Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy Monday, Ponders! It's so cold up here!



  1. Morning! Halp, Froggy? Are you and Wog OK? Please let us know when you can. Prayers for both of you.

  2. Is it cold in your building? They were predicting wind storms and rain for most of the week. Hope you are OK. Please let us know.

  3. Oh dear, frogs in ice cubes. Winter is definitely not over yet, is it?

    (If this post gets interrupted, blame it on the Puffinator. He's going nuts)

    I woke up to gray skies and a lovely vase of yellow & pink tulips from my husband. My birthday card was signed by Bambu, Puffin AND "Boomer in perpetuity". Very nice. I'm still a year older though. Unfortunately, that didn't change :(

    Surf, when you wrote about paying for avocados and lemons now, it hit me how long it's been since I've had to do that also. I'm going to stop taking that for granted.

  4. I just read that Eric Holder is now trying to stop the Texas voter ID law (he's already trying to stop it in South Carolina). Don't know if I'll need a photo ID here in OK to vote. BUT, to move my registration here from CA, I had to bring:

    ORIGINALLY CERTIFIED long-form birth certificate
    ORIGINAL Social Security Card
    TWO bills to me at my new address (I brought utility bills)
    Driver's license I was surrendering
    Of course, there was a form to fill out.

    It's been weeks. My OK voter ID card has still not arrived in the mail. It's only been about a month, so I'll give it another week before calling the local election board. Just sayin'.

    1. Now doesn't that sound like a plot to keep you from voting. Some things just don't need to be that hard. Froggy's been reading to me about Eric Holder's stupid-plans.

      What more can they think to do????

  5. Yes, we woke up to cold and rain and wind. And changing the clocks has not helped any.

    I just called my school, and the funding really was approved for all of my school. I am doing some Happy Hoppy's around The Pond! I have more paperwork to fill out, so will get busy on that this afternoon.

    Ponders.. stay warm and safe if you live where the weather is bad.
    P.S. Don't let the cats take over your house. Or is it too late? HAHAHAHA

  6. I saw the DOJ thing right off the bat this morning and am seething about it. Voting is a very important privelege to me and like Surfie each time we have moved to a new district I have gone to the trouble to change and get a new voter registration card. It is as important as updating my drivers license. We have lived in 4 districts since coming to Washington in 1978. So I don't get why they do this stuff. Oh, alright I do get it and it makes me mad. You can't vote if you are not a citizen and you can't be a citizen without speaking English. Voter fraud is a federal offense (in a presidential election.) If a person commits a federal crime they can't become a citizen. Felons aren't supposed to vote until they are released from prison (not while in prison) and then to have their voting priveledges restored they need to petition the court. Who is going to uphold and enforce voter laws? Eric Holder? One person one vote was a hard won victory. A lot of those that have gone before us sacrificed. Women in the sufferage movement sacrificed a lot. Blacks were held back too.

    Oh, man I have really gone off on a rant! I have more but I will stop.

  7. Dear Ladies, haven't been well the last few days. Feeling better now. I'll speak for myself((but, I think(know) Froggy also)), I simply LOVE reading your comments! You are not typing into the ether...but, souls that feed off your words! God bless and keep you all! I LOVE YOU!

  8. Hrumpf! 'Wog was supposed to tell you I'd been up all night and finally went to bed at 1 p.m. and just got up, but she didn't, of course... She's all excited about her school ;-) I always get nervous about going to the doctor, so I immediately stop sleeping--and it's been freezing here, too. I'll be a little better once I have my test tomorrow morning. It's a pulmonary test--you blow into tubes etc. I've had it before, but that was 20 years ago, so... I'm nervous and my back is still out and it's hard to get around--it's a trial to go outside.

    Eva--I need to rent out your CATZ! Yes, Gloria, the wind comes off the bay and doesn't wait a second before it clobbers us up here on the 11th floor--I feel a breeze on my skin all the time... I'm pissed about that Holder ruling, too--wretched little man--and I don't appreciate Matt Drudge posting headlines about it that make a person think we want to 'harm Hispanics'--or that Tel Aviv had been bombed. He's starting to leave some vital words out his headlines and that just stirs up the political rhetoric and inflames feelings.

    I have nightmares about Obama losing the electoral college count--and thus losing the presidency--but winning the popular vote and things really getting out of hand. The Dems could well use the issue to destroy the electoral college altogether--and you know what was said about that, 'democracy is only the tyranny of the 51% over the 49%', and we will no longer be a republic. That's MY rant for the day!

    Thank you for your concern Surfie and everyone. How's Magdalene doing? And, yes, I'd love some prayers for tomorrow! Thank you so much!

  9. I've been a bad 'WOG. I didn't mention Sister Froggy. I've got a swift punt to the WOG behind! I'm now puting and sitting on a Pond lily.


  10. Dang! Gone again!! Start over.

    Froggy and Phooey will be praying for both of you. I want my friends to be well.

    Frog, does it help to soak in a hot bath? I could loosen up your muscles and warm you up.

    The only time I read Drudge is if someone directs me to an article.

    We have a small laser flashlight that we shine around for Peanut to chase. What a hoot! She sends you soft kitty paws and sweet purrrrrs.

    I value our free speech but Luis Farrakhan is demented. How can anyone listen to him spew such anti-semitic hate? Why do media give him any air time? UGG.

  11. Extra prayers for you tonight, Froggy, so that your tests go without a hitch tomorrow morning. Try and get some sleep, although I'm with you on the nightmares about the election. I haven't even thought about how it happens (electoral college vs popular vote) but just that Obama loses and there is mayhem in the streets. I'm sure the closer it gets to November, the more the press will hype any unrest. I just HATE the way this man has brought the country down and how those of us who don't support him, get the blame.

  12. Good Tuesday Morning, Pond Friends...
    How's everyone doing today? I don't know why I am up so early.

    Haven't seen Froggy yet this morning. It's the perfect day to sleep in. The weather in Seattle is cold and rainy, very wintery, a real cat-snuggle day. It's snowing north and south of the city.

    I woke up thinking about how we can support Rush. If we click on his site everyday, and click on a couple of the sponsors, that should help a little. He needs to know that we are out here. Do you have any suggestions?

  13. Frog, am praying for your Drs appt and test today. Know you will be tired when you get home but please let us know how it goes.

    I am joining my prayers with the others (there is strength in numbers)for answers, that doors you thought were closed to be open for you and wisdom for the Drs. Praying that God would pour out His love on you today.
