Saturday, August 8, 2015

Let the Politics begin!


  1. Good morning pond friends,

    I've been away for a quite a while. How do I catch up in one post and stay pithy at the same time? I will try!

    Deer Wog, you've been doing an excellent job keeping us informed at the Frogpond! I hope you're taking care of yourself too, and are getting enough rest. Please give Froggy my love and I hope she returns home soon!

    I've been checking in every so often, but haven't had the energy to post. Work has shifted into overdrive. I've been doing my job, plus the work of my two co-workers. One moved on to a better job, and the other is out with a broken wrist. She won't be back until September. Next week we have auditors coming from DOE. I guess I have super job security for a while! Ha!

    At home, Jeff and I have been working hard to get his dad and stepmother into an assisted living facility. We found a very nice establishment that has a great reputation. It's just 5 minutes from our house. FIL is fighting it all the way. He is 93, and comes across as being mentally stable. Those of us who know him well, see that dementia is setting in. He and MIL are moving on Monday. MIL has had dementia for quite a while, and all the stress of moving has her so confused. It's really sad. Since I'm working so many hours, and hubby's stepbrother is disabled, most of the work is falling on Jeff's shoulders. He is worn out. We're just hoping and praying that the move tomorrow goes well. Everyone from the movers to the staff at their new care home are very kind and understanding. They're used to dealing with stubborn seniors like my FIL. That part is encouraging.

    I mentioned earlier that Jeff had been in a workplace incident that caused his heart to go into afib. We saw a specialist in Spokane two weeks ago, and he said Jeff's heart is now in good shape! He was the first doctor to agree to help us get the L & I claim started. That was such a relief for Jeff. If nothing else, he felt vindicated.

    Surfie, I'm so glad you found a nice place to live! It sounds very charming and safe. That is so important!

    Eva, I might have missed it, but did you find a home yet? I know you've also been looking for quite a while. Sorry I'm so out of touch.

    Hello Phooey! I see you post now and then, and wanted to say I hope you're doing well.

    I haven't seen posts from Gloria or EC in a while. Hope all is well, and that you've just been busy too.

    I can't end this without mentioning politics, since Wog put up the new headline! I have mixed feeling about the debate. I thought Megyn Kelly turned it into a reality show. I had hoped the candidates would have had more time to talk, instead it seemed like they were being set up to fight, to provide entertainment for ratings. I liked what I heard from Walker, Cruz, and Rubio. I thought the earlier debate was more professional, and I really liked Carly Fiorina. That's just my opinion, for what it's worth.

    There are quite a few chores calling my name. I have lots more to tell you, but remember I said I'd keep it pithy. I really am trying!

    Love to all you deer pond friends. You are all in my prayers.

    1. Oops, wanted to say I liked Carson and Jindal too!

    2. Hi Paget, about your FIL going to assisted living, he will probably like it once he settles in. We had an uncle that was a "holy terror" when they put him in a place but that's another story. Also check on him unannounced from time to time to be sure they are taking care of him properly with his meds, meals (check weight), and that he is wearing clean clothes. Froggy always told me this.

      Looks like some good news with Jeff. It's about time.

  2. I agree with you, Paget, about the debate. Megyn made it all about herself and that really turned me off. I do have to take her side regarding Trump's comments about her, though. He was way over the line and despite what he says now, every woman knows exactly what he meant!

    I thought Carly was amazing in the first debate. I was so impressed. I don't think she has a chance, but I'm looking forward to seeing her on the "main" stage next time. She deserves to be there.

    I'm glad so many millions tuned in, but the debate didn't do much for me as far as trying to make a decision. I wish Trump would go away. Part of me loves that he says some of the things he says with no reservation, but this is a serious time and I don't trust him.

    Surfie, I'm so thrilled that you like your new place so much. Isn't it such a relief to have the move over with? The place sounds wonderful!

