Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Day; I love my friends!


  1. Six days left. Pray we also win the Senate. We need a landslide election.

    1. I love you, Phooey--you'd better call me one of these days now that I have a voice again! You get our new number? Make sure Ms. Page doesn't mind!

  2. I've been praying, but I can't see us winning the Senate. I used to think we had a chance, but not lately. A landslide Mitt victory could have the coattails to do it, though.

    This morning I have to bring Bambu in for another blood test. He saw me take out the carrier and isn't happy. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm also hoping he registers a weight gain. I think he's put some pounds on. He doesn't look as skinny as he did, but I may just be used to it. I sure have been feeding him a lot.

    1. I hope he's okay, hon--let us know! I'm getting awfully fond of all our cats LOL!

    2. Eva...You take such good care of Bambu. You are a wonderful Cat-Mom.

    3. Bambu has gained one whole pound!!! He had gotten down to 6 pounds and I could feel all his bones sticking out. I can still feel them, but not as sharply and 7 lbs. is more like it. If I can get one more pound on, I'll be happy. Now comes the wait to find out what the blood test results are.

      I left Joe a message at work with the good news and then went to the grocery store. When I got back, he had left a message on the machine for Bambu, telling him he was proud of him for being a good boy at the vet's. It was very sweet.

  3. I wondered what you all were saying '7 more days' etc. Then I realized how close we're getting. Summer seemed everlastingly long! I never thought we'd get here! Oh God, I'm scared! I loath Obama more than I have nearly anyone else I've ever known. His lack of character is what gripes me the most. His getting others to fight his battles. His egotism--and on slender grounds, believe me. His lying so glibly--and he doesn't even care.

    I have a lot of faults, but I try very very hard to never tell a lie... He's never told the truth. What a man without honor. I hope he gets what's coming to him. Ignominy is too good for him.

  4. Hi everyone. Looks like we all woke up with the election on our minds. I am with Phooey. We need to take the Senate and remove Smarmy Reid from controlling the Senate. PRESIDENT ROMNEY will not get cooperation from Dems. There are so many vile and contemptable dems slithering down the halls of congress. I pray for a real house cleaning in all of Congress and the states too. I am also praying for secrets to be revealed. Frogs you are right in that Obama is without honor. It hurts me to my core the way he has worked against our honorable men and women in the military and the way he has brought dishonor to the office of the Presidency.

  5. 'Woggy, I need a prescription from Walgreens today, since you'll be up that way anyhow... Thank you,Deer!

    1. Hi Miss Froggy, I can take bus right to Walgreens, pick up a couple things, then home. Then I can leave for dinner. Did you like my note this morning?

  6. Hello friends,

    Eva, I hope you are wrong about the senate. I've been listening to Mark Levin everyday on the way home from work. He's been interviewing senate and congress candidates that are in close races. I have to believe that they will also be elected with the surge of support that Romney seems to be receiving. I will keep praying, and know that others are too!

    What I just can't understand is how anyone would vote for a president who is a dispicable liar! He can't even keep us safe! The Benghazi coverup is so unbelieveable! Have we ever purposely left our finest behind? It is so mind boggling to me! I am so proud of our brave military men and women! It just has me seeing red when I think about him refusing to help our men during the Benghazi terror attack. I pray that all the details come out before the election. (no, I won't hold my breathe.)

    1. I hope I'm wrong about the Senate, too. The only way I think it'll happen is for the surge I believe Romney has, will cross over.

      Steam came out of my ears this morning when I saw the picture of Obama in the Situation Room, discussing Hurricane Sandy. We know he was there during some of the Benghazi attack. Why no picture, hmmm? Also, when making comments on the hurricane he talked about how the American people pull together to help and how "we leave no person behind." I'm lucky I didn't throw something at the TV. How dare he? He deliberately left Americans behind to die in Libya. Does he think we didn't notice? Well, I guess, thanks to the media, a lot of people out there didn't. I'm just furious.

    2. Eva, I thought the same thing about him saying that none would be left behind. Not only did He leave them behind but he also refused to give aid. Despicable. There is more of this to come out if only the media would quit sheltering him.

  7. We'll be swimming in "despicable" for the next few days. Hope we can survive the onslaught. See everyone in the morning. I'm feeding the cat, and going to bed.
