Good Morning Pond Family, Is everyone sleeping in? Seattle is having a rainy weekend. Froggy was up in the night, so she went back to bed already. And I'm tired so I'm looking forward to a lazy day. Phooey and EC, don't you have rain in Florida?
Any special doings this weekend? Picnics? Drives? Shopping? Family visits?
Good morning Deers. Love the picture! My little apartment garden makes me so happy. My neighbors say they love walking by. After the roofers destroyed part of it, I managed to salvage a lot and replanted the destroyed part. Picked 2 cucumbers yesterday!
All that talk about the dentist in the previous thread gave me an anxiety attack. I need a lot of bridge and crown maintenance done. Several people have told me their dentist doesn't use the old needle into the gums anymore but gives them a little whiff of gas instead. Definitely going to change dentists!
Things are looking up at work. Lydia (new assistant) really started getting the big picture last week (her 4th week on the job). She's a semester away from a degree in business management with emphasis on human resources. This is her 1st job. The fact that it only took 4 weeks to wrap her book learning around reality impressed me to no end. Janice, Lydia and I spent the last hour on Friday planning our strategy going forward. Who knew 3 women could have so much fun together talking about challenges we face in our business lives? It's going to be bumpy for probably another month, but we girls are in it together and we WILL get it done. Color me happy again!
You remember praying for my friend Karen during her brain tumor challenge. Karen and her most wonderful hubs are throwing a birthday party at their house today for their granddaughter's 7th birthday. They are grilling and smoking enormous amounts of food. I'm bringing some sides. The kids will probably be in the pool even though we are covered in clouds.
I'm so happy Karen is alive and able to do so many things. My most heartfelt thanks to all of you here for your prayers for my best ever life-long friend.
Shopping. The only shopping I enjoy is at the grocery store.
Me again. The blatant corruption by the Republican leadership in the Mississippi runoff election could have taken the wind out of my sails. I think that's exactly what the career politicians and their big money lobbyists were banking on. They need to think again.
Hi Surfie, We color you Happy again! That's official from your Pond Family. Blessings to Karen and her family.
About politics, there is so much stupidity, I can't stand it. If anyone wants to comment about politics, please, go ahead anytime. We don't have a "topic for the day" at The Pond.
Froggy mentioned something about Hillary about 4am this morning. She was reading headlines on Drudge. I'll post it, if I can find it.
Color me delighted that he doesn't have his hand on the tiller; I shudder to think how much worse it can be. I don't want her hand anywhere near it either. As for me, other than high anxiety about the beginning of chemo Tuesday, I'm doing fine. Last normal weekend. Staying distracted as much as possible.
Hope your weekend was distracting and enjoyable, Mags! You'll be fine this week. I just know it. Tuesday will be over before you know it.
Color me happy that you're happy, Surfie. And I'm thrilled that Karen is alive and enjoying life. Modern medicine is just amazing! Every time I see a picture of little Nathaniel (now 13.5 lbs.), I'm just knocked out that he's doing so well. He has discovered his voice and my Dad says he's using it. He burbles to any and everybody. I can hardly wait to see him again!
Joe & I went to the beach for the first time this summer. I was all covered up, but it was great getting into the water.
Eva, wonderful that you could go to the beach. Seattle really hasn't had beach weather. We are thrilled any day the sun pops out. Nathaniel is such a miracle. He is growing so fast now.
Mags, You go girl! We are here anytime you need us. Blessings and prayers everyday.
Golly Gosh Darn...Our pic is gone again. Not sure how to put up pics so that they stick. Will put up something for 4th of July this afternoon. Just checking in.
Hi Ponders! Just checking in to let you know how things are going. Chemo was uneventful, I am having more side effects from the steroids they pump you with, shaky hands and so on. I normally deal with a bit of nausea, so I always keep ginger ale and stuff on hand. I have bunches of anti nausea meds if it gets bad. I just hate to pile on the meds. Of course I know that the chemo is cumulative, so each treatment will add to it. But so far so good. Surfie, we have cherry maters pinking up from the volunteers in the garden. Cukes are setting, and I think even a few zucchini. Come see me soon, ok? Missing you. But I know how busy you are. No guilt trips!
Hi Mags, You have had so much to deal with. Nausea can be so bad and miserable. Just know that we are here for you with prayers. Your garden sounds wonderful. There is something healing about digging in the earth and watching plants grow from your efforts.
Independence Day! Today I'm thinking of my 7th great-grandfather. John Bagley was his name. He was a farmer near Worcester, MA. At the age of 50, he put down his farming tools & picked up his guns & joined the war for liberty. We have risen and fallen and risen and fallen many times since then. I believe that we are at or very near the breaking point as John Bagley and his peers were.
Do I think it will come to an armed revolution? No. Witness what happened in Murietta, CA last week. I believe that we are armed with information that used to be hidden from us, are fed up to the max, and will overwhelm the corruption via our courage and new media. God Bless the USA.