    Much love to everyone. I'm just counting the days until I go to Georgia to see the family. I can hardly wait to get my hands on those little munchkins :)

    1. Eva, how's your new place? You did move, didn't you? I can't keep up with everyone anymore. It will be easier when Froggy comes home in a couple weeks. What's interesting about Trump is that the more he runs his mouth, the higher the polls go. Fascinating!

  3. A good Sunday to all my Pond friends. Paget, you prodded me into commenting. I have plenty of thoughts but not enough energy to put down my words. We are going through somewhat a similar situation with Scott's mom who is 92. The last 6 weeks have been rough. Youngest brother has agreed to share a senior appartment with Mom. Getting them both moved in and set up has been a lot of work. I think Scott's sister has reached the burnout stage and was looking for someone to take over responsibilities. Mom is much closer to us now. She seems to be much better than she was 2 months ago. Well, enough of that mess.

    Surfie, each time you talk about getting moved I am so happy for you. Just don't have energy to write.

    I just want to encourage our Froggy and our Wog too. These days I am not much of an encourager though.

    I miss EC and Phooey.

    Eva, have a wonderful time with your two grands. You are probably more like their grandmother than anyone.

    This week Val and family are house sitting as the have done before a fewmiles from us. When they go home next week I will go back with them and stay for a week.

    I can't talk politics or my head will explode!!!!!!!

    1. Howdy Gloria, Don't let anyone get burnout taking care of someone. They can get respite care in Washington. Not sure how you do that. But caregiving is hard work. Gotta have time for yourself. I take time every evening when I get home to go on computer...check The Pond, read the news, play some games. Phooey has written a couple short notes, so he is okay. EC will probably drop by soon.

      I love how we all take care of each other.

      When I have time, I'll post some political stories. There will be something interesting everyday...with Trump trumpeting. Will be a BIG TV event if he debates Hillary. Should set record ratings.

  4. Saved the best for last:
    Froggy wanted me to let her Pond Family know...They said Froggy can come home in two weeks. Starting Monday she will be working with her walker to strengthen her legs, and give her confidence about walking.

    1. Thanks Eva! That's what makes The Pond special...all the support we give each other and all the love we share.

    2. Thist is my prayer for our Froggy: That the Lord would strengthen ler legs and give her confidence about walking. Strenght and Confidence!!

  5. 'WOG says: Speaking of politics, I found this on Daily Mail today. Also take a look at some of the hundreds of comments under the article. I wonder if this information will make any difference to Dem voters. It should be a big-time warning!

    "Agents took possession of a cache of the former Secretary of State's emails, and will soon be handed over the makeshift, insecure server (kept in her home in Chappaqua, New York, top left) with which Clinton managed her official government business. A federal probe into her email affairs has deepened, after a high-ranking senator revealed that hyper-classified emails have passed through the server."

    Read this spicy article at:

  6. Will we see justice? Will the victims and families of Bengazi see justice? I hope so. She willfully jeprodized this country's national security. This is about to get ugly. Let the lies be exposed.

  7. Phooey, hope you see this. I need advice on what programs to install on my computer to stop ads and pop ups. I keep losing my spell check too. On advice from my son I use Google Chrome and we have Comcast as our internet with Norton.

    1. Gloria, I would like to know that same thing. I look on the Internet for answers, but how do you know the site with the answers is legit. I tried Google Chrome, but do like it, and removed it. We have Comcast in our building, so everything is through Comcast.

  8. One more thing. In all my years in school I do not remember arriving on the first day with a school supplies for the whole year. I am shocked at what each student is expected to bring. Plus kleenex and hand sanitizer. Valerie gets an extensive list from each teacher with a note that any supplies for the teachers breakroom will be gladly received. Boy have things changed.

    1. Hi Gloria, I don't remember what I had to bring to school, but I'm sure it wasn't a "year's supply." I remember my parents taking me shopping for things...probably a couple notebooks, pencils, a ruler. And a lunch box.I never got sick because I didn't have hand sanitizer.

