Monday, October 6, 2014

Last week went too fast. Let's have a slow week!

Wonderful place to relax.


  1. Froggy sends her love, and hopes everyone is well. We watched Seattle Seahawks beat the Redskins in community room. They have a big TV. Several people were in there rooting. We all got a little noisy, and nurse had to remind us that some people were trying to sleep.

  2. Hi Ya'll...taking Froggy to dentist Wednesday. I''m tired of riding buses. Going to bed now and dream of cats.

  3. Hope you had sweet kitty dreams, 'Wog!

  4. Hi Eva, we miss having kitties around the house. Took Froggy to dentist today by special transport van that takes wheelchair. Went well. Froggy had a root canal, and I took a nap in the waiting room.

    Biden, the one and only, will be in Seattle Thursday. Don't know why.

  5. ...and my keyboard died! STRESS!!!!! Found another one that I had saved from another computer. So I'm back.

  6. I hate root canals. I have a small mouth and it's hard for me to keep my mouth open for as long as is necessary (along with the other stuff that comes with root canals). I'm glad Froggy came through it well. It's such a relief not to have tooth pain!!

  7. That picture reminds me so much of Granny's place, my Aunt took care of them and when they both passed, all of us cousins went there for the summer. One year a doe was run down and the fawn was left, I fed it with a baby bottle, I was about 5, then when it was strong enough, we had to let it go back to the wild. It was in the Endless Mountains of PA. Such a pretty picture. ( don't get me started on the dentist thing, these dern dentures are in their little box and I look like I escaped Deliverance, 2 adjustments and they are still vomit inducing invaders)

  8. Hello to all. trying to do catch up reading about what has been going on. Wog, Eva and
    EC have been holding down the fort I see. I tried to write something before leaving for eastern Washington last weekend but it vanished. Just got back. I went to see the Blood Moon and my darling grand kids of course. We never know what winter holds so this may be my last trip for a while.

  9. Hi Gloria, EC, Eva...thanks for showing up at The Pond. We love to hear about everyone's adventures. Froggy's root canal went well, and you are right, Eva, no more pain. I've never had a root canal, but I have some old teeth that could use some work. As long as they are not hurting, I'm okay with NOT going to the dentist.

    The weather is changing slowing. But the cold and fog is slowly creeping in. I am working (my temporary job) on the 29th floor. When I look straight out the window, I see nothing but fog. It looks like that Stephen King novel, The Mist. Creepy!

    I saw something somewhere about "Dear Kitten." It may be on YouTube. Take a look. I think it's cute. But kittens and puppies are always cute. It's about an older cat teaching a cute, tiny kitten about the family dog, etc.

    Where's our Mags? Does anyone have an update.
    Speaking of updates. They may send Froggy home in about 2 weeks. Will be a day to celebrate.
    And speaking of celebrations. Eva, isn't it Sukkot?

  10. Good morning everyone. Just spent a while reading all the posts and can't believe its been such a long time since I've chimed in. Life has been busy. Good busy, though!

    I called Magdalene but didn't hear back. Will call again this weekend.

    So happy that Frog made it through the root canal. I've had several and they are no fun at all. Hang in there, Froggy. We love you!

    Summer has been hanging on for too long around here. It started raining yesterday morning and a cool front came in behind it. It's not supposed to be 90 degrees and dry in mid-October! At long last, I can wear my favorite long-sleeved clothes and start cooking fall/winter food. Making a big pot of minestrone soup today. Of course, a few months from now I'll be weary of cold weather and wishing Spring would hurry up!

    WOG, I got a picture in my head of you looking out from the 29th floor and it brought a smile to my face. Love you, love looking out from tall buildings (even if all there is to see is fog), and imagined myself standing right there with you. Do you like the work?

    Take care, deer friends.

    1. Hi Ponders and Hi Surfie...Yes, life gets too busy sometimes, or recently, it seems to be all the time; no time to smell the roses! I hope you can find out about Magdalene. Ponders worry!

      Seattle had a kinda short summer. It's cloudy and rainy this next week. Hope today is okay for the Seahawks football game here in Seattle. They should like the cooler weather to play in.

      I had more to say, but all my thoughts vanished. Gotta run for the bus. Tomorrow is Columbus Day. I plan trip to Sears which is now in Shoreline, north of Seattle. Sears closed the store downtown. Need to buy Froggy a new mattress.

  11. Good Morning, Is anyone working, or does everyone get a holiday. Sorry I don't have much time lately. Today I'm running for the bus to go to Sears to order Froggy's new mattress. We should find out this week when she gets to come home. Kinda lonely at home, and so quiet.

