Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Monday at The Pond

Let's start the week with a rousing Ribbet!
We Frogs and Froggettes know how to enjoy a Monday!


  1. Good morning ponders!

    Froggy, I pray that this is the week the doctors listen to you and 'Wog, and that you will get some relief from your pain!

    I'm starting out today at a disadvantage, as I couldn't sleep last night and really am dragging today. I'm hoping some caffeine will help me keep up with all the young whippersnappers at work. :)

    The good thing is, I had lots of time to pray last night, and Froggy and the ponders were a big part of those prayers. :)

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    1. Good morning. Paget, what an awesome and encouraging post. Sorry you missed out on some sleep. I pray God will revive you with strength for today and that He will honor your prayers.

      Froggy, please let us know how things go today. I am enjoying the pic for today - really cute.

      Enjoy today everyone and remember we are one day closer to November!!!

  2. Good morning all. I had a tough night sleeping because it was so hot and sticky. Joe refuses to keep the A/C on overnight, so I have a little desk fan that I kept adjusting. Puffin insisted on positioning himself so that he was in front of it whenever I moved it. Temps will be around 106 again today.

    Froggy, dear, you are in my heart and (of course) my prayers. Please keep us informed. 'Wog, we're here if you need to rant about anything.

    Happy Monday. I'm feeling more positive and energized about the election now that Ryan is on the ticket. I think Romney is as well. The rally in Wisconsin was very emotional.

  3. Ooh Debra, how i love you and all other frogs here at the pond.
    This is going to be a special day ....... i feel it in my ribbit.....i do....i do....

    1. Whatever happens, I love you all. How are you feeling?

  4. Thank you so muh for your prayers. I can't type too much; my hands don't work right--and I don't want to be too much of a downer.

  5. Dear Sister Froggy... I love you, Dear. I, too, pray for your healing and less pain.. or NO pain.

  6. Dear Froggy, you are never a downer to us. We love you, pray for you, want to know what's going on with you. We love hearing from you! SUPER DUPER SURFIE SMOOCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Eva, I know what you mean about the heat. The heat has finally broken here. We've been between 100-115 for (I think) about 3 weeks. We only got up to 95 today, supposed to be only 86 tomorrow. I'll take it!

    Love to all my Pond family. You are all in my prayers.

  7. Froggy, I echo Surfie. You are never a downer to us. I don't want you to overdo it, but if you can type a line or two each day to let us know how you are, that's all we ask. We just want to hear. Otherwise, we just pelt 'Wog with questions.
