Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Pond: A great place to hang out with Friends.

Image result for flowers and animals
"...because I love you."


  1. Dear Pond Family, You are always welcome to meet your friends here. You are all very special people...oops, I mean Frog-Family!

    I changed my work days off so that I can go to Jury Duty every other week. So this week I have two days off (Weds and Thursday). Slept in this morning til 7am. It's funny how your mind wakes up early even on days off. I found a couple articles to post. Didn't seem right to post them under Mother's Day pic.

    Froggy just got up from afternoon nap. I'll have a visit, and be right back. She'll yelling "Hi Ya'll" from across the room.

    Did I tell you that we are having another spell of "Seattle weather?"
    "What is that?" you ask. It's a couple really nice, sunny, warm Summery days followed by cold, gloom, rain, and naps. I wanted to plant some pretty yellow flowers downstairs for Froggy, but will need a few more warm days to keep the plants happy.

  2. More Clinton email bombshells in campaign season?
    By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For / 13 May 2015

    If the parties in a federal lawsuit squabble over what is and isn't subject to public disclosure, the courtroom battles could stretch into next January – putting the timeframe for any new Hillary Clinton bombshells right in the middle of the tense presidential primary season.

    Citizens United, the organization whose legal maneuvering famously rewrote parts of America's campaign finance law, demanded copies of emails sent among a large group of officials at State and their outside associates.

    'We expect to learn more of how Clinton Inc. operated inside and outside the State Department,' the group's president, David Bossie, told Daily Mail Online on Wednesday.

    Read more:

  3. It's a (nother) boy! Family with 12 SONS welcomes number 13...
    By Reporter / 13 May 2015

    'If we had a little girl, that would be neat. 'But I would be just as happy if we had a little boy.'
    The Schwandts live in Rockford, which is north of Grand Rapids.

    They already have Tyler, 22, Zach, 19, Drew, 18, Brandon, 16, Tommy, 13, Vinnie, 12, Calvin, 10, Gabe, 8, Wesley, 6, Charlie, 5, Luke, 3, and Tucker, who will turn 2 in August.

    A genetics counselor calculated the chance of giving birth to 12 sons in a row as low .02 percent.

    Kateri Schwandt said she finds motherhood to be 'very rewarding.'
    'I love being pregnant,' she said. 'I've spent half of my life being pregnant. It's very neat and very special.'

    Read more: See lots of pictures:

  4. The drug that can turn back time
    By Mark Prigg For / 13 May 2015

    It is not quite the fountain of eternal youth, but researchers have found a drug they say can rejuvenate ageing brain and muscle tissue. The small-molecule drug simultaneously perks up old stem cells in the brains and muscles of mice.

    The scientists hope the drug could lead to a treatments for old age, making ageing tissues throughout the body act young again.

    Read more:

    'WOG says: "I wouldn't mind having a little more energy and less stiffness in my legs when I get up."

  5. Right back at you from in front of my laptop: "Hi Ya'll, Froggie and Wog!"

    Weather around here pretty typical for tornado season. This state has been in drought-stricken for a long time. We've had so much rain the past month or so that we are almost out of it. Supposed to start storming again tomorrow.

    The whole Clinton thing has been a joke to most of us for decades. Hope all the news coming out about them gets the attention of liberals, independents and low-fo voters.

    I'm skeptical of all things health that reports and studies say. Hope the treatments for old age turn out to be true!

    My job is busy, as usual. Hired a new assistant to replace Katie. She started on Monday and, so far, is doing really well. This is the first time I've had 100% say over whom to hire as MY assistant. Keep your fingers crossed for Shelby!

    Love you, Dear Frogs.

    1. Hi Surfie, don't think you'll be up this late. Froggy went to bed an hour ago. House is real quiet without her. She reads the news headlines to me, and we watch some TV.

      Hope your new assistant works out. The first week on a job is the hardest. Yeah for Shelby.

      As for Clinton, the Hill, not the Bill, I think all the allegations against her are designed to keep her busy so that she can't campaign.

  6. Good morning! Where is everyone? Hope all Deers are well and happy. I miss everyone!

    Weather people are predicting possible tornadoes later this afternoon. So, I'll get my errands taken care of this morning and settle in during the storms. I have a theory why dangerous storms always miss the spot where I live. I'm on the north shore of Lake Hefner, and I think the lake creates it's own stable atmosphere, pushing the unstable atmosphere away. Anyway, that's my theory.

