Saturday, December 3, 2011



  1. Good Morning Everyone! Froggy sent me to my room without dinner last night. (Hint: she doesn't like me drinking and smoking).

  2. Phooey, at least she got to tell you by phone which is what she's been wanting to do. Talk to you, I mean. You must be feeling better if you confessed your wicked ways to her ;-)

    Good morning all! Can hardly wait to hear the news about the arrival of Peanut (or whatever you decide the name is, Gloria).

    I started the day off skyping with my niece & great-nephew. The little one just turned 15 months old and since Puffin insisted on sitting on me while I was talking, the poor child must think his great-Aunt is part cat!

    Today is the SEC Championship game wherein Georgia will probably be crushed by LSU. I intend to dress in my school colors and support my team no matter what. Goooooooo Dawgs!

  3. Eva, a couple of times she said....Bless your heart... where I'm from that means... You're stupid! Anyways, I love her dearly. ( and also the 'Wog ) Have a blessed day everyone! Today, Page has me doing the Christmas tree lights and stuff. Trying to hide the fact(from Page) that I'm having a few once in a while(it won't work..never has!) Love you all!

  4. Good morning everyone. Phooey, so glad you are feeling better. Good enough to smart off to everyone. HA HA

    I am off to pick up a few cat supplies. Looks like the name Peanut might stick since it has been spread around enough. Finding a place for the litter box has been a challenge. That should only be temporary till she gets used to us.

    My younger brother called to say he will be stopping by tomorrow. ANXIETY. He is such a great guy but I always feel like our life doesn't quite measure up - if you know what I mean. We'll see how it goes. I know that they do not approve of the size of my daughter's family so when asked how everyone is I just say fine.

    I'll check in later.

  5. Gloria, call your cat Baked Beans, Root Beer, or Raisin--or anything you want! Sometimes you have to have them in the house a bit to know who they are.

    And don't you dare think your life is one bit less than your brother's and don't let him make you think so--he has no right to judge you!

    You're a wonderful loving gal, with a helluva good character; God doesn't measure us by how much 'stuff' we have--and children are His blessing too. Sounds like you're rich as can be! All your friends love you--and we wouldn't trade you for anything! You just hold you head up high!

  6. Amen! Froggy!!!! Hey, Frog, I have a hangover thanks to you! Hehe.

  7. Well, Phooey, we all need to have some secret pleasures in life (minus the hangovers, of course)!

    Hang in there, Gloria. You have a built-in advantage: he's your YOUNGER brother. Remain calm (or at least don't let him see your anxiety.) That's my practical advice. Froggy, has the true, supportive advice and she's right. Hold your head up. You are who you are and that's just fine as it is.

    The outcome of the Georgia-LSU game was just as expected. Somehow, that doesn't make me feel any better. Sigh.

  8. Hello gang!

    Glad Phooey is back, hangover or not. ;)

    Gloria, did you get your kitty? I'm happy for you; cats are so much fun! I love their independent attitudes. :) I know the rescue people will have told you a bunch of good tips, but it's likely that Peanut will hide under the bed, or such, the first day or so. I know that was our experience with Chance. He was in the basement under the sofa for a day and a half. Ever since then, he acts like he owns the place. :)

    We bought a covered litter box, because our son moved back home two weeks after we got our cat, and he also brought his dog. (Dogs think that cat poo is a special treat) Also, son is allergic to cats...that had us concerned. so, we switched everything around, and had to put the litter box in a little area right behind the front door. Not the best plan, but our company usually came in through the garage door, so that worked out. There were only a few awkward times when people came over and the cat had just used his litter box..ahem...which brings me to the subject of kitty litter. There are lots of good brands out there. My favorite one is Fresh Step. It absorbs the odor in minutes. When our son moved out, the catbox went back to the basement, and we never have anyone sniff and say, 'Oh, I didn't know you had a cat' I know of people in apartments who put their litter box in the bathroom. Makes sense! :)

    Our cat is an indoor kitty, mainly because we live out a ways, and there are coyotes out here. We also have some dogs that run loose, and crazy people who freak out if a strange cat comes into their yard. This was the first time we've had an indoor cat, and he didn't like that at first, but has adjusted just fine.

    Anyway, good luck, and I'm sure Eva, Froggy and Wog have lots of good cat advice if you ever need any. We're all looking forward to hearing about Peanut. :D