Mea culpa. I've not been a good friend to Magdalene or, for that matter, anyone lately. My task this weekend is to write down everything I do at work from AR to AP to HR, chart out who should be responsible for those duties, and delegate (so Janice can delegate more to me!) LOL! Growing pains in a small family-owned company are interesting.
Eva, is the hurricane going to rain on your parade this weekend?
Phooey, are you feeling better? The doctors say you can't drink alcohol while taking antibiotics. Just in case you follow that advice, I'll drink a spiked lemonade today in your honor. Which brings me to this:
POOL PARTY at my sister's house today. We are grilling burgers & dogs. Everyone is bringing side dishes. Pool volleyball. Diving board competition (I OWN the Jack Knife). One of my side dishes is fruit salad. With tons of leftover fruit, I'm making two lemonades: Basil/Ginger and Watermelon/Rosemary. If I spike some lemonade with Kettle One Vodka, I'll sleep over at sister's!
Deer Ponders, I love you all so much. This beautiful little blog is a safe haven for me. Thank you Froggy and Wog. May the blessings from above be abundant in your lives.
It's POURING!! The wind is crazy strong, but all of this is nothing compared to what Sandy was like, I hear. It's a good thing that Bambu is practically deaf. I was worried about fireworks, but I forgot about how loud the natural elements can sound. It's all very dramatic.
We'll be fine. The really bad stuff is out in the ocean. If the weather cooperates a bit, I'd like to go look at the waves (from a safe distance, of course). I'm sad that a tribute to some local vets has had to be cancelled. There was a sign at the post office and we wanted to go to the parade, but they said in advance that it couldn't be relocated or moved to another day this weekend. Oh well. Gov. Christie is supposed to be around somewhere on the beach, too. He probably cancelled as well. I guess I'm just going to watch a Batman marathon on TV.
Happy 4th, ya'll. Let's remember the greatness of this country and try to hold onto it!
I love this day so much! God did bless America, and we are so fortunate to live here! I truly believe that He will show us a way out of the mess we're in.
Does anyone plan to see the Dinesh D'Souza movie, America? I hope to see it this weekend. I saw Dinesh debating that horrible Bill Ayers on the Megan Kelly show. I was so impressed by both Megan and Dinesh. I forced myself to watch Megan's entire interview with that low-life Ayers. He makes my skin crawl. She really was relentless, and I can't understand why that man is not rotting in jail!
On to more pleasant things! Froggy and Wog, can you see the fireworks in Seattle from your building?
Mags, I can imagine your garden. It must be very therapeutic for you. I can tell you have a green thumb!
Surfie, your plans sound like fun. We are taking it slow this weekend, as our entire family got together last weekend for my niece's wedding. It was lots of fun! Krista and Jeremy are now on their honeymoon at Disneyworld, and then they're going on a Disney cruise. I hope the weather will be calm enough for their cruise! My sister's family are all huge Disney fans. It's great that their new son-in-law is a kid at heart too!
Phooey, you stay safe! I hope you're just dealing with rain.
Eva, I'm glad your storm is not a hurricane! It's also a good thing Bambu can't hear the noise. Our pup, Kaiser is so terrified of fireworks. Last year it was weeks before I could get him to go outside without carrying him out to do his business. The vet gave us some pills yesterday, and I gave him the first dose last night. It really threw him for a loop. He woke up at 3:00, and was whining. I noticed that he was so sedated he was weaving like he was drunk. He managed to walk to the sliding glass door to go outside, but kind of fell down the 3 stairs on his way to the yard. He wasn't hurt, but I felt so sorry for him. Then he insisted on sleeping with us. I put him on our bed and when he finally settled down, he plopped his body right next to mine, and it was hard to sleep from then on. I'm going to Google the meds, and see if there are suggestions on how to customize for him.
Paget, you're a better woman than I am for watching that interview with Ayers. I just couldn't. I listened to summaries of it, but you're right, he makes my skin crawl.
Poor, poor Kaiser. Not only is he frightened of the fireworks, but he must be confused by feeling so dopey. Animals fight any type of meds that make them feel "out of it". My vet told me that, but we all try to help them because we can't stand to see them freaked out. Bambu doesn't hear, but he can see the lights from the fireworks (lightening, too). Luckily, we've worked out the sleeping situation and we're used to having him pressed up against us.
Deer Paget, Froggy says Hi to you!!! It is our treat to hear from you, and about your splendid adventures! Sorry to say that we did not see Dinesh D'Souza's debate or movie. It is difficult to stay current with such a fast-changing world. Though we need to do the best we can. I'll take time this afternoon to read reviews of the debate and movie. There is probably some of it on YouTube.
Froggy and I can't see fireworks from our senior apartment. We could see some of it from our last apartment. We watched the show on TV. Froggy cried when she saw our military salute America. I was impressed by Seattle's fireworks show.
Yes, the noise must be terrifying to the animals. EC uses a "thundershirt" on her babies. Seems to work. We've only had one dog, and he would shake during thunderstorms. I would sit on the floor and hug him. Has any other Ponders used a thundershirt?