  9. What a treat to hear Froggy is coming home soon, and to hear from Paget and Gloria! We have missed you all.

    Paget and Gloria, we tell WOG all the time to take care of herself while taking care of others. Same wish for both of you. I've taken care of my FIL, MIL, Mom and Dad during their late senior times. It is hard. Have you ever wished you weren't the grown-up and wish they would come to take care of these things? ;) I sure did! You are all in my prayers. Such great news about Jeff! Yay!!!!!!

    Politics: I didn't watch the debate because it was on during the one day I was without TV or internet during the move. I don't want Donald Trump as our president but if he can force other candidates to speak without their advisors telling them what to say, OK for now. I like a lot of people running on the Republican ticket. It will be interesting to watch how things shake out.

    The news about Hillary's servers being seized and thumb drives being seized from her lawyer is interesting. I'm beginning to think there is some very bad blood between the Clintons and Obamas, and the Obama administration might just stick the fork in ... and they will anoint Joe Biden.

    The whole professional political class is so corrupt, we little people know nothing. I'll keep on being informed and involved, but it can be discouraging.

    Love you, Deers!

    1. Don't think that Trump should be president either. He talks too much and he's rude. I do like that he fears no one. But right now, he is fascinating. Doesn't matter what he says or what he does, the poll go UP in his favor. He has brought back excitement to the political election process. Everyone is watching. I would love to see him debate Hillary. She should worry!

  10. Just heard that today is "National Left-Handers Day." Are any Ponders left-handed?

  11. EC and Phooey, we are missing you. Hope all is well. Heard you got some rain in Florida.

  12. TGIF! Sure hope to hear from EC and Phooey soon. Is Froggy still on schedule to come home soon? That beautiful starfish you gave me is sitting on my bedroom dresser again, and the little table-top fountain I bought a year or so ago (it's a lilly pad with a frog on it) is back in my front porch. I have a starfish on my dresser and a pond on my porch, so I am officially home!

    Politically-speaking, I don't know if the Clinton machine can survive what comes out every day about Hillary. I read that Joe might jump in, and that some are even talking to Al Gore. What I wonder about is why Bernie Sanders is getting so much money while Martin O'Malley is getting nowhere. If I were a liberal, Martin is the one I would be working for and giving money to. Clearly, a lot is going on behind that we don't know about. I don't really care about any of it except that Hillary can NOT be our next President.

    Can I talk about myself? Again? I've been in my new house for 8 days, and grow more in love with it every day. It's bigger than my old apartment and I need a couple of pieces of furniture to finish it out. I'll be going to garage sales and little consignment shops this weekend to find the few things that I need.

    My biggest mission tomorrow is going to the Farmer's Market. I need home-grown tomatoes!

    Love you Deers.

  13. Had a very satisfying day. Friday is the day I help my MIL with her bathing and grooming. Val suprised her with a visit and brought Rachel, Sophia and Camille. Great Gramma spied Cami's pink cowgirl boots and said, "Oooo, I love those boots, I want some too." We took some pics which I will have to make large for her to see. It was sweet. Got home and reset Scott's weather clock for him. We got a really good rain. Then I took a nap. Sunday I will be driving to Val's house with some girls and a friend who is in need of a ride home.

    Surfie, you are right about things going on behind that we don't know about. If it weren't for the internet we the people would be in the dark about a lot.

    1. I have a picture in my mind of Great Gramma and Cami and the pink cowgirl boots. Thank you!

  14. Hi deer friends,
    Gloria, install these add-ons they work great with Firefox and expect the same with Chrome.

    This is almost a must have for the bad stuff that sneaks in. Surfie will agree.

    It was so good to hear from Paget and Gloria again.
    Happy for everyone's success' here.... 'bout damn time!
    Regarding the weather here.... It rained heavily for over two weeks.... hundreds of homes flooded.
    Page and I were trapped in our home for three days. Now, the ground is saturated and any rain of substance will flood again.
    The Great 'WOG, Thank you for keeping us together. I love you !
    Tell Froggy I love and miss her and give her a big hug for me.

    Will try to comment more often.... don't worry.
    God bless and keep you all !
