Howdy Hot Pond People...Taking Froggy to doctor today for checkup. Then it's a day in front of the fan with a pitcher of ice-cold tea or soda or anything COLD!
Doctor called this afternoon and said that Froggy's sodium is still low. I may push her (Froggy, not the doctor) up to emergency room tomorrow. Only a couple blocks. I always pack my backpack for an overnight stay (that means "snacks.")
My goodness that paragraph is pieced together! I'm pushing the wheelchair; I'm not shoving Froggy up the block. Time for 'WOG to go to bed.
Wog isn't sodium an electrolyte? Seems like our Froggy is always fighting low sodium. I don't like to hear about her falling, wish there was something I could do to help.
Gloria, you are so kind. Sis is now taking a sodium chloride tablet every morning. She never likes to take them because they are kind of big. Don't know why all pills can't be smaller. Then you can just take two instead of one. Dumb!
I didn't hear Jindal speech. Froggy didn't say anything about it. I will look for it on Internet...maybe on YouTube. Froggy has always liked Jindal. Now it's wait and see who can pull ahead.
This is really the last straw (I say knowing that there will be more bad news coming). Honestly, this country is going downhill so fast, I don't think even electing a Republican can turn it around. I've never been so pessimistic. I opened the paper today to read that someone thinks Gone With The Wind should not be shown anymore. Calypso Louie (as Rush calls him) says "Take down the American Flag". All signs of the Civil War period of our history are to be relegated to museums. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. Obama & Kerry are considering giving Iran state-of-the-art nuclear equipment to get an agreement. Has the world gone mad?
On a lighter note, my niece Nikki just found out she's having a girl! Yay! After 2 boys, I can finally start buying girly things :)
Eva...exciting news about the baby girl. We need some happy things to sane these days. Froggy read something about Gone With The Wind. It is more of a history book than anything. Margaret Mitchell did 10 years of research for the story.
And, yes, the world has gone mad! It's hard to have a normal day without thinking of the terrible things going on...and what a stupid government we have!
'WOG says: "Are we being pranked? Have any Ponders heard this sound?"
Have you heard cauliflowers 'SING'?
Step onto a cauliflower farm this weekend, and you might just be able to hear a mysterious squeaking sound around you. That’s because the noise cauliflower florets make when they rub together - known as the ‘cauliflower creak’ - will be at its loudest in a quarter of a century.
The bizarre and eerie sound is important though - it indicates that the crop is growing quickly, which will make it sweeter, according to one farmer. This weekend, rapid growth of 1.2 inches (3cm) a day is expected due to some unique conditions, causing the florets to rub together and create the sound.
The Great Wog is flummoxed. I came home yesterday and Froggy's TV died. So I went to Target (not much to choose from in downtown Seattle). Came home with a bigger TV. Moved smaller TV for Froggy. Works fine. Set up new TV in living room. But can't get it to work. Keeps saying "no signal." So when over-flummoxed, walk away. It will fix itself. Isn't that how it works?
Wog, I am assuming you are stuck with Comcast as are we. Call them. It could be a signal problem or that little box thingie. Ours wore out a while back.
Deer Gloria, yes, we have Comcast in our building. I called them and they are sending a new, better cable box that has port for HDMI/ HDTV. In the meantime, somehow we are getting one channel, HBO, on new TV. So I must have attached something correctly. I read in guide book that I can go online and download User Manual. They used to always come with the product. I thought the booklet in TV box was the user manual. Silly me!
Good morning, deers. Wog, hope you got the TV fixed. Wish I could give you some advice, but I'm a tech dinosaur.
How is Froggy doing? Paget, how are the men in your life doing?
It is full summer HOT here. We had record-setting rainfall, so it is not only hot. It is HUMID hot. I'm not really complaining. Will take hot and humid summer over cold and icy winter all the time.
My sis and BIL closed on a house Friday. Its in a wonderful, older neighborhood with huge yards. The house needs a lot of work before they move in. BIL is a contractor, so they'll get the place whipped into shape in time for big family Holiday gatherings. I'm going to swing by while doing my errands today.
