Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Good Morning, Pond People!


Tufties For Tuesday!


  1. How are you this morning, Froggy? Better, I hope.

    It's a gray day here, but not cold. I'm going to pick up some antibiotics at the vet for Boomer's stuffed nose. With all of his other problems, he should at least not have to worry about breathing.

    Puffin's on my lap, lazily watching the fishies. He sends his love.

  2. Good morning Eva. Looks like Lucianne is still under cyber attack!

  3. Thank you, folks--I feel much better! My precious 'Woggy put up a dear post about me on Lucianne's Faith wall; please go read it (or I can post it here if it gets removed) it really touched my heart!

  4. Phooey, I've been reading the posts. Most people are saying it's fixed now. Others still can't get on. So far, I haven't had any problem, I just haven't found much to comment on (except for my interchanges with Rake King on the Sports page).

    Did something happen on the Faith Wall?

  5. Hello Froggy and friends,

    I just read Wog's wonderful post on the faith wall. Funny thing - I don't go to the connection much anymore; I guess I just don't feel the love! ;) However, I digress. I added my 2 cents worth in the comment section below, and I was nice...that was the hard part,if you see whose comment was right above mine. :/

    I love you guys! :)

  6. I knew it was the 'Wog. The love was so pure and shone through. I just didn't know if something specific had precipitated it. I guess I mean if it was something ELSE, other than what we know. I'm still surprised at the smallness of some of those people. They got you banned. Why continue being mean?

    Well, I just don't get it, but I'm certainly not going to spend time worrying about it. They have problems I can't fix.

    Paget, you're a gem!

  7. I just read the Faith wall, too. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful woman. Hope you ignore it, Froggy. Don't let one mean-spirited person get you down.

    I love you. We all do. Super Duper Surfie Smooches!

  8. Gals, I know what happened last night and will not comment on an open blog. Any questions? go E-mail with Froggy. Good Lord , I love that Froggy and Apostrophe Wog!! and you gals too!!!
    Doc appoint. early morn. nighty nite.

  9. Thank you all so much! You're all correct--with Gerty/EC and whomever else--it was smallness, unkindness, and mean-spirited and they're not worth the time of day.

    I have great friends, a great Phoo, and the most wonderful sister anyone could ever want. She's been God's most special, shining blessing in my life all this time! I am so lucky and loved! I'd do absolutely anything in the world for her; Phoo SHE'S my Guardian Angel! I hope she feels that I am hers ;-)

    Gee, where's Hooly, and Gram, and Mrs. Cow? I hadn't been over at LDot for awhile because the news has been so insane and jam-packed and I've had to read so much. We've had that mess of Occupy Seattle-whatever camped out not far from here, so we hear sirens all night and I have to plan the crowds Sissy'll find herself in at the bus stop or Walgreen's after work. I don't want to have to worry she'll be shoved around or obsessively panhandled (And I'd climb out of here somehow and beat the shit out of anyone who hurt her--I promise you that!)

    I guess Struan's at his Mom's? But you all let me know if you hear from Gram; I wrote her yesterday (her real first name is Vaughne). Boy, the Connection has sure changed; you all come over here if you want some love ;-)

  10. I'm really concerned about Gram.
    a lot of people have tried to contact her, with no response. I keep praying.

    Not too worried about Struan. He has a tendency to drop out from time to time, then shows up out of the blue for a while.

    I'll be thinking about you and the doc, Phooey. As always, Froggie, you are in my prayers every day.

    PRAYER REQUEST. Please pray for my son's safety. He called me from school today, pretty shaken. He walks near the Occupy Berkeley campsite on his way to the bus, and today there was gunfire. Thank the Lord he didn't get shot. He's going to walk a different route to the bus from now on so he doesn't have to go near the protest site.

  11. I just got more accurate info on the shooting. It was actually near the school of business building. A man weilding a gun was shot by campus police. Still, please keep my son in your prayers.

  12. Oh Surf! That's a call to weaken your knees, isn't it? Of course, he has my prayers. What is this world coming to?!

  13. Good God, Surfie--of course we'll pray for Mike's safety. What in the world is the matter with those people?!

    How is Magdalene doing?
