Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I wish some members of Congress did not...

Reid: "Millionaire Job Creators Are Like Unicorns" ... They "Don't Exist"

Reid: "The Republicans say the richest of the rich in our country, even those who make millions every year, shouldn’t contribute more to get our economy back on track. They call our plan, time after time, a tax on job creators, and I say so-called “job creators.” Because I say that, Mr. President, every shred of evidence contradicts this red herring.
For example, there have been many outlets, but I’ll concentrate on one. National Public Radio went looking for one of these fictitious millionaire job creators. A reporter reached out to the business groups and a tax lobby in the Republican Congress hoping to interview one of these millionaires. Days ticked by with no luck. Many of our job creators are like unicorns, they're impossible to find and don't exist. That’s because only a tiny fraction of people making more than a million dollars, probably less than one percent, are actually small business owners and only a tiny fraction of that tiny fraction is a traditional job creator."


I am reading this while waiting for my sister to come home from work, and I am just shaking my head. 'Woggy works for 2 brothers who started a large and prosperous produce company in Seattle. Though they started out with two rented trucks, and worked from dawn to dusk, now it is certainly a million-dollar concern--even multimillion dollar.

Quite a number of the family works there, and they provide profit sharing, buy their employees in 'Woggy's dept. lunches and pizza every month, give her a nice Christmas bonus, and 3 weeks paid off. Their business is continually growing--and they have created jobs for about 800-1000 people in the Seattle area, and they deserve every dime they earn.



  1. I cannot stand this self serving, smarmy mouthed weasel. What an actor. The majority of senators and congressmen are themselves wealthy. They all know how to get around the tax codes. I cannot stand to hear his voice and his phony sincerity. It is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I think most of what he spews is a pack of lies. The fools in Nevada that promoted him to a new term deserve what they voted for but the rest of America does not.

  2. ...And oh BTW, Good morning to everyone.

  3. Good Morning! It's just so maddening to see this crap right while Sissy is driving home from the very people he says don't exist! I guess all his 'friends' are either Dems up to their necks in graft, insider trading, and payola in Congress, or they work for non-profits and skim off the top... he ought to talk to some ordinary Republicans. 'Woggy's boss had a beautiful picture of 'W' in his office!

  4. Ha Ha.... boy, did you hit my cranky button this morning!

    So glad the Wog has a good boss to work for.

  5. I've got to say that articles such as this one, make me lean toward Mitt Romney. I like that he blasts Obama and the Dems with their "know nothing" positions. Not only has he used his wealth to create jobs, but he's shown other companies how to do it. He knows in the private sector there are some companies that survive and some who go under. If some are too shaky to turn around, you give them the honest truth and let them go under. You don't bail them out by throwing good taxpayer money after bad over and over.

    Did anybody hear Steve Wynn with Neil Cavuto? I think it was yesterday. I didn't see it, but I heard about it. He said he called "his good friend" Harry Reid and asked him what the hell was he talking about? I was entranced with his full-out decimation of dingy Harry. I have to see if I can get a transcript.

  6. Harry Reid makes me holler at the tv, so we're on the same page there... I can't stand the man! Jackass! If there aren't any millionaire employers, who the the hell did he think the Binions were who own the Horseshoe Casino? He ought to know his own damned state...

  7. Mail it to me Eva honey, and I'll be happy to put it up!

  8. Eva, not only did Wynn say he called Reid but also spoke to the woman Dem rep from NV (also a friend) and asked her why she voted that way. She said if she didn't follow party line voting Pelosi would get even. That should be in the transcript.

    As I recall the big time casino employers and SEIU were involved in pushing people to vote for the dems.

    Froggy, the mill closing in Everett has union workers. Boeing has said they will absorb 500 workers. I thought that when the mill closed it would weaken the union stronghold in Snohomish County. Not so I guess.

  9. I didn't know the mill was union... gad, they're a real infestation...

  10. Gloria, that's right. I remember Wynn talking about calling that woman. I haven't found the transcript yet. They seem to be a day late on the website, but I'll keep checking.