Errand-wise, I'm driving by a 1930's little house that just came on the market this morning. Have the landlady's phone number, and will call her if it looks good from the outside. Then I'm going to the farmer's market in another older neighborhood nearby.
I love farmer's markets this time of year because I can play with my food! Tomatoes, sweet corn, zucchini, yellow squash, Vidalia onions, tons of fresh herbs.
Prayer request, Deer Frogs. The man who owns the company I work for is, we think, on the verge of a spiritual/emotional/psych breakdown. He/we knew this economic downturn was coming, and he made some terrible business decisions that are hurting the company. He can't admit to himself that he caused this, and is lashing out at every one of us. All day, every day, for at least a couple of weeks, he targets someone about what is wrong with them. Several newish employees that he personally vetted and hired have quit.
The only people standing between him and the ruin of this company are: His father, my boss Janice (CFO), Ryan (Production Manager), and me (Office Manager). Joe's father still owns 51% of the company. He is watching, and am sure he will step in if needed.
The company will be fine, even though we are going through bumpy times in terms of the economy. It is Joe's personal mental health that we are concerned about. I don't want to say this, but must say this: The bad decisions he has made were to make himself look good to a pretty important group of businessmen here. It is a Christian-based group of very wealthy men. Those men can afford a lot of things that Joe cannot. Nuff said.
Please pray for Joe. Thank you, Deers. Now, I'm going house hunting and farmers market shopping!
Deer Surfie, of course we will send Prayers for healing and calm days. Problems have a way of getting out of hand and showing no solution. Your company is lucky to have such responsible and caring leaders...that's you, Deer Surfie.
Hi Ponders, Guess everyone is hot...even in cool Seattle. Wish we had air conditioning today. Thought it would be okay to leave our "hot dog on cool ice" picture up for a few more days. Froggy would probably stomp her little frog-feet if she knew. I don't want to do anything but lay in front of fan!
Froggy said tell everyone "Hi" from her, and then she lay down in front of her fan. It's just one of those days. Have a good week. I'll drop by everyday and check messages.
In case you haven't checked the news...they caught that second escaped killer. He was only a few miles from the border. Don't know what he (they) were thinking. Canada was not going to keep them. They would be capture and returned to the USA. They didn't get the death penalty, so Canada would have no problem in extraditing.
What do you think about Jindal finally deciding to run for president? It seems like every candidate has something stupid to say. We need a strong, sensible opponent against Hillary. Please, don't let Hillary (and Bill) win!!!
Hi, Deers. Still hot around here. It will be mid-90's or higher until early September. I'm starting to get used to the heat after 3-1/2 years! Froggy and Wog, I'm guessing that central air conditioning is not a must-have in Seattle. Keep those fans blowing!
Thank you for your prayers regarding my job. Joe came to work a new person today. I don't know what happened over the weekend, but he apologized to the entire management team, and his actions today reflected a change of heart. Hope it lasts. Please keep me and Joe and our company in your prayers. I love my job!
My family is just starting to get our 4th of July weekend organized. July 4 is my SIL's birthday. Some family members are coming in from out of state. We hope a lot of us can get together for dinner after work Thursday, spend Friday getting a party organized, then have a big cook-out and pool party on Friday.
Gosh, I just put up such a nice post to everyone...and some key or something got stuck on keyboard, and it erased everything line by line, word after word. I couldn't stop it. So I'll re-write a condensed version!
HA! Somebody got smart and copied this message before it could disappear again. Surfie, glad to hear things are going better at your job. Must be disheartening when you try so hard to make a good work place.
Anybody heard from Sir Phooey or EC? Yes, we are hot in Seattle. Will be 90 on Thursday. No, we don't need air-conditioning, but if we had it, I'd use it.
We have new TV. I don't know how to program it. So until I figure it out, we are watching movies on HBO. Saw two movies that made me cry. Sweet sister just hands me Kleenex. One more was "It's The Fault in Our Stars" and the other is "Winter's Tale." Love stories, doncha know!
Nothing special for Froggy's house. Might use grill downstairs and cook something tasty. I would love a real baked potato.
