Saturday, October 29, 2011

Let us pray:

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Let us pray for our dear Hikergal, her daughter, and dear Kaniah. The baby was burned badly and needs our healing thoughts, as she needs God's healing touch. Hg's family has had more than their share of adversity lately--let us pray for our dear friend and make her know she is not alone.


  1. You all are the best!! I can feel the love and healing pouring thru your hearts for my Katy and sweet baby Kaniah!I, don't have any up dates but I know the LORD is working to help them.

  2. I'm so sorry this happened, hon--and on top of everything else. You are, indeed, in our hearts' and in our prayers!

    Give us an update when you can ;-)

  3. You, Katy and your sweet brandbaby are at the top of my prayer list. God bless and heal you all.

  4. A grandbaby is a brandbaby, indeed, Surfie! LOL

    Hey, Paget, your music is up--thanks for sending me those great links. I'll have it better organized, by and by. Right now, it's just one long list--getting longer!

  5. Prayers to you, Hikergal, and to your precious family. I am so sorry about baby Kaniah.

  6. Prayers continuing, hiker. I was skyping with my niece and 14 month old great-nephew and I kept thinking about Kaniah. I told my niece and she is also praying. She told me that a friend of theirs had almost the same thing happen, except with their baby it was a cup of hot tea. The baby just grabbed it and poured it all over herself. Nikki (my niece) said the baby is doing wonderfully. They grafted cadaver skin on and you can't even tell. It's been 2 months and there are no scars even. Children are so resilient!
