Thursday, November 17, 2011

Partz Iz Partz!


  1. What a cutie! Looks like he overestimated his leap :)

    Boomer hates me. I'm sure it seems as though I'm always making him swallow nasty tasting stuff. He may be senile, but he has enough strength to try to get away from me when I come in the room. Sigh. 7 days of the antibiotic and I'm only on Day 3.

  2. Oh, honey! Is it that awful pink stuff? Our Daddy Munk used to scratch us up trying to get away and shake his head 'n spit it out painting the walls! What we do for catz! Have your hubby there so at least he'll hatez ya equally... My poor Eva!

  3. No, it's the nasty brown stuff. Joe is no help. He sides with Boomer. Whenever I complain that any of the cats run from me because I have to give them medication, he'll pick up that cat and say, "What did mean Mommy do to you?" Some helpmate, huh?

    I've been sprayed plenty over the years. I just have to hope most of it gets inside him.

  4. Oh, the foul-tasting brown crap... oh God! I got some in my mouth once from a Tornado fit ('Nadobear--the black cat represented in our black cat avatars) and I nearly threw up. It's horrible stuff!

    Thanks hubs--sides with Boomer, huh? He's as bad as 'Woggy; she does the cat box because I have asthma, but all pills-on-the-end-of-that-stick-thingy, eyedroppers full of the pink junk, and butt-wiping was my problem... geez. Hrumpf!