I've been wondering about EC and Phooey. Pray every day for them, as well as for Wog and Frog and all our Deers.
Wog, the whole Clinton thing makes me ill. Not one sane person would pay Chelsea to speak for 10 minutes and pay her $65,000 for it. Their entire family has been corrupt since I can remember. There are so many Clinton scandals that they both skate on ... the only thing I can assume is that they have corruption files on their enemies that are bigger than their enemies' corruption files on them. I couldn't figure how to write that more clearly, but know you Ponders understand what I'm trying to say.
So happy to have a long weekend.
I'm having dinner after work with my family tomorrow. Our nephew (son of late Sister Susie) will be with us. He's a police officer in Kansas City. My "little" nephew is about 6'4" ... solid muscle, Army vet. If I were a criminal, he is the last person I would want to challenge. It makes my heart sing that he recovered from Susie's death when he was only 15 and has become such a fine young man.
We're having a pool party at my brother's house on the 4th, which is my SIL's birthday. Lots of food, family, fun!
I leave you with this: Please pray for the owner of our company, Joe. I believe there is a huge spiritual battle going on within him. I can't say any more except to ask that you pray Almighty God shows Joe the path He designed for Joe, gives Joe the eyes to see and the ears to hear His wisdom, and gives Joe the courage to live it.
Hi Sisters and Ponders. Happy 4th of July. Scott and I are staying home in the heat - supposed to be really hot. Our son is going to eastern Washington to visit his sister and her family. They are looking forward to having him. Hope they all have a great time. I think Steve will benefit greatly from having all those kids love on him for a few days.
After being asked what I wanted for my bithhday this year I asked for an American flag (made in the US) and we fly it proudly.
Surf, I have been thinking about Joe and have some scriptures in my heart for him. The Word says: "I know the plans I have for you, to prosper you and not harm you." God is continually orchestrating things in the background. Praying that his spiritual eyes be opened.
I envy Eva and Joe living so close to the shore. Being on the beach with my grands has been a day dream for me.
Paget is off to see her new grandchild this weekend.
I read every day, but rarely post. I don't have anything positive to say and don't want to bum you out. Tomorrow is our 44 yr anniversary but the DH has to leave here at 11 pm. My birthday is the 8th and he will be on the road. He needs his eyes redone and then I need cataract surgery, so that is why I haven't posted, But love you Ponders. We all have had our problems this year, but there has been good news about new babies, YEH.
EC, so very nice to hear from you. We wondered if you and DH were okay. Anniversary and Birthday so close have a lot of special days to celebrate. These days 44 years together is amazing. We love you and always wish the best for you.
Hi Ya'll...I'm melting, melting. Froggy is sitting by window to get some cool air. We have a couple fans going day and night. I can't get anything done around the house....and don't care! I forgot how hard it is to do things in the heat.
EC, it's always great to hear from you! I'm like you in that I find less and less positive things to say, so I don't say anything. My posts on the Pond are much less than used to be. I read, though, and you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
EC, it was wonderful to hear from you. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday! I'm sorry you are feeling down and have so many challenges going on. Sending you my prayers and best wishes.
Froggy and Wog, even though you are melting with the weird heat in Seattle, could we have a Pond Party for EC on her birthday? EC, you can't be with DH but you can "be with" your deer friends here! BTW, my twin niece and nephew share a birthday with you. July 8 will be a day to celebrate 3 wonderful people!
Please indulge me with telling you about the wonderful night I had last night. My brother and his wife, my sister and her husband, and yours truly had dinner together last night to celebrate my SIL's birthday. Brother treated us to dinner at the Petroleum Club. SIL wanted just us (no "kids" - all around 30 years old). The restaurant is on the 34th floor of a building downtown with panoramic views. We watched huge thunderstorms rolling in from the west during dinner. It was a beautiful thing to watch. All of us are 60'ish. We talked about our kids, laughed about all the memories we've shared through the decades, ate really great food. I can't put into words how wonderful it was. I came home feeling so content, so happy, so grateful, so blessed.
