Saturday, May 19, 2012

This made me happy!

'The Temple Mount is In Our Hands!'

By Ethel C. Fenig

Tonight Israelis begin to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem in modern times. On this date, according to the Jewish calendar, (the Gregorian calendar civil date is June 7) the Israel Defense Forces broke through the Jordanian offensive lines manning the 1948 ceasefire lines (not final armistice lines, not mutually agreed upon boundaries) dividing Jerusalem after the creation of Israel.

The illegal Jordanian occupation of the eastern section of Jerusalem artificially split the city for 19 years until the 1967 Six Day War when the Muslim nations surrounding Israel plus other Muslim allies not on their border vowed to drive Israel into the sea. During their occupation, with few exceptions, the Jordanians refused to allow Jews to visit their holy and historic sites while destroying many of them, all in gross violation of numerous agreements.

Dodging sniper fire while racing through eastern Jerusalem towards the Old City in the final days of the 1967 war, the Israelis finally made it to the Western Wall, the last standing remnant the Holy Temple. "The Temple Mount is in our hands! I repeat, the Temple Mount is in our hands" the brigade commander triumphantly reported. And then the Chief Rabbi of the IDF blew the shofar (ram's horn).

Built, destroyed, rebuilt and destroyed again over 2000 years ago, Jews continue(d) to vow to return, "Next year in Jerusalem!" And so they did, so they do.

Read more:


  1. I love this! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thanks to our Creator for David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir (the first "Iron Lady"). I stand with Israel.

    1. PS ... Froggy, I'm happy that you're happy! Smoochies!

  3. Hi Gloria, Hi Surfie..
    Thank you Froggy for posting this article. Israeli has such an fascinating history.

  4. From the lighter side: I was trying to sleep in on the small bed in living room. No chance with Froggy sitting at her computer nearby.

    She was eating those tiny Hershey's chocolate bars. I hear, "In coming!" She was tossing the candy wrappers (like spit balls) over her shoulder onto the bed.

    It seems that Froggy is feeling better since her thyroid medicine!

    Also I am working on some some frog poems.

  5. Ever met a Hittite? or Ammonite? or Moabite?
    Ever met a Jew?
    Out of all Ancient people, only one exists with a true blood and faith lineage.
    Yes, God did choose a people. And the temple will be rebuilt!

  6. She means 'INCOMING!!!' until her and her bed is covered with wrappers or anything else I can grab and wad up and chuck over my head behind.

    And there I see her sitting at the table doing her homework in the dark... She's afraid the lamp will 'bother me'...sigh. I said 'turn the damned lamp on!' I'd never even mentioned the light! Sometimes the lamp has to be on whether it 'bothers' me or not; it's your homework! Jeez... some peoples sisters! Surfie, is your sister so silly sometimes?

    Eva, now you have to give some cheese to Bambu... kiss his head for me....

    1. Froggy, did you share your chocolate with Big Sis?
      You realize 'hawg' rhymes with frog. Don't you?
      Love you all, nite,nite.

  7. YES--THAT'S WHY I SPELL IT THAT WAY--'HAWG'! Yes, I'm tease-hollering (like Lucy in Charlie Brown). Of course my 'Woggy can have all my chocolate that she wants (I spoil her terribly). She's eating one of my popsicles now. There's no ice cream or we'd have to negotiate about HER chocolate syrup!

    I hope you and Ms. Page had a lovely Saturday. Apostrophe ' says my mood is so different now that my thyroid is getting fixed. I told that damned doctor my thyroid was low 6 months ago.... lalalala lalla lalalalalalallla I feel better.

  8. Phooobers, that was a lovely post about the Temple. It made me smile ;-)

  9. You sound great, Froggy! Long may it last. Bambu has now been compensated with cheese and both little heads have been kissed on your behalf. :)

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