Eva; no, my vet didn't tell me those details. :( Kaiser was very needy yesterday. I looked up side affects to one of the drugs and it wasn't at all what I thought I was getting. I just kept Kaiser close by and petted him. He isn't usually a snuggler, but he sure was yesterday! I'm throwing out those pills. The only good thing was, he didn't care at all about the loud fireworks outside. Last night he wanted to sleep in his own cozy bed which is right next to ours. I was happy about that, as he hogs the bed and then growls when I try to move him over!
Hello Wog! Our posts must have crossed in cyberspace. :) It turns out my plans to see to see the America movie will be put on hold, as hubby's back is bothering him today. It's hard for him to sit through a movie when his back flares up.
We tried the thundershirt on Kaiser last year. He just stood there and wouldn't move. He had a tortured look on his face, and so I returned the shirt. He is a loveable wuss. :)
"Hi" back to Froggy. I understand her sentiments. I always cry when I see things about our military. I'm so proud of our country and the men and women who have served. I sure wish our president felt the same way!
I feel like I'm flooding your website with comments today. Sorry. I will now be on my way now, as I have lots of chores awaiting me.
My mom went through chemo at the age of 75. She made it through. It sucks. You and Phooey and Froggy and all deers facing health challenges are in all our prayers. Every single day.
Mags, let me add an AMEN to what the others have said. You are in our prayers everyday. That won't take away your misery, but I hope it lets you know how much we care about you. And yes, those prayers include all the ponders who are suffering. May God bless you all.
Mags, Froggy and I are so sorry that you have to go through chemo. It's more of a challenge than anyone wants! We send you prayers and hugs (not too tight) every day.
I have a new prayer request. Pool party at my sister's yesterday turned out to be just me, sis, her hubs, our niece and her husband. My sister's son came to their house Thursday afternoon, high on who knows what, and got violent with her. She called hubs to say he'd better get home or she would call the police. My nephew left before his father came home.
It was shocking to walk into their home and see the damage he had done by throwing furniture and other things around in his drunk/drug rage. My sister is torn between anger at and anguish for her son. Jared came over yesterday because he knew family would be there and he could get yet another "throw this under the carpet" and "I'm sorry and won't do this again" pass. He was told in no uncertain terms that he can never come home until he gets help. They took his house keys away from him. It was not pleasant.
Jared is 28, off the charts intelligent, drop dead handsome. My sister and BIL have done everything the know to help him. They are at the end of their rope. Cutting him off is the only thing they know to do right now. Let him sink or swim. Heartbreaking.
The odd thing is that my sister and I bonded together yesterday on a level even deeper than I thought possible. It's been obvious to the family that Jared is a troubled young man. Yesterday, she stopped making excuses and told the truth about him. I think/hope/pray that my sister finally saying out loud that something is wrong is the first step on the road to help my dear nephew.
Please pray for my nephew Jared, my sister Teresa, brother-in-law Stan, and niece Rachel (Jared's sister). Thank you, Deers.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I know firsthand what drugs can do to a family, as hubby lost two cousins as a result of drug abuse. I will pray for your sister and her family.
Deer Surfie, What a way to celebrate the 4th. Your sister and family did the right thing with Jared. Your Pond Family stands beside you always, and sends prayers for your family's healing.
Deer Ponders, my eyes filled with tears at your sweet words of support and encouragement. I know I don't have it that bad, not actually sick, just nausea, and feel like such a weenie. I actually ate a burger and a few tater tots last night and kept it down, but was in bed by 8:30 and didn't even wake up with fireworks. Surfie, I know the anguish your family must be going through with your nephew, as we've been through that in our own family. It touches everyone in the family, and this weekend's catharsis is probably the best thing that could happen, since it has taken the lid off and let the sunshine start it's cleansing. It's unpleasant, I know, but necessary. Love you girl. And all of you. Thanks so much.
I went to You Tube, and found a debate with Dinesh D'Souza and Ayers. Debate from The Kelly File July 2, 2014. Almost 14 minutes long. Here's the link:
Video about Thundershirts
DEMS will do anything for a vote, to win the game, to rule the world. They don't care about running the country's business (which is their job - or WAS their job!); the whole 100 percent game now is to get the most votes, anyway you can...including flooding the country with illegals. No country on the planet allows other countries to roam freely back and forth across the border. America, again, must be the laughing stock of the world.
Our fore-fathers never saw this coming. They certainly tried to cover every possibility. They never heard of "the great and wonderful "O" whose only job as president is to watch sports, and discover news ways to cheat at the voting poll.
