Sunday, October 26, 2014

OOPS! Time change isn't until Nov 2...

I'm a week early on the time change.


  1. Good Morning, Pond Family...I'm not sure when to set all clocks back. I thought it was Sunday morning so that you would have time to get used to it. Froggy has at least 6 clocks to reset, and a couple of watches. It takes a couple rounds to get them all the same time. By the time to get to the lasts ones, the first ones you set are now a minute ahead.

    Deer Eva, please read yesterday's posts. Don't know if you saw all the messages to you. Froggy and Surfie both wrote to you in the afternoon. You are so loved by everyone here. We are always here to be with you when you need us.

    Very high winds and rain came through Washington state last night. Many trees fell over. Downtown Seattle survived, but it was very noisy. Froggy found all of our flashlights just in case the power went out. Gloria and Paget are you okay?

    Froggy is okay, but a little lost. For weeks she has been moved here and there, and now back home.

    Surfie, You are so wise. Yes, I agree with you that Life's Blessing keep coming our way.

  2. Open mouth; Insert foot! That's what Dems do best.
    We should also add, "Stupid is as stupid does."

    Hillary Clinton: Corporations and businesses don’t create jobs
    Published October 26, 2014 · Washington Free Beacon

    At a Democratic rally Friday in Massachusetts...
    Clinton defended raising the minimum wage saying “Don’t let anybody tell you that raising the minimum wage will kill jobs, they always say that.”

    She went on to state that businesses and corporations are not the job creators of America. “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” the former Secretary of State said.

  3. Good morning Ponders. I read the posts from last night. Eva remember your friends are here and we care about you. Surfie's words are very encouraging.

    How is Froggy this morning? Has anyone heard from EC or from Mags?

    Am I the only one feeling a lot of anxiety about the elections? I just keep saying God is in control and He has a plan for this country.

    Friday I was heading north on highway 9 and had to pull over 3 times for police and EMT. It wasn't till I got to my friends house that we found out what was happening at the HS in Marysville. I am so grateful that my grandkids are in a teensy tiny town. It is a sacrifice to live so far away from a big town but their safety means a lot.

  4. I have read everyone's posts. When things get bad I remember what you all have written and feel better. Really. I'm just so sad and wish for things to be different, but I know they are what they are and it's all G-d's plan. As you all said, time is what I need to get through this. I'm trying not to smother my Dad or my niece, but just to let them know I'm here if they need me. We'll all get through this.

  5. Eva... we are sending you hugs along with the prayers. Come by anytime you need more hugs. Hope you saw the post from Froggy yesterday.

    I got carried away on the time change. I waited all day (Sunday) for someone to say, "Yes, this is the day." I finally checked online, and found out that we don't change clocks til Nov 2. Now I have to set all the clocks ahead. Silly Frog!

  6. Surfie just reminded us that today is Sir Phooey's birthday!

    1. Happy Birthday, Phooey! Is a martini in order?

    2. Happy Birthday, Sir Phooey. Sign me up for a martooni. It would be the first one I ever had. Froggy sends Birthday Hugs to her favorite Phoobers.

    3. Sorry, Phooey! I didn't know it was your birthday. Hope you had a wonderful day! You deserve it! :)

    4. Sorry, Phooey. That's what I get for not being around. Many, many happy returns!!!! Love you!!!!

  7. A word of advice to Instagram users: don't post selfies with your paychecks

    Law enforcement officials say the group obtained account numbers and bank routing information from victims by searching for Instagram photos with the hashtag #myfirstpaycheck.

    A search for that hashtag on the photo-sharing service Wednesday yielded nearly 300 hits, many with the bank details on checks clearly visible.


    1. No kidding. And these morons get to vote. Hope most of them don't.

  8. Frog and Wog, are you 2 doing OK? Hope to hear from you soon!

  9. Hi Frog Sisters. Are you getting Froggy resettled at home? Did the new mattress help to make her more comfortable.

    How is Everyone else? Tuesday is the day. I keep wondering what shenanigans are being done behind the scenes by the likes of Harry Reid and the administration that we won't find out about till later.

  10. Gosh, I'm embarrassed to say that Froggy had to go back to hospital. Low sodium. She's okay. I don't have time to change pic today. Hope that's okay with everyone. I think we have to go back to nursing home...again. Will find out more tomorrow.

    Now you can change your clocks! We have about six clocks in the house...alarm, wind-up clocks, electric clocks, stove, microwave, wristwatch!

    Love to everyone. Any word about Mags?

  11. Frog and Wog, you are both in my prayers..

    1. Thank you, Surfie, for prayers. Everyone on The Pond is always so kind. That's what makes our little place so special.

      Sis came home today. They thought that she was doing pretty good, and didn't need to go to nursing home. That's a relief for me; no more long walks and bus rides. Froggy had a bowl of Dinty Moore soup, and I put her to bed on her favorite lily pad.

      Did everyone survive the time change? Wish they would quit trying to fix everything.
      We've been watching some to the political races. GOP won a few. Keep it up. Guess we'll know more by morning. We saw an old silent film with Gloria Swanson and Lionel Barrymore. I had to look it on the Internet. Turns out that both Swanson and Barrymore were Republicans.

    2. Hi Wog, I have been checking back for news on Froggy. There really is no place like home. That thing with the low sodium is puzzling. Any idea about what causes it?

      I have been watching the election returns. Can't help myself.

      Lots of love and prayers for Froggy, Wog and Eva.

    3. Hi Gloria, not sure how the low sodium happens, but you get weak, and when you speak, you don't make sense. But that's not why I called the ambulance. I called because she wasn't breathing right. She has something called "tako subo" that has happened before. Look it up on Internet. Has different spellings. Pretty interesting phenomena. The bottom of the heart balloons and the lungs fill with fluid. It's name comes from the shape of Japanese lobster pots.

  12. YEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Congrats to all GOPers. I'm proud of you.

    Extra love to our Froggy and prayers that she can stay at home for good!!

    1. What Eva said.

      If only Washington state would follow.

    2. Well, Gloria, I know how you feel. All the R's that I voted for in New Jersey lost. After 30+ years in Los Angeles, I'm used to having everyone I vote for lose.

    3. Hi Eva. I am consoled by thinking that the pendulum is finally swinging toward the right. Del Bene won over Ceilis. I wouldn't be surprised to find there were some voting irregularities. I really get discouraged when we vote on props that are so obviously wrong and they get passed. I really wish the state would split into two states.

    4. Forgive me ........ Eva, could it be....... you're just a jinx ? (I think I'm getting my wit back)

    5. I sure hope you're getting your wit back, Phooey. The Phoo Master has been missed!

      As to the jinx part, let's include my husband in there, too. Joe always votes for R's that don't win either. It hasn't fazed me yet (annoying as it is), so I'll keep tilting at windmills :)

  13. It was great fun to watch the colors on the USA map change from blue to red. And then the president's speech...just sputtering away! He always did what he wanted to do without the approval of Congress anyway. Let's see if he can still get away with it.

    Froggy says Hi to her Pond Friends. Froggy and I did leg and arm exercises together this afternoon. And then she walked the length of the apartment and back. Go Froggy!!!

    I looked for Thursday Night Football, but couldn't find any games listed on our TV schedule.

    Seattle area is getting heavy rains today, and big winds. Hope it blows some of the leaves off the sidewalks.
