Thursday, January 19, 2012

Good Morning! We're a mess...

We just got the Internet back, but I don't know how long it will last...
Gloria, Paget, are you gals okay?


  1. Everybody okay? My cats? My Phoo?

  2. We need skis today in Seattle. Can you picture frogs on skis? We ost our Internet, but TV, heat and lights stayed on. We are prepared in case everything goes off.

    Everyone in Washington state needs to stay home. A lot of ice.

    The weather people have taken over our favorite TV shows... like we don't know that it snowed, rained, and is now ICE! They just don't have to rub it in naseum.

  3. Hi all. We are OK out here in east Snohomish County. Seems like I ave been home since last Saturday. Husband picked the best time to go out for supplies yesterday. It should all be over but the flooding by tomorrow.

    Think I'll bake some cookies. I need them. Anyone want a recipe for Chocolate Chip Oatmeal?

    When is the State of the Union? I haven't watched since Bush. I'll watch this time because I feel like finding out just what kind of lies O will spew this time. Imagine, blaming the lost pipeline jobs on the republicans and Hillary. Sheesh!!

  4. We have cabin fever, too. We overlook the freeway and it looks like an Olympic luge course... 'Woggy's not even going to go down for the mail. At least we have the Internet for awhile and our deck of cards--and each other--there's pop corn all over the house and 'Woggy made a breakfast out of gummy worms... I won all the card games, so she plotting revenge! She made me a lovely pot of spaghetti (I only had 3 peanutbutter crunch chocolate squares, sugar free, for my breakfast)--the only thing I need are some nice cats! How's Princess Peanut doing? And where's my boys, Eva??? Phoo, let me know how you are... Kerry, I'm glad the baby is doing so well! Smooches!

  5. Surfie--did you and Magdalene get some snow?

  6. I've been worrying about you all since I heard the weather report this morning. Glad to hear you got your internet back. I hope it lasts. I guess it's going to come down this way in the form of rain this weekend. I'm going to do a grocery run tomorrow, just in case.

    All else is fine with us, considering both Joe & I have this cold hanging on. The cats continue to comfort us. I'm telling you, Froggy, having a couple of warm, furry, purring little bodies would be just the thing for you and 'Wog while you're snowed in. I know Gloria will enjoy having Peanut while housebound.

    Stay warm, everyone!

  7. Froggy!, I want to tickle your feet out of revenge! Gummy worms for breakfast!
    That's worse than fried peanut butter and dill pickle. I have an idea...let's do any game online..... use to be good at 'hearts'(not any more..can't count cards anymore). Just an idea.
    Camera, 1/24 Bone Marrow(yes, I have pain pills) 2/1
    Yes! You gals need a nice cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Froggy, we didn't get any snow here. One day it's 70 and the next day it's freezing. Forgot how crazy OK weather can be.

    The good news is that the horrible cold is pretty much gone. Now I have probably another 6 months getting used to the pollen here. So, my eyes will burn and my nose will drip until I acclimate away from good old Los Angeles smog to good old Oklahoma pollen.

    Magdalene posted on The Connection. She still has health problems, but we'll probably get to meet for lunch soon. Off to my brother's house for dinner. Now that I'm a working girl, it sure is nice to get a home-cooked meal that I don't have to make myself! My SIL is a good cook (and a good friend).

    Will check in with everybody tomorrow.

  9. Hello everyone!

    Froggy; I was worried about you and Wog. When you don't post, I get concerned...Glad the internet came back!

    Gloria, you are smart to stay inside! Those cookies sound so yummy! I made the mistake of going out today in the freezing snow/sleet that was covering our roads. I did fine until I tried to leave from my parent's house. Their street wasn't plowed, and my poor Camry just sat there in the middle of the street with it's wheels spinning! Then a nice young guy came along and pushed the car until I got it running. It was only a mile later when I realized I had left the parking brake on! That's probably why I couldn't get any traction...*blushing* Total blond moment there! I had put on the parking brake because my parent's driveway is so steep. I just forgot to take it off. DUH!

    You may wonder why I ventured out today; work was even closed down. Well, hubby and I are flying to Ft.Worth, TX tomorrow at the crack of dawn. (I hear it's in the 70's there!) I needed to go out to the bank, etc. Yesterday our bank was closed due to the weather. So, I'm excited because the furthest south I've ever been is San Diego, many moons ago. We haven't flown in over 20 yrs., so I'm a bit anxious. I also discovered that a one quart ziplock bag gets full very fast!

    So, I won't be checking in much for a few days. If my smart phone has a good connection, I will check in to see what's up with everyone.

    Surfie, I hope you find a good doc in OK to get you prepared for all that pollen.

    Eva, did you ever hear from your doc? Hope you are better.

    Froggy, you and Wog should take Phoo up on the online games. I know my son has played lots of games online. Sounds like fun. :)

    Take care everyone, and I hope you all have a great weekend! :)

  10. Paget, Nope, not me! Never did anything dumb in my life.(hanging head in shame)
    We will love you to your Destination... Your way back will cost you, Dearly!

  11. Paget, hope you have a fun and relaxing trip. Come back well rested.

  12. Paget, have a great time! I definitely want to hear your thoughts on air travel now. The security procedures, etc.

    I'm calling my doc tomorrow and yelling. Why can't they call me back?

    Love the story about leaving the parking brake on. Sounds like something I'd do!

  13. Paget, have a safe trip! I hope the TSA doesn't nail ya... We'll miss you! Surfie, I have terrible allergies here--I had to use Flonase--and it really works, ask the doc... Phooey, how on earth do you play Hearts? I'm praying your tests go well--I miss you! As soon as my throat can hold a breathe, I'll be looking forward to your call ;-)

    Eva, I'm awfully concerned that your cold is hanging on so--don't let it fester into something worse. I talked to my doctor today with a phone appt. and he said it was probably viral, so I guess it just has to run it's course. My, but it hit us hard; The Wog is still coughing and hacking around; I still want to collapse in bed. My meds for COPD have saved me from any lung trouble, but I worry about Sis..

    I'm praying for Magdalene, always... Paget locked her brakes up HAHAHAHA! That was a cute story... right along side my story of getting my coat caught in the door and dragging it along the freeway until it looked like roadkill!

    You all stay safe and warm...

    I do want cats
    I do want cats
    I do want cats!