My siblings, their spouses, and I all have challenges in our lives. We aren't getting any younger! We have health issues, problems with the "kids" (aged 25-30), etc. Here we are, warts and all, 60'ish, close and honest with each other. We are truly blessed to have each other.
The death of my husband and other "bad" things brought me back home to OKC. I'm so happy to be home.
Good thing I didn't stay in SoCal to stay physically close to my son. He's moving to New York on July 24!!!! While we are not physically close to each other, we are mom-son close to each other. I'm thrilled for him and this new chapter in his young life. Now, I get to visit New York on my next vacation!
I've rambled on enough. Love to you, EC. Froggy and Wog, hope you get some relief from the heat soon.
EC and Eva, please take heart and come visit with us more often. We miss you. There are so many horrible things happening in this world, in this country, and in our personal lives. Almost every day, it is a challenge for me to get up, shake the dust off my feet, and motor on.
Nearly every day, I have to force myself to "shake the dust off my feet" and see THIS DAY as brand new and filled with possibilities. I. Will. Not. Let. The. Bad. Stuff. Win.
Ponders: Don't let the bad stuff win. We are family, and we are here to love and support each other, but we can't love and help each other unless we know how to love and help.
Deer Surfie, right now I feel like the "bad stuff" is winning. The heat is not helping. Just can't think in this heat. Thanks so much for your encouraging words. I'll put up 4th of July pics tonight, and yes, we need a birthday party for EC.
Howdy Hot Pond People...Taking Froggy to doctor today for checkup. Then it's a day in front of the fan with a pitcher of ice-cold tea or soda or anything COLD!
ReplyDeleteDoctor called this afternoon and said that Froggy's sodium is still low. I may push her (Froggy, not the doctor) up to emergency room tomorrow. Only a couple blocks. I always pack my backpack for an overnight stay (that means "snacks.")
ReplyDeleteMy goodness that paragraph is pieced together! I'm pushing the wheelchair; I'm not shoving Froggy up the block. Time for 'WOG to go to bed.
Wog isn't sodium an electrolyte? Seems like our Froggy is always fighting low sodium. I don't like to hear about her falling, wish there was something I could do to help.
DeleteGloria, you are so kind. Sis is now taking a sodium chloride tablet every morning. She never likes to take them because they are kind of big. Don't know why all pills can't be smaller. Then you can just take two instead of one. Dumb!
DeleteDid I hear on the news that Bobby Jindal has entered the presidential race? There are so many candidates, I can't keep up.
ReplyDeleteYou have it right. He gave a really good speech that was positive and uplifting.
DeleteI didn't hear Jindal speech. Froggy didn't say anything about it. I will look for it on Internet...maybe on YouTube. Froggy has always liked Jindal. Now it's wait and see who can pull ahead.
DeleteI have one more thing to say. I am sick to my stomach at the decision SCOTUS handed down today on Obamacare.
ReplyDeleteThis is really the last straw (I say knowing that there will be more bad news coming). Honestly, this country is going downhill so fast, I don't think even electing a Republican can turn it around. I've never been so pessimistic. I opened the paper today to read that someone thinks Gone With The Wind should not be shown anymore. Calypso Louie (as Rush calls him) says "Take down the American Flag". All signs of the Civil War period of our history are to be relegated to museums. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. Obama & Kerry are considering giving Iran state-of-the-art nuclear equipment to get an agreement. Has the world gone mad?
DeleteOn a lighter note, my niece Nikki just found out she's having a girl! Yay! After 2 boys, I can finally start buying girly things :)
Prayers for Froggy and Paget's men!
Eva...exciting news about the baby girl. We need some happy things to sane these days. Froggy read something about Gone With The Wind. It is more of a history book than anything. Margaret Mitchell did 10 years of research for the story.
DeleteAnd, yes, the world has gone mad! It's hard to have a normal day without thinking of the terrible things going on...and what a stupid government we have!
'WOG says: "Are we being pranked? Have any Ponders heard this sound?"
ReplyDeleteHave you heard cauliflowers 'SING'?
