Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hi, Pond Friends!


  1. Miserable weekend.... Isn't this cute? I guess I'll go back to bed.

  2. Adorable pic!

    Froggy, I hope your weekend gets better with the news of Paul Ryan as VP. Biden must STILL be throwing up! Popcorn all around for that debate.

    Surfie, I read what you wrote on the Connection and couldn't agree more. Last night, Joe & I re-watched the YouTube video of Ryan completely taking Obama apart to his face on Obamacare. It was priceless. Hey, and Ryan's wife is from Oklahoma. They got married in OKC.

    I'm so happy today! Romney-Ryan. The future of America is already looking better.

  3. Dis my friend Froggy, she a little nuts, but i like her.
    Eva, I'm very happy for the Paul Ryan pick.

  4. Froggy; sorry your weekend looks dreary. :( Did they have a good plan for you at the hospital pain center? Sure hope you start feeling better soon!

    Like all the other ponders above, I'm so happy and relieved that Romney picked Ryan! I read that the pathetic lefties are already saying that Ryan lacks experience! How crazy is that? Obama has SO much experience you know, with his long record of community organizing. The leftist loons will say and try anything! I think we all better buckle up and hold on tight. It's going to be a long bumpy ride to November. I'm praying that goodness and right will prevail. :)

  5. Awww, Froggy. I don't want you to be miserable. Is there something we can do to cheer you up? I can make frozen yogurt pops. How about blueberry? They are very good you know.

    That little squirrel looks like the Douglas Squirrel that used to come to our deck. I don't know what happened but they are all gone.

    Just like the rest of the Ponders I am delighted in the Ryan pick. "Not enough experience?" Yeah, right let's dust that one off and use it again! The dems must think we are all stupid. I really think that there are a lot of Americans that are silent - out of fear. Afraid of being called racist or yelled at by crazies.

    I am glad that Romney didn't pick Rubio. I may be wrong but I don't think that he could pass the natural born citizen test. Besides that he is pushing his own version of the "Dream Act."

  6. I'm happy with the Ryan pick. Thank you for your best wishes. I just wish they'd give me something for the pain... I really can't take it much longer.

  7. Froggy, if you're in pain, everything else in your life won't work. I don't understand why the medical people don't get that. It's very simple. You can't think when you hurt. You can't move when you hurt. Your world becomes 24/7 pain. If these doctors and nurses know their job descriptions, then they'll give you something. If they don't, maybe 'Wog needs to clue them in.

    1. Eva, What you said is exactly what I have been saying. Getting doctors to agree is almost impossible lately.

  8. Only wish i could help dear Froggy. Love and prayers your way.

  9. Good morning sweet peas. Happy new week for everyone. No pain and comfy temps is my prayer.

  10. Sunday...Good Morning All,
    No sign of Froggy yet. I don't want to be up yet, but I need to do things around the house.

    How's everyone doing today?
