Sunday, February 15, 2015

Welcome Pond Family.

Image result for pond
~A friendly place for Hoppy Ponders~


  1. Hi Ya’ll, I wrote a really nice post to our Pond Family, and my stupid computer took it to some secret place where I’ll never see it again. Computers are such a pain sometimes, just like a car is a pain. But they are wonderful when they work right.

    I have day off from work and from job searching, so I am watching TV with Froggy. Our afternoon favorites are Steve Wilkos, Judge Millian, People’s Court, and of course, Judge Judy.

    Did anyone watch the Saturday Night Live special? We thought it was on tonight, so we missed it. I’ll check TV guide and see if they will run it again. May have to just catch favs on You Tube. So many funny people from SNL: Gilda Radner, Eddie Murphy, the Church Lady, Chevy Chase..

    Seattle-ites are being spoiled by a lot of sunshine. Still a little cool, but beautiful, feel-good days. Some trees are blooming already, and I have seen some robins hopping on the grass.

  2. We're snowed in today. Unrelenting white. Oh well. The heat works and I stocked up on food, water, cat litter. Yesterday, we were in minus degree territory for much of the day. Very, very cold. Bambu is snug under the covers with Joe.

    I watched most of the SNL special the other night. There were funny parts, but they tried to do too much in one show. 40 years is a long time and they should have broken it up over 2 nights or something.

    Watched the first night of the Westminster Dog Show last night and will watch the show tonight to see who wins the big prize. I just love watching the doggies strut their stuff. They each are so special and braved the horrible weather up here to get to NYC. If you missed last night, be sure and catch tonight's show on USA channel. Starts at 8pm here in the east.

    Hope Phooey's move goes smoothly (or an smoothly as moves can go) and more prayers for Karen.

    1. Hi Eva, so glad you and your family are home and safe. I forgot about SNL. I thought it was on Monday, so we missed it. You're right about breaking up the show into smaller segments. They could have run it for 8-10 weeks, and showed longer skits. After the original show, we never watched SNL. Guess we missed the dog show too. Westminster Dog Show is the best. Maybe I can watch some of it on You Tube.

      Pond has been kinda slow lately. I meant to put up a picture of Mardi Gras...and forgot that too. Haven't heard from Phooey yet, or an update about Karen. Prayers to both of our Friends.

      Going to put up another post in a few minutes.

  3. You'll like this if you haven't seen it. Biden is again showing what a "boob" he is!

    copied from Daily Mail Online:
    "Vice President Joe Biden has become well known for his love of close talking, and he was at it again on Tuesday. Biden was at the swearing in ceremony of new Defense Secretary Ash Carter, and as Carter delivered his speech, Biden could be seen in the background with his arms on the shoulders of the man's wife, Stephanie, and whispering in her ear."

    Read more...and see pictures:

    1. What a boob!

      Dog show on right now. USA Channel.

  4. Pond seems a little slow lately. Will probably pickup when the weather is nicer. It's the same in our apartment building. We don't see many people until the sun is out. We have a courtyard downstairs with a tree and tables. There is room to grow vegetables, and some spots for flowers. I planted some snapdragons a couple summers ago for Froggy, and they keep coming back. We also have a barbeque grill. Food just tastes better when it's grilled outside. I made myself hungry.

    What's everyone up to? Moving. Digging snow. Sleeping in.

  5. We're digging out of our latest snow (which is actually still going on). This morning we woke to -9 degrees. It warmed up to the mid 20's, so it started snowing. Tomorrow the temps are supposed to be in the mid 40s! Strange weather.

    I hope things clear up enough so we can go out and look at a house. I saw it yesterday, but I need Joe to look at it. I think it could work for us and the rent isn't too expensive. We'll see. Depends on the weather.

    Oscars tomorrow night.

  6. Eva, You always bring Happy Thoughts to The Pond. I hope you have good boots for all that melting snow. Never seen so many storms pounce so fast. Good luck with that house. Let us know if you get it. Froggy says "Good Luck, Eva." Guess I'm her secretary. We are just having a lazy kind of day. The sun is out in Seattle and looks beautiful outside...but in reality it is cold and windy. I'm just gonna hang out on Internet or in front of TV. Might make spaghetti tomorrow.