Step onto a cauliflower farm this weekend, and you might just be able to hear a mysterious squeaking sound around you. That’s because the noise cauliflower florets make when they rub together - known as the ‘cauliflower creak’ - will be at its loudest in a quarter of a century.
The bizarre and eerie sound is important though - it indicates that the crop is growing quickly, which will make it sweeter, according to one farmer. This weekend, rapid growth of 1.2 inches (3cm) a day is expected due to some unique conditions, causing the florets to rub together and create the sound.
Read more:
The Great Wog is flummoxed. I came home yesterday and Froggy's TV died. So I went to Target (not much to choose from in downtown Seattle). Came home with a bigger TV. Moved smaller TV for Froggy. Works fine. Set up new TV in living room. But can't get it to work. Keeps saying "no signal." So when over-flummoxed, walk away. It will fix itself. Isn't that how it works?
ReplyDeleteWog, I am assuming you are stuck with Comcast as are we. Call them. It could be a signal problem or that little box thingie. Ours wore out a while back.
DeleteDeer Gloria, yes, we have Comcast in our building. I called them and they are sending a new, better cable box that has port for HDMI/ HDTV. In the meantime, somehow we are getting one channel, HBO, on new TV. So I must have attached something correctly. I read in guide book that I can go online and download User Manual. They used to always come with the product. I thought the booklet in TV box was the user manual. Silly me!
DeleteGood morning, deers. Wog, hope you got the TV fixed. Wish I could give you some advice, but I'm a tech dinosaur.
ReplyDeleteHow is Froggy doing? Paget, how are the men in your life doing?
It is full summer HOT here. We had record-setting rainfall, so it is not only hot. It is HUMID hot. I'm not really complaining. Will take hot and humid summer over cold and icy winter all the time.
My sis and BIL closed on a house Friday. Its in a wonderful, older neighborhood with huge yards. The house needs a lot of work before they move in. BIL is a contractor, so they'll get the place whipped into shape in time for big family Holiday gatherings. I'm going to swing by while doing my errands today.
Errand-wise, I'm driving by a 1930's little house that just came on the market this morning. Have the landlady's phone number, and will call her if it looks good from the outside. Then I'm going to the farmer's market in another older neighborhood nearby.
I love farmer's markets this time of year because I can play with my food! Tomatoes, sweet corn, zucchini, yellow squash, Vidalia onions, tons of fresh herbs.
Prayer request, Deer Frogs. The man who owns the company I work for is, we think, on the verge of a spiritual/emotional/psych breakdown. He/we knew this economic downturn was coming, and he made some terrible business decisions that are hurting the company. He can't admit to himself that he caused this, and is lashing out at every one of us. All day, every day, for at least a couple of weeks, he targets someone about what is wrong with them. Several newish employees that he personally vetted and hired have quit.
The only people standing between him and the ruin of this company are: His father, my boss Janice (CFO), Ryan (Production Manager), and me (Office Manager). Joe's father still owns 51% of the company. He is watching, and am sure he will step in if needed.
The company will be fine, even though we are going through bumpy times in terms of the economy. It is Joe's personal mental health that we are concerned about. I don't want to say this, but must say this: The bad decisions he has made were to make himself look good to a pretty important group of businessmen here. It is a Christian-based group of very wealthy men. Those men can afford a lot of things that Joe cannot. Nuff said.
Please pray for Joe. Thank you, Deers. Now, I'm going house hunting and farmers market shopping!
Deer Surfie, of course we will send Prayers for healing and calm days. Problems have a way of getting out of hand and showing no solution. Your company is lucky to have such responsible and caring leaders...that's you, Deer Surfie.
DeleteHi Ponders, Guess everyone is hot...even in cool Seattle. Wish we had air conditioning today. Thought it would be okay to leave our "hot dog on cool ice" picture up for a few more days. Froggy would probably stomp her little frog-feet if she knew. I don't want to do anything but lay in front of fan!
ReplyDeleteFroggy said tell everyone "Hi" from her, and then she lay down in front of her fan. It's just one of those days. Have a good week. I'll drop by everyday and check messages.
