Sunday, December 11, 2011

Happy Sunday, OccuPonders!


  1. Good morning all! It's chilly and sunny here. Boomer is still with us and had a nice breakfast. I wish he'd go to the bathroom though. His systems have really slowed down!

    What's up with Phooey? Is he still taking a break from posting?

    Still looking forward to seeing a pic of Gloria's, Peanut. I'm going to send you some of Boomer today, Froggy.

    Hope Surfie is feeling better.

  2. Good morning all. I was up at about 3am and Froggy had already been here.

    I've been wondering about Phooey too.

    I have a pic of Peanut but it is loaded onto my son's computer and since we had words yesterday I didn't want to ask. I'll get it taken care of soon.
    Cat questions: do you bathe cats? Peanut is really fluffy and I was wondering if I should give her a bath or maybe rub her down with towelettes. Could she catch cold? She will most likely be an indoor cat till spring weather comes.

    Froggy what are the books called you are reading? Authors? I like to read but it has become a struggle. If I described how I read in one word it would be "plodding."

  3. Unless she has fallen into something nasty, or has an eye infection (she'll need her front feet and lower legs washed to avoid rerubbing in the infection everytime she washes her face, along with vet's eyedrops)--ask me about THAT experience...ha!) I'd let cats bath themselves. If she smells like a yummy clean cat, leave her alone. I'd certainly avoid giving her a bath--it'll stress her terribly and make her avoid you if she hates it enough. Wait until you have a relationship with her, if you insist on one.

    I'm sure there are some things at PetCo-whatever--but if it's even a dry shampoo thing, the cat may not like licking it off, and I try to avoid putting them in a position to ralph up every third thing they've eaten. If you've have a longhair cat, she'll do enough of that... the grass outside is good for that, btw.

    She'll need rabies shots and vaccines for feline leukemia if you're going to let her outside--and a chip, tatoo, or collar with a GPS, if they have it, in case she gets lost. Check out the male cats in your neighborhood--they can be quite aggressive when they want a little trim... it might be nice if she had a little house up high she could scramble to, if need be. Girl cats like to be high up.

  4. Hello friends,

    Phooey's been on my mind too. Hope he is okay.

    Gloria, I don't know about Eva, Froggy, and 'Wog's experiences with cat baths; but cats aren't fond of being wet. When we moved to Longview, WA, years ago, our cats were soon infested with three different types of fleas. (they didn't have fleas here in eastern WA) I became aware of how bad it was when I was in the grocery store, and a flea was in my hair. Yuck! We gave them baths, and it was hellish! Cats hate water! After that they wore flea collars. Now days, things have really improved and there are products that you can get at the vet, or at pet stores, that you rub on the back of their necks, and it prevents fleas for many months. If your cat stays indoors, she won't really get dirty, but you should brush her if she'll let you. My cat loves to be brushed. That helps keep him from getting hairballs. Since cats clean themselves by licking, you should get special cat wipes, as they're made with ingredients that are safe for them. When I use one occasionally on my cat, I heat it up a little in the microwave, as he doesn't like the wet wipe, and I think it's more pleasant for him when it's warm. :)

    Good luck! :)

  5. Gloria--dear Paget sent me Michael Medved's book, but I'm saving that for 'Woggy's Christmas. Since I haven't gotten my prescription gllasses yet, I stick to the Mishkan, The Idiot's Guide to the Talmud, and everything else of the Internet at all the best conservative sites, about 32 of them. I read all day and look for things to go on my blog, though I don't post half of the good stuff because the formatting at Blogger is so tedius and I have so many graphics on my machine, it's old and slow, and I'm old and slow!

    I see the doctor tomorrow, so wih me luck. I believe I have COPD and he needs to treat it, and the vast amount of water that make my legs so heavy it is difficult to more than walk down the hall. Even going to the next building for the mail is so difficult I can barely do it and it's terribly painful. Dear Wog's going with me, so I'll have help and support ;-)

  6. Hi Froggy,

    It looks like our comments passed in cyberspace. :)


    I have one more comment about your reading. Does your reading problem have to do with the size of print? I noticed a while back that the print in paperbacks was getting smaller - Ha - I think it was my eyes getting worse. ;) So, I now have a Kindle, and it's great. They aren't too expensive, and you can adjust the font to any size. That is so helpful! I read a review recently, and it said the new Nook is even better as the e-ink is easier on the eyes.

    I've also enjoyed audio books in the past. Once I had to leave out my contacts for a week, and so I listened to a couple books, and it was really enjoyable. Just a suggestion. :)


    I just read your post. I'm so sorry about your COPD. :( More prayers going out. I'm also shipping something to you this week. Take care!

  7. Thanks for the expert advice. I guess I won't do the bath thing. The reason I asked is that the corners of her eyes are dark and I can't decide if it is pigment color or that her fur is stained. No eye discharge. I am obsessing. She was given to the shelter because she had kittens. The babies were adopted and she was spayed. All shots and chipped.
    I would recommend the Forget Me Not Shelter. Even though they are in eastern Washington the make a few delivery trips over here every year. They delivered 27 cats and dogs this trip. It makes me happy that those animals found homes.

  8. I called Phooey a few days ago and never heard back; if I didn't know better, I'd think he was mad at me! I miss him and hope he's okay. I'll call again soon...

  9. Froggy, you definitely have my prayers for your dr.'s visit tomorrow. Not only for the visit itself, but getting there and back. Let us hear from you when you get home.

    I've never bathed any of our cats, but they've all been shorthair cats. Overall, I agree with the others. Unless there's a specific reason, just brush her. Cats are so wonderful about keeping themselves clean. Now that Boomer doesn't groom himself, I have to wash his eyes and nose. I use a saline solution-based baby wipe.

    My eyes are getting worse and worse. My husband is a teacher of the blind & visually impaired. He's always joking that he can get a discount on a dog for me. Not that funny ;-/

    Hopefully, Phooey is at least reading our posts and will eventually give in and come back. Or at least say hello.

  10. Froggy, am thinking of you and making it to your appt tomorrow. How far is it to where you have to go? Please take it slow and allow extra time so you can stop and rest if need be. Would you be eligible for a walker type thingy? My MIL got one but had to have the type that doesn't have hand brakes because she couldn't do them. Her Social Security paid for it. The Dr. just wrote a prescription for it. Maybe even a loaner? It is a good thing that the Wog will be with you. I am concerned.
