Friday, June 29, 2012

They DID it.


  1. I had hoped that the contempt vote against Holder would make me feel better, but it didn't. I'm still glad that the House didn't lose its nerve and went ahead with it, but that stunt Nancy & the CBC pulled by walking out on the vote, drove me crazy. What a bunch of babies!

    We have to vote in November. I know that Ponders will have no problem doing that. Those who may not be sold on Romney still must vote for him. It's our only chance.

    1. Hi Eva, I thought that I posted my comment under yours. It took me so long to write it that now it's half way down the page.

  2. Morning all. After yesterday I feel just emotionally wrung out. I have never been good at strategy and all of the political moving of chess pieces confuses me. This year has turned into a big waiting game. Just waiting till Nov.

    The weather is dismal and fits my mood. The raspberries are starting to ripen and that means I pick every other day. Yesterday made one batch of jelly which we will split with the grand kids.

    Have a great day everyone. Will check in later.

    Phoo man, did you get drunk last eve?

    1. Yes dear, however, Page did not allow me to fly the flag upside down.
      Where is my Froggy?

    2. I'm here, hon, but feel like hell. With all due respect to your service, Phoo, yesterday we were so mad, I cut our flag into 1 inch squares, broke the standard it was hung on in half and threw it all out the window of the 11th floor. I just don't don't feel like an American anymore.

    3. At least the two of you found a way to work out your anger. There is so much spin going on. It was a good decision. It was a bad decision.

      I am listening to Rush. He is not buying it. Says it is a sucky decision (my words)!

  3. Good Morning is my day off from school, so I'll drop by The Pond all day.

    No candidate that we have is going to be perfect. Romney will be a strong leader, and he doesn't need a teleprompter to say "good morning" to the citizens. I'm sure he knows proper protocol for meeting heads of state; would he hug Queen Elizabeth? I don't think he would surround himself with incompetents, czars, and thugs.

    Don't think that Obama doesn't know what he is doing; he knows exactly what he is doing. He is snipping away at the US Constitution. He does it very well. Leading the country is not the job he is doing. Think about it. Just what job is he doing?

    He has tested how much he can get away with by changing little things without Congress...and no one does anything or says anything to stop him. Why is that? He doesn't run the government; he delegates, and he goes to play golf, takes a vacation, or watches sports on ESPN.

    Chief Justice Roberts! I don't understand why he would side with Democrats. It seems like a traitorous move against Republicans, and against the US people. It seems like a validation of everything Obama does ...and plans to do! Sounds like a shill to me, and we look like suckers.

    Who is left to support a government for the people, not a government for the government?

    Sorry if I am ranting. Obama does that to me. Dissension is also part of the socialist plan; it is working very well.

    1. Wog, there is an article going around about Ann Coulter warning against J. Roberts when he was going through the confirmation process. Interesting. Hind sight is best. Her thought was that his being a blank slate should have been red flags to conservatives.

      This is a good place to rant.

    2. Thank you, Gloria--you always make me feel better, so rant along with me ;-)

  4. Do you think Ann Romney would represent our Nation wearing sleeveless dresses? Do you think he would neglect his duties in favor of golf. Do you think they would waste taxpayer money jetting all over the world?

  5. I'm I alone (at times) sitting in front of this computer screen with nothing to say except feeling 'I love these people!' Really it's more of a prayer. I'm I alone?
    I love you gals!

    1. Phooey, You are not alone. He will never leave you or forsake you. When you are here you are with like minded people. Much loved and much appreciated.

    2. Gloria, I misspoke(typed). I'm not alone.... I know that! What was meant, was what does one do when there are no words to convey? Only feelings. I don't know how to express myself other than to say there are times I have nothing to say and by not doing so may offend others. Let's drop this OK? I truly love you all!

    3. You'll never offend me, PhooBear--I love you too much. If you really can't put it into words, you don't have to--and, if you can--put down anything you want. This is a Pond for ALL frogs!

      You NEVER have to be perfect here! SmOOch! I'll always pray with you in my heart.

    4. Phooey, Dear Phooey, you are never alone at The Pond. I agree with Froggy...You need more SmOOchies!

  6. Count me as a patriot who loves my country and is not going down without a fight. My Tea Party self has been kicked back into high gear. I know I am not alone. Breitbart is here.

    1. We need a thumbs up or like button. Yea Surf!!!

    2. Hallelujah Surfie! Here is my 'like button'.

      Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi:

      Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
      Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
      where there is injury, pardon;
      where there is doubt, faith;
      where there is despair, hope;
      where there is darkness, light;
      and where there is sadness, joy.

      O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
      to be consoled as to console;
      to be understood as to understand;
      to be loved as to love.
      For it is in giving that we receive;
      it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
      and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

    3. I love your prayers and scripture, PhooFrog. You give me comfort without ever making me feel like I am doing wrong, being wrong by contrast with your comments. I love you.

    4. Surfi, along with the book, I finally found what else I want to send you, but it'll take a bit of time--we just had to replace our printers and my computer. But it'll be coming!

    5. I have a couple of goodies I'm going to send to you girls, too! It will take me a bit of time, too. You are gonna LIKE! This is too much fun.

      Are you feeling better?

    6. My back feels a little better--but my mood over that decision is very, very low. I'll have to figure out something to do to bring myself out of this.

  7. You all make me feel so much better! I've just gone about my business today, but I feel as though everything is different. Joe thinks most people don't even get it yet and that's what Obama is counting on. I feel like a ping-pong ball. First I think it'll be okay once Romney gets in and (hopefully) we get a Republican Senate to go with the House. Then I'll read something about all that has already been put in place regarding Obamacare and how hard it'll be to repeal it. Then I get all depressed again.

    Surfie's right, though. We can't give up. We must continue to fight. We're all Breitbarts now.

    Froggy, I'm forwarding you an email a friend sent to me. It shows what will happen to us if Obamacare isn't repealed.

  8. Hi Eva..I let Froggy know about the email you sent.

    She has speakers attached to her computer, and she is playing oldies music. So fun to hear ..even if it is midnight, and we are bothering the neighbors. The Platters, Righteous Brothers. "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" "Unchained Melody" and more.

    1. We're not bothering the neighbors--I wouldn't do that. They have their music on louder than we do (I can hear it in the bathroom) and I can't even begin to tell what it is in here or my room or even the kitchen. Silly....