In case you haven't checked the news...they caught that second escaped killer. He was only a few miles from the border. Don't know what he (they) were thinking. Canada was not going to keep them. They would be capture and returned to the USA. They didn't get the death penalty, so Canada would have no problem in extraditing.
What do you think about Jindal finally deciding to run for president? It seems like every candidate has something stupid to say. We need a strong, sensible opponent against Hillary. Please, don't let Hillary (and Bill) win!!!
Hi, Deers. Still hot around here. It will be mid-90's or higher until early September. I'm starting to get used to the heat after 3-1/2 years! Froggy and Wog, I'm guessing that central air conditioning is not a must-have in Seattle. Keep those fans blowing!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your prayers regarding my job. Joe came to work a new person today. I don't know what happened over the weekend, but he apologized to the entire management team, and his actions today reflected a change of heart. Hope it lasts. Please keep me and Joe and our company in your prayers. I love my job!
My family is just starting to get our 4th of July weekend organized. July 4 is my SIL's birthday. Some family members are coming in from out of state. We hope a lot of us can get together for dinner after work Thursday, spend Friday getting a party organized, then have a big cook-out and pool party on Friday.
Love you, Deers! Anybody have any 4th plans?
Gosh, I just put up such a nice post to everyone...and some key or something got stuck on keyboard, and it erased everything line by line, word after word. I couldn't stop it. So I'll re-write a condensed version!
ReplyDeleteHA! Somebody got smart and copied this message before it could disappear again. Surfie, glad to hear things are going better at your job. Must be disheartening when you try so hard to make a good work place.
Anybody heard from Sir Phooey or EC?
Yes, we are hot in Seattle. Will be 90 on Thursday. No, we don't need air-conditioning, but if we had it, I'd use it.
We have new TV. I don't know how to program it. So until I figure it out, we are watching movies on HBO. Saw two movies that made me cry. Sweet sister just hands me Kleenex. One more was "It's The Fault in Our Stars" and the other is "Winter's Tale." Love stories, doncha know!
Nothing special for Froggy's house. Might use grill downstairs and cook something tasty. I would love a real baked potato.
I think that I left off the 4th of July part of my above-comment.
ReplyDeleteWhat's everyone else doing? Picnics? Family? Fireworks? Shopping for sales?
Are we being pranked again? $65,000 to hear Chelsea-Nobody Clinton speak. There's way too many zeros on that money! $6.50 might even be too much.
I've been wondering about EC and Phooey. Pray every day for them, as well as for Wog and Frog and all our Deers.
ReplyDeleteWog, the whole Clinton thing makes me ill. Not one sane person would pay Chelsea to speak for 10 minutes and pay her $65,000 for it. Their entire family has been corrupt since I can remember. There are so many Clinton scandals that they both skate on ... the only thing I can assume is that they have corruption files on their enemies that are bigger than their enemies' corruption files on them. I couldn't figure how to write that more clearly, but know you Ponders understand what I'm trying to say.
So happy to have a long weekend.
I'm having dinner after work with my family tomorrow. Our nephew (son of late Sister Susie) will be with us. He's a police officer in Kansas City. My "little" nephew is about 6'4" ... solid muscle, Army vet. If I were a criminal, he is the last person I would want to challenge. It makes my heart sing that he recovered from Susie's death when he was only 15 and has become such a fine young man.
We're having a pool party at my brother's house on the 4th, which is my SIL's birthday. Lots of food, family, fun!
I leave you with this: Please pray for the owner of our company, Joe. I believe there is a huge spiritual battle going on within him. I can't say any more except to ask that you pray Almighty God shows Joe the path He designed for Joe, gives Joe the eyes to see and the ears to hear His wisdom, and gives Joe the courage to live it.
Love you, Deers!
Hi Sisters and Ponders. Happy 4th of July. Scott and I are staying home in the heat - supposed to be really hot. Our son is going to eastern Washington to visit his sister and her family. They are looking forward to having him. Hope they all have a great time. I think Steve will benefit greatly from having all those kids love on him for a few days.
ReplyDeleteAfter being asked what I wanted for my bithhday this year I asked for an American flag (made in the US) and we fly it proudly.