    I've been looking for a new place to live for a long time. I know exactly what I want and the neighborhoods I want to live in. Found the absolutely perfect little house last week. Looked at it on my lunch hour and submitted my application online after work. DRAT. Someone submitted their application just before I did. They have until end of day today to pay their deposit. If they don't, the house is mine.

    I'm really disappointed, but know that God is in charge. Just like my job, He will bring me to the right house and bring the right house to me. All in His perfect time. Patience is not my forte' ... He might be helping me develop in that area! Ya think?

    Froggie and Wog, hope you both have a lovely day. Hope some of our Deers show up soon!

  7. Deer Surfie,
    Thinking of you Girl. Praying that you get the apartment you wanted!

  8. Where's Phoobers? I love you Phoobers.

  9. It's Sunday again. Think I'll leave our Pond pic another week so everyone can read the posts. We seem to be missing a few people. Hope everyone is okay. When you don't come by every now and then, your Pond Family misses you!

    The sun is trying to come out in Seattle. Might make it by late afternoon. It sure perks me up when it's out. I am going to cook Hamburger Helper today. Promised Froggy a tasty meal. So when you think of me today, I'm in the kitchen.

    Love to all. Be safe. Be happy.

  10. Hello deer pond friends,

    I haven't stopped in to chat in quite a while, and just wanted to say hi and that I'm thinking of you all! Thank you Phooey for your comment the other day!

    My hubby was in an accident at work 7 weeks ago, when a bucket containing mortar, and low amounts of uranium exploded on him. The engineer in charge of the mixture had changed the formula without testing it first. Hubby was feeling dizzy and queasy, so he went to the hospital. They discovered that his heart was out of rhythm, and that he had atrial fibrillation. While thankfully, this was treatable, it took a toll on him. He was very weak, and wasn't able to do his job, so he was laid off. The cardiologist ordered several tests, which all showed that his heart was in good shape, and there was no sign of disease. After 5 weeks on blood thinners, and other meds, they thought it was safe to shock his heart back into rhythm. So far, so good. He's scheduled to go to Spokane next month to see a specialist who will determine if he needs further treatment to prevent the afib from returning.

    We're now adjusting to a more frugal lifestyle, as we're down to one income. Hubby had planned to work for another year. The most important thing is that he is going to be fine, and this will all work out. It's been hard for him to slow down, as he's always been a hard worker. The perks are that he has dinner ready for me almost every night! He has also taken over the grocery shopping. Those are things I can get used to really fast!

    I've used up a lot of pond space, so I'll close now. I do want you to know that you're all in my prayers!

    Love from Paget

    1. Oh My Goodness Paget, we had no idea. Our Pond Family is sending prayers for your safety and recovery. Both of you must have been so worried. It could have been so much worse. You must have excellent doctors taking care of Hubby. I know what you mean about dinners when you get home. Hubs is very special to do that for you.

      Deer Paget, You can use as much Pond Space as you want. We just love to hear from you.

  11. Oh gosh, Paget, all my love and prayers to you & your husband!! What a thing to have happened. Life is always unexpected, but geez, it's hard enough without accidents like he had. Let us know what happens in Spokane. We'll keep our fingers crossed!

    Surfie, I remember in our look for a home that we thought we found one and someone had gotten there right before us. It was also one of those situations where if that person hadn't gotten his deposit in by the end of the day, the place was ours. Of course, he did get it in and so we kept looking. You're right about it being in G-d's hands, but it sure is nerve-wracking to go through!!

    1. Hi Eva, just want you to know how much we appreciate your kind words. Some of our Ponders are having some difficult times, but we are always here for anyone who needs to talk. We listen.

      How are you and Joe and Baby Cat doing? You've really been pounded by bad weather. Seattle finally got to 70 degrees today. Now I know why Sis and I moved up here. We like the cool. If it's 70 here, it must really be hot everywhere else.

  12. It seems like we all have things going on in our lives. Surfie and Eva trying to move. Paget dealing with her husbands injuries. Miz Froggy dealing with physical problems. Wog doing jury duty. How is our Phooey? Where is EC?

    I have been gone a lot from the Pond. When the weather is good Scott and I are trying to do outside things. I have a feeling that each improvement we are able to make will help us when we sell. (Not in the near future.) My DH of 45 years will be 70 this year. So far he is holding up better than me. Yikes, do I ever hurt at the end of the day!