  12. My headline over this week's p[picture says, "Let's have a slow week." I don't think a slow week exists!

    When I arrive at Froggy's rehab, I fill a cup with peanuts and take them outside. Her window overlooks a tiny hill about six feet away. The hill is covered with grass, bushes and a couple trees. There is also a big rock about 3 feet high. I throws the peanuts up the hill (some roll back down), and I put some peanuts on top of the rock. It gives Froggy some entertainment watching the squirrels dash about picking up peanuts. Eating some. Burying some. The other day was very busy on the hill. Had squirrels, crows, one blue jay, and a beautiful long-haired cat who sat at the top of the hill surveying all the possible "treats."

  13. WOG, I can't express how your story of the peanuts touched me. It is a wonderful story of love and devotion and family and so much more. With all the awful things going on in the world, this was so soothing. Thank you. Love from my heart to you and Frog.

  14. Surfie, glad you enjoyed the squirrel story. I toss peanuts on the hill outside Froggy's window every afternoon when I get there. I can hear the crows. They wait til I leave. I'll let Froggy know that you send Love. She will like that you dropped by.

  15. Happy, Happy Friday...I thought we'd have a slow week, but it didn't happen. Our Froggy should be coming next week, next Friday. Then The Pond can get back to normal. Stay safe. Stay well. Froggy sends her Love.

    Anyone heard from Mags? Ponders worry.

  16. Wog, I recently found a bag of unused peanuts. Scott said that I should feed them to the squirrels. They went into the trash. I could not start enticing them to come up on the deck again and if there is food to be had the blue jays want some too.

    How is our Froggy? Shouldn't she be coming home soon? I am wondering about Mags, too. Hope everyone else is healthy and having a good week. We are already starting to settle in for fall/winter.

    I made peanut butter cookies today and am trying to stay away from TV and radio. I don't want to hear anymore bad news.

  17. Hi Gloria, Are you getting rain? I wasn't prepared for wet weather. Some new rain boots would be nice. I only feed the squirrels for entertainment. We don't feed the squirrels around our apartment building. In Denver the squirrels could carry the plague. Scary stuff.

    Surfie was going to check on Mags. Hope she is okay.

    Froggy should come home next Friday afternoon. She didn't want to leave earlier because she has an appointment for a shampoo and haircut at the rehab.

    Gloria, did you put the marks on top of the cookies with a fork? I haven't done that for years. I will probably cook more when Froggy comes home.

  18. Happy Saturday to all. Froggy, so happy you will get to come home soon. A good shampoo and haircut, then getting to sleep in your own bed are soup for the soul. We love and miss you so very much. Please write us a note or thousand when you get settled in.

    Talked with Mags today. She's still going through a very tough time, but sounded terrific. She made me laugh! Please keep her in your prayers, deer friends. She still has a long row to hoe (spoken in my best Okie-ness).

    I had to work from home a lot of this morning but am now determined to make peanut butter cookies, thanks to Gloria. WOG, I don't know if Gloria makes those little fork prints but I do! One of my favorite memories of childhood is Mom letting me gently press down the cookie balls with a fork right before they went into the oven. I can smell them already.

    Last week at work was extremely stressful. I won't bore you with the details except to say that I am now officially certified to manage our trucking operations with the federal government. We failed a DOT audit, the manager of that quit, and I had 2 weeks to fix everything. I didn't get most of my regular things done last week, but I did get this done. And I learned a lot. I mailed all the documents and explanations to the federal government on time. Waiting to hear if they will accept everything or shut down our license.

    We also had a storm water pollution inspection last Friday. The same manager in charge of DOT was in charge of storm water regulations, and we realized he had done nothing. Long story short, we got that put together and passed the test. We were looking at a $30,000 fine! We passed!

    I dearly love my job but am REALLY DEERLY loving goofing around today.

    Fall has finally arrived. Don't think I could stand another 80 degree day. I love the summer days of homegrown tomatoes but am diving into fall food. Butternut squash, chili, chicken & dumplings are calling out to me!

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend. Love to all deers.

    1. Surf, oh please, please, please try my PB cookie recipe and then give me an honest critique. I think they are the best. And yes, I squish them with a fork.

  19. I was thinking that Mags is probably is in the middle of chemo. I cannot imagine. I think about my Pond friends and say a prayer for each.
    So much is going on in our world it is hard to keep up. I am excited about the upcoming elections even though we won't get to vote on much. I will still be looking on with excitement. Love you all.

  20. OK. I know I am a little tilted but you might all enjoy this.

    I told that I went to daughter's house during the Blood Moon. Saw it, it was pretty cool. 3AM Oct 8. My SIL came to wake me up so as not to miss it. He, Val, 2 of my grand daughters and me are all standing on the sidewalk looking up at the sky. Val said we are officially the weirdest family in St John. I remembered buying a bundle of wire coat hangers thinking with our tinfoil hats, coat hangers and each with a box of new shoes we were ready for the Mothership to pick us up on the sidewalk. Grace suggested we all walk down to the corner and raise our arms to the sky.