Surf, I have been thinking about Joe and have some scriptures in my heart for him. The Word says: "I know the plans I have for you, to prosper you and not harm you." God is continually orchestrating things in the background. Praying that his spiritual eyes be opened.
I envy Eva and Joe living so close to the shore. Being on the beach with my grands has been a day dream for me.
Paget is off to see her new grandchild this weekend.
Hi EC and Phooey, been missing you.
I read every day, but rarely post. I don't have anything positive to say and don't want to bum you out. Tomorrow is our 44 yr anniversary but the DH has to leave here at 11 pm. My birthday is the 8th and he will be on the road. He needs his eyes redone and then I need cataract surgery, so that is why I haven't posted, But love you Ponders. We all have had our problems this year, but there has been good news about new babies, YEH.
DeleteEC, so very nice to hear from you. We wondered if you and DH were okay. Anniversary and Birthday so close have a lot of special days to celebrate. These days 44 years together is amazing. We love you and always wish the best for you.
DeleteHi Ya'll...I'm melting, melting. Froggy is sitting by window to get some cool air. We have a couple fans going day and night. I can't get anything done around the house....and don't care! I forgot how hard it is to do things in the heat.
ReplyDeleteAnybody heard from Phooey?
EC, it's always great to hear from you! I'm like you in that I find less and less positive things to say, so I don't say anything. My posts on the Pond are much less than used to be. I read, though, and you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteEva, We always welcome you as a Deer Friend. Come by any time.
DeleteEC, it was wonderful to hear from you. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday! I'm sorry you are feeling down and have so many challenges going on. Sending you my prayers and best wishes.
ReplyDeleteFroggy and Wog, even though you are melting with the weird heat in Seattle, could we have a Pond Party for EC on her birthday? EC, you can't be with DH but you can "be with" your deer friends here! BTW, my twin niece and nephew share a birthday with you. July 8 will be a day to celebrate 3 wonderful people!
Please indulge me with telling you about the wonderful night I had last night. My brother and his wife, my sister and her husband, and yours truly had dinner together last night to celebrate my SIL's birthday. Brother treated us to dinner at the Petroleum Club. SIL wanted just us (no "kids" - all around 30 years old). The restaurant is on the 34th floor of a building downtown with panoramic views. We watched huge thunderstorms rolling in from the west during dinner. It was a beautiful thing to watch. All of us are 60'ish. We talked about our kids, laughed about all the memories we've shared through the decades, ate really great food. I can't put into words how wonderful it was. I came home feeling so content, so happy, so grateful, so blessed.
My siblings, their spouses, and I all have challenges in our lives. We aren't getting any younger! We have health issues, problems with the "kids" (aged 25-30), etc. Here we are, warts and all, 60'ish, close and honest with each other. We are truly blessed to have each other.
The death of my husband and other "bad" things brought me back home to OKC. I'm so happy to be home.
Good thing I didn't stay in SoCal to stay physically close to my son. He's moving to New York on July 24!!!! While we are not physically close to each other, we are mom-son close to each other. I'm thrilled for him and this new chapter in his young life. Now, I get to visit New York on my next vacation!
I've rambled on enough. Love to you, EC. Froggy and Wog, hope you get some relief from the heat soon.
Phooey? Where is Sir Phooey?
EC and Eva, please take heart and come visit with us more often. We miss you. There are so many horrible things happening in this world, in this country, and in our personal lives. Almost every day, it is a challenge for me to get up, shake the dust off my feet, and motor on.
ReplyDeleteNearly every day, I have to force myself to "shake the dust off my feet" and see THIS DAY as brand new and filled with possibilities. I. Will. Not. Let. The. Bad. Stuff. Win.
Ponders: Don't let the bad stuff win. We are family, and we are here to love and support each other, but we can't love and help each other unless we know how to love and help.
Love to all Deer Ponders
Deer Surfie, right now I feel like the "bad stuff" is winning. The heat is not helping. Just can't think in this heat. Thanks so much for your encouraging words. I'll put up 4th of July pics tonight, and yes, we need a birthday party for EC.