Rahm Emanuel: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
I am going to try 'reply' instead of 'enter comment' I've tried since last Sunday, to post, I wanted us to hold cyber hands to pray for Mags before her first chemo, but I should have known ya'll would be praying anyway, ha. Now I will add Surfhut's nephew. Know that story well, have one of those too. He was here in Florida for a while, kept getting picked up, doing drugs he ended up with HIV, got violent at times, when he wrecked his motorcycle, we had to go to the special jail for druggies to get him out. He was shipped back to his Mom in NY, he wouldn't straighten out, he is model beautiful and smart but dumb as a box of rocks with the addiction and sis/bil kicked him out. Paget, my beagle begs for his Thundershirt, so sorry it didn't work for you. I give Shiloh, 2ea of 10mg Melatonin, safe and it relaxes him, I take it too, if I can't sleep. My vet checked with the University of TN, it is approved for dogs, with NO side effects, I stock it from Puritan Pride but I imagine any drug store has it. This is my fourth attempt at posting, my last post said it was published, I came back Monday to check for responses and it was gone, EC
It shows 'published' now we will see if it 'sticks' July 3rd was our 43rd wedding anniversary and the 8th my birthday, I thank the good Lord he has a job, but darn he is never home for these kinds of mile stones. One of my zapped notes mentioned I needed a cane for a while, and I thought of when Froggy gets out of the chair, mine is very light weight but super strong, it is made of Cedar and quite pretty. Last week it went in the corner, yeah. Oh, and Paget, glad you threw out those pills, no matter what it was, the stuff they give out can cause kidney damage.
It shows 'published' now we will see if it 'sticks' July 3rd was our 43rd wedding anniversary and the 8th my birthday, I thank the good Lord he has a job, but darn he is never home for these kinds of mile stones. One of my zapped notes mentioned I needed a cane for a while, and I thought of when Froggy gets out of the chair, mine is very light weight but super strong, it is made of Cedar and quite pretty. Last week it went in the corner, yeah. Oh, and Paget, glad you threw out those pills, no matter what it was, the stuff they give out can cause kidney damage.
now what, feast or famine, Paget, your might look up Petco site for Comfort Zone with D.A.P. which has a plug in wall diffuser with Pheromone, like what the mother dog secretes. Don't buy at the store, $96 for 3, at the web site I paid $30.62 for the same 3. look up Pheromone Therapy
Hi EC..sorry you are having trouble getting onto The Pond. Blogger used to be so easy!
Note to Everyone...I screwed up my computer somehow, and will have to post comments and change pictures from Froggy's computer. Computers and cars can be such a pain sometimes. Every time I try to fix my computer, it gets worse...slower, more pop-ups, cursor won't move. Froggy got a new computer a couple weeks ago, and we thought everything would work perfectly. NOT. It has Windows 8. Totally dislike it! It's all apps like the smart phones. And there is no Start button.
Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘America’ a hit at the box office, increases 60% on Fourth of July I was very happy with Proff XP, over 10 yrs then they stopped the security backup so I had Windows 7 put on my machine, Dan brought it to me a week ago and I hate it, this is the DH PC but it will have to be upgraded too, I heard 8 was a nightmare. How can it not have a start button? good grief.
Hi EC... Somehow I got back on the Pond...on my computer. Windows 8 has a fix called Windows 8.1. Among other things, it will put the start button back! I still have Windows 7 on mine. As you said, What a nightmare.
Hi all! Good to see you back here, EC. Computers can be such a pain sometimes, especially if you are a tech dinosaur like me.
My new laptop has Windows 8, too. Took me a while to figure out the basics. If you put the mouse in the left corner at the bottom, you can click on the Start menu. Then you have to scroll across to get to the Internet button. Took me a while how to shut it down properly. Put the mouse in the top right corner and a little side bar pops up. Go down to Settings, then hit Power and it gives you the option to sleep, shut down, or restart. It takes a little getting used to!
I'm still trying to get Microsoft Office transferred from my old laptop to the new one. NO WAY am I going to buy it again. Everytime I try to get the transfer done, either their website or my internet connection goes down. I'm determined to get this done today.
Froggy, my cucumbers taste wonderful! One teeny little plant has gone wild! I remember Magdalene saying hers grew up into the trees last year. Well, mine is growing up into the trees! I planted English cucumbers. They are very long, thin skin and almost no seeds. One of life's little pleasures.
You are all in my prayers, and I thank you for keeping me and my family in yours.
Another of my life's little pleasures: I made Basil-Ginger and Watermelon-Rosemary lemonades this weekend. They are both delicious.
Good Morning Pond Family,
ReplyDeleteIs everyone sleeping in? Seattle is having a rainy weekend. Froggy was up in the night, so she went back to bed already. And I'm tired so I'm looking forward to a lazy day. Phooey and EC, don't you have rain in Florida?
Any special doings this weekend? Picnics? Drives? Shopping? Family visits?
Good morning Deers. Love the picture! My little apartment garden makes me so happy. My neighbors say they love walking by. After the roofers destroyed part of it, I managed to salvage a lot and replanted the destroyed part. Picked 2 cucumbers yesterday!
ReplyDeleteAll that talk about the dentist in the previous thread gave me an anxiety attack. I need a lot of bridge and crown maintenance done. Several people have told me their dentist doesn't use the old needle into the gums anymore but gives them a little whiff of gas instead. Definitely going to change dentists!