    We had some drama to deal with a few weeks ago having to do with our son being rear ended in our truck. Truck is in our name and insured but son didn't have himself insured. Mr. Procrastination is now insured. My next dramatic event was going to see my brother ( I have 2) and help him get settled in his new place. He is an example of what a life of making wrong decisions does to a person. Lots of burnt bridges and ruined relationships. This brother is soooo different from me and my other brother.

    Well enough of my screwy life for now. Around the 1st I will be going to my daughter's house. They are planning an open house for their oldest who graduates this year. Val needs my help.

    1. Hi Gloria, wonderful post. We can seen how busy you your family have been. I know what you mean about the ol' body getting tired by the end of the day. I'm slowly not wanting to walk to the drugstore only two blocks away. Having to catch the bus all the time keeps me going. Froggy makes me rest on the weekends...and I don't complain that I have too much to do. Often feel like a nap in the afternoon.

      Haven't heard from EC for a couple weeks.

  13. Hi all! Raining here now and chilly. Hard to believe that Memorial Day weekend is almost here. This area is definitely not ready for the summer season yet.

    Just got some news from my niece. On the up side, she's pregnant again and due in early December. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a girl. On the downside, little Nathaniel pulled a small (but heavy) mirror down on his leg and fractured it (the leg not the mirror). He has a big blue cast on now and it takes up his whole leg. The doc says it's a minor fracture and he'll be fine, but the poor thing was just figuring out how to walk and now that's on hold. He can crawl around with the cast on, so at least he's mobile. Ah, boys will be boys.

    Gotta go. Bambu is screaming his head off for some reason.

  14. Good grief. I probably hit a wrong key because my huge hello just disappeared. Here we go again.

    Paget, please get a workers' comp attorney and sue the daylights out of your husband's employer. If he was injured at work, his employer must file a workers' comp notice with the court and be responsible for all medical bills and any long-term disability. Firing an employee for not being able to perform duties as the result of an on-the-job injury is a BIG CRIMINAL NO-NO. I am in charge of these things for my company here in Oklahoma, don't know the laws in your state, and think they are probable similar. A permanently damaged back in Oklahoma is worth $275,000. That person can still walk, work, drive a car, play with his children, etc. Yet, he received $275,000 for his disabilities. Punitive (punishment) damages might also be looked at (punishing employers for their crappy treatment of employees). PLEASE get a lawyer! I'm a conservative and pro-business. We need to get rid of crappy businesses like this one sounds. Love you, Deer!

    Gloria, your post gave me a little pause for thought. I've been trying to figure out why people in my family were all raised the same yet there is one who just can't get it together. It is still a mystery to me. Love hearing about what you and hubs are doing. Hope you have some great graduation fun!

    Eva, keeping my fingers crossed for a girl for you! My sister became a grandmother a couple of weeks ago. Beautiful baby girl Savannah! Savannah's father is my nephew. When he was about 18 months old, he was standing on the open door of the dishwasher, fell off and broke his arm. Beautiful blue cast. He could walk but couldn't use his right arm. Thanks for the memories, Eva!

    It has been raining like crazy here. We've been in a drought for years. Drought officially broken, but now it is becoming too much of a good thing. We've already had over 12" of rain this month. Supposed to rain all weekend, little break for a couple of days next week, then more rain next weekend. Our lakes have gone from 7' low to 7' above flood stage in 3 weeks! Please say a little prayer for people who live in flood zones, and for our farmers. Wheat, corn, soybean and other crops are looking at some trouble. On the other hand, cattle ranchers are happy because the ponds are full of drinking water. Natural cycles of life are very interesting.
    My new assistant Shelby is exceeding my expectations. I just needed someone to answer the phones and do filing well. She is only 19 and this is her first office job. My supervisors have hired my assistants (all of whom failed) until now. I hired Shelby with no approval from my supervisors. She is awesome!

    Shelby does not have: body tattoos, facial piercing, baby daddy, cell phone/social media consuming her attention while at work.

    Shelby is a sweet young girl, with no office experience. She is smart and has the best trait of all: common sense. I have been able to train her (and give her more of my responsibilities) in 2 weeks more than I can ever write here. Thank You, Lord!

    I've talked about myself too much. Hope you still love me, Deers!

  15. Happy Memorial weekend Ponders! I have been looking forward to sunny and warm but must settle for cool dry and overcast. There should be some good patriotic shows on the telly for Froggy and Wog. Phooey, just say hi. We all miss you. EC, are you still having computer problems? How is your DH doing?

    Eva, I keep thinking of you living so close to the beach. I keep dreaming of a beach vacation. I would love to take my whole family for a beach vacation. I remember how summer was in California growing up.

