Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Have a nice Tuesday, Ponders!


  1. This pic is SO adorable! I remember Puffin & Bambu doing that to each other and then snoozing in the sun all smooshed together.

    Thinking about you today, Froggy!

    'Wog, that's a good idea (about clicking on Rush's site every day). I'm definitely going to do that.

    1. Eva.. I'm going over to Rush's site in a few minutes. Can't hurt to click on a couple of his advertisers..or maybe all of them.

      Froggy is up and trying to stay warm.

      Seattle had all the weather in a half hour.. clear, rain, hail, snow, and sunshine!

  2. Hi everybody! Worked a little late today, and I'm pretty tired.

    Froggy, hope your tests went well today.
    WOG, congrats on the school thing!
    Phooey, I always keep you in my prayers.
    Love the cat stories!

    It was 85 today. Supposed to stay warm, and now clouds are rolling in, so it feels really muggy. We might get some wild weather this week. Hope not!

    I'm tired, so am going to eat some leftovers, take a bubble bath, hunker down in my bed to watch TV and surf the net. Really, I'm boring lately!

    1. Froggy survived her breathing test. She was very nervous about it, but it went well.

      Surfie, I know that you are tired. Bubble bath sounds delicious. The smell of bubble bath immediately takes me back to my childhood.

      PS ...Surfie, you are never boring!

  3. Good to know the breathing test went well. Been thinking about Frog all day. Hopefully they were able to gather the information they needed.

    The company I retired from made us do a health screening every 2 years and the breathing test was part of it. Ironically the people who did best were the smokers. They are deep breathers even though it eventually caught up with them. I am a shallow breather. I didn't do well.

  4. Thanks for the update, 'Wog. I logged in tonight just to find out how the test went.

    I've got my annual gyn appt. tomorrow. Such fun!

    I'll check in afterwards. Everyone have a good night!