Things are looking up at work. Lydia (new assistant) really started getting the big picture last week (her 4th week on the job). She's a semester away from a degree in business management with emphasis on human resources. This is her 1st job. The fact that it only took 4 weeks to wrap her book learning around reality impressed me to no end. Janice, Lydia and I spent the last hour on Friday planning our strategy going forward. Who knew 3 women could have so much fun together talking about challenges we face in our business lives? It's going to be bumpy for probably another month, but we girls are in it together and we WILL get it done. Color me happy again!
You remember praying for my friend Karen during her brain tumor challenge. Karen and her most wonderful hubs are throwing a birthday party at their house today for their granddaughter's 7th birthday. They are grilling and smoking enormous amounts of food. I'm bringing some sides. The kids will probably be in the pool even though we are covered in clouds.
I'm so happy Karen is alive and able to do so many things. My most heartfelt thanks to all of you here for your prayers for my best ever life-long friend.
Shopping. The only shopping I enjoy is at the grocery store.
Me again. The blatant corruption by the Republican leadership in the Mississippi runoff election could have taken the wind out of my sails. I think that's exactly what the career politicians and their big money lobbyists were banking on. They need to think again.
ReplyDeleteHi Surfie,
ReplyDeleteWe color you Happy again! That's official from your Pond Family. Blessings to Karen and her family.
About politics, there is so much stupidity, I can't stand it. If anyone wants to comment about politics, please, go ahead anytime. We don't have a "topic for the day" at The Pond.
Froggy mentioned something about Hillary about 4am this morning. She was reading headlines on Drudge. I'll post it, if I can find it.
Phooster, how do you feel? Maggie, how about you? I worry about you folks everyday.
ReplyDeleteHow is everyone else?
Color me delighted that he doesn't have his hand on the tiller; I shudder to think how much worse it can be. I don't want her hand anywhere near it either.
ReplyDeleteAs for me, other than high anxiety about the beginning of chemo Tuesday, I'm doing fine. Last normal weekend. Staying distracted as much as possible.
Hope your weekend was distracting and enjoyable, Mags! You'll be fine this week. I just know it. Tuesday will be over before you know it.
ReplyDeleteColor me happy that you're happy, Surfie. And I'm thrilled that Karen is alive and enjoying life. Modern medicine is just amazing! Every time I see a picture of little Nathaniel (now 13.5 lbs.), I'm just knocked out that he's doing so well. He has discovered his voice and my Dad says he's using it. He burbles to any and everybody. I can hardly wait to see him again!
Joe & I went to the beach for the first time this summer. I was all covered up, but it was great getting into the water.
Eva, wonderful that you could go to the beach. Seattle really hasn't had beach weather. We are thrilled any day the sun pops out. Nathaniel is such a miracle. He is growing so fast now.
ReplyDeleteMags, You go girl! We are here anytime you need us. Blessings and prayers everyday.
Golly Gosh Darn...Our pic is gone again. Not sure how to put up pics so that they stick. Will put up something for 4th of July this afternoon. Just checking in.
ReplyDeleteHi Ponders! Just checking in to let you know how things are going. Chemo was uneventful, I am having more side effects from the steroids they pump you with, shaky hands and so on. I normally deal with a bit of nausea, so I always keep ginger ale and stuff on hand. I have bunches of anti nausea meds if it gets bad. I just hate to pile on the meds. Of course I know that the chemo is cumulative, so each treatment will add to it. But so far so good.
ReplyDeleteSurfie, we have cherry maters pinking up from the volunteers in the garden. Cukes are setting, and I think even a few zucchini. Come see me soon, ok? Missing you. But I know how busy you are. No guilt trips!
Hi Mags, You have had so much to deal with. Nausea can be so bad and miserable. Just know that we are here for you with prayers. Your garden sounds wonderful. There is something healing about digging in the earth and watching plants grow from your efforts.
DeleteHang in there, Mags. Sounds like you're off to a good start. Nausea is lousy to be sure, but you sound prepared. Prayers abound!
DeleteMaggie, I hate steroids-- they make you crazy! Eva, with Arthur coming, are you okay? Love you Phoobers! Where's EC been?
ReplyDeleteIndependence Day! Today I'm thinking of my 7th great-grandfather. John Bagley was his name. He was a farmer near Worcester, MA. At the age of 50, he put down his farming tools & picked up his guns & joined the war for liberty. We have risen and fallen and risen and fallen many times since then. I believe that we are at or very near the breaking point as John Bagley and his peers were.
ReplyDeleteDo I think it will come to an armed revolution? No. Witness what happened in Murietta, CA last week. I believe that we are armed with information that used to be hidden from us, are fed up to the max, and will overwhelm the corruption via our courage and new media. God Bless the USA.
Mea culpa. I've not been a good friend to Magdalene or, for that matter, anyone lately. My task this weekend is to write down everything I do at work from AR to AP to HR, chart out who should be responsible for those duties, and delegate (so Janice can delegate more to me!) LOL! Growing pains in a small family-owned company are interesting.
Eva, is the hurricane going to rain on your parade this weekend?
