Friday, December 2, 2011

Don't let 'em fool ya...

Unemployment rate drops to 8.6% (updated)

By Rick Moran

Update, Steve McCann writes:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics just released their November jobs report. The only headline the media will trumpet will be the unemployment rate dropping to 8.6%. However the BLS has arbitrarily dropped 315,000 from the civilian labor force in October claiming they simply ceased looking for work and dropped out of the labor force. (How they come up with this number is a mystery) If this had not been done the unemployment rate would have been 9.1%>

Further in 1994 the BLS, under the prodding of the Clinton administration, changed its method of calculating unemployment. The change: those considered discouraged or marginally attached to the labor force are no longer counted. In November that number stood at 2.6 million. If the unemployment rate were still calculated as it was prior to 1964 the unemployment rate would be 10.2%.

The BLS has lost a major amount of credibility as it has become a tool of the politicians to make them look good and try and fool the American people.

Read more:


  1. 8.6% they say? I just got laid off from my piddly little job today. Right now I am really happy.

  2. Oh, Gloria, I'm sorry! Is there anything we can do? Why'd they lay you off?

  3. I'm so sorry, Gloria! What happened?

    The pundits are right that people will only concentrate on the number going down and not look into the reasons why. Obama also touts how jobs are being added each month. That may be true, but it doesn't mean anything unless our population remains static. So far the jobs added in no way keep up with the population. Also, what happens when these people decide to get back into the job market? The number will go up, of course. How will Obama explain that?

    I just hope people aren't taken in by the smoke and mirrors. It may sound good when the MSM reports unemployment is going down, but people still look around at their friends (Gloria) and relatives and can see they aren't working. Who should we believe? This administration or our lying eyes?

  4. Hi guys. Sort of knew this was coming. I only work a part time job. The last work schedule that came out I only worked 1 day. I hope the store can hang on till things pick up.

    All of the job numbers that the gubmint puts out are so phony. All if this is designed to get people to a place that they are so dependent on gubmint hand outs that they will vote to keep it coming.

  5. I am sorry to hear about your job loss Gloria. It's always a shock when it happens, even when you know it's coming.

    How can we help you get through this? I always have ideas about jobs. I was working part time at CostCo Seattle doing food demonstrations on weekends. Worked 6 1/2 hours (included 30-minute lunch and a break). Pay was $11 an hour. I had 'em take out $10 for taxes. That gave me a $50 day.

    Let us know what you are looking for.

  6. A position as a brain surgeon would be great. Or maybe CEO of some big company. I would be willing to do a brief retraining. Maybe something with a company car and a clothing allowance. Any ideas?

  7. Hooly the Hooker! Yep! I can see this happening! (I'm sorry folks!) I'm just waiting for Froggy to get off the damn phone, so I can call her! Jeez!

  8. Phooey you are so bad! :D Great to hear from you! We missed you! Hope you are feeling better. :)

  9. Phooey! We missed your wicked wit. No, really. We did :)
