Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Good Morning--have a great Wednesday!


  1. I couldn't believe how Candy Crowley inserted herself into the debate on the President's side and was WRONG! She totally stepped on the strong point Mitt was making and then after the debate, had to admit she was wrong. Awful.

    I assume all libs are back in love with Obama today now that he came out as the Jerk we all know he is. I don't think it'll help now. Alot of people already made up their minds.

    1. Are all libs liars? The media hacks disgust me in the way they are saying it was a win for Obama.

  2. Oooops! I forgot to be gracious and wish all good Ponders who swim here a good day.

    My mind was on other things - like that woman who calls herself impartial.

    Sunday morn I had a bout of vertigo. I wish I knew what causes it. It lasted for several hours.

    Today I need to take advantage of the dry weather and start raking leaves. We have one huge maple tree. I actually have a system where I use the blower to clean the deck and then run over leaves with the lawn mower then dump them on the veggie garden.

    1. And a good day to you Gloria! I did the same thing with my leaves. Works great.

    2. Good morning, folks! I went back to bed after 'Woggy left... and then I had to feed Mr. Insatiable Appetite. Vertigo huh? Weeell... that can come from many reasons. I always ask about blood sugar--had you eaten? Meds? Keep a journal and write it down--how long it lasted and what you took and ate before you forget. If it happens again you'll have a record.

      I'll be praying for you hon, as always. Feeling off-balance or dizzy isn't fun.

  3. Hi Eva, Gloria, Phooey, and our Deer Froggy...
    This is just to let you know that I hopped by this afternoon.
    Hope to take a Pond-plunge this evening, and leap a few lily pads.
    Last one in is a fraidy-frog!

  4. Oh, right, 'Woggy--how come whenever we swim in the ocean, you won't even get your knees wet?! (do tadpoles have knees?) Harumph!!!

    Where's our Surfie?

  5. Hi deer Froggy. I'm here. Just wrote a long post that disappeared into cyberspace! Here goes again:

    My prediction: Romney wins in a landslide. The American voter is sick of this administration, so many who voted for him emotionally are disillusioned, and we are fed up with media bias.

    The next debate is on foreign policy. Bob Schieffer of CBS will be the moderator. I hope he has grabbed a clue about how ticked off we are at moderator bias in the debates, but I doubt it. And I believe the more bias he shows, the more angry the voters become, and the bigger the Romney win.

    Moving on ... I LOVE JOB!!! Love working for a small family-owned company. They are such decent people. Even with a lousy economy, our business is booming (helps that we're in Oklahoma). We are on the verge of super-booming (especially when Mitt wins). I came to work here at just the right time. My boss (the Controller) and her boss (the owner) trust me and keep piling on more and more responsibilities. I LOVE IT!!! And I LOVE THEM!!!

    But there must be something wrong with me. I can't wait to get to work tomorrow because we cleared out my office today and cleaned it to make way for a bank of file cabinets in the morning. I can get rid of the storage boxes I've been using as file drawers and the files in the Controller's office that I'm responsible for can now be in MY office. WOW. I'm excited about file cabinets!

    I'll shut up now. Am feeling excited about my work life and our country's future.

    Love you deer Ponders!

    1. We love our deer Surfie!

    2. surfie, I love hearing about your job. I hope that I am so lucky to find a job that I like. I might look into finding a position in a smaller company too.

  6. Now don't ya wonder I have been, and what I've been doing? I knew you would ask. Well, I stepped in the cats water bowl! Water, water everywhere. I've been mopping, and refilling the water bowl.

    'Night All...