Phooey, are you feeling better? The doctors say you can't drink alcohol while taking antibiotics. Just in case you follow that advice, I'll drink a spiked lemonade today in your honor. Which brings me to this:
POOL PARTY at my sister's house today. We are grilling burgers & dogs. Everyone is bringing side dishes. Pool volleyball. Diving board competition (I OWN the Jack Knife). One of my side dishes is fruit salad. With tons of leftover fruit, I'm making two lemonades: Basil/Ginger and Watermelon/Rosemary. If I spike some lemonade with Kettle One Vodka, I'll sleep over at sister's!
Deer Ponders, I love you all so much. This beautiful little blog is a safe haven for me. Thank you Froggy and Wog. May the blessings from above be abundant in your lives.
Happy Independence Day!
It's POURING!! The wind is crazy strong, but all of this is nothing compared to what Sandy was like, I hear. It's a good thing that Bambu is practically deaf. I was worried about fireworks, but I forgot about how loud the natural elements can sound. It's all very dramatic.
ReplyDeleteWe'll be fine. The really bad stuff is out in the ocean. If the weather cooperates a bit, I'd like to go look at the waves (from a safe distance, of course). I'm sad that a tribute to some local vets has had to be cancelled. There was a sign at the post office and we wanted to go to the parade, but they said in advance that it couldn't be relocated or moved to another day this weekend. Oh well. Gov. Christie is supposed to be around somewhere on the beach, too. He probably cancelled as well. I guess I'm just going to watch a Batman marathon on TV.
Happy 4th, ya'll. Let's remember the greatness of this country and try to hold onto it!
ReplyDeleteEva, I was worried about you.
Surfie, tell me how your cucumbers taste.
Where's Gloria and Paget?
Where's my Phoo?? How are you feeling?
Happy fourth of July, deer ponders!
ReplyDeleteI love this day so much! God did bless America, and we are so fortunate to live here! I truly believe that He will show us a way out of the mess we're in.
Does anyone plan to see the Dinesh D'Souza movie, America? I hope to see it this weekend. I saw Dinesh debating that horrible Bill Ayers on the Megan Kelly show. I was so impressed by both Megan and Dinesh. I forced myself to watch Megan's entire interview with that low-life Ayers. He makes my skin crawl. She really was relentless, and I can't understand why that man is not rotting in jail!
On to more pleasant things! Froggy and Wog, can you see the fireworks in Seattle from your building?
Mags, I can imagine your garden. It must be very therapeutic for you. I can tell you have a green thumb!
Surfie, your plans sound like fun. We are taking it slow this weekend, as our entire family got together last weekend for my niece's wedding. It was lots of fun! Krista and Jeremy are now on their honeymoon at Disneyworld, and then they're going on a Disney cruise. I hope the weather will be calm enough for their cruise! My sister's family are all huge Disney fans. It's great that their new son-in-law is a kid at heart too!
Phooey, you stay safe! I hope you're just dealing with rain.
Eva, I'm glad your storm is not a hurricane! It's also a good thing Bambu can't hear the noise. Our pup, Kaiser is so terrified of fireworks. Last year it was weeks before I could get him to go outside without carrying him out to do his business. The vet gave us some pills yesterday, and I gave him the first dose last night. It really threw him for a loop. He woke up at 3:00, and was whining. I noticed that he was so sedated he was weaving like he was drunk. He managed to walk to the sliding glass door to go outside, but kind of fell down the 3 stairs on his way to the yard. He wasn't hurt, but I felt so sorry for him. Then he insisted on sleeping with us. I put him on our bed and when he finally settled down, he plopped his body right next to mine, and it was hard to sleep from then on. I'm going to Google the meds, and see if there are suggestions on how to customize for him.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend everyone!
Love to all you deer pond friends!
Paget, you're a better woman than I am for watching that interview with Ayers. I just couldn't. I listened to summaries of it, but you're right, he makes my skin crawl.
DeletePoor, poor Kaiser. Not only is he frightened of the fireworks, but he must be confused by feeling so dopey. Animals fight any type of meds that make them feel "out of it". My vet told me that, but we all try to help them because we can't stand to see them freaked out. Bambu doesn't hear, but he can see the lights from the fireworks (lightening, too). Luckily, we've worked out the sleeping situation and we're used to having him pressed up against us.
Deer Paget, Froggy says Hi to you!!! It is our treat to hear from you, and about your splendid adventures! Sorry to say that we did not see Dinesh D'Souza's debate or movie. It is difficult to stay current with such a fast-changing world. Though we need to do the best we can. I'll take time this afternoon to read reviews of the debate and movie. There is probably some of it on YouTube.
DeleteFroggy and I can't see fireworks from our senior apartment. We could see some of it from our last apartment. We watched the show on TV. Froggy cried when she saw our military salute America. I was impressed by Seattle's fireworks show.
Yes, the noise must be terrifying to the animals. EC uses a "thundershirt" on her babies. Seems to work. We've only had one dog, and he would shake during thunderstorms. I would sit on the floor and hug him. Has any other Ponders used a thundershirt?
Eva; no, my vet didn't tell me those details. :( Kaiser was very needy yesterday. I looked up side affects to one of the drugs and it wasn't at all what I thought I was getting. I just kept Kaiser close by and petted him. He isn't usually a snuggler, but he sure was yesterday! I'm throwing out those pills. The only good thing was, he didn't care at all about the loud fireworks outside. Last night he wanted to sleep in his own cozy bed which is right next to ours. I was happy about that, as he hogs the bed and then growls when I try to move him over!
DeleteHello Wog! Our posts must have crossed in cyberspace. :) It turns out my plans to see to see the America movie will be put on hold, as hubby's back is bothering him today. It's hard for him to sit through a movie when his back flares up.
DeleteWe tried the thundershirt on Kaiser last year. He just stood there and wouldn't move. He had a tortured look on his face, and so I returned the shirt. He is a loveable wuss. :)
"Hi" back to Froggy. I understand her sentiments. I always cry when I see things about our military. I'm so proud of our country and the men and women who have served. I sure wish our president felt the same way!
I feel like I'm flooding your website with comments today. Sorry. I will now be on my way now, as I have lots of chores awaiting me.
Love you Froggy! Short post ! In 45 mins we are having 25 neighbors coming over for a party. Don't know if we're ready. Gotta go.
DeleteYour party sounds like so much fun! Was I invited? What's to eat? Sorry you are sick everyday. I know how you feel. Love ya!
Not to be a downer on this wonderful celebration day, but may I just say, chemo sucks. Big time.
ReplyDeleteYeah, say it. Say it as often as you want to. Acting as if it doesn't isn't worth the effort :)
DeleteMags, regard it as a throwing up exercise. I do most every morning.
Deleteand , I've never quit praying for you !
My mom went through chemo at the age of 75. She made it through. It sucks. You and Phooey and Froggy and all deers facing health challenges are in all our prayers. Every single day.
DeleteMags, let me add an AMEN to what the others have said. You are in our prayers everyday. That won't take away your misery, but I hope it lets you know how much we care about you. And yes, those prayers include all the ponders who are suffering. May God bless you all.
DeleteMags, Froggy and I are so sorry that you have to go through chemo. It's more of a challenge than anyone wants! We send you prayers and hugs (not too tight) every day.
DeleteI have a new prayer request. Pool party at my sister's yesterday turned out to be just me, sis, her hubs, our niece and her husband. My sister's son came to their house Thursday afternoon, high on who knows what, and got violent with her. She called hubs to say he'd better get home or she would call the police. My nephew left before his father came home.
ReplyDeleteIt was shocking to walk into their home and see the damage he had done by throwing furniture and other things around in his drunk/drug rage. My sister is torn between anger at and anguish for her son. Jared came over yesterday because he knew family would be there and he could get yet another "throw this under the carpet" and "I'm sorry and won't do this again" pass. He was told in no uncertain terms that he can never come home until he gets help. They took his house keys away from him. It was not pleasant.
Jared is 28, off the charts intelligent, drop dead handsome. My sister and BIL have done everything the know to help him. They are at the end of their rope. Cutting him off is the only thing they know to do right now. Let him sink or swim. Heartbreaking.
The odd thing is that my sister and I bonded together yesterday on a level even deeper than I thought possible. It's been obvious to the family that Jared is a troubled young man. Yesterday, she stopped making excuses and told the truth about him. I think/hope/pray that my sister finally saying out loud that something is wrong is the first step on the road to help my dear nephew.
Please pray for my nephew Jared, my sister Teresa, brother-in-law Stan, and niece Rachel (Jared's sister). Thank you, Deers.
Deer Surfie,
DeleteI'm so sorry to hear this. I know firsthand what drugs can do to a family, as hubby lost two cousins as a result of drug abuse. I will pray for your sister and her family.
Deer Surfie,
DeleteWhat a way to celebrate the 4th. Your sister and family did the right thing with Jared. Your Pond Family stands beside you always, and sends prayers for your family's healing.
Deer Ponders, my eyes filled with tears at your sweet words of support and encouragement. I know I don't have it that bad, not actually sick, just nausea, and feel like such a weenie. I actually ate a burger and a few tater tots last night and kept it down, but was in bed by 8:30 and didn't even wake up with fireworks.
ReplyDeleteSurfie, I know the anguish your family must be going through with your nephew, as we've been through that in our own family. It touches everyone in the family, and this weekend's catharsis is probably the best thing that could happen, since it has taken the lid off and let the sunshine start it's cleansing. It's unpleasant, I know, but necessary. Love you girl.
And all of you. Thanks so much.
I went to You Tube, and found a debate with Dinesh D'Souza and Ayers. Debate from The Kelly File July 2, 2014. Almost 14 minutes long. Here's the link:
Video about Thundershirts
DEMS will do anything for a vote, to win the game, to rule the world. They don't care about running the country's business (which is their job - or WAS their job!); the whole 100 percent game now is to get the most votes, anyway you can...including flooding the country with illegals. No country on the planet allows other countries to roam freely back and forth across the border. America, again, must be the laughing stock of the world.
ReplyDeleteOur fore-fathers never saw this coming. They certainly tried to cover every possibility. They never heard of "the great and wonderful "O" whose only job as president is to watch sports, and discover news ways to cheat at the voting poll.
Rahm Emanuel: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
I am going to try 'reply' instead of 'enter comment' I've tried since last Sunday, to post, I wanted us to hold cyber hands to pray for Mags before her first chemo, but I should have known ya'll would be praying anyway, ha. Now I will add Surfhut's nephew. Know that story well, have one of those too. He was here in Florida for a while, kept getting picked up, doing drugs he ended up with HIV, got violent at times, when he wrecked his motorcycle, we had to go to the special jail for druggies to get him out. He was shipped back to his Mom in NY, he wouldn't straighten out, he is model beautiful and smart but dumb as a box of rocks with the addiction and sis/bil kicked him out.
DeletePaget, my beagle begs for his Thundershirt, so sorry it didn't work for you.
I give Shiloh, 2ea of 10mg Melatonin, safe and it relaxes him, I take it too, if I can't sleep.
My vet checked with the University of TN, it is approved for dogs, with NO side effects, I stock it from Puritan Pride but I imagine any drug store has it.
This is my fourth attempt at posting, my last post said it was published, I came back Monday to check for responses and it was gone, EC
It shows 'published' now we will see if it 'sticks'
DeleteJuly 3rd was our 43rd wedding anniversary and the 8th my birthday, I thank the good Lord he has a job, but darn he is never home for these kinds of mile stones.
One of my zapped notes mentioned I needed a cane for a while, and I thought of when Froggy gets out of the chair, mine is very light weight but super strong, it is made of Cedar and quite pretty. Last week it went in the corner, yeah.
Oh, and Paget, glad you threw out those pills, no matter what it was, the stuff they give out can cause kidney damage.
It shows 'published' now we will see if it 'sticks'
ReplyDeleteJuly 3rd was our 43rd wedding anniversary and the 8th my birthday, I thank the good Lord he has a job, but darn he is never home for these kinds of mile stones.
One of my zapped notes mentioned I needed a cane for a while, and I thought of when Froggy gets out of the chair, mine is very light weight but super strong, it is made of Cedar and quite pretty. Last week it went in the corner, yeah.
Oh, and Paget, glad you threw out those pills, no matter what it was, the stuff they give out can cause kidney damage.
now what, feast or famine, Paget, your might look up Petco site for Comfort Zone with D.A.P.
Deletewhich has a plug in wall diffuser with Pheromone, like what the mother dog secretes. Don't buy at the store, $96 for 3, at the web site I paid $30.62 for the same 3.
look up Pheromone Therapy
Hi EC..sorry you are having trouble getting onto The Pond. Blogger used to be so easy!
ReplyDeleteNote to Everyone...I screwed up my computer somehow, and will have to post comments and change pictures from Froggy's computer. Computers and cars can be such a pain sometimes. Every time I try to fix my computer, it gets worse...slower, more pop-ups, cursor won't move. Froggy got a new computer a couple weeks ago, and we thought everything would work perfectly. NOT. It has Windows 8. Totally dislike it! It's all apps like the smart phones. And there is no Start button.
Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘America’ a hit at the box office, increases 60% on Fourth of July
I was very happy with Proff XP, over 10 yrs then they stopped the security backup so I had Windows 7 put on my machine, Dan brought it to me a week ago and I hate it, this is the DH PC but it will have to be upgraded too, I heard 8 was a nightmare. How can it not have a start button? good grief.
Hi EC...
DeleteSomehow I got back on the Pond...on my computer. Windows 8 has a fix called Windows 8.1. Among other things, it will put the start button back! I still have Windows 7 on mine. As you said, What a nightmare.
Hi all! Good to see you back here, EC. Computers can be such a pain sometimes, especially if you are a tech dinosaur like me.
ReplyDeleteMy new laptop has Windows 8, too. Took me a while to figure out the basics. If you put the mouse in the left corner at the bottom, you can click on the Start menu. Then you have to scroll across to get to the Internet button. Took me a while how to shut it down properly. Put the mouse in the top right corner and a little side bar pops up. Go down to Settings, then hit Power and it gives you the option to sleep, shut down, or restart. It takes a little getting used to!
I'm still trying to get Microsoft Office transferred from my old laptop to the new one. NO WAY am I going to buy it again. Everytime I try to get the transfer done, either their website or my internet connection goes down. I'm determined to get this done today.
Froggy, my cucumbers taste wonderful! One teeny little plant has gone wild! I remember Magdalene saying hers grew up into the trees last year. Well, mine is growing up into the trees! I planted English cucumbers. They are very long, thin skin and almost no seeds. One of life's little pleasures.
You are all in my prayers, and I thank you for keeping me and my family in yours.
Another of my life's little pleasures: I made Basil-Ginger and Watermelon-Rosemary lemonades this weekend. They are both delicious.