Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Life is good. Enjoy the week. Enjoy each other.

How do I get right-side-up?


  1. Hi Ya'll...Froggy and I thank you for the good wishes and good feelings. You are ALL a blessing and a privilege to know. Froggy is still at hospital until they can find her a room at a rehab place. I'm hoping it will someplace close, and not twenty miles and three bus-rides away. Her legs are weak. Too much time spent in wheelchair. Need to get her up walking again. I spend the afternoons at hospital, and sleep at night in hospital chair. I'm getting fat from watching TV and eating chips and candy!

  2. Hi Wog. I have been checking back every few hour to see about Froggy. Both of you have been through the wringer lately. Pray she will get good care and be placed in rehab close and convenient to you. Praying for the strength to come back to her legs.

  3. 'Wog, thanks for the update. Yeah, got to get our Froggy up and walking about. I'm sure she'll feel much better once that happens.

    Please, please don't forget to take care of yourself as well! We need our "Wog, too. Get ahold of some popcorn. That way you can munch to your heart's delight :)

  4. Prayers for our Deer Froggy and Wog. Love you both with all my heart, just like all other Ponders do.

  5. I was thinking about the picture above. It's adorable and I love it, but I was also thinking it was like our Froggy. I know she must be thinking about how to get her life back to being right side up. Don't worry, deer friend. You will.

    1. Hi Eva. Just wanted to say that I agree with your words of encouragement. Waiting to hear from Wog.

  6. Hi All You Lovely Ponders...You'll never know just how special you are! All of you make The Pond the great place that it is.

    Froggy is better. Still in hospital until social worker can find a rehab place for her where they can strenghten her walking. Obamacare has probably screwed that up somehow. Can't seem to find a place close to the house. We have 3-4 places within a few blocks. I will tell her all the kind words that you sent. It will put a smile on her face and a smile in her heart.

    1. Prayers that you find a wonderful place for Froggy close to home. Is Obamacare making you go far away when a totally perfect rehab is close to home? Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

      Take care, deer Sisters in Seattle. We love you very much.

      Wog, don't you have a birthday coming up?

  7. Happy Birthday ! Surfie and 'Wog.

  8. Happy birthday Wog! Hope to hear from you soon, deer friend. Love to you & Froggy.

  9. Happy Birthday to Wog and Surfie! :)

  10. Wog, please tell Froggy that she's in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery! :)

  11. Why do you guys believe this froggie is as sick as she says she is? How much time do you think it takes a broken leg to heal? You guys are stupid if you believe this line of ignoreance because it don't take 8 months for a leg to heal and you believe something a stranger tells you because you want to believe. What ever happened to you husband Paul? When did he go away? How come you sit in a chair all day and than cry that you're legs hurt? Why can't you type? Why do you people fall all over yourselfs and kiss this broads behind? Your a bunch of idiots who believe anything a strangre tells you.

    1. FYI it would be ignorance not ignoreance, then not than, yourselves not yourselfs, You're not Your and stranger not strangre. For one lacking a basic education you have an excellent grasp of Psychology.

  12. Wow, who did we annoy so much that they felt they had to write the above? Isn't it weird? We're just a group of friends talking to each other.

  13. I guess we made the big time now, we have a TROLL. Obviously a pajama boy who doesn't even have spellcheck, LOL. I came on to wish Surfie a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY and check in on you gals and our gent. Phooey, we need to start a pet sitting Union, spent the weekend with the 2 pits, 2 cats and fish because brother and SIL went camping. Surfie and Wog, tried to find the tea trolley for the birthday party, but apparently can't attach pictures here. So Best wishes to all the birthday girls. ( maybe we could take up a collection and get our 8th grader a spell check plug-in)

  14. It is pathetic to come onto this little blog and spew such anger without having the courage to identify yourself. Note to Anonymous: get a life, learn how to spell and construct a sentence. Pffft.

    Now, back to what matters. Wog, hope you had a good birthday! EC, thanks for reminding me about the tea trolley. It brought back such terrific memories and made me laugh out loud.

    Love the Pond!

    1. Since I couldn't attach it here, I sent you, Gloria, Phooey and Wog the picture. My email contacts are messed up since they changed this unit from Prof XP to windows 7 so can't find Paget or Eva. ( some are duplicates, others missing ) So, pass it on, have an adult beverage with that chocolate and strawberry cyber cake, Hugs, EC

    2. Well, that bit of trash talk was a surprise. Hoping to get an update from Wog about Froggy. Happy belated birthdays.

  15. OMG..I'm off here for a couple days and anonymous who???? What a vindictive heart! And whoever this stupid person is, they can't spell.

    Our Pond Family members are wonderful, kind people. And we'll keep it that way. The key word is "Family." Froggy made The Pond just for loving, kind people. Yes, Froggy is still at hospital. I was going to explain what's going on, but another time. I stay the night with her. She's doing bet and they may send her home instead of rehab. Anyway Ponders...stay happy and stay well. Sis and I love all of you. Remember that.

  16. And thank you for Birthday Wishes! If I'm still having birthdays, I must be doing something right.

    1. You got that right, 'Wog. And many more to both you & Surfie!

      Let us know what's happening when you get the chance. Tell Froggy we love her and hope she comes home soon.

  17. Deer frog family, we all know how to artfully verbally eviscerate someone if we choose.
    This blog was created (by Froggy) for those of conservative persuasion (both Jew and Christian) as a place of fellowship and peace. Our hearts will not be sullied by the ignorant. Love to all !!!

    1. Phooey, you didn't mention my idea of a Pet sitting co-op! My 2 fur babies go nuts when I come home with pitbull slobber and cat hair. I keep telling them, they are your cousins, but they both give me the pout and demand more biscuits. I haven't seen a post here from Gram, I am going to send her the link again, she is looking for a friendly place to chat.
      WOG, let us know the updates, Hugs

    2. EC , it's my Parkinson's and Essential tremor that keep my comments short. Let's see.... hmmmm.... pitbulls.... ahh, no thanks (you have your fears --- I have mine). My (ex)DIL has 5 Rottweilers, I tend to consume copious amounts of alcohol before visiting her and my Grandson. Next, my daughter's Doberman nearly blinded my wife about 10 years ago(it was put-down the next day). In other words..... NO! NO! NO! Pet sitting co-op! Love you !

      Thanks for the Tea-Cart picture.

  18. Howdy...Just a quick Hi between buses. I stopped at library to use computer. Computer at hospital won't let me onto The Pond. All is well and happy in Frogville. Taking Froggy a hot lunch...anything that is not hospital food is good food!

    1. Love you Wog and Frog. We'll hold down the fort here in Frogville until you can post more. Send Froggy our love. Smooches to you both.

  19. I dropped by the house to pack Froggy a bag of clothes. The social workers think they found her a place to go...maybe tomorrow. And what luck, it's my day off. It will be close, but not right in town. I'll let you know more when we find out. Froggy's nervous about the change, but you and I know that she will be fine.

    Surfie and Everyone... you have all been so supportive and loving. Love the Smoochies! I'll let Froggy know. Gotta run. I promised I'd be back at hospital by 6pm. (I'm running a teensy late!)