    Surfie, I am glad you spoke to the issue concerning Paget's husband. It just doesn't seem right to me either. Paget, I know what it is like to have to retire before the time you plan. Major adjustments.

    Also Surfie, glad you finally got an assistant that is right for you. What will happen to our society when piercings and tats fall out of style?

    This week Scott and I have been working on removing tree stumps that remain from trees cut down a few years ago. We have a pile of three that will have to go to the dump and one remaining that needs a stick of dynamite (just kidding). I have been late getting my veggie garden planted. The raspberries and blueberries are forming. Kind of proud at what us two old folks can do. We are both slower and not as strong as we used to be.

    Hope I have not yammered on too much.

  16. Hi All. So many important posts from Surfie and Gloria and Paget and Eva. I'll wait another day to put Memorial Day pic. By the way, Anonymous above was me, the Pond 'Wog. I wasn't finished with my comments and my computer refused to type! All I could do was pick Anonymous. Had to reboot my computer to get it to type again. In the words of Bullwinkle...Stoopid Computer!

    Surfie, you really had good advice for Paget. Sounds like she and hubs may have a viable case. I've always been impressed how we Ponders take care of each other. That's what Froggy wanted...a place where we could feel safe to talk to each other and respect each other and have fun too.

  17. Good morning! Gloria, you never yammer on too long! Must admit I sometimes embarrass myself because I've yammered on and on. At the end of the day, that is one of the things I love most about The Pond. We can yammer on amongst true friends. Thank you, Froggy and Wog!!!!

    I had a real scare yesterday. Was out looking at houses when it started sprinkling. I was pretty far into the city at the time. By the time I got within about a mile of my apartment, the rain started coming down so hard I could barely see the car in front of me. We've had 18" of rain this month, so the streets started flooding. Really, I got scared that I couldn't even drive through the last 6 blocks because there was so much water in the streets. Most of the city flooded. A little park near my apartment (I drove past it, barely), had 3' of water in it! Well, thank the Lord I got home safe and sound. The rain was coming down so hard, by the time I parked and walked across the parking lot to my front door, I was completely soaked. Had to take off my clothes and put them in the bathtub and wring the water out of them!

    They are saying an El Nino is going on. Pacific Northwest should be warmer and more dry this summer, while my neck of the woods should be cooler and more rainy this summer. I'll gladly do without 105 degrees during July and August, but hope we still get a summer.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    1. I'll need to start this post again...with "Stoopid Compooter!" It's not blogger this time, it's my computer. Needs a little work or a swift kick in the keister.

      Jeeez Surfie, you were lucky to make it home safely. Very scary! I've been caught driving out of Denver when the rain dumped a ton of water all at once. Nothing you can do but pull over and wait. And pray that someone else doesn't come along behind you and not see you. Froggy keeps me updated on weather. Said that there was bad rain in OK and Texas.

      Weather in Pacific Northwest has been shifting back and forth between hot and cold. Might be warmer by Gloria and Paget, but around Seattle it is still cold in the mornings and warmer afternoons. Not much rain. A sprinkle sometimes.

      Surfie, I hope you have Monday off. You work so hard. You deserve time for yourself.

  18. About the El Nino thing. I can never get straight which does what. El Nino or La Nina. Anyway, to my point. I heard it explained that some of the severe geological events that have occurred in the last ten years were strong enough to move the earth off its axis enough to move the jet stream 200 miles. A little trivia for ya.

    1. Hi Gloria, I can never remember El Nino from La Nina either. Don't guess we have much say in which way it goes. The planet just does what it does! The trivia about the earth's axis is too scary to think about. So I'm not going to think about it.

      Is anyone having barbeques or family get-togethers? Nothing was planned for our apartment building. I'm a little disappointed. They usually throw some hot dogs and hamburgers on the outside grill. and put big umbrellas on the tables for the summer. I like the building parties because you get to see people that have been hibernating all winter. Everyone comes down for free food.

      I'll put up Memorial pic later this evening. We all have so many people in our families to honor for their giving service to our country and to keep us free. We can see in the news everyday what happens if you don't fight to keep your country free from tyrants and just plain killers.

      Sis and I love you all. We pray for a good life for each of our Pond Family even when we don't hear from you for a while. You are with us and we are with you.

  19. Here's something fun to do on The Pond. I forgot about it until just now. We have a place on the right side near the bottom called "Puffin's Pond." Froggy named it after Eva's precious kitty Puffin. But if you click all over it, it feeds the fish. It's fun to watch them swim for the food.
