wounded Warriors (spell check , blah) but we have given 30 years of time and money to the Disabled American Veterans, we are both life members
ReplyDeleteNot to be confused with that Disabled Veterans National Foundation, the DAV is under Congressional approval and anyone messing up can be impeached.
DeleteFroggy you said: 'Don't tickle my feet ...Pleeeeeze!' gooche gooche goo gooche gooche goo !
ReplyDeleteHa ! take that ! Sweetheart !
Phooey, you always cheer me up! I love